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In this article, I analyse the initiation/response/follow-up (IRF) exchanges between teachers and students in teacher-fronted instruction by using transcribed classroom data. Adopting a social constructivist position, I examine ways in which teachers construct or reduce students' learning opportunities in these communications. Furthermore, I demonstrate how language is used to serve the functions of mediation and to provide learning opportunities. Although teachers talk most of the time and control most of the turns, I argue that teachers can improve their talk and control in their fronted instruction to optimise student contributions and to facilitate students' learning.  相似文献   

Patterns of verbal communications between a teacher and student can influence the classroom environment, quality of the instructional program, and student management in the classroom. This study examined teacher-student communication patterns in both regular and special education classes for behaviorally and emotionally handicapped students. It was expected that special class communication patterns would differ substantially from those used in regular classes. Those communications would result in more effective student management and more time on-task for learning. Webster's (1984, 1986) Process Interaction Model was used to analyze the communication patterns. Expected differences between how regular and special class teachers interact with students were not found. Implications of findings are discussed in relationship to teacher training, teacher effectiveness, and classroom management.  相似文献   

This paper presents the case of one Sister School in the Canada–China Reciprocal Learning Project based on a belief that practice has significant value for the development of teachers’ intercultural awareness and schools’ intercultural communication experience. This paper focuses on one Shanghai school’s reciprocal learning experience, highlighting the content of intercultural communication, the areas of collaboration, the characteristics of collaboration, and the attitudes towards collaboration in the intercultural context. Against the backdrop of New Basic Education reform in China, I try to depict how a Sister School partnership guided by the principle of reciprocal learning motivates Chinese and Canadian teachers to work together across cultural differences in order to learn and develop in terms of theory and practice. I also discuss difficulties and challenges that have occurred in the process of intercultural communication. In the process, reciprocal learning is re-conceptualized and relived as part of our research endeavor.  相似文献   

In traditional face–to–face classrooms, collaborative learning has been endorsed as an effective pedagogy that fosters skills of analysis, communication and higher order thinking. Increasingly, as online learning environments for tertiary learners make use of course support systems, there is greater recognition of the potential of communications technologies to foster dialogue, networking and team skills among learners. Such skills are now among the recognised core attributes that graduates are expected to develop. In face–to–face classroom students learn the skills of collaboration and teamwork by engaging in tasks defined and supervised by a teacher. In online environments teacher presence is often limited to task definition, management and feedback functions. Team skills and collaboration therefore need to be supported though different pedagogies and processes such as establishing a climate of trust and openness, communication protocols, resolution of conflict and group processes that provide sanctions and support. In this paper we describe an innovative approach to building the skills of decision–making and conflict resolution, leadership and clarity in goal setting and communication. A case study of tertiary learners illustrates how the essential aspects of task definition, resources to support group learning and integrated online assessment foster team skills.  相似文献   

针对部分交通类高职院校交通特色被忽视的现象,指出交通类高职院校应把交通特色作为院校发展的基本立足点,分析了强调交通特色的原因,对如何体现交通特色提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

The forum     
In responding to David Kline's view that the role of mass communications was overemphasized to the neglect of formal and nonformal education, focus is on the position that education is a function of a properly constructed communications program for family planning and that the function is a channel for communication between the program personnel and the audience. The attempt is made to examine the conclusions reached by Kline, consider the conclusions in terms of the historical development of information and education activities in family planning, and to conclude with the presentation of a program framework for communication that identifies education as 1 of 2 channels to audiences. Kline is incorrect in maintaining that public information is overemphasized and in his suggestion that education has been neglected, but he is correct in his view that nonclinic education activities have been neglected. In trying to find more and better ways of communicating, attention must focus on the audience for family planning and how the audience learns. Information and education are the 2 channels for communication with the family planning audience. Information -- a 1-way process -- implies the use of the mass media. Education assumes the capacity for response. Both 1-way and 2-way messages assist in learning and decision-making; audiences learn more and make better decisions when many messages from many sources are provided.  相似文献   


This article maintains that the focus of learning and training at all levels is moving increasingly towards the individual ‐‐ how the individual learns and the influences of his or her environment on learning. It suggests that, among the increasing wealth of research into educational technology, the emphasis needs now to be placed on the learning process and the learning environment. But the learning processes and environments have to be seen as part of an educational scenario which is changing rapidly. Education at all levels, together with training at the adult level, and the resources devoted to these purposes will continue to be under direct challenge. To make learning more effective, the questions of contacts and connections by and with media must be examined and assessed. For effective communication the methods and the processes have to be matched to objectives. The article concludes that the rapidly changing technology of communications is helping to shift the balance from an emphasis on what has been largely a one‐way system of communication to one in which the individual learner is increasingly in control and in which the learning process itself, rather than the teaching system, has become the focus.  相似文献   

<正>With the reform and opening up and internationalization,English has become the main language of international communication,and more and more people pay great attention to English learning.However,in the actual learning process,many students are lack of interest in English learning.In this paper,I take my personal experience as an example to discusses how  相似文献   

随着中国与世界各国之间交流的日益频繁,跨文化间的差异与冲突也凸显出来.如何顺利地进行跨文化交际,克服交际过程中出现的障碍是跨文化交际取得成功的关键.跨文化交际不仅仅是语言的交际,更多的是非语言交际.人们的非语言行为与其所接受的文化有着密切的联系.该论文主要从“气味”与饮食、“气味”与文化、“气味”与香水三个方面来解释“气味”及其所属的文化内涵,以及不同国家的人对气味的不同理解和接受程度.  相似文献   

In this article, I attempt to describe how certain theoretical constructions of semiotics could be applied in educational theoretical work. First I introduce meaning as a basic concept of semiotics, thus also touching on concepts such as action, competence and causality. I am then able to define learning as a change of competences, and also refer to the pedagogical concept of learning i.e. Bildung, which can be roughly defined as valuable human learning. I then take up the problem of education as pedagogical direction and communication. Finally, I conclude with some considerations on the famous Greimassian semiotic square.  相似文献   

In this article, I critically reflect on my own learning during a community-based, service-learning pilot project, highlighting the multiple roles that were required of me as facilitator. I provided opportunity for student teachers in a Creative Arts module to engage with youth from a local township community. The purpose of the participatory action research was to explore how this process enhanced reciprocal learning. Data were generated through multiple qualitative methods in four cycles of interactive activities. Adapting to the challenges of community-based learning necessitated that I was flexible enough to know when to don the hat of educator or research designer and when to be less directive to promote professional development and intercultural competencies. I learned to value relational platforms, enable diverse modes of communication and find workable strategies for mutual learning. By sharing my lessons learned, I hope to provide a better understanding of the facilitator’s multiple leadership roles.  相似文献   

The adoption of information and communications technologies (ICT) is a catalyst for innovation and evaluation of teaching, and are driving many tertiary institutions towards a reconsideration of the nature of quality learning. While the technology of online delivery receives most attention, it is arguably the management of teaching and learning that requires new approaches. Universities which have been engaged in traditional forms of distance education are considering how best to integrate communications technologies that offer alternative forms of course delivery, communication, flexible pedagogies and new roles for teachers and learners. Institutional change issues are also linked to ICT adoption: developing students' generic skills, fostering lifelong learning and catering for greater flexibility in delivery of educational services is now core business in tertiary institutions across Australia. This paper argues that such changes require tertiary teaching staff to adopt a different mindset, that of facilitating and supporting learning while assuming new roles as managers, motivators, mentors and mediators of learning. The rationale for each of these roles within Web-based learning environments is presented within a constructivist framework, which affirms and extends good teaching practice. In addition to highlighting aspects of teaching and learning that are supported and transformed by constructivist, Web-based delivery, this paper proposes that professional development is essentially about establishing partnerships for renewal of teaching values, and that staff developers need to learn the craft of supporting change at various levels: at the individual level, at the course and unit level and at the institutional level through systemic contextualized affirmation of constructivist values. Professional development for adoption of Web-based teaching requires multi-dimensional thinking. Rather than acting as a driver of top-down change, effective staff development is participatory and supportive, seeking action research partnerships where more profound changes in teacher conceptions of learning must take place before online pedagogies become part of tertiary teaching culture.  相似文献   

中西方面子观在文化内涵、建构条件和价值取向等方面存在着很大的差异,这种差异给跨文化交际和英语课堂教学带来多方面的启示。交际参与者应该充分认识到中西方面子礼貌策略的差异及其在语言中的体现,并由此出发,进一步把握中西方的不同文化背景,以减少文化冲突,达成成功交际。就大学英语教学而言,培养和提高学生的跨文化交际能力应该成为首要目标之一。  相似文献   

As new communication technologies enter the classroom, teachers must attend to how digital platforms impact the interpersonal practices of teaching and learning. In this article, I study email exchanges with three of my students – Jorge, Adriana, and Jason – over the course of one year in an 11th-grade English class at River High School, a struggling American school subject to intervention for failing to meet the federal No Child Left Behind requirements. I ask several questions: what role does email play in my relationships with students; what does email reveal about the ideological content of my communication with students; and how could I use email transformatively? When I studied these email exchanges, I found that while email has the potential to transform literacy instruction, it can also perpetuate a poor student/teacher relationship and reproduce neoliberal narratives that narrowly imagine students as test-takers, workers, and consumers.  相似文献   

语言交际意味着引导人们诉说自己的故事,雷一言不发,但却能让你感受到他是多么地渴望能再次弹奏吉他。他时常在空中挥舞着双手,像是弹奏着自己最爱的布鲁斯音阶。每次见我走进会面的礼堂时,他总是轻轻点头示意。他乐于分享自己的吉他逸事。  相似文献   

本研究设计的基于GSM短信实现自动挂号和短信回复的挂号排队系统,系统采用AVR单片机通过串行通信口控制短信息模块实现短信的自动收取和自动回复,为用户自动排队。文中对系统的系统硬件结构和软件实现进行了整体设计,详细介绍了其单片机短信通信部分的接口硬件电路设计,对系统应用到的关于通信模块的部分AT指令作了详细的说明,并给出了软件实现中的发送数据及短信的发送和应答子函数的实现。  相似文献   

介绍以89C52单片机为下位机,PC机为上位机,通过由89C52单片机构成的通信控制器相连的集散系统(DCS)串行通信方案;研究在.NET中如何进行串行通信的编程技术,即如何利用.NET的平台调用技术实现在CLR中的托管代码调用非托管的Win32API串行通信DLL,并结合多线程、事件处理、同步访问技术来实现串行通信编程,还结合实例探讨单片机的串行通信编程技术。  相似文献   

通过分析当代移动学习新趋势,研究移动学习模型构建的意义和原则,基于3G/4G移动通信网、互联网和广播电视网等三网融合环境,构建了分层移动学习模型,具体涵盖学习终端、网络接入平台、移动学习综合平台的三层架构搭建.该移动学习平台总体方案是云计算、互联网、3G/4G移动通信、广播电视等技术相结合的展现,是传统CT行业与IT行业的高度融合,代表着移动通讯与信息技术发展的方向,能提供完备的移动学习平台综合解决方案.  相似文献   

前分布式数据库查询优化器基于代价模型,总代价=CPU代价+I/O代价+通信代价,在远程通信网或数据传输率较低的系统中,通信代价应作为首要的优化目标来考虑。文章提出了一种基于Multi—Agent技术的查询模型(QMAS),同时为了保证系统组内、组间Agent之间的高效通信,采用了树型拓扑结构(TrMAS)的通信模型,系统内各Agent使用通信原语高效通信、协作,且满足Agent间的通信路由最优,从而保证了QMAS的查询效率。  相似文献   

商务英语口语表达能力提高策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着中国经济的迅速发展,与外商交流谈判变的日益频繁,商务英语口语在商务交流和谈判中发挥着非常重要的作用.商务英语口语的教学目标就是要提高学生口语表达能力,本文就语境、跨文化交流以及资源整合三个方面,对提高商务英语专业学生的口语水平问题进行了探讨.  相似文献   

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