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我省跆拳道的现状与发展对策初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过’97山东省青少年“宋江杯”跆拳道比赛的有关资料与现场技术统计、分析,认为我省跆拳道运动员技术掌握尚欠全面,各地水平发展不均,教练力量薄弱;今后应重视对跆拳道教练员的培训,重视运动员基本技术的全面训练,加强组合技术动作运用能力和个人绝招的培养  相似文献   

文章以山西省优秀青少年蹦床运动员为研究对象,运用文献资料法、问卷调查法、专家访谈法、现场观察法、数理统计法等研究方法,对山西省青少年蹦床技术训练赛前强化期中的负荷量与负荷强度进行了研究,进而为山西省青少年蹦床技术训练提供有价值的理论参考。研究结果表明:(1)山西省青少年蹦床运动员竞赛期训练内容主要分为单个动作、组合动作、分段动作与成套动作。(2)评价负荷量度的指标包括负荷量与负荷强度,负荷量以单个动作训练的次数、动作组合练习的次数、分段练习的次数以及成套动作练习的次数表示,强度以动作的难度值表示。(3)赛前强化期抠动作质量,以组合动作练习为主,加大了第二套分段动作的数量,主要提高动作的稳定性,负荷量适中,平均周负荷量为1200次;强度较大,以组合与分段动作难度为主。主要以单个与成套动作循环训练法、成套动作分段训练法与超长成套动作训练法为主。(4)甲2组运动员自选套以两周团身,转体动作多为180度,乙组运动员自选套以单周背弹或腹弹动作,很难完成两周动作。  相似文献   

青少年阶段是优秀的短道速滑运动员掌握基本技术的重要时期,只有在这个时期练就了扎实的基本功,才可能成为一名优秀的短道速滑运动员。在青少年短道速滑运动员技术训练中,教练员应把握好多媒体手段的运用,多想多练、想练结合,确立正确的技术动作表象等关键性要素;遵循重点突出与全面兼顾相结合,循序渐进,改进技术与提高素质相结合,学习与独创相结合,严格要求与互教互学相结合等技术训练的原则,才能使青少年短道速滑运动员掌握良好的基本技术,为未来的发展奠定良好的基础。  相似文献   

在早期训练青少年竞走运动员时,一定要注重基本技术动作的准确性。动作姿势,髋关节灵活性等因素,这些都将影响他们以后技术动作的发展和运动成绩。本文阐述了青少年竞走运动员技术及发展以与同行共同探讨。  相似文献   

我国青少年体操运动员吊环项目竞技实力的现状分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用比较分析法、现场观察法、技术指标统计法等研究方法,对国家体操运动管理中心编制的1997周期全国青少年锦标赛特定评分规则与2002-2005周期全国青少年体操锦标赛规定动作进行了比较研究,对现周期我国青少年体操运动员吊环项目的竞技实力进行了较为全面的分析。结果表明,现周期青少年体操比赛规定动作的编制具有动作类型全面,难度动作要求具体,动作规格要求较高等特点,运动员要获得10分起评或取得好成绩必须应具备较高的竞技能力;目前我国青少年吊环项目竞技能力较强,但成套动作完成动作质量偏低,基本姿态与基本技术失分较多。  相似文献   

我国青少年男子体操运动员竞技实力现状分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
采用现场观察、技术指标统计与比较分析等方法,对国家体操运动管理中心编制的 1997-2001周期全国青少年锦标赛特定评分规则与2002-2005周期全国青少年体操锦标赛规 定动作的编制背景与特点进行了对比分析,对现周期我国青少年男子体操运动员执行规定动作 情况的相关技术指标进行了观察与统计。结果表明,现周期青少年比赛规定动作的编制具有动 作类型全面、动作规格要求高等特点,运动员要获得10分起评或取得好成绩必须具备较高的竞 技能力;目前我国青少年男子体操运动员竞技能力较强,但各项目发展不平衡,成套动作完成质 量偏低,基本姿态与基本技术失分较多。  相似文献   

2008年北京奥运会男、女跆拳道比赛技术统计与对比研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以2008年北京奥运会跆拳道男、女各76场共计152场比赛为研究对象,进行全程录像回放,分别时运动员运用有效技术动作、使用腿法情况、得分情况、警告情况、交手情况等进行统计.结果表明,有效技术主要以得1分为主,在各项基本技术运用中,横踢仍然是核心技术和比赛得分的主要手段,警告主要分布在第1、3回合,以消极比赛为主,交手次数男子高于女子.  相似文献   

杨东明 《体育科技》2011,32(4):50-51,58
射击项目多为静力性运动项目,具有动作单一,且持续性时间长的特点。初级的基本技术训练一般从12-13岁开始,这一时期正处于青少年生长发育的关键阶段,不正确的技术动作和训练方式无论是对青少年的生长发育还是射击技术动作的掌握都将产生极其不利的影响。结合自身从运动员到教练员近20年的学习和体会,总结整理出一套有利于运动员在射击项目上长远发展的基本技术,以供教练员、运动员参考。  相似文献   

影响青少年排球运动员掌握基本技术因素的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
青少年运动员的训练特点,决定了其训练的性质——业余性。在客观条件的限制下,如何使青少年运动员在有限的时间里,尽快地掌握好基本技术,这不仅需要我们探讨先进的训练方法,同时还要我们研究基本技术的关键环节和对技术动作影响较大的因素,并在训练中抓住技术动作的主要环节,提高训练效果。本文对影响青少年掌握基本技术的因素进行综述,其目的是为教学训练中如何抓住动作的主要环节,提高训练水平提供依据。一、研究对象与方法1.研究对象对山东省5地市业余体校采用抽样法,对12~15岁的女运动员60名、男运动员55名分别进行了传球、垫球和扣球…  相似文献   

速滑运动技术是高度协调的周期性运动项目。而速滑短距离放松技术是运动员在滑跑过程更经济地运用自身体能、更有效地发挥最大潜能 ,以保持高速滑跑取得理想运动成绩的一个重要的技术训练内容。为此 ,本文试图运用运动人体科学理论和速滑专项训练学的理论就放松技术对青少年速滑运动员形成正确技术动作 ,对短距离成绩的影响以及采用哪些训练方法手段解决运动员的放松技术加以探讨。为青少年速滑运动员短距离训练提供理论与实践的参考依据。  相似文献   

通过对浙江省专业运动员的问卷调查建立数据库,运用因子分析与结构方程模型对专业运动员的始训原因、取得优异运动成绩的影响因素及其成长路径进行分析。结果发现:导致普通青少年参加竞技体育训练的主要有六大因子,依次为体育信息刺激因子、自我实现因子、身体技能因子、家庭影响因子、物质追求因子、机遇因子;自身驱动力、社会重要他者、国家政策与物质条件是影响运动员取得优异运动成绩的四大主要因子;运动成绩、身体机能、主观努力、教练水平、家庭阶层背景是青少年运动员成长为专业运动员的重要影响变量。  相似文献   

Talent identification at a young age is deemed essential for many national sporting organisations to increase the chances of success for their players on the international stage. Talent identification methods can be imprecise and national tennis associations and coaches often identify talent based on performances at youth tournaments and junior rankings. However, not much is known about the relationship between the international competition performances of young tennis players and later success. This relationship is explored in this study using comparisons based on: (a) the results of 3521 players at U14 youth tournaments; (b) the rankings of 377 junior players (U18) by the International Tennis Federation; (c) the rankings of 727 professional male players by the Association of Tennis Professionals; and (d) the rankings of 779 professional players by the Women's Tennis Association. Junior performances (U18) and performances at youth tournaments (U14) appear to have a low success rate in predicting later success. No distinct age was found at which players should start to perform in order to be successful at the professional level. It is concluded that even though good performances at young ages increase athletes’ chances to become elite players, they are not a precondition for achieving later success. Therefore, this study informs talent scouts, sport development officers, coaches and high performance managers of the role that performances at international youth competitions may play in talent identification in tennis.  相似文献   


Tennis federations are regularly faced with decisions regarding which athletes should be supported in financial terms, and for how long. The financial investments can be considerable, given the cost of competing on tour has been estimated at a minimum $121,000 per year and only the top 130 professionally ranked athletes earned enough prize money to cover this cost in 2012. This study investigates key points of progression in tennis players’ careers, to determine how these have changed over time and how that evolution may inform talent development. Approximately 400,000 weekly rankings for 273 male professional tennis players between 1985 and 2010 were compiled, and historical trends in the time taken to reach career milestones were investigated by least-squares regression. The time between earning a first professional ranking point and entry into the Top 100 significantly increased over time for all considered athletes. This was at the detriment of time spent within the Top 100 for some athletes. Career peak Top 50–100 athletes have shown an increase in longevity. These results assist tennis federations in assessing the progress of developing athletes and highlight the evolving nature of the competition for top players.  相似文献   


Due to the unique energetic demands of professional young collision sport athletes, accurate assessment of energy balance is required. Consequently, this is the first study to simultaneously investigate the energy intake, expenditure and balance of professional young rugby league players across a pre-season period. The total energy expenditure of six professional young male rugby league players was measured via doubly labelled water over a fourteen-day assessment period. Resting metabolic rate was measured and physical activity level calculated. Dietary intake was reported via Snap-N-Send over a non-consecutive ten-day assessment period, alongside changes in fasted body mass and hydration status. Accordingly, energy balance was inferred. The mean (standard deviation) difference between total energy intake (16.73 (1.32) MJ.day?1) and total energy expenditure (18.36 (3.05) MJ.day?1) measured over the non-consecutive ten-day period was unclear (?1.63 (1.73) MJ.day?1; ES?=?0.91?±?1.28; p?=?0.221). This corresponded in a most likely trivial decrease in body mass (?0.65 (0.78) kg; ES?=?0.04?±?0.03; p?=?0.097). Resting metabolic rate and physical activity level across the fourteen-day pre-season period was 11.20 (2.16) MJ.day?1 and 1.7 (0.2), respectively. For the first time, this study utilises gold standard assessment techniques to elucidate the distinctly large energy expenditures of professional young rugby league players across a pre-season period, emphasising a requirement for equally large energy intakes to achieve targeted body mass and composition adaptations. Accordingly, it is imperative that practitioners regularly assess the energy balance of professional young collision-sport athletes to ensure their unique energetic requirements are achieved.  相似文献   

Cutting in soccer is a common skill used to avoid the opponent's pressure but the potential effects of such a skill on instep kicking performance have not been previously investigated. The purpose of this study was to examine the differences in lower limb biomechanics between straight approach soccer kicks and kicks performed following a cutting maneuver task. Ten young amateur soccer players performed, in a random order, instep kicks after a two-step straight approach run and kicks after a double "faking" cutting maneuver task. The results showed that kicking after a cutting maneuver task displayed significantly lower ball speed values compared with the straight approach instep kicking (16.73 vs. 19.78 m/s, respectively; p < 0.05). Moreover, analysis of variance showed significant differences between the two kicking conditions in ankle, knee and hip joint displacements. The present study indicated that performing instep kicks after a double-cutting maneuver reduces ball and foot speed probably due to increasing joint frontal and transverse plane rotations. Improvements in the performance of the cutting maneuver task through training might result in better transfer of energy and speed to the kicking task thus permitting players to perform more powerful kicks under realistic game conditions.  相似文献   

本研究基于连续性理论及运动员职业过度模型,通过运动员个人基本情况表、焦虑自评量表,运用问卷调查法、访谈法及数理统计法,选取270名专业(乒乓球、网球)运动员为研究对象,对运动员的焦虑水平进行综合分析,在此基础上对焦虑水平影响因素进行推理分析。结果显示:运动等级、入队前受教育程度、年龄、家庭环境、职业生涯时期对运动员焦虑水平均有一定程度的影响。  相似文献   

2008年全国跆拳道锦标赛暨奥运会选拔赛技战术统计分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
采用文献资料、现场统计和录像回放等研究方法,对参加2008年全国跆拳道锦标赛暨奥运会选拔赛半决赛、决赛运动员的技战术进行统计分析。统计内容主要包括每局的踢击次数、踢击类型、交手回合、交手时间以及防守的步法运用。分析结果显示:比赛中男、女运动员踢击次数第1局最少、第3局最多;交手回合和交手时间高度相关,男、女运动员的交手回合和交手时间随局数递增;横踢技术是运动员在比赛中使用频率最高的基本技术,男、女运动员在比赛中防守步法使用基本一致,后移防守比例最高。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、数理统计法、逻辑归纳法等研究方法对中外20名优秀女子网球运动员的竞技年龄特征进行比较分析,发现:中外优秀女子网球运动员在启蒙训练年龄上的差异并不显著;但是外国优秀女子网球运动员转为职业选手的年龄较早,所以其成为职业选手的年限也较长。中国优秀女子网球运动员之间的现役年龄的分布较为离散,中国十名优秀女子网球运动员的现役年龄差异大于国外十名优秀女子网球运动员的现役年龄差异;并且中国优秀女子网球运动员达到最高竞技水平的年龄比国外优秀女子网球运动员达到最高竞技水平的年龄晚。  相似文献   

采用文献资料、录像观察和数理统计等方法,对世界优秀空手道运动员的技战术特点进行分析。结果表明:运动员更偏重使用拳法技术,拳法是运动员主要得分手段;在拳法技术中,运动员的后手拳法最为重要;在腿法技术中,中段回旋踢技术使用次数最多,但是成功率相对偏低,上段回旋踢技术成功率相对较高;在比赛中摔法使用次数较少,成功率相对偏低;在战术分析方面,直攻战术是运动员的主要战术形式。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between shot valence, avoidance behavior, and performance in soccer penalty shootouts. Video analyses were conducted with all penalty shootouts ever held in the World Cup, the European Championships, and the UEFA Champions League (n = 36 shootouts, 359 kicks). Shot valence was assessed from the potential consequences of a shot outcome as follows: Shots where a goal instantly leads to victory were classified as positive valence shots and shots where a miss instantly leads to loss as negative valence shots. Avoidance behavior was defined as looking away from the goalkeeper or preparing the shot quickly (thus speeding up the wait). The results showed that avoidance behavior occurred more with negative valence shots than with positive shots and that players with negative valence shots performed worse than those with positive shots. Thus, avoidance motivation may help explain why professional athletes occasionally choke under pressure.  相似文献   

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