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对第16届女篮世锦赛中国队在比赛中的表现进行分析,认为其失利的原因是在赛场上内外结合不好、掩护质量低劣、体能低下、新老交替断档、教练员临场指挥应变乏术等。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to analyse the effect of players’ dismissals on the outcome of attacks in elite futsal matches, and to establish the performance profile of the attacks made in numerical superiority by elite futsal teams. One hundred and twenty five attacking game situations in numerical superiority (dismissal of opponents from defensive team) were analysed from the regular season of the Spanish professional Futsal League. The effect of contextual-related variables (quality of opposition, match-location, match-periods, opponent team’s fouls, match-status, attack-duration and match-type) on goal effectiveness was analysed using binomial logistic regression and two-step cluster analysis. Results from the binary logistic regression showed that the highest attack effectiveness was achieved when the teams play at home, perform the attack during minutes 33–36 and the opposing team has 3 fouls. Secondly, the two-step cluster analysis technique allowed identifying four types of attacks when the teams were playing with numerical superiority. The results showed the great importance (in order) of match-type, match-status, attacking team’s fouls, match-period, quality of opposition, opposing team’s fouls, match-location, goal situation, and attack duration. The identified trends may help coaches to design the superiority/inferiority scenarios more specifically during training and to monitor them during competition.  相似文献   


The aim of the present study was to identify the game-related statistics that discriminate between season-long successful and unsuccessful basketball teams participating in the Spanish Basketball League (LEB1). The sample included all 145 average records per season from the 870 games played between the 2000–2001 and the 2005–2006 regular seasons. The following game-related statistics were gathered from the official box scores of the Spanish Basketball Federation: 2- and 3-point field-goal attempts (both successful and unsuccessful), free-throws (both successful and unsuccessful), defensive and offensive rebounds, assists, steals, turnovers, blocks (both made and received), and fouls (both committed and received). To control for season variability, all results were normalized to minutes played each season and then converted to z-scores. The results allowed discrimination between best and worst teams’ performances through the following game-related statistics: assists (SC=0.47), steals (SC=0.34), and blocks (SC=0.30). The function obtained correctly classified 82.4% of the cases. In conclusion, season-long performance may be supported by players’ and teams’ passing skills and defensive preparation.  相似文献   

中外高水平男子篮球队不同区域犯规的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在现代篮球比赛中,不同区域的犯规可以反映出不同区域对抗的激烈程度,也可以反映出各队不同的防守重点、趋向和防守理念。通过对第15届世界男篮锦标赛临场裁判在各区判罚犯规次数的统计和分析,研究不同区域犯规中外男子篮球队存在的差异。结果显示,中国队在一区犯规中,拉人犯规、阻挡犯规、撞人犯规和防无球队员犯规与比赛队存在显著性差异;在二区中,非法用手犯规与比赛队有非常显著性差异,在其他区域犯规中均没有显著性差异。  相似文献   

第29 届奥运会中国男篮与对手攻防技术比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过第29届奥运会中国男篮和对手所有比赛的技术统计,对中国男蓝与对手攻防技术进行了对比研究,在防守方面,在封盖和犯规方面稍占优势,在失分和抢断方面和对手存在显著差异.在进攻方面,进攻篮板球、助攻以及失误和对手差距不大,罚球命中率占有优势,在2分球出手次数、命中次数、以及2分球和3分球命中率方面和对手存在显著性差异.  相似文献   

中国国家男子篮球队技术指标与比赛成绩的相关分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过文献调研、数理统计等方法计算第15届世界男子篮球锦标赛8强球队比赛名次和各项技术统计的相关系数,各指标对比赛名次影响的重要程度依次是:场均罚球次数、罚球得分、抢断、失误、犯规、2分球命中率、场均得分、3分球命中率、3分得分、2分球投篮次数,2分占总分比例、3分占总分比例;中国队的优势指标:罚球命中率、盖帽、罚球得分、场均得分,但这些指标与比赛名次呈低度相关。中国队的劣势指标:抢断、失误、犯规,这些指标对比赛名次呈高度相关,是制约中国队走向世界强队的关键因素。  相似文献   


The aim of the present study was to identify the importance of basketball performance indicators in predicting the effectiveness of ball possessions in men's and women's basketball, when controlling for situational variables and game periods. The sample consisted of 7234 ball possessions, corresponding to 40 games from the Spanish professional leagues. The effects of the predictor variables on successful ball possessions according to game period were analysed using binary logistic regressions. Results from men's teams show interactions with number of passes and ending player during the first five minutes, with starting and ending zone, defensive systems, screens used and possession duration during the middle thirty minutes, and there were interactions with passes used, possession duration and players involved during the last five minutes. Results from women's teams show interactions with starting and ending zone, passes used, defensive systems and ending player during the first five minutes, and with starting and ending zone, and screens used during the middle thirty minutes. The results show no interaction with situational variables in men's basketball, while league stage was important during the middle thirty minutes and last five minutes in women's basketball, whereas match status was only important during the last five minutes.  相似文献   

通过观看代表我国高校篮球最高水平的全国大学生篮球联赛(CUBA)的多场比赛录像以及查看CUBA历年的技术统计,发现我国高校篮球队的体能水平是不容乐观的。在比赛中两支球队在篮下的对抗场面较少,进攻节奏较慢,整场比赛的比分较低,尤其是在比赛的最后阶段,由于球员们体能的严重下降,而使得有些球员技术动作开始变形,投篮命中率开始下降,全队及个人的失误开始增多,大大降低了比赛的观赏性。因此说体能水平的不足已经成为我国高校篮球运动向高水平发展的一块绊脚石。初步探索了适合我国高校篮球队体能训练的方法,希望能够为今后我国高校篮球队的体能训练提供理论上的依据。  相似文献   

通过第15届世界男子篮球锦标赛中、外男子篮球队在犯规特征方面的比较,反映出中国队在犯规次数上主要集中在主力运动员身上,而国外球队的犯规次数却集中在替补运动员身上。在犯规时间上,中国队运动员犯规的高峰期主要在第3、4节,而国外球队运动员犯规的高峰期则出现在第1、2节。在犯规地点上,国外球队运动员有明显向全场扩大的趋势,而中国队运动员犯规的密集区却集中在篮下周围区域。在犯规性质上,国外球队主要体现在阻挡犯规和推人犯规方面,中国队主要体现在拉人和撞人犯规上。4项指标的对比,均存在着较大的差异。  相似文献   

中国男篮自姚明退役后逐步跌入低谷。这期间,阿联实际处于核心地位。阿联是一个优秀的大前锋,但是,由于总是把阿联放在中锋的位置,因而整体战绩并不理想。宫鲁鸣执掌中国男篮帅印后,包括阿联、王治郅在内等一批主力队员离开国家队,同时全部启用年轻队员,中国男篮进入“去核时代”。体育运动发展需要老中青相结合。“去核化”战略是违背篮球运动发展规律的。  相似文献   


The purpose of the present study was to identify which game-related statistics discriminate winning and losing teams in men’s and women’s elite wheelchair basketball. The sample comprised all the games played during the Beijing Paralympics 2008 and the World Wheelchair Basketball Championship 2010. The game-related statistics from the official box scores were gathered and data were analysed in 2 groups: balanced games (final score differences ≤12 points) and unbalanced games (final score differences >13 points). Discriminant analysis allowed identifying the successful 2-point field-goals and free-throws, the unsuccessful 3-point field-goals and free-throws, the assists and fouls received as discriminant statistics between winning and losing teams in men’s balanced games. In women’s games, the teams were discriminated only by the successful 2-point field-goals. Linear regression analysis showed that the quality of opposition had great effects in final point differential. The field-goals percentage and free-throws rate were the most important factors in men’s games, and field-goals percentage and offensive rebounding percentage in women’s games. The identified trends allow improving game understanding and helping wheelchair basketball coaches to plan accurate practice sessions and, ultimately, deciding better in competition.  相似文献   

在当今激烈的篮球比赛中,重进攻、轻防守,特别是对无球队员的防守,没有引起足够的重视。防守能力的强弱直接影响全队的成败,尤其是对无球队员的防守能力,它是衡量一个篮球运动员防守能力高低的重要标志。文章运用文献资料研究法、观察法,对防守无球队员必须掌握的基本方法、学会在比赛中运用、注重与同伴之间的协防配合进行了分析研究,以便引起篮球界人士的重视。  相似文献   

CBA2016-2017赛季常规赛已经结束,通过数据分析法、逻辑分析法等对20支队伍在常规赛38轮的比赛数据(如攻防效率、主场优势、与季后赛队伍和非季后赛队伍比赛的差异、每节净胜分、逆转能力)进行统计分析。针对中国男篮在攻防效率,球队队员的心理承受能力及外援的引进等方面提出发展对策,旨在为CBA及中国男篮的发展提供理论参考。  相似文献   


The home advantage effect was investigated at a team and player level in Union of European Football Associations (UEFA) Champions League football using in-depth performance and disciplinary variables. Performance analysis revealed that the home team scored more goals, had more shots on and off target, had a greater share of possession, and won more corners than the away team. There was an opposite trend for disciplinary variables, with the home team committing less fouls than the away team, and receiving less yellow and red cards. There were home advantage effects at player level for goals, total shots, shots on target, assists, and yellow cards, as found in the team analysis. In addition, foreign players demonstrated a home advantage effect for goals scored, whereas domestic players scored an equivalent number of goals at home and away venues. Results are discussed in relation to the home advantage literature and wider implications for the sport.  相似文献   

The functional classification system for wheelchair basketball is based on an analysis of the players' functional resources through field-testing and game observation. Under this system, players are assigned a score of 1 to 4.5. The aim of this study was to determine if the wheelchair basketball player classification system reflects the existing differences in performance of elite female players. During the World Championship for Wheelchair Basketball in Sydney 1998, eight teams were videotaped for three 40-min games for a total of 120 min per team. Fifty-nine female players (Class I [1 and 1.5 points] n=12; Class II [2 and 2.5 points] n=20; Class III [3 and 3.5 points] n=13; Class IV [4 and 4.5 points] n=14) were retained for a detailed performance analysis by means of the Comprehensive Basketball Grading System (CBGS). Two-way analysis of variance showed high point players to perform better compared with low point players for the majority of variables determining the quality of game performance. A lack of significant differences between two adjacent classes was explained on the basis of the methodological approach, the class-position relationship in this sample, and the performance level of women's wheelchair basketball. We conclude that the performance of elite female wheelchair basketball players is dependent on functional ability.  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、录像观察法、数理统计法等,对2019年世界杯中国男篮失利问题进行研究。数据表明中国男篮场均攻防实力与对手相当,各技术指标在世界杯中排名靠后。失利成因包括难堪的数据:中国男篮基本功薄弱,其中外线命中率低、篮板球个数少、罚球命中率低、失误次数多、犯规次数多;情绪化的舆情:球迷的吐槽催化压力,球迷的言论是中国男篮的压力催化剂;落后的体制:篮球改革是个新生儿,我国不是传统强队,改革未到检讨得失之时;特色的文化:安逸的篮球文化环境,“中庸”的篮球文化下安逸的篮球文化环境抹杀了球员的“狼性”。发展策略:上下一心紧抓篮球基本功训练;内外结合提升教练团队执教能力;坚定不移全面深化篮球改革;放眼世界扩大国际交流视野。  相似文献   

The functional classification system for wheelchair basketball is based on an analysis of the players' functional resources through field-testing and game observation. Under this system, players are assigned a score of 1 to 4.5. The aim of this study was to determine if the wheelchair basketball player classification system reflects the existing differences in performance of elite female players. During the World Championship for Wheelchair Basketball in Sydney 1998, eight teams were videotaped for three 40-min games for a total of 120?min per team. Fifty-nine female players (Class I [1 and 1.5 points] n?=?12; Class II [2 and 2.5 points] n?=?20; Class III [3 and 3.5 points] n?=?13; Class IV [4 and 4.5 points] n?=?14) were retained for a detailed performance analysis by means of the Comprehensive Basketball Grading System (CBGS). Two-way analysis of variance showed high point players to perform better compared with low point players for the majority of variables determining the quality of game performance. A lack of significant differences between two adjacent classes was explained on the basis of the methodological approach, the class–position relationship in this sample, and the performance level of women's wheelchair basketball. We conclude that the performance of elite female wheelchair basketball players is dependent on functional ability.  相似文献   


The literature on momentum is still undecided, with mixed results whether momentum exists or is only perceived to exist (“hot hand fallacy”). We explore whether momentum exists by looking at cases in which a basketball player has three consecutive free throws. A free throw is a well-defined task executed in a stable environment, allegedly giving momentum optimal chances to occur. Taking 14 NBA seasons we collected over 4500 three-free-throw sets (triplets). We obtained the outcomes of the shots as well as some additional variables about the player and the game: the player’s average free-throw percentage, home or away, and the game score and the quarter when the free throws were attempted. We first analyse the hit rates in the three shots and then proceed to regression analysis that also controls for the abovementioned variables. We address several concerns raised in the literature. All comparisons and analyses yield the same conclusion that there is no evidence for momentum in the data.  相似文献   

采用录像观察法、文献资料法和数理统计法对2011~2012赛季NBA总决赛热火队与雷霆队5场比赛的技术统计数据进行对比分析,结果表明:控制出手投篮次数,提高投篮命中率,特别是3分球命中率,以及防守篮板球和控制犯规次数方面的优势是热火队的制胜因素,另外在核心球员发挥稳定的情况下,其他角色球员的出色表现对热火队最后赢下比赛也起到了至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

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