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Since the 1930s, the Library Bill of Rights has acknowledged the ethical responsibility of librarians to provide access to information in all formats to all people. Librarians are charged with selecting, organizing, and instructing patrons on how to locate and use the resources, and preserving information regardless of format or technology. The information revolution and the pervasive thinking that everything is available on the Web have created new challenges to these traditional professional ethics. Acquiring and providing dependable access to electronic resources require librarians to learn and apply new skills such as negotiating license agreements and understanding evolving technologies. Print publications provide a degree of permanence, but e-information, if it is not properly managed, can be highly transient. Internet services provide large, uncontrolled, unregulated collection of resources. If the very nature of the Internet makes it nearly if not completely impossible to evaluate the content of web-sites, how does the librarian protect the integrity of the information the library provides? Along with traditional ethical conflicts, librarians in the virtual library are faced with new challenges to provide equitable access to usefully organized resources, to address petitions to deselect or filter, to negotiate less-restrictive licensing policies, and to maintain the anonymity of individual users within electronic transactions.  相似文献   

Since the 1930s, the Library Bill of Rights has acknowledged the ethical responsibility of librarians to provide access to information in all formats to all people. Librarians are charged with selecting, organizing, and instructing patrons on how to locate and use the resources, and preserving information regardless of format or technology. The information revolution and the pervasive thinking that everything is available on the Web have created new challenges to these traditional professional ethics. Acquiring and providing dependable access to electronic resources require librarians to learn and apply new skills such as negotiating license agreements and understanding evolving technologies. Print publications provide a degree of permanence, but e-information, if it is not properly managed, can be highly transient. Internet services provide large, uncontrolled, unregulated collection of resources. If the very nature of the Internet makes it nearly if not completely impossible to evaluate the content of web-sites, how does the librarian protect the integrity of the information the library provides? Along with traditional ethical conflicts, librarians in the virtual library are faced with new challenges to provide equitable access to usefully organized resources, to address petitions to deselect or filter, to negotiate less-restrictive licensing policies, and to maintain the anonymity of individual users within electronic transactions.  相似文献   

毛维娜  付宏  孙若丹 《情报工程》2017,3(6):034-043
为提升我国众创空间整体的发展质量和水平,进一步调动各类创新主体的积极性和创造性,国家从战略层面引导众创空间引入在创新创业方面具有引导和示范作用的龙头骨干企业。本文针对龙头骨干企业参与众创空间建设水平的能力进行研究,首先通过专家访谈、实际调研等方式,确定影响龙头骨干企业参与众创空间建设水平的基本要素和指标,然后根据该指标,以及龙头骨干企业参与众创空间建设的复杂性以及动态性,将模糊理论及德尔菲方法引入到层次分析法中,建立模糊德尔菲层析分析模型,利用该模型研究龙头骨干企业参与众创空间建设的水平。通过该模型,可以清晰的看到影响龙头骨干企业参与众创空间建设能力的主要因素,以及影响该因素的关键指标,使龙头骨干企业参与众创空间建设水平的评估过程变得直观简单,为龙头骨干企业参与众创空间建设提供理论依据和建议,最后利用该模型评估北京、上海两地太库参与众创空间的建设水平。  相似文献   

图书馆员的职业素养是衡量图书馆服务成效的关键要素。文章在剖析图书馆员生存危机的现状与特点的基础上,重点分析了图书馆员出现生存危机的成因,并提出解决生存危机的对策。  相似文献   

馆员沉默现象在图书馆界广泛存在,它影响了馆员的身心健康,影响了图书馆工作的开展。必须采取多种措施减少图书馆的沉默现象,为图书馆的发展献计献策。主要措施有:培养图书馆员热爱图书馆事业、加强馆员的培训工作、建立相关制度,保障图书馆信息渠道畅通、馆长重视图书馆员的建议、扩大图书馆管理的开放性、培养图书馆的信任文化氛围等等。  相似文献   

经济新常态背景下,地方高校面临生源紧缺、就业形势更加严峻等一系列挑战,同时也面临高等教育综合 改革的新机遇,地方高校要主动适应新形势,把握机遇,科学谋划,拓展办学思路,提升事业发展能力。文章以天津 农学院为例,从内部协同到外部协同,对地方高校推进协同创新、协同育人、加快事业发展路径进行探讨,指出地方高 校要勇于开放、整合多方资源;优化管理机制,提升管理档次与水平;政府有限介入,做好各创新主体的服务配套工 作;培育协同文化,营造合作共赢氛围。  相似文献   

王爽娟 《编辑学报》2015,27(1):41-43
数字化出版模式下,科技期刊运作中会出现一些新的问题,如论文数字版版权的授权与转让、编辑伦理学上的新问题、论文电子模板的细化、稿件在线管理系统的操作说明等.这些问题均促使编辑部在《稿约》中做出及时的内容修订.例如:在《稿约》的在线版中设立必要链接,为论文撰写提供更为便捷的服务;加大对编辑出版伦理相关问题的强调力度;补写关于稿件在线管理系统操作的说明;简要说明在线稿件同行评议制度程序;进一步明确数字版版权的相关问题;等等.编辑部只有适时地做好《稿约》内容上的修订,才能更好地适应数字化出版的要求,同时,借助新技术提高期刊的传播力和影响力.  相似文献   

公共图书馆在构建和谐社会中的作用   总被引:65,自引:17,他引:65  
吴慰慈 《图书馆》2006,(1):1-2,10
文章论述了公共图书馆的性质和作用。强调在建设社会主义和谐社会中,公共图书馆必将起到缓解社会矛盾、缩小社会差距,维护信息公平、保障公民权利,活跃文化生活、提高教育水平,弥补数字鸿沟、推动和谐发展的作用。指出公共图书馆的一些新理念,如维护信息公平,保障公民权利等,是进入新世纪后才提出并逐渐认识的。要加强对这些新理念的宣传和研究,原有的一些教科书显得陈旧,有必要重写。公共图书馆是图书馆体系中的重要类型,要加强公共图书馆研究。  相似文献   

目前,高校图书馆的图书缺藏现象普遍存在,文章指出了造成这一现象的五个主要原因,提出高校图书馆应合理增加购书经费;与书商建立有效合作制度;完善图书借阅制度,提高图书馆员的职业素养;建立“摇篮书屋”、“爱心书屋”等特色书屋;制定科学、稳定的图书采访政策和选书标准;杜绝盗版歪风,提倡正版善本等补缺策略.  相似文献   

Data are becoming an essential product of scholarship, complementing the roles of journal articles, papers, and books. Research data can be reused to ask new questions, to replicate studies, and to verify research findings. Data become even more valuable when linked to publications and other related resources to form a value chain. Types and uses of data vary widely between disciplines, as do the online availability of publications and the incentives of scholars to publish their data. Publishers, scholars, and librarians each have roles to play in constructing a new scholarly information infrastructure for e‐research. Technical, policy, and institutional components are maturing; the next steps are to integrate them into a coherent whole. Achieving a critical mass of datasets in public repositories, with links to and from publisher databases, is the most promising solution to maintaining and sustaining the scholarly record in digital form.  相似文献   

王雁  苟莉  刘丹  杜亮  胡川 《编辑学报》2018,30(2):171-173
总结《中国修复重建外科杂志》近年工作中发现的疑似代写代投来稿的典型现象,并结合技术手段甄别代写代投来稿。提出在杂志层面可以升级在线采编系统拦截软件代投、初审阶段通过技术手段筛查、稿件编辑阶段通过请作者提供原始数据及图片、建立更完善的服务流程等方式,尽量防范代写代投来稿,从而降低刊文风险,减少人力、财力、物力损失,提高工作效率,努力建立一种纯净的学术环境。  相似文献   


Scholars working in the fields of medieval history and cultural history have recognized that understanding the cataloging and accessioning of books is central to understanding the transmission of ideas. This view should come as no surprise to catalogers themselves, who daily struggle with the problem of providing intellectual, and sometimes physical, access to texts and information. Unfortunately, general histories of libraries and even the library literature seem content to sketch out a chronological development of cataloging in line with the nineteenth and twentieth century view of library development, from a simple list to complex intellectual systems. In truth, however, those individuals responsible for cataloging books in medieval libraries faced many of the same challenges as catalogers today: how to organize information, how to serve local needs, and how to provide access to individual works within larger bibliographic formats. This article will summarize recent scholarship in the history of the book that relates to library cataloging, as well as providing parallels to the cooperative library environment of today.  相似文献   

互联网思维下图书馆服务变革探讨   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
冯国权 《图书情报工作》2015,59(2):25-30,16
[目的/意义]互联网颠覆了物质世界的思维基础,引发的改变是观念,对图书馆服务的思考必须转变为互联网思维这一重要思考方式。[方法/过程]梳理互联网思维产生的背景、概念,总结互联网思维特征,论述其对图书馆服务的意义及其对图书馆服务的影响。提出改变观念,深度解读用户;免费开放,促进信息公平;以数字化形式,实现用户的普遍获取;以信息专家的角色,嵌入用户过程;借力新媒体,提供方便、快捷的服务等图书馆服务理念。[结果/结论]应从变革思维、与虚拟空间相连接、营销推广图书馆服务、发挥技术驱动作用4个方面拓展图书馆服务的互联网思维。以数字化、网络为基础,围绕用户需求,把用户体验做到极致,以期推动图书馆服务创新发展。  相似文献   

现代信息技术的应用促进档案信息化建设快速发展,档案所固有的社会记忆功能得以充分发挥,并推动了社会记忆的数字化进程,从而不可避免地与被遗忘权产生冲突。起源和发展于欧陆地区的被遗忘权,旨在擦除过时、失真的个人信息,用以回应数字化记忆带来的遗忘难题,但鉴于被遗忘权对档案事业的潜在影响,该项权利的推展受到了欧洲档案界的冷遇。从中国实际出发,我国引入被遗忘权具有现实可能性,而调和档案事业与被遗忘权之间的张力,需要运用利益衡量的方法,并根据衡量结果将档案事业区分为保管和利用两个层次,档案保管应超然于被遗忘权的行使,档案利用可以有限制地适用被遗忘权,从而就档案信息所关联的社会历史进行智慧记忆和遗忘。  相似文献   

因《政府信息公开条例》未明确给定不予公开的个人信息、商业秘密与国家秘密范畴,致使权利边界模糊不清,信息公开工作人员审查、公开信息过程中,隐私权与知情权、信息获取权与国家秘密、商业秘密权发生冲突。研究认为,冲突的解决方式是重新厘定不予公开的隐私信息、商业秘密、国家秘密范畴;建立严格、合理的保密审查机制及法律问责机制;修订《保秘法》;出台《隐私权法》与《商业秘密法》。  相似文献   

Facing economic pressure, social tensions, global competition and low public confidence, governments can no longer afford to address increasingly complex and interdependent public goals alone or step back and rely on the markets. Instead, they have to work through networks of state and non-state actors to organize existing resources, knowledge and capabilities in the pursuit of public goals. The new paradigm increasingly relies on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to connect actors to the network and to build, manage and sustain relationships between them. We refer to such ICT-enabled networks as Government Information Networks. This article serves as an introduction to the current issue of Government Information Quarterly on Government Information Networks. The issue comprises twelve cases of such networks selected from the papers submitted to the 5th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance, ICEGOV2010, held in Beijing, China, October 2010. The article also presents a conceptual framework for public administration networks, and applies the framework to describe, analyze and compare the cases, thus relating the volume to the Public Administration literature.  相似文献   

陈辉 《出版科学》2011,19(6):104-105
中医作为中国非物质文化遗产,代代传承,不仅造福了医者病患,还极大地丰富了中国博大精深的文化。正确认识与了解中医药学的真谛,致力于中医药图书出版事业,为中医药的传承与发展做贡献是出版人责无旁贷的义务与使命。  相似文献   

文章分析推荐系统的现状和存在问题,引入关注动态变化、发现隐性关联和弱信号的机会发现理论,依次从收集用户信息、掌握用户兴趣变化和匹配资源方面,探讨机会发现理论对推荐系统的改进。通过改进兴趣模型、建立自适应推荐模块、提供集成推荐等措施,提升推荐系统效率。  相似文献   

刘旭光  张蕾 《档案学研究》2022,36(2):142-148
民国时期,中国涌现出了一批极具代表性的档案学者,如王国维、甘乃光、毛坤等。他们是中国档案学的燃灯者和传灯者,是值得后人尊敬和效仿的档案先生。研究中国档案学创立者们的档案实践与思想,对系统深入地了解民国时期的档案学思想、厘清中国档案事业史和档案学术史的发展脉络、增加档案学专业的厚度与分量,具有重要理论意义,也能给后辈档案工作者带来深切的工作启发与治学启迪。他们的思想和著作值得后人向他们致敬。  相似文献   

The population explosion has evoked public interest and concern on the part of demographers. Consideration has been given to a variety of measures designed to curb the growth of population. The book explosion, also menacing, does not seem to have evoked analogous anxiety, and bibliographers, in contrast to demographers, prefer to adapt to the multiplication of books rather than to try to curb it. The intent of this paper is to explore the bibliographic analogies to several of the more popular devices designed to curb population increase. It is concluded that an effective restraint upon the writing and publishing of ever increasing numbers of books has yet to be discovered.  相似文献   

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