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为了培养高素质,创造型人才,中学语文教学必须进行改革和创新,文章认为应从以下三方面入手:丰富科学教育内容;培养学生的科学精神,引入现代教育技术。  相似文献   

培养学生科学素质 提高化学教学质量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
科学索质主要山科学知识、科学思维、科学方法、科学意识和科学品质五大要素构成。在对学生进行科学素质教育的过程中,科学知识是发展学生科学素质的基础,在学习科学知识的过程中,要逐渐培养、发展学生的科学能力.使学生掌握科学方法。培养良好的科学品质,同时促使学生逐步形成科学意识。  相似文献   

语文教学应该加强学生的科学教育和注重学生科学精神的培养。作为一门基础学科的语文,它承担着科学性和人文性这双重任务。应将科学素养包括在新课程的培养目标之中,体现了当今时代的要求。  相似文献   

作为自然科学基础的物理学,不仅是当代科学技术发展的重要源泉,更是培养学生科学素质的重要途径。在大学物理教学中,教师要加强对学生辩证唯物主义的世界观、科学精神、科学的方法、科学品质的培养。  相似文献   

语教材具有极其丰富的内涵,对一个人的意志、品质、情感以至理想、信念、世界观的形式,都具有深远的影响。小学语学科不仅要使学生获得一些基础的科学知识,还要实施素质教育,培养学生的科学兴趣和认真观察思考的习惯,向学生进行科学自然观和科学态度方面的教育。一个学生一旦对学科学、用科学发生了兴趣,他就会积极地从事这种活动,参加活动越多,活动范围越广,形成的兴趣就越广泛,获得的启发就越多。因此,通过语教学要让学生养成爱观察、爱提问、爱研究的习惯,逐渐渗透创造意识。在语教学过程中,如何培养学生爱科学、学科学的良好习惯已引起教育工作的高度重视。  相似文献   

在语文课程改革的过程中,语文教学"泛人文化"的倾向比较普遍,执教者常常忽视了科学精神的培养。我认为语文教学除了让学生掌握必备的语文学科知识外,还必须重视科学精神的培养,包括怀疑精神、创新精神以及想象精神。学生科学精神的培养应渗透在整个语文教学的过程中。  相似文献   

在语文课程改革的过程中,语文教学"泛人文化"的倾向比较普遍,执教者常常忽视了科学精神的培养。我认为语文教学除了让学生掌握必备的语文学科知识外,还必须重视科学精神的培养,包括怀疑精神、创新精神以及想象精神。学生科学精神的培养应渗透在整个语文教学的过程中。  相似文献   

为了顺应时代发展,在语文教学过程中,我们要渗透科学意识的培养。因此,教师不但要创新教学模式,更要创新教学方法,尊重学生的学习主体地位,激发学生对科学的兴趣,让学生掌握科学的方法,培养他们科学意识。在教学中,教师要通过巧设问题、积极引导、升华思想等途径培养学生的科学意识,让学生用求是的科学态度、严谨的科学精神去处理遇到的问题,从而不断提高他们的科学素养。  相似文献   

语文研究性学习方法,是一个在教师的指导下,学生主动的富有个性的学习过程,是师生互动、生生互动、共同发展的过程。这种方法,有助于学生形成独立思考,自主学习的能力;有助于培养学生具有科学精神,形成科学态度,学会科学方法;有助于学生进一步发展创新精神和实践能力。这种方法  相似文献   

井会利 《文教资料》2012,(14):113-114
高职培养的是高等技能应用型人才,注重职业技能的传授,有意无意淡化了科学和人文精神的培养,因此有必要对高职学生进行科学和人文精神的融合培养。文章针对高职学生科学精神与人文精神融合教育相关问题作探讨。  相似文献   

禄晓平  吴朝荣 《毕节学院学报》2009,27(5):101-103,108
非正规性科学教育活动是幼儿园科学教育活动的一种特殊形式,对幼儿科学精神,科学能力的培养和科学经验的获得以及自我意识,社会性的发展有着重要的作用,有效的指导能使其价值得到最大限度的体现.  相似文献   

论科学教育与教师科学素质的培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在高等学校开展加强文化素质教育活动,全面推进素质教育,是上世纪末我国高等教育领域的一项重大改革。高等师范教育阶段是学生与科学技术联系较为密切的阶段,在此过程中若多方面加强对学生的科学精神、科学方法、科学思维、科学知识等方面的教育与培养,对形成教师理想人格特征及教师素质全面发展具有重要意义,是提高教师科学素质的根本保证。  相似文献   

科学实验中的逆流——伪实验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在科学史上存在着一种蓄意篡改、掺假或虚构实验事实的伪实验 ,它给科学研究带来损害并产生不良的社会效应。以探索真理为己任的科研工作者 ,为何会背叛自己职业的根本原则去伪造实验事实 ?如何鉴别伪实验和怎样才能防止伪实验的发生 ?这是科学家和科学管理研究者们需要加以解决的课题  相似文献   

PISA测试是对15岁中学生进行的一种国际性评价。主要在阅读素养、科学素养和数学素养三个领域进行测试。PISA 2006评价的重点是科学素养。PISA科学试题的特点在于把要考查的知识与技能放在真实的情境中进行,让学生充分了解所学科学知识与生产和生活的关系,既注重对科学知识的综合考查,也注重对科学态度的考查,题目形式多样,内容科学严谨。PISA测试引导我们在教学过程中要努力创设真实情境,培养学生运用所学知识解决实际问题的能力,帮助学生取得社会经验,同时关注学习过程,鼓励创新思维。这也恰恰和目前我国的基础教育课程改革相一致。  相似文献   

This study examined the role of computer-supported knowledge-building discourse and epistemic reflection in promoting elementary-school students’ scientific epistemology and science learning. The participants were 39 Grade 5 students who were collectively pursuing ideas and inquiry for knowledge advance using Knowledge Forum (KF) while studying a unit on electricity; they also reflected on the epistemic nature of their discourse. A comparison class of 22 students, taught by the same teacher, studied the same unit using the school’s established scientific investigation method. We hypothesised that engaging students in idea-driven and theory-building discourse, as well as scaffolding them to reflect on the epistemic nature of their discourse, would help them understand their own scientific collaborative discourse as a theory-building process, and therefore understand scientific inquiry as an idea-driven and theory-building process. As hypothesised, we found that students engaged in knowledge-building discourse and reflection outperformed comparison students in scientific epistemology and science learning, and that students’ understanding of collaborative discourse predicted their post-test scientific epistemology and science learning. To further understand the epistemic change process among knowledge-building students, we analysed their KF discourse to understand whether and how their epistemic practice had changed after epistemic reflection. The implications on ways of promoting epistemic change are discussed.  相似文献   

探究性实验教学就是以“探究性教学”理论为指导,通过开展探究性实验来实现培养学生的科学过程技能。笔者以“绿叶中色素的提取和分离”实验为例对科学过程技能进行研究。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of the nature of models and their uses in the science classroom based on a theoretical review of literature. The ideas that science philosophers and science education researchers have in common about models and modelling are scrutinised according to five subtopics: meanings of a model, purposes of modelling, multiplicity of scientific models, change in scientific models and uses of models in the science classroom. First, a model can be defined as a representation of a target and serves as a ‘bridge’ connecting a theory and a phenomenon. Second, a model plays the roles of describing, explaining and predicting natural phenomena and communicating scientific ideas to others. Third, multiple models can be developed in science because scientists may have different ideas about what a target looks like and how it works and because there are a variety of semiotic resources available for constructing models. Fourth, scientific models are tested both empirically and conceptually and change along with the process of developing scientific knowledge. Fifth, in the science classroom, not only teachers but also students can take advantage of models as they are engaged in diverse modelling activities. The overview presented in this article can be used to educate science teachers and encourage them to utilise scientific models appropriately in their classrooms.  相似文献   

Science consists of a body of knowledge and a set of processes by which the knowledge is produced. Although these have traditionally been treated separately in science instruction, there has been a shift to an integration of knowledge and processes, or set of practices, in how science should be taught and assessed. We explore whether a general overall mastery of the processes drives learning in new science content areas and if this overall mastery can be improved through engaged science learning. Through a review of literature, the paper conceptualizes this general process mastery as scientific sensemaking, defines the sub-dimensions, and presents a new measure of the construct centered in scenarios of general interest to young adolescents. Using a dataset involving over 2500 6th and 8th grade students, the paper shows that scientific sensemaking scores can predict content learning gains and that this relationship is consistent across student characteristics, content of instruction, and classroom environment. Further, students who are behaviorally and cognitively engaged during science classroom activities show greater growth in scientific sensemaking, showing a reciprocal relationship between sensemaking ability and effective science instruction. Findings from this work support early instruction on sensemaking activities to better position students to learn new scientific content.  相似文献   

Collaborations between the K-12 teachers and higher education or professional scientists have become a widespread approach to science education reform. Educational funding and efforts have been invested to establish these cross-institutional collaborations in many countries. Since 2006, Taiwan initiated the High Scope Program, a high school science curriculum reform to promote scientific innovation and inquiry through an integration of advanced science and technology in high school science curricula through partnership between high school teachers and higher education scientists and science educators. This study, as part of this governmental effort, a scientist–teacher collaborative model (STCM) was constructed by 8 scientists and 4 teachers to drive an 18-week high school science curriculum reform on environmental education in a public high school. Partnerships between scientists and teachers offer opportunities to strengthen the elements of effective science teaching identified by Shulman and ultimately affect students’ learning. Mixed methods research was used for this study. Qualitative methods of interviews were used to understand the impact on the teachers’ and scientists’ science teaching. A quasi-experimental design was used to understand the impact on students’ scientific competency and scientific interest. The findings in this study suggest that the use of the STCM had a medium effect on students’ scientific competency and a large effect on students’ scientific individual and situational interests. In the interviews, the teachers indicated how the STCM allowed them to improve their content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge (PCK), and the scientists indicated an increased knowledge of learners, knowledge of curriculum, and PCK.  相似文献   

不同的科学观会产生科学教育的不同的价值取向。传统科学哲学的科学观在本质上是一种知识论,以此为理论基础的科学教育呈现的是以科学知识为中心重知识实用性的价值取向;科学文化哲学的科学观将科学视为人类的一种文化活动过程,凸显科学的人文性,以此为理论基础的科学教育应充分挖掘其自身的人文价值,追求人自身、人与社会、人与自然的和谐发展,引导学生进入科学的历史世界,让学生在模拟科学家的研究过程中体验科学,引导学生关注自己的生活世界,从而实现科学教育与人文教育的统一。  相似文献   

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