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During the two world wars of the twentieth century, American cultural wares were spread far and wide, and the global pervasiveness of US troops contributed significantly toward this development. One major aspect of an American serviceman's spare time was his involvement with sporting pursuits and, where possible, baseball matches were played, and even formalized, in the guise of exhibition matches played for war charities. Little, if anything, has been written about the matches that were played by the American military outside the USA from the perspective of the indigenous population. This paper examines the English response to the ‘friendly’ American invasion: the invasion of allied troops and their favourite pastime, baseball. In doing so, it is evident that even though, on the whole, the troops were welcome, there was a less than positive reception for the American national game.  相似文献   

"街头篮球"又名"街球",起源于美圆黑人青少年经常从事的一种非正式的篮球活动,它是一种不同于传统篮球的新的篮球运动形式和街头文化形式。参与该项运动的主要要目的是娱乐。街头篮球具有组织简单、内容丰富、形式灵活等特点。街头篮球发展到今天已成为一项风靡全球尤其深受青少年喜爱的运动。因此对街头篮球的概念和内容分类进行研究就显得非常有价值。  相似文献   


This study examines the American football press coverage in the Times of London from 1888 to November 1910. The time span covers the paper’s first mention of the game to the first game played in England. This period also coincides with increasing anxiety about the strength of the British Empire and unwanted American influences. During this time, athletic contests between the two nations turned into sites for the construction of national identities. Adapting the sport scholar Emma Poulton’s concept of ‘mediated patriot games’, the author argues that the American football coverage of the Times of London could be considered ‘virtual patriot games’, as the absence of domestic American football teams did not allow for direct competition. Two related narrative elements. The stories in the Times framed gridiron football as the pastime of the ‘other’, including translating rules and comparing the merits of rugby and American football. The reports also focused on the American game’s violence, confirming older traditions in British imaginations of America. Advancements in communication technologies, especially the telegraphic wire, were critical for the immediacy with which British readers consumed American sporting news. Contrary to current scholarship, British interpretations of American culture through gridiron football developed much earlier than the post-1970s information age.  相似文献   

This discussion focuses on how the rise of America's national sporting pastimes, during the period 1880–1920, was inextricably tied to the ambitions and outpourings of American print capitalism and a concomitant congealing of a sense of modern American nationhood. In examining this thematic, we explicate the manner in which American national sporting audiences during the period 1880–1920 were variously constituted through discourses of national and ethnic sporting difference or Otherness. Hence, we examine the popular representation of turn of the century rodeo practices (as narrated through the spectacle of the western showman William Frederick ‘Buffalo Bill’ Cody's Wild West show productions), the position of early-twentieth-century American baseball in relation to other sporting cultures (graphically depicted by Albert Goodwill, or A.G., Spalding's promotional publications, specifically the 1911 America's National Game) and the national and ethnic differences discerned within the global sporting landscape more generally (explicated within the 1919 National Geographic article ‘The Geography of Games’). These performances and representations of ethnic and national sporting Otherness played an important role in re-inscribing and legitimating the (White European American) normative core of American sport culture (as manifest within and through the dominant practices of playing and/or spectating of football, baseball and basketball).  相似文献   

This article explores the growth of Chinese baseball since the early 1970s. The sport was very popular in the 1940s and 1950s as the semi-official pastime of the People's Liberation Army, but it disappeared from the country in the 1960s due to economic woes stemming from the Great Leap Forward and the anti-western fervour of the Cultural Revolution. Richard Nixon's historic meeting with Chairman Mao in 1972 ushered in a thaw in Sino–American relations that enabled veterans of 1950s competitions to take up baseball once again and teach the game to a new generation. Over the 1970s, baseball began to slowly grow in China with some modest Japanese encouragement and China began competing internationally the following decade. Over the past decade, Major League Baseball has made such a large investment in China that baseball has become the fastest growing sport in the country. At present, the country's only professional league is currently in the early stages of its development, but American talent evaluators believe that the skill of Chinese players is steadily improving and that it is not impossible to foresee a day when China produces baseball's Yao Ming from a massive pool of millions of internationally competitive athletes.  相似文献   


At the turn of the twentieth century, two brothers started a professional ice hockey league in the Canadian Pacific Northwest. Their league would go on to challenge for the supremacy of the sport, and its franchises won on several occasions. By bringing hockey to the region, the Patrick brothers helped spread a popular Canadian cultural pastime to a region where it did not exist before thus making them cultural entrepreneurs.  相似文献   

我国高校篮球运动发展存在的问题分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
CUBA和大超联赛两大篮球赛事,对我国篮球运动在高校的普及和提高起到了积极作用.但存在赛制不切合实际、发展目标定位不准、生源质量得不到保证、多头管理协调性差等问题,认为高校篮球运动应当普及与提高相结合,夯实基础,逐步建立起小学——中学——大学一条龙的训练体制,改革竞赛制度,规范招生与管理,提高联赛质量,建立起与我国国情相适应的大学生篮球联赛体制。  相似文献   

美国棒球电影发展的文化省思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"库伯镇"(传说中的棒球发源地)与"好莱坞"(电影工业重镇)有着非常密切的关系.一百多年来,棒球作为美国的"国家消遣",始终都是好莱坞电影制片最热衷取材的对象,为电影角色、剧情与背景提供丰富的银幕元素.从孩童联盟到大联盟,好莱坞曾出品各式各样类型电影,分从不同面向描绘美国社会中的棒球运动,这些电影也被称为"棒球电影".本文企图透过对于"棒球电影"的考察,揭示棒球、电影与美国文化之间的细腻互动关系.我们将会看到,从19世纪后期开始,棒球与电影便在美国社会中扮演凝聚美国移民社会分歧认同的重要力量,作为二股力量结合代表的"棒球电影",也运用其丰富银幕再现不断复制并传播美国社会中的主流价值,成为其典型的代表例证.透过回顾并整理美国"棒球电影"的发展历程,以及其在不同阶段中所展现出来的重要类型与主题.本文将致力于解释棒球不断结合电影的主要因为,以及二者相互结合的互动模式,让我们能更进一步理解棒球对于美国文化的影响.  相似文献   

篮球运动是一项集体性、综合性、围绕高空展开立体性攻守对抗的活动性项目,它不仅要求运动员具备良好的身体素质,身体条件和技战术水平,而且要求运动员具备良好的篮球意识。  相似文献   

篮球裁判员临场心理分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
当代篮球运动已达到了很高的水平强队之间的实力十分相近,比赛的公正性、合理性在很大程度上取决于临场 裁判的心理优势,特别是关键比赛更是如此,研究和掌握临场裁判在比赛中的心理状态,对提高他们的业务水平有重要 意义。  相似文献   

现代篮球竞赛既是运动员在赛场上的对抗,也是教练员才能之对抗,谋略之对抗.谋略是教练员最高智慧才能的标志,在篮球比赛中占有举足轻重的地位.对篮球教练员谋略的研究于教练员临场指挥有重要的指导作用.  相似文献   

本文以三人制篮球正式成为奥运会比赛项目为背景,探讨作为培养篮球人才阵地之一的高校体育类专业篮球课程教学中如何开展三人制篮球教学,通过对高校篮球的教学现状、三人制篮球的技战术特点以及三人制篮球作为高校体育类专业篮球课程主要教学内容之一的必要性和可行性等方面进行研究,旨在更好推动三人制篮球运动向前发展,培养更多适合三人制篮球运动的篮球人才,同时为中国三人制篮球更好发展贡献力量。  相似文献   


The Corinthians were synonymous with gentlemanly amateurism in English association football. They visited the Netherlands in 1906, 1922, 1923, 1924 and 1933, bringing not just a particular way of playing the game but their own socially-exclusive version of amateurism. This had significant appeal in the Netherlands, where soccer had been taken up in the late nineteenth century by middle-class young men for whom English sport signified modernity. In 1906 the Corinthians supplied a convenient model for those seeking to raise standards and improve the quality of the national team. Later, in the 1920s, as soccer became more popular and its social base widened, the tourists were welcomed by socially conservative elements associated with pre-1900 clubs who were anxious to maintain their status and influence despite being outnumbered by the newer volksclubs. Corinthian-style amateurism had many adherents in the Netherlands and the tours prompted the formation of the Swallows (1907) and the Netherlands Corinthians (1922). These clubs, however, were not simply imitators but adapted the original English model for their own purposes.  相似文献   

关于我国篮球文化的一些思考   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
阐述篮球文化的概念、演进、分类体系、产业、民族性,以及中美篮球文化的异同等问题。指出篮球文化的形成基础是篮球运动实践,篮球文化不仅对民族精神和人生境界的提升具有特殊价值,而且这种文化功能也是实现经济发展的必备内容和支撑力量。篮球文化在小至个体、单位,大到凝聚国家民族精神,经济振兴、事业发展中显示其特殊功能。提出学风不正和虚无是我国篮球文化形成与发展的首要障碍。  相似文献   

《Sport in History》2013,33(4):479-503
More than 4,000,000 Italians migrated to the United States in search of better opportunities; but their poverty, lack of education, Catholic religion and ethnic lifestyles denied them full inclusion in the mainstream American society dominated by middle class, white, Anglo-Saxon Protestants. This study examines the Italians' development of an Italian national identity in the United States, the transition to an American identity and the Italians' quest for inclusion within the mainstream society. Disdainful of education as contrary to the peasant familial value system, the Italian reliance on physicality marked a particular working-class habitus that transferred well to the labour gangs that built the American infrastructure, but their physical prowess allowed for greater recognition as Italian youth adopted American sport forms. Physical prominence led to university athletic scholarships and participation on US Olympic teams; while others pursued fame and fortune as professional boxers and in the American national game of baseball. In the inter-war years sport provided a primary vehicle for assimilation, acceptance and recognition as athletes such as Joe DiMaggio and Rocky Marciano became American icons of popular culture and fostered a golden age for Italian assimilation in the 1950s. A third generation, however, experienced a resurgence of ethnicity that resulted in a segmented assimilation in which Italians selectively adopted to the mainstream culture while retaining particular ancestral values and practices. Stereotypical depictions of Italians as gangsters and an adherence to past lifestyles suggest that full assimilation is not yet complete.  相似文献   

篮球运动源于美国,同时也成为中国人乐于接受并蓬勃发展的球类项目,基于两国文化背景的不同,其所衍生的篮球文化也各有特点。文章运用文献资料法、逻辑分析法,重点分析比较了篮球运动在中美之间的价值取向、思维方式、审美观及制度等文化因素的差异,提出中国篮球水平的提高,应该在扎根以中华民族传统文化土壤的基础上,兼容并蓄地吸收、借鉴美国篮球文化中的优秀成分,从而形成具有中国特色的篮球文化。  相似文献   

伴随世界篮球运动的飞速发展,篮球公选课已经成为大学校园中青少年最为愿意参与体育课程之一。但目前我国高校篮球公选课在教学目的、教学过程、教学方法以及教学内容等方面还存在一定的问题。所以,高校公选篮球课教学必须适时做出变革,要符合大学生对篮球知识需求的多样性,以此从根本上提高他们参与篮球运动的积极性,使高校公选篮球课真正成为大学生学习篮球技能、培养篮球兴趣的坚实阵地。  相似文献   

孙民治  陈钧  方明 《体育科学》2001,21(1):44-46
运用文献资料、观摩统计和逻辑分析等方法,对篮球运动发展方向、中国篮球运动现状等问题进行了研究。研究结果表明:(1)21世纪世界篮球运动将沿着“智、高、壮、快、准、悍、巧、变”的方向发展,几种不同风格流派及多种多样打法并存,比赛更具魅力和观赏性。(2)中国篮球运动经过改革各方面已取得了较明显成效,但依然存在着体制落后;后备人才匮乏等问题。  相似文献   

自诞生之日起至今,NBA联盟历经了长达半个世纪的风雨洗礼,然而几十年的跌宕起伏过后,是一个成熟的商业联盟的崛起,同时也铸就了人类文明史上一个独有的篮球文化现象。所有种种与联盟自身不懈努力不无关系,但究其根源,是NBA联盟生长所特有的社会文化环境对它产生了深刻影响,因为NBA联盟深深根植于美国社会文化土壤之中。所以,对NBA篮球文化形成进行社会学分析,对实用主义、个人主义、移民、种族歧视等美国社会文化问题的探讨,能够更深刻的理解NBA篮球文化形成的文化根源,是深刻认识NBA篮球文化的必经之路。  相似文献   

This essay presents a general perspective on the early history of soccer audiences in Brazil. Based on fans’ own experiences in Rio de Janeiro, the former national capital, it explains how fans played a fundamental role in turning soccer into a popular and widely accepted sport in the country. Initially bound to elite circles during the late nineteenth century, soccer raised increasing interest in Brazilian society in general throughout the twentieth century, thus forcing the building of huge arenas. The new stadiums led authorities to become increasingly worried about fans’ discipline and behaviour. One of their concerns was organized fan groups, which appeared on the scene after soccer became professionalized in the 1940s. These groups, as the essay argues, sought to support their clubs and to emotionally drive the masses of fans.  相似文献   

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