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二本院校大学生就业难的问题日益受到社会各界的关注。本研究通过调研运城学院工科类学生专业实习项目运作基本情况,探索分析运城学院工科学生的专业实习实际效果影响因素。研究表明,学生的家庭情况、对专业实习的认知、人际交往能力对实习效果影响显著,学生性别、政治面貌、解决问题能力、专业知识水平、以往社会实践情况对专业实习效果影响不显著。在此基础上详细介绍各影响显著因素与实际效果相关程度,构建相应的数学模型,并针对目前专业实习应该关注的因素及存在的问题提出相应的意见建议。  相似文献   

通过对安顺学院2005级师范类本科、专科部分学生、教学法教师、实习学校教师与学生进行调查研究,围绕高等师范学生教育实习及教学能力进行了调查分析,根据1000余份调查问卷的统计,分析了高师学生教育实习及教学能力现状,并对调查研究中发现的问题提出了现状思考。  相似文献   

英语教学中的语言与性别问题在女性高校显得尤为突出,对女生的因性施教要求教师对师生的性别动力学有科学的理解。本文以广东女子职业技术学院为案例,以学院英语教师性别因素对女生英语学习的影响为切入点,通过系列调查和研究发现,女性高校中英语教师性别对教学的影响在某些细节的处理上会产生截然不同的结果,其结果的好坏极大程度取决于教师本身的性别意识和对性别文化的敏感程度。  相似文献   

以泰州职业技术学院为例,结合对部分参与定向越野运动学生进行调查的情况,探析在高校军事课程中开展定向越野运动的可能性与可行性,以期为提高高校军事课程教学质量提出切实可行的建议。  相似文献   

"红船精神"是中国革命精神之源,引领中国共产党走过了波澜壮阔的光辉历程。弘扬"红船精神",增强社会责任感和使命感,是培育当代大学生理想信念的重要环节。高职院校大学生正处于价值观念和理想信念的形成和确立阶段,因此,引导他们树立正确的世界观、人生观和价值观尤为重要。通过调查问卷的方式,以四川职业技术学院学生为样本,进行调研。调查结果显示,高职院校学生对"红船精神"的知信行程度整体表现较好,但大部分学生对"红船精神"的相关基础性知识还缺乏了解。可见,高职院校大学生要更好认知、坚信和践行"红船精神",须将"红船精神"与思政课程紧密结合,搭建实践平台、开展实践活动,不断完善思政课程实践的相关体制机制。  相似文献   

我院“职业指导和创业教育的研究与实验”课题组立足本校实际,以本校高职生为研究对象,在充分调查的基础上,从理论和实验两个方面深入开展了研究和探索,初步构建了“职业指导和创业教育的研究与实验”实施模式。该项研究将对指导高职生的就业与创业起到很好的作用。  相似文献   

This paper analyses accountability and partnership in Initial Teacher Education for the primary school sector in Northern Ireland. In considering teacher education, the paper focuses on three higher education institutions: Stranmillis University College, St Mary's University College and the University of Ulster. Of the three institutions, the Roman Catholic Church maintains St Mary's University College while the other institutions have no religious affiliations. The paper focuses on the reform of teacher education within the British Isles and sets Northern Ireland into a context of a system of teacher education which has developed new patterns of accountability. Three sources of evidence are used to analyse accountability; firstly the perception of schools that are partners in Initial Teacher Education; secondly, the views of the Education and Training Inspectorate who are responsible for accrediting teacher education in Northern Ireland; and thirdly, the views of the three university schools of education. The paper will demonstrate how teacher education in Northern Ireland is simultaneously similar to, and different from, teacher education in the rest of the developed world. It will illuminate the dimensions of accountability in the primary school sector and show how in Northern Ireland this is heavily segregated by religious denomination.  相似文献   

关于徐州市高校大学生体育兴趣的调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校大学生的体育兴趣会对其教学产生很大的影响。本文运用文献资料法、问卷调查法、访问法及数理统计法等,对有关高校大学生体育兴趣的文章进行整理,并对徐州高校在校大学生的体育兴趣进行调查研究,根据存在的不足,提出对策,为高校体育教学提供参考。  相似文献   

为贯彻执行高等职业教育文件精神,福建体育职业技术学院社会体育专业在了解福建省体育产业布局、体育行业人才需求状况,借鉴兄弟院校学生培养模式的基础上,制定"1+1+1"的人才培养方案,打破封闭的学校教育模式,注重学生实际工作能力的提高。在课程实践、社会实践、综合实训和毕业实习几个环节,摸索出一套切实可行的实践模式。  相似文献   


Sometimes what is taught or, crucially, not taught exerts a continuing influence on job chances. This paper reports the results of an investigation of one instance of this where, broadly speaking, deficiencies in mechanical knowledge seem to have been instrumental in determining job chances for Catholic and Protestant boys wishing to be craft and engineering apprentices. The paper also becomes an investigation of ways of reducing adverse impact in the selection of apprentices in Northern Ireland.  相似文献   

大学英语教学,尤其是非英语专业的精读教学实际担负着培养学生英语综合能力的重任.本文首先剖析了大学英语精读教学的现状及存在的问题,然后以传统的课堂活动为基础,设计了综合型小组竞赛这一教学形式,并通过实践对其进行了有效性分析.  相似文献   

本文采取汶川地震两天后与地震一年后的追踪式问卷调查,总结分析出汶川地震对非灾区大学生的影响情况。地震给非灾区大学生的影响主要体现在对生活意义与生命价值的思考方面,以积极影响为主,但也给少部分同学带来消极影响。高校教育工作者应因势利导进行相关教育。  相似文献   

Recent policy on inclusion has had an impact on the development of museum galleries and related educational provision. Museums are used as learning organisations and, as such, need to consider how to create an inclusive environment. However, inclusive provision for people with learning difficulties in museums tends to be isolated and small scale, lacking the formal structure found within schools. While much can be learnt from the development and evaluation of practice in schools, there is little research or published literature that explores the inclusion of people with learning difficulties in museums. This article, by Hannah Shepherd, Exhibition Co‐ordinator at Freeman College in Sheffield, analyses an example of a specific exhibit within a gallery development. This example reflects an approach that uses guidance from the literature to create a more inclusive experience for visitors, particularly those with learning difficulties. A case is made for the use of consultation and partnership to develop inclusive museum provision.  相似文献   

实践教学是培养学生创新精神和创新能力的重要途径之一,是社会发展的需要。通过对安庆师范学院广播电视新闻学专业2006级学生专业实习现状和2007级学生专业实习意向问卷调查及结果分析,建议在实践环节进行相应的调整,提高学生适应社会实践的能力。  相似文献   

高校学生干部在学生管理工作中起着重要的作用。从定量分析出发,构建了由4个一级指标和16个二级指标的高校学生干部综合素质评价体系,并进行了实践运用,以期对于高校学生干部的选拔、管理以及推动学生工作科学化水平起到一定的促进作用。  相似文献   

大学物理实验教学的课程化实践   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
吴福根 《高教论坛》2007,(4):33-35,24
本文从广东工业大学大学物理实验课的课程化教学的实践,总结了实验教学队伍的建立、立体化教学手段与方法的实施以及在教学中体现工程特色等方面的体会和经验,希望能对其他实验教学的课程化建设有一定的启发和帮助作用.  相似文献   

This article examines the attitudes of a sample of school pupils from Kano State, Northern Nigeria, towards questions of ethnicity and national unity. In particular it attempts to assess whether a policy of deliberate ethnic mixing has helped to change orientations and lessen tensions at the Kano Federal Government College. Findings are not particularly optimistic for those who would use schools to further national integration. Strong preferences for the pupils' own ‘geoethnic’ heroes and areas still remain, though there are some signs that a substantial period of residence in a part of Nigeria that is different from a pupil's home area may help to change rigid adherence to a total ethnic perspective. However, feelings of ethnic hostility and differentiation still exist and schools seem to be having little effect in this regard. Indeed, the Federal Government College would appear at the moment to be making matters worse rather than better.  相似文献   

上海卷高考英语口试从2000年开始采用计算机辅助的方法进行。实践证明,计算机辅助英语口试是解决大规模口试的有效方法。作为一种全新的口试方法,大规模计算机辅助英语口试在国内外都还没有先例。本文主要介绍近年来计算机辅助高考英语口试的实践和质量,并对今后口试实践的改进作进一步的思考。  相似文献   

Assessment is widely considered to be the most significant issue affecting art and design practice at secondary level. The article begins with an historical overview of developments in and critiques of assessment procedures in England, Wales and Northern Ireland since the inception of GCSE examination. This is followed by a report of an attempt to carry out a systematic review of research on the impact of assessment on the art and design curriculum in secondary schools. Author conclusions and findings from eight studies subjected to in‐depth analysis are discussed together with the implications of the review exercise for art education policy, practice and research.  相似文献   

大学生作为一个重要的社会群体,应为社会发展提供专业知识、健全理性和结构性良知。通过开展社会实践,可以有效化解由于现代教育与生活世界的分裂对大学生成长造成的不良影响。高校和各级政府应从教育哲学的高度重新定位大学生社会实践并进行相应的配套改革。  相似文献   

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