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根据在网络教学中对远程学员进行辅导、答疑的实践,探讨了目前虚拟学习社区实践中面临的问题,提出了利用虚拟学习社区促进成人学习者学习的组织策略。主要从成人学习者使用虚拟学习社区的必要性分析、虚拟学习社区实践中的问题及对策、虚拟学习社区成员组织策略几个部分展开论述。  相似文献   

根据在网络教学中对远程学员进行辅导、答疑的实践,探讨了目前虚拟学习社区实践中面临的问题.提出了利用虚拟学习社区促进成人学习者学习的组织策略。主要从成人学习者使用虚拟学习社区的必要性分析、虚拟学习社区实践中的问题及对策、虚拟学习社区成员组织策略几个部分展开论述。  相似文献   

随着中国内地中小学校园网设施的完善和虚拟学习社区研究的深入,在中小学校园网基础上建立虚拟学习社区成为了校园网研究和应用的热点之一。为了使虚拟学习社区适应中小学的组织特征和教学特点,本文通过分析中小学组织结构特征、多种社区工具及信息流的特点,提出了面向多组织空间的中小学学习社区解决方案,设计和开发了PRIME中小学学习社区平台;基于该平台4年多的实践应用,通过数据分析和典型案例分析,总结和验证了多种应用模式及其有效性。该研究的设计方案和应用模式对中小学学习社区的建设和应用研究具有参考价值和启示作用。  相似文献   

分布式认知理论是认知科学的一个新分支,改变了传统的把认知看做局部现象的认知观,更多强调包括所有参与认知事物的新的分析单元。透过分布式认知的视角,对虚拟学习社区这个复杂开放的网络学习系统进行分析,从整个分析单元中去探讨教学参与主体、网络教学环境以及教学媒体之间的相互关系。旨在通过分析探讨,为新型虚拟学习社区的建设提供一定的参考价值,促进虚拟学习社区的完善发展。  相似文献   

虚拟学习社区中学习者特征的分析研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着网络技术和信息通信技术的发展,虚拟学习社区已经成为教育技术界和远程教育界研究的热点之一。对虚拟学习社区中的学习者特征的分析研究有助于提高学习者的学习效果和社区的建设水平,因此对学习者特征进行研究显得十分必要。本文以新浪UC聊天社区为例,从起点水平特征、心理特征、行为特征和社区关系特征四个维度对虚拟学习社区中学习者特征进行了分析,并就如何促进虚拟学习社区中学习者知识建构提出解决策略。  相似文献   

虚拟学习社区已成为学习者网上学习的主要场所,构建成功的虚拟学习社区,需要考虑其组织性、目的性和规范性;持续有效的交流是维持虚拟学习社区活跃性的关键。“很少有人能讲清楚如何构建成功的虚拟学习社区,虽然可以利用技术建立类似真实世界的社区,但却不知如何有效组织社区成员的社会性交互,成员充满孤独寂寞的情绪,缺少活力与激情。”  相似文献   

基于网络虚拟团队的成人项目学习模式的绩效研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章首先就虚拟团队和项目学习的定义与特点进行了简要综述,随后就如何构建基于网络虚拟团队的成人项目学习模式提出了建议和看法.文章的重点是应用SPSS的T检验和逐步回归方法对基于网络虚拟团队的成人项目学习模式的学习绩效进行实证研究.研究结果表明,网络教学已经成为继传统课堂教学之后的另一重要教学媒介,网络虚拟团队的运行效率随时间延续而不断提高,网校学习、社区讨论、知识共享等六大因素是影响基于网络虚拟团队的成人项目学习模式的学习绩效的主要因素.  相似文献   

虽然我们在创建教师网络学习社区时往往是以被组织的方式,但教师网络学习社区作为网络虚拟社区的一种类型,具有自组织的特征.应用自组织和被组织的相关理论探索教师网络学习社区的建设规律,有助于我们认清问题实质,更好地指导教师网络学习.  相似文献   

虚拟学习社区是辅助课堂学习的一种新型的网络组织形式,本文以高中信息技术基础课为例,融合新课程标准的要求,提出利用虚拟学习社区优化高中信息技术教学的构思,设计出基于Moodle构建虚拟学习社区的策略,并总结所取得的教学效果。  相似文献   

中外社会性外语学习网站和虚拟外语学习社区已经成为推动外语学习的重要力量。通过调查.了解中美具有代表性的虚拟外语学习社区的发展现状,从成员构成、交互方式、资源建设、激励机制几方面进行对比.提出我国虚拟外语学习社区建设需要多样化的学习平台和资源整合。  相似文献   


This study investigates whether differences in learning styles exist between students in online and face-to-face (FTF) sections of political science courses taught by three instructors. Some studies suggest that student preferences regarding online or FTF formats are influenced by their preferred modes of learning. Independent learners, for example, may prefer online courses since they provide individualistic opportunities to study outside of the traditional classroom. This study uses original survey data to assign students one of six learning styles in order to assess whether independent learners are more common in online courses. Our analysis finds no significant differences in independent learners when comparing the two formats. This finding runs counter to studies that argue that independent learners tend to prefer online courses. In fact, the only learning style where we observe a meaningful difference among online and FTF formats is among dependent learners. Contrary to expectation, students enrolled in online versions demonstrated a greater tendency toward dependent modes of learning. Further survey responses suggest that student lifestyle drove course format selection rather than learning style. These findings have important implications for universities that increasingly turn to online courses to address decreasing enrollments and attempt to remedy the high attrition rates associated with those courses.  相似文献   

在线公选课程参与学生数多、涉及面广,在人才培养中发挥了重要作用,但在线课程教学过程中教师和学生时空分离使得教师及管理人员无法直接观察学生的学习状况。解决这一问题的有效途径之一是通过采集和分析学生的在线学习数据,利用数据驱动方法实现在线课程教学评价与管理。本文利用某在线课程平台的学生学习实际数据进行了实证研究,结果表明学生对不同类别在线公选课程的偏好程度差异较大,学生在线公选课程的成绩分布明显偏离正态分布,在线公选课程的考核有效性有待提升,以进一步提高在线课程教学效果。  相似文献   

Online learning has become more popular in higher education with its advantages of flexibility and accessibility. However, there have been challenges to students’ learning experience in online learning. One critical challenge would be providing interactions between students and instructors as good or effective as in the face‐to‐face environment. However, providing face‐to‐face interactions in online learning is not feasible because students and instructors are not physically present together. In this study, we introduce and empirically investigate social presence as student learning experience in online learning in which physical presence does not exist. Drawing upon the social presence and online learning literature, we propose a research model to explore how the interactivity of communication tools can drive social presence and student satisfaction in online learning. Furthermore, this study examines gender difference as a moderator in the model. Data were collected from undergraduate students who were taking online business statistics courses where an interactive communication tool was required to use for class communication and collaboration. The results showed that social presence driven by tool interactivity had a significant impact on student satisfaction in online learning. We also found that gender difference moderated the relationship between tool interactivity and social presence in online learning.  相似文献   

"互联网+"时代,在线课程平台已经成为大学生课下自学的重要平台,但在线课程也正面临着高辍学率等问题。为了研究大学生在线课程的持续学习行为,本文基于期望确认理论从平台和用户双重视角构建研究模型。通过调查问卷收集数据,利用SPSS和Smart PLS进行统计分析和假设检验。研究结果表明:学习氛围、课程质量和教学质量以及自控能力显著影响用户的持续学习行为,而期望确认通过感知有用性影响学生的持续学习行为。研究结果对于提高大学生课下在线课程持续学习行为具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Since there is a real possibility that online courses will become the dominant informational platforms of the future universities need to address a range of issues from design and quality through to ethics and economics to ensure that the all-round investment required reaps positive outcomes. This paper addresses some of the issues that have confronted teachers and students engaged in online teaching and learning in eastern and western contexts. This paper concludes that Asian students are not necessarily poor online learners, as has often been suggested, but that they are alert to the importance, and real advantages, of personal interaction in the learning process. For this reason it is suggested that integrated hybrid virtual and classroom courses might prove more effective and elicit more positive responses from such students than courses that are conducted entirely online.  相似文献   

Increased enrollment in online programs and courses has prompted a plethora of research on instructional strategies that impact online students’ learning. Most of these strategies came from instructors, and others were solicited from students. While the literature notes that students who have more university experience tend to provide more substantive responses when solicited, there seems to be limited representation of online master’s students’ preferences on what instructional strategies work for them. There is paucity in the literature on how these preferred instructional strategies inform existing theoretical and practical frameworks that could impact online learning performance. This article discusses the Top Ten Instructional Strategies preferred by master’s students who responded to a dissertation survey question - What specific things would you like your online instructors do to help you learn successfully? - and relates these strategies to the Seven Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate Education and the Quality Matters Rubric.  相似文献   

Educators in large-scale online courses tend to lack the necessary resources to generate and provide adequate feedback for all students, especially when students’ learning outcomes are evaluated through student writing. As a result, students welcome peer feedback and sometimes generate self-feedback to widen their perspectives and obtain feedback, but often lack the support to do so. This study, as part of a larger project, sought to address this prevalent problem in large-scale courses by allowing students to write essays as an expression of their opinions and response to others, conduct peer and self-evaluation, using provided rubric and Artificial Intelligence (AI)-enabled evaluation to aid the giving and receiving of feedback. A total of 605 undergraduate students were part of a large-scale online course and contributed over 2500 short essays during a semester. The research design uses a mixed-methods approach, consisting qualitative measures used during essay coding, and quantitative methods from the application of machine learning algorithms. With limited instructors and resources, students first use instructor-developed rubric to conduct peer and self-assessment, while instructors qualitatively code a subset of essays that are used as inputs for training a machine learning model, which is subsequently used to provide automated scores and an accuracy rate for the remaining essays. With AI-enabled evaluation, the provision of feedback can become a sustainable process with students receiving and using meaningful feedback for their work, entailing shared responsibility from teachers and students, and becoming more effective.  相似文献   

As institutions are moving towards offering more online and distance education courses, scholars have reported that instructors may have difficulty developing learning communities among students enrolled in these courses (DiRamio and Wolverton 2006). The purpose of this study was to examine the differences in students’ perceptions of a learning community when enrolled in an online or on-campus introduction to counseling course. Participants were beginning graduate and advanced undergraduate students interested in pursuing a higher education degree in counseling. Results indicated no significant difference in students’ perceptions of learning communities based on course format.  相似文献   


Postsecondary students increasingly enroll in online courses, which have the potential to further democratize higher education by expanding access for historically underserved populations. While a number of studies have investigated student outcomes in online courses, past data limitations have hindered robust examination of a potential mechanism underlying the decision to enroll in an online course: access to high speed broadband. With data from the National Broadband Map and IPEDS, I fit a number of Bayesian regression models to investigate the relationship between various measures of broadband access—download speed, upload speed, and the number of providers—and the number of students who take online courses at public colleges and universities with open admissions policies. Results show that increases in broadband speed at the lower end of the speed spectrum are positively associated with the number of students who take some of their courses online, but that the marginal gain diminishes as speeds increase. This finding suggests that there may be a minimum threshold of necessary broadband access, beyond which increases in speed become a less important factor in the take up of online coursework. Open admissions colleges seeking to improve access for local students through increased online course offerings should consider broadband access in the area, particularly if the targeted populations live in communities with low average broadband speeds.


Supplemental Instruction (SI) is a well-recognized model of academic assistance with a history of empirical evidence demonstrating increases in student grades and decreases in failure rates across many higher education institutions. However, as college students become more accustomed to learning in online venues, what is not known is whether an SI program offered online could benefit students similarly to SI sessions that occur in face-to-face settings. The in-person (traditional) SI program at California State University San Marcos has demonstrated increases in grades and lower fail rates for courses being supported in science and math. Students enrolled in four biology courses who participated in online SI received increases in academic performance similar to the students in the courses who attended traditional SI. Both the online and traditional SI participating students had higher course grades and lower fail rates as compared to students who did not participate in either form of SI. Self-selection, as measured by past cumulative college grade point average, did not differ between students who attended either form of SI or who did not attend. Student perceptions of online SI were generally positive and appeared to offer an alternative path to receive this valuable academic assistance for some students. Overall, results are promising that the highly effective traditional model can be translated to an online environment.  相似文献   

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