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This study describes a new approach to undergraduate science training that offers an alternate model to the national objective of scaling up scientific research interests and capabilities among undergraduate students. With this new focus, we seek to more effectively bring scientific research methods and experiences to larger numbers of students in non-elite educational circumstances. Our model has been designed and implemented, at the John Jay College and the Borough of Manhattan Community College, both of which are part of the City University of New York (CUNY), where we have a majority non-White and economically disadvantaged student body. We have successfully engaged large numbers of undergraduate students by linking multiple classes in the social and behavioral sciences to build collective cross-disciplinary research projects that give every enrolled student an opportunity to receive high-quality research training and create cumulative data sets over years that are cumulative, collaborative, and of professional value.  相似文献   

This article examines students’ experiences as resettled refugee and asylee students in international schools in New York City. Specifically, it looks at how teachers and school leaders provide critical academic and extracurricular support to facilitate students’ adjustment to academic environments that differ markedly from those compared in their countries of origin or the countries of asylum visited prior to their arrival in the United States. Drawing on a qualitative study conducted in New York City at two international schools, as well as program staff from an outside organization that often collaborates with international schools hosting refugee and asylee students, the article documents promising practices and offers practical recommendations for teachers working with refugee students.  相似文献   

In this article, I present the ways in which youth participatory action research (YPAR) provides opportunities for academically rigorous and culturally sustaining pedagogy for immigrant high school students learning English. In a course sponsored by the City University of New York’s College Now program, I introduced students to the principles of critical ethnographic research and then guided them through the creation of a research proposal catalyzed by their own observations and questions of their immediate surroundings. A subset of this class of 15 was then mentored by me through the implementation of their research proposals, from question refinement to methods to data collection and analysis. Throughout the article, implications for teaching and learning for immigrant youth learning English are discussed.  相似文献   

2007年11月21日,贵阳市中级人民法院成立了专门的环境保护审判庭,专门审理一些涉及环境污染以及环境公害问题的案件。与此同时,清镇市人民法院也设立了环境保护法庭。这在我国司法机关还是第一次,也是法院系统审理环境污染以及环境公害案件的本土探索,对于我国司法系统机构的完善、职能健全、受案范围的明确、审判人员素质的专门化等具有十分重要的意义。文章以清镇市环境保护审判庭为对象,结合相关调查数据及资料,研究和探讨我国法院系统对于环境公害案件刑事审判的这一创新举措.以期对于法院系统乃至司法系统的完善提供帮助。  相似文献   

Because Roe v. Wade left ill-defined or derivative just who could be a medical caregiver for pregnant women, courts struggled in the post-Roe medico-legal environment to decide just who could be a medical advisor in this newly recognized zone of privacy. The courts also were challenged to balance individual privacy rights, state interest in health and potential life, and medical authority when dealing with alternative caregivers. This article examines five court cases involving traditional midwives in the 1970s in California and in the 1990s in New York. The cases afford the opportunity to examine emerging legal definitions of medical caregivers and the success or failure of certain forms of resistance to these definitions.  相似文献   

This article is based on data collected from two years of ethnographic gang research in three inner-city high schools. Two of the schools are situated in the same city on the West Coast, and the third is located on the East Coast. The aim of the research was to describe and analyze the range of responses of three secondary schools as they struggled to cope with the problem of youth gangs among their student populations. I argue that the common repertoire of suppression strategies used by the schools, although based on commonsense reactions to rising student violence, are futile responses to the problems of gangs and have antieducational “unintentional consequences” for the pursuance of a democratic public pedagogy. Dr. David Brotherton gained his Ph.D. in sociology from the University of California at Santa Barbara and is currently an assistant professor of sociology at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice, City University of New York. During the early research for this article, he was a research fellow at the School of Public Health, University of California at Berkeley, and a postdoctoral fellow at the Alcohol Research Group. Dr. Brotherton was also a senior analyst at the Institute for Scientific Analysis working on the Home Boy Study supervised by Dan Waldorf.  相似文献   

在司法实践中经常发生潜规则侵入法律运作过程的情形,其主要原由在于司法体制的行政化运作和法律主体追求利益最大化。只有建构外部独立于立法权和行政权、内部独立于上级法院和法院行政长官的司法体制,使法律在封闭的环境下运作,堵住潜规则的入侵,才能消除其对法律运作的影响。  相似文献   

This study explored the biography-driven approach to teaching culturally and linguistically diverse students in science education. Biography-driven instruction (BDI) embraces student diversity by incorporating students’ sociocultural, linguistic, cognitive, and academic dimensions of their biographies into the learning process (Herrera in Biography-driven culturally responsive teaching. Teachers College Press, New York, 2010). Strategies have been developed (Herrera, Kavimandan and Holmes in Crossing the vocabulary bridge: differentiated strategies for diverse secondary classrooms. Teachers College Press, New York, 2011) that provide teachers with instructional routines that facilitate BDI. Using systematic classroom observations we empirically demonstrate that these activate, connect, affirm, strategies are likely to be effective in increasing teachers’ biography-driven practices. Implications for theory and practice are discussed.  相似文献   


Nearly two decades following the landmark Rodriguez decision in 1973, plaintiffs arguing on behalf of poor urban school districts have found an opening for financial redress. The supreme courts in several states, including New Jersey, Texas and Kentucky, have ruled in the last couple of years that all students are entitled to a ‘minimally adequate’ education. In Abbott v. Burke, in particular, the New Jersey court made reference to the special needs of inner‐city students. In this chapter the authors trace the history of court cases related to urban school finance and analyse both the legal and conceptual basis for recent decisions that may benefit large‐city districts.  相似文献   

现行法院经费保障体制的弊端导致经济欠发达地区法院经费困难,而《诉讼费用交纳办法》的实施势必造成作为弥补法院经费不足重要补充的诉讼费收入大幅度减少,由此可能致使法院经费愈发捉襟见肘、雪上加霜。同时,这种严重依赖地方财政的法院经费保障体制也是造成法院难以真正独立行使审判权的最主要体制性缺陷之一。改革现行法院经费保障体制,构建符合我国国情的司法预算制度是当前司法体制改革的当务之急。  相似文献   

Developing special education programs that confer a free appropriate public education (FAPE) for students with disabilities has been a challenge for local education agencies since the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) was first passed in 1975. Developing a FAPE has been particularly challenging when students require assistive technology (AT) services or devices to meet their unique educational needs. In this article, we consider how students' individualized education program (IEP) planning teams have met this challenge by examining administrative and judicial rulings on the use of AT services and devices by students' with disabilities. Specifically, we first examine rulings from 2005 to the first half of 2013 regarding the IDEA, FAPE, and AT. Second, we explore how courts have interpreted the AT obligations of educational agencies with a focus on cases in which parents were the prevailing party. Primary reasons for school district losses in these cases include failing to: (a) provide AT assessments (b) address AT needs, (c) provide the AT devices or services specified in a student's IEP, (d) properly implement AT services. We end by discussing the implications of these court decisions for school districts use of AT services and devices with students in special education.  相似文献   

We present a review of an after-school program that has been running at Queensborough Community College of the City University of New York for the past 5 years. The program is unique among after-school activities for high school students in several ways. First, it deliberately focuses on students who do not excel in science and math courses and students who are unsure about a college career. Second, it targets typically underrepresented minorities in the technology fields, namely blacks, Hispanics, and women. Third, it introduces these students to high-tech career options which do not require 4 years of college. The goal of the program is to make the students aware of technician-level careers and to give them a chance to learn the skills needed for such careers in order to help them make an informed decision about their future.  相似文献   

民事判决书作为法院在民事审判中具有法律效力的书面意见,关系着审判活动的公平、正义和公开,是司法过程中不可缺少的组成部分。民事判决书改革要坚持制度革新和技术改良,推动人民法院独立行使审判权,建立判例参考制度,完善判决书审批,公开审判全流程,全面反映当事人举证质证过程,增强说理性,提高民事判决书制作质量和充分发挥民事判决书的功能,以促进司法公正。  相似文献   

除涉及解除婚姻关系的判决外,国外法院的生效判决在我国得到承认和支持的前提是该国与我国有共同参加或缔结的条约,或者两国之间存在互惠关系。然而在境外司法实践中,如美国、德国法院对中国法院生效判决的承认与执行,并不完全以条约或“互惠原则”为前提。因此,我国法院在处理这类问题时应借鉴国外的做法,针对具体情况合理把握。  相似文献   

我国现行审判体制的制度基础是人民代表大会制度,理论依据是人民主权和马克思主义经典作家的国家学说。在现行体制下,省以下地方法院更多地属于地方政权机关,而不是中央审判系统。要实现地方法院人财物统管,长效的办法是修改宪法等法律,将地方审判系统从地方人大脱离出来、收归中央,同时实行不同职能的法院分设。过渡性办法可以形成省以下地方法院统一的人员推荐方法和财政预算方案,交各地方人大通过。  相似文献   

Since the Slate University of New York (SUNY) College at Fredonia revised its general education program seven years ago, all students have been required to take courses in international or cross-cultural subjects. Under the same program, faculty now connect introductory courses with other disciplines, teach the history of subjects, and discuss biases, values, and contradictory views. Minda Rae Amiran, dean for liberal and continuing education, describes the program designed at her institution.  相似文献   

日本通过司法改革,建立了新的知识产权诉讼制度,目的是提高知识产权纠纷解决效率、更好地保护知识产权法律关系,以充分体现和落实知识产权立国理念。日本的知识产权诉讼在很多方面有自己的特点,比如建立了知识产权法院、专家参加案件的审理、法官可以对专利无效的抗辩进行审理、注重商业秘密的保护等。日本知识产权民事诉讼制度对中国完善知识产权诉讼制度的探讨具有启发意义。中国应借鉴日本经验建立知识产权上诉法院,保障知识产权专家参与案件审理,在知识产权侵权诉讼中引入无效抗辩制度。  相似文献   

This article reviews the history of private school choice, from the colonial era to 2012. Taking as its approach an examination of program creation, prominent school choice court cases, and school choice research, the article finds that the evolution of choice has been an iterative process in which legislatures and courts have established constitutionally acceptable structures and procedures of choice. This review also finds that proponents’ philosophical and theoretical underpinnings for choice have appeared to shift over time from the position of freedom to economic arguments of educational marketplaces, competitive effects, and increased student achievement.  相似文献   

Discussions of workforce development emphasize stackable training, and assume linear advancement and alignment, through college and career paths. Stackable credentials have become a best practice for community colleges across the United States as they struggle to advance the college completion agenda and ensure that students graduate with the skills needed to find gainful employment. This study examined the concept of stackability in culinary arts at Kingsborough Community College in Brooklyn, New York. It compared employment and education opportunities for students enrolled in short-term training to those of students enrolled in an associate degree program. Its goal was to explore gaps between employer demand for trained workers and long-term investments in education. The study also aimed to suggest ways in which we can meaningfully support students in their pursuit of degrees, even as they seek employment in a high-growth sector for which education, experience, and job titles are often an imprecise match.  相似文献   

我国民诉法关于审前准备程序的规定,无论在诉讼理论上和实践中均存在许多弊端,因而在以“强化庭审功能,实现司法公正”为目标的民事审判方式改革中,许多地方采取了“一步到庭”的作法,但其效果却事与愿违。实现司法公正的目标不在于取消审前准备程序,而是应该借鉴国外成功经验,结合我国实际情况,构建法官和当事人良性互动的审前准备程序。  相似文献   

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