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Research methods are perhaps the most difficult subject matter to teach in the graduate criminal justice curricula. This is in part due to the mix of practitioners and aspiring researchers in most criminal justice graduate departments, leading many instructors to question whether their own coverage is in line with the needs of their graduate students as well as the coverage of other instructors. Also complicating matters is that research methods textbooks are not geared specifically for the graduate level, and thus may neglect topics that are necessary for today's criminal justice graduate students. The present study addresses these concerns by providing an analysis of 11 current criminal justice research methods textbooks, as well as a survey of 36 instructors of graduate criminal justice and criminology research methods classes. Both the texts and instructors are found to place a strong focus on quantitative methods, while the textbooks tend to place a greater emphasis on qualitative methods than the instructors. Moreover, both the texts and instructors neglect topics crucial to today's criminal justice graduate student, including grant writing, article writing and critiquing, and standards for collaborative research efforts.  相似文献   


This article critiques DiCristina's (1977) JCJE article concerning the quantitative emphasis in criminal justice curriculums. I argue that he (1) overlooked one of the more profound merits associated with quantitative research when he proposed that both methods should receive equal attention, (2) underestimated the contribution quantitative methods have made to policy, and (3) confused theoretical problems with methodological problems when he evaluated the connection between quantitative methodology and crime control policy.  相似文献   

In his thought-provoking review of current trends in educational research, Winn offers advice to practitioners and to researchers concerning the role of computer-based simulations in education (Winn, W. (2000). Educ. Psychol. Rev. 14, 331–351). In this critique, I offer two proposals for consideration by those who wish to make practical recommendations about learning environments: (1) Recommendations for practice should be based on specifically relevant evidence. (2) The available methods for collecting evidence should not exclude controlled experiments; instead, researchers should be free to choose among experimental or observational methods, use quantitative or qualitative measures, focus on artificial or naturalistic settings, and invent new techniques as needed. In short, I join the call for evidence-based practice and issue-driven research.  相似文献   


In 2014, Thomas Piketty’s Capital in the Twenty-first Century rocked the economic and political world, with its argument that inequality is destined to increase; in the field of education, however, this book has been almost entirely ignored. I argue that Piketty’s treatise is relevant to educational theories for three reasons: his rejection of meritocracy contributes to theories of social mobility; his critique of human capital theory provides fodder for debates about educational purpose; and his interdisciplinary analysis supports the political economy tradition in education. However, I also argue that it is necessary to move beyond the economic determinism in Piketty’s arguments, to explore the transformative potential of education as a consciousness-raising process, the agency of communities, the production process, and alternative solutions to inequality. I argue that education scholars should use the renewed interest in inequality generated by Piketty’s book to shift the dominant discourses about education, schools, and social justice.  相似文献   


For two disciplines interested in similar issues, law schools and criminal justice programs may as well be on different sides of the moon when it comes to pedagogy. Undoubtedly, criminal justice has lessons to share with law, but legal instruction also offers innovations for justice education. The following essay presents my experience from both law school and criminal justice programs, offering recommendations to improve criminal justice teaching. I offer the suggestions not under any brazen notion that I have discovered the secrets to ideal pedagogy, but rather to suggest that many of law's methods would benefit criminal justice as well.  相似文献   

This article explores the quantitative/qualitative divide in the fields of criminology and criminal justice. The article reports findings from a study of: (1) quantitative and qualitative methods used in a sample of journal articles published in top‐tier and lower‐tier academic journals; (2) doctoral methods and statistics curricula; and (3) journal editor perceptions about the quantitative/qualitative divide. The study found a large gap between the use of quantitative and qualitative methods in published research that reported empirical findings. The content analysis of Ph.D. curricula suggests that the qualitative/quantitative divide in published research is a logical extension of a similar divide in the teaching of methods in doctoral programs. The interviews with journal editors suggest that they are generally receptive to qualitatively oriented research; however, these journal editors also identified several important barriers that contribute to the ongoing divide in published criminology and criminal justice research. Implications are discussed.  相似文献   


New perspectives on the impact of college on students, on linking general education, the major, electives and extra-classroom experiences toward the goal of “integrated learning,” and renewed emphasis on the importance of producing liberally educated college graduates, present opportunities for criminal justice educators to make their field a keystone in the architecture of a liberal education. In this essay, I argue that the multidisciplinary perspectives that characterize the field of criminal justice, as well as its core intellectual concerns, make criminal justice well-suited to serve as the infrastructure for a high-quality undergraduate liberal education program.  相似文献   


The field of criminal justice/criminology has few studies that examine faculty opinions regarding the use of technology as a replacement and supplement to traditional classroom instruction. Using a sample of criminal justice and crime-related higher education faculty members in the state of California, this study examines perceptions of effectiveness and the actual use of various classroom-based technologies. The results reveal that while most faculty members hold positive views toward the use of technology, far fewer are actually integrating technology-based methods of instruction into their courses. Meanwhile, most faculty members do not perceive the presence of adequate administrative supports or incentives at their institutions for the development of distance learning courses. Overall, support for the integration of technology into criminal justice education appears to be greatest when it is used as a supplement rather than a replacement for face-to-face classroom instruction.  相似文献   


This article suggests various techniques and strategies for integrating historical research methods into the drug education classroom. While most criminal justice programs offer courses on drug education, instruction has typically concentrated on policy issues. With little historical perspective on the roots of the drug problem, students are too often left with a one-dimensional perspective: that all illegal drug use should be criminalized. Like many recent historical events, the roots of the drug problem remain a distant abstraction to the current generation of criminal justice students. A historical approach to this subject using historiographic methods can lead to a better understanding of the cyclic nature of the U. S. drug problem and policies over the past century.  相似文献   

In spite of open access to community college education, specifically human service associate degree programs, students with criminal justice histories do not necessarily have an unobstructed pathway to obtaining the degree and admission to the baccalaureate programs in human services and social work that are almost always selective. The first obstacle may arise when a student must be placed in the field internship. This may mark the first time in a student’s educational career where he or she must disclose his or her ex-offender status. While higher education plays a well-documented role against recidivism, students who are ex-offenders who are enrolled in community college programs and also have their sights set on transfer, professional credentialing, and professional employment, may face similar barriers. There is a paucity of research related to students in community college with criminal justice histories and a clear need for qualitative and quantitative study in the area. The author calls for more active advocacy and community education roles for community college professionals in this arena as well.  相似文献   


Without the explanatory power of general theoretical principles, criminal justice educators are limited to subjectively describing the structure and function of our systems of criminal justice rather than explaining why these systems behave the way they do. Because of this, criminal justice lacks integrity as a legitimate academic discipline that seeks to meet the objectives of a liberal arts education. This paper explores the establishment of ideology as a first principle of criminal justice, derived from political philosophy and sociological theory. We examine ways to build upon this principle as a means of teaching criminal justice within the guise of the liberal arts tradition by guiding students toward a deeper understanding of the nature of our criminal justice systems and their place in larger society.  相似文献   


This article distinguishes two models that incorporate three uses for mocks trials in criminal justice education. The first model, which I refer to as the Law School Model (LSM), adapts for undergraduate education the method that is commonly used in legal education (Kravetz 2001). It uses a single case and one mock trial during an entire semester, and pursues a deeper understanding of all pretrial and trials stages. However, few mock trial “kits” exist for educators pursuing this model. The second model, which I refer to as the Liberal Education Model (LEM), focuses on the trial itself and pursues understanding of the judicial system and substantial development of communication skills fostered by traditional liberal education. This article suggests that the LEM offers criminal justice educators greater flexibility because (1) it offers many complete mock trial “kits” for instant use, (2) it incorporates all three uses discussed in this article (whereas the LSM is limited to the first use), and (3) many disciplines in over 200 colleges and universities use it in courses and intercollegiate competitions.  相似文献   


The growth and variety of qualitative research in education is used as a test case to challenge the narrative of ethnography proposed by Denzin and Lincoln. Their characterization of qualitative methods in terms of five (subsequently six) ''moments'' is not reflected in research on education. Ironically, their model is shown to be a modernist narrative that does not do justice do the diversity of qualitative research in the past. It is suggested that qualitative research has always been marked by greater diversity than is captured in unilinear developmental histories.  相似文献   


This article is a commentary on a theme issue of Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation entitled “Consultation to Increase Educational Access and Improve Conditions for LGBTQ Youth.” Writing from the perspective of researchers who have focused on social justice, the authors both provide a critique of the theme issue articles and describe potential areas of overlap between social justice research broadly and research specifically focused on supporting LBGTQ youth. Suggested next steps for research are offered.  相似文献   


Research continues to show that the public holds misperceptions about crime and criminal justice. The media influences the public in many of these misperceptions, often shaping beliefs and ideologies. Higher education gives criminal justice majors the opportunity to gain much more accurate knowledge than the general public. Nonetheless, it is the public that heavily influences the development of the criminal justice system. It is important, therefore, to examine the influence of criminal justice education. Criminal justice majors and non-majors in a Midwestern university were surveyed with regard to demographics and perceptions of crime and criminal justice. Results indicate that criminal justice majors have significantly different perceptions about criminal justice issues than non-majors. Implications for educating the public are discussed.  相似文献   


The following essay seeks to provide some of the details to which Souryal and Potts refer in their article in the spring 1993 issue of the Journal of Criminal Justice Education. In their desire to combat what they perceive to be a state of cultural illiteracy in the field of criminal justice ethics, Souryal and Potts recommend a revision of criminal justice curricula to include courses on the history of Western political philosophy. In the past masters of political philosophy, they hope to find an effective “fallback” position on questions of moral judgment and discretion. In the following essay I locate that position in the traditional Western theories of natural law and prudence.  相似文献   


Numerous articles and books advocate the importance of ethics as an essential component of a criminal justice curriculum. While there are several approaches suggested, one of the most popular methods of assuring coverage of this important topic is to add an ethics course to the curriculum either as a required or an elective course. Teaching students ethical theories, principles and providing them with the opportunity to discuss discipline specific ethics problems is thought to help contribute to the establishment of ethical practitioners.

The purpose of this research is to examine the impact of a semester long criminal justice ethics course on the students' value orientations, and their perceptions of both the seriousness of ethical violations and their likelihood of engaging in such behaviors. Our findings are consistent with the results of researchers evaluating ethics courses in other disciplines. Implications for criminal justice ethics education are discussed.  相似文献   


This study analyzes survey data collected from African-Americans with PhDs who teach criminology or criminal justice. This research is particularly concerned with the experience of African-Americans in institutions of higher education. In addition to demographic data, the survey collected information on school of graduation, scholarly productivity, and collegial relations. The results indicate that African-Americans are graduating from, and being hired at, some of the top-ranked PhD programs in criminology/criminal justice. African-Americans are generally entering the academic profession as assistant professors with limited publication experience. Finally, African-Americans, in most cases, feel included and a part of their departmental activities.  相似文献   

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