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Life is like a book with many different chapters.Some tell of tragedy,others of triumph. Some chapters are dull and ordinary,others intense and exciting. The key to being a success in life is to never stop on a difficult page,to never quit on a tough chapter.  相似文献   

陈芃 《海外英语》2011,(8):397-398
This is to review and analyse the chapters of one of John Hartley’s works Uses of Television, and compare it with different readers related to the studies of TV. It mainly discusses teaching television in four parts: the effect of the audience on television, textual tradition and television, television and citizenship, and television as transmodern teaching.  相似文献   

The English verb system is highly complex and difficult to learn. This comes as no surprise because there are at 14 different verb forms. Each of these forms conveys (i) the basic meaning of the verb, and (ii) a different aspect or mode of an action. The following article attempts to assist his/her task to explain one of the most difficult chapters of English grammar.  相似文献   

This paper gives an analysis of characters of the heroine in Pride and Prejudice--Elizabeth.Pride and Prejudice is generally considered one of the Jane Austen’s most popular works.After reading the novel,people will be attracted by Elizabeth’s intelligence,wit and lively character,but she is also proud,and this leads to her prejudice.Her pride and prejudice cause her misunderstanding of Darcy and she nearly misses her love.Fortunately,Elizabeth is aware of her blindness and partiality in time and conquers them,thus gets her happiness finally.This essay gives an analysis of her pride and prejudice in the two chapters,and her conquering them in the third chapter.  相似文献   

张倩  张露 《海外英语》2013,(2X):213-214
Although the two stories occurred under distinctive era with different social background, both of Romeo and Juliet and Under the hawthorn tree are, to some extent, regarded as tragic romance. From the perspective of humanism, the essay attempts to analyze the inevitability of the tragic love. At the background of European Renaissance, who declared that human born with right of pursuing happiness, freedom and equality; Chinese Cultural Revolution was an era which constrained the humanity by morality and law. Love is thought to be as an eternal topic. Under the circumstances of European Renaissance and Chinese Cultural Revolution, flipping the new chapters of arts’renovation, became the thruster of these two hard love stories.  相似文献   

马琨 《海外英语》2013,(13):192-193
Pride and Prejudice is Jane Austen’s great masterpiece.It discusses love and marriage between middle class and upper class in Britain in 19th century.This thesis aims at analyzing love and marriage in Pride and Prejudice.There are three chapters in this thesis.Chapter one portrays the social background of the author and the social background of Pride and Prejudice.Chapter two describes the concept of love and marriage in Britain in 19th century and four marriages in the novel.Chapter three analyses Jane Austen’s concept of love and marriage:love and marriage are closely connected with property and social status;however,an ideal marriage should be based on true love.Marriages that based on money and social status can not lead to a happy life.  相似文献   

谷远洁 《海外英语》2011,(12):309-310
Honglou Meng is an encyclopedia of Chinese language in which includes many different Chinese linguistic features, e.g. idioms, common sayings, poems etc. There are 109 Chinese common sayings in the first 80 chapters of the novel. Most Chinese common sayings contain figurative meanings and the images involved are usually vivid and culture-specific; therefore it is very difficult to translate them. It is found that David Hawkes is more creative and use more free translation while the Yangs use more literal translation. This supports Feng Qinghua’s suggestion that the Yangs prefer to use literal translation while David Hawkes is inclined to use free translation.  相似文献   

This paper is about a research focusing on upbringing story problems of Hungarian. Sandor Karacsony's educational philosophy has already had several criticisms, primarily from the communist party's people, and from ideological and political viewpoints. But there were people blaming him for the deficiency of the concept and the lack of the pedagogic system. While studying and thinking his works, it might be declared that Karacsony's thoughts were embed in a peculiar system, revealing what must not be given up. Although, his language is slightly difficult, his direct style of writing brings learners through less understandable chapters and parts. The author grouped the overview of Karacsony's pedagogic system around 3 fundamental notions: the aim of the upbringing, the education and the theory of education. Sandor Karacsony was not only a high-school teacher and university professor, but also in his public functions, strived for restoring the relation between the educators and the pupils into a natural (for him) connection, he was out for developing tasks, expectations of the schools and the reformed institutions.  相似文献   

洪筠 《海外英语》2011,(8):206-207
Hong Lou Meng is one of the four greatest classical novels of China. Since the appearance of the book, more and more people have been interested in it and have begun to study the book from different point of views. Then a new subject-redology, namely the study of the book- comes out. Hong Lou Meng, as representing the peak of the development in the tranditional chinese realistic novels, has been translated into many languages. Nowdays, there are only two versions of the translation that consists of the whole 120 chapters of the book: one is entitled A Dream of Red Mansions translated by Yang Hsien-yi and his wife Gladys Yang; the one with the title The Story of the Stone is translated by David Hawkes and John Minford.From the view of culture, the book Hong Lou Meng is a great collection of chinese traditional culture, and it reflects the tradition, the religion, the festivals, the tea culture, and the medicine culture and as well as the opera and poem s of chines people. But viewing the translation versions, different people have different translations to the same culture elements. This paper, beginning from this point, makes a first study about the translatiuon subjectivity sense, that leads to this translation differences.  相似文献   

关于《儒林外史》的原貌问题.主要有“原书五十六回”和“原书五十回”二说。本文对“五十回”说的有关论述。做了修正和补充。认为,今见五十六回本的前三十七回基本上保持了原稿面貌;在后十九回中.有六回补作窜入(具体回次与以往说法有异);余下的十三回。在辨明后人篡改段落及具体文旬后,始能看出原稿面貌。以上是在旧说基础上提出的新说。  相似文献   

明代沈德符在《万历野获编》中首先提出《金瓶梅词话》第五十三至五十七回存在“陋儒补入”的现象。笔者详细地梳理了词话本一百回的情节、回目和结尾方式。比勘了词话本和绣像本的异同。文章从四个方面来论证这一论断的正确性:一是词话本这五回中大量存在和其他九十五回相互抵牾之处;二是绣像本对词话本的改写方式在这五回中显示出不同于其他回的弥补缺陷的特征;三是这五回的回目和结尾方式和其他回相比表现出差异;四是这五回征引小说、话本和戏曲的方式和其他回相比表现出差异。  相似文献   

《红楼梦》后40回是补续之作,但它与前80回早已连为一体,为广大读者所接受,经受了历史的考验。在评价它的时候,应从实际出发,尊重历史,尊重读者;后40回与前80回既有连续性、统一性,也有特殊性、差异性,评论时应把版本研究与文学评论区别开来;评论后40回应有统一的标准。事实证明,虽然后40回的思想性和艺术性不如前80回,但作为补续之作,基本上是成功的。  相似文献   

在关于后四十回作者争议纷纭的情况下,回顾一下后四十回的来历,可以清楚看出,最早将后四十回公布于世的程甲本问世后,没有一个知情人对此持任何异议,因而程伟元和高鹗的"序"是可靠的。任何对后四十回持否定的"理由"都是出于评论者的臆想,找不到可以作证的文献资料。因而《红楼梦》后四十回的作者只能与前八十回是同一人,也就是全都出于曹雪芹的笔下。  相似文献   

《红楼梦》后四十回的某些情节和文字可从前人的小说、诗文中找到来历,有些还在前八十回中出现过,这应该是长篇小说创作中的一种正常现象,不能作为后四十回与前八十回不是同一作者的"理由"。相反,后四十回中出现前人写过的情节却胜过前人、超越前人;有些情节看似同前八十回重复,却是前半部作品的发展,体现了作者高超的创作水平,说明整部《红楼梦》只能出于同一作者。  相似文献   

安大简《诗经》与《毛诗》有14篇在章次方面存在差异,因《诗经》多重章叠唱,故大多章次变化后对诗旨表达、诗意理解并无影响。但《驷驖》、《绸缪》两诗较特殊:《毛诗·驷驖》采用倒叙手法,而安大简《驷驖》将二、三章顺序变化后采用插叙或顺序手法,相较而言,《毛诗》章次顺序更佳;《绸缪》一诗早在1984年就有学者质疑二、三章错简,简本《绸缪》正好颠倒二、三章顺序,从婚俗和《绸缪》的音乐来看,简本章次顺序更允洽,但也无法排除《毛诗》章次的合理性。  相似文献   

明代小说《平妖传》署名张无咎所作的两篇序文,虽有差异,但并非伪作,它们提供了《平妖传》版本的相关真实信息:《平妖传》二十回本和四十回本均非原本,四十回本为冯梦龙增补本,原本应该是回数在二十回和四十回之间的本子。这些信息为我们了解《平妖传》提供了不少有用的史料资源。  相似文献   

对《论语》中极少数在形式上没有任何表示孔门言行的标志的无标志章,到底是否为孔子所言,为何会出现在《论语》中,历来没有一致的看法。通过完全枚举的方式对几乎所有的无标志章以及所有的包含了部分无标志内容的章节逐一分析,可以发现,无标志章的内容即为孔子向弟子所转述但其本身又来源于史籍文献或其它渠道却又未注明出处的内容。在《论语》中,这样的内容均不以“子日”作标志,是严格一致的通例,是《论语》编纂者有意采取的自觉的编辑行为。  相似文献   

《庄子》33篇,一般都认为内7篇为庄子所作,外15篇、杂11篇则观点不一。古代注家曾指出其中有些作品并非庄子所作。近些年有不少论述庄子或涉及庄子的著作,不分真伪,将外、杂中部分词句当作庄子之文加以引用并大肆发挥,这种作法很不妥当。本文根据思想内容、语言风格对《庄子》外篇进行了全面的疏理。  相似文献   

本文从<红楼梦>后40回作者不应漏"程伟元"之名说起,论证后四十回决非原稿及其优劣、得失与价值,并指出曹雪芹因诸多限制,绝写不出后四十回和对后四十回的具体分析.  相似文献   

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