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The purpose of this study was to determine the quantitative and qualitative portrayal of females and minorities in the illustrations of seven contemporary elementary science textbook series. An evaluation instrument was devised to determine the current status of the targeted groups. Illustrations were evaluated on the basis of minority/nonminority and male/female repesentation. The activity and assumed role of the individuals were also tabulated. More than 5900 human illustrations were evaluated. The results reveal that female children as a group are represented with greater frequency than are other child groups. Minority children are represented less often than nonminority children and female and minority adults are depicted less often than nonminority male adults. The textbooks evaluated in this study display science positively for most societal groups. However, minorities are underrepresented and illustrated in a limited number of career roles. Implications and suggestions for teachers, supervisors, and teacher educators are provided.  相似文献   

This paper examines the nature and extent of gender stereotyping, both linguistic and pictorial, in a set of 10 Australian English‐language textbooks for intermediate learners. In order to determine how accurately the books reflect the status of women in contemporary Australian society a content and linguistic analysis was conducted, focusing on, amongst other things, the ratio of male to female characters, the portrayal of women and men in social and domestic settings, the use of gender‐inclusive expressions, and the ordering of items in female/male symmetrical constructions. Despite the generally high level of sensitivity to gender issues displayed by most of the writers, the findings suggest that the ideal of a truly balanced treatment of men and women has yet to be achieved.  相似文献   

A method using linguistic content analysis was developed to assess the degree to which science was portrayed as a process of inquiry within a high school biology textbook series. Linguistic content analysis is a method of encoding textual data by categorizing key words and identifying the relationships among these words. The encoded textual data were analyzed using logistic regression techniques. The measure developed for the study was shown to be highly reliable and valid. In the textbook series studied, the frequency of the portrayal of science as a process of inquiry increased from 1956 to 1965, then showed a pattern of decline in 1977 and 1985. The results further indicate that the frequency of portrayal of science as a process of inquiry was higher in introductory chapters of the textbooks and in chapters dealing with the topic of genetics and lower in chapters dealing with leaf structure. The frequency of the portrayal of science as a process inquiry was also higher at the beginning of chapters and at the beginning of paragraphs.  相似文献   

理查德·赖特在文学作品里把女性人物描写成缺乏个性和主见、生活堕落、愚不可及的“他者”,把男性人物在生活中遇到的一切挫折都归咎于女性,渲染女性是祸水的男性偏见,严重扭曲和丑化了女性人物的真实意象。赖特的写作方法沿袭了“妇女是为男人而造”的父权制观点,对女性人物的失真描写显示出男性作家在塑造女性人物时的局限性和败笔。  相似文献   

Two cross-sectional developmental studies of prosocial behaviors displayed in natural settings by 2- and 5-year-olds using a prototype approach are reported. In the first study, caretakers described the most prosocial child they knew, resulting in 20 attributes for 2-year-olds and 24 attributes for 5-year-olds. In the second study, parents rated the relative importance of each attribute in defining a child as prosocial. Results indicated more similarities than differences between the two age groups and that research has underrepresented the rich repertoire of naturally occurring prosocial behavior in young children, ignoring behaviors salient and important to parents (e.g., being cheerful, sensitive, affectionate, friendly, and praising others) in favor of less typical behaviors (e.g., donation of commodities to charity). Broader and more relevant indices of prosocial behavior are needed. Results provide researchers with a data base which enables them to make informed decisions about the assessment of prosocial behavior.  相似文献   

Picture books can influence how children perceive people of different backgrounds, including people with disabilities whose cultures differ from their own. Researchers have examined the portrayal of multicultural characters with disabilities in children's literature. However, few have specifically considered the portrayal of deaf characters, despite increased inclusion of deaf characters in children's literature over the past two decades. The present study analyzed the portrayal of deaf characters in picture books for children ages 4-8 years. A content analysis of 20 children's picture books was conducted in which the books were analyzed for messages linked to pathological and cultural categories. Results indicated that these books did not portray Deaf characters from a cultural perspective but, rather, highlighted aspects of deafness as a medical condition, one that requires fixing and that perpetuates stereotypes of deafness as a disability.  相似文献   

概念卡通在小学科学教学中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
概念卡通以建构主义学习理论为基础,结构简单、形象生动,为科学课的教学提供了一个崭新的视角。科学课教师可以运用概念卡通实施建构式建学,并在此基础上因地制宜地加以创造性的发挥。在教学过程中,教师应注意慎重选择概念卡通、适时干预、采用多元策略、寓教于乐等方面的问题。  相似文献   

The 37 Caldecott Medal award‐winning children's books and 129 runner‐up books were subjected to a content analysis in order to evaluate the portrayal of adults in children's literature, both fictional and nonfictional. Of the total 166 books analyzed, 43 were excluded from the data because they contained no adult portrayals. For the 123 books subjected to final content analysis, and the 751 characters contained in these books, the data revealed statistically significant differences on four variables: (1) more male than female adults were represented; (2) more healthy than physically handicapped adults were portrayed; (3) more positive than negative or neutral illustrations of adults occurred; (4) adults were represented more in fictional than in nonfictional children's books. Results were interpreted as demonstrating that children's literature portrays neither adult figures nor adult life in a realistic manner.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this study was to investigate Taiwanese high school students’ multi-dimensional self-efficacy and its sources in the domain of science. Two instruments, Sources of Science Learning Self-Efficacy (SSLSE) and Science Learning Self-Efficacy (SLSE), were used. By means of correlation and regression analyses, the relationships between students’ science learning self-efficacy and the sources of their science learning self-efficacy were examined. The findings revealed that the four sources of the students’ self-efficacy were found to play significant roles in their science learning self-efficacy. By and large, Mastery Experience and Vicarious Experience were found to be the two salient influencing sources. Several gender differences were also revealed. For example, the female students regarded Social Persuasion as the most influential source in the “Science Communication” dimension, while the male students considered Vicarious Experience as the main efficacy source. Physiological and Affective States, in particular, was a crucial antecedent of the female students’ various SLSE dimensions, including “Conceptual Understanding,” “Higher-Order Cognitive Skills,” and “Science Communication.” In addition, the variations between male and female students’ responses to both instruments were also unraveled. The results suggest that, first, the male students perceived themselves as having more mastery experience, vicarious experience and social persuasion than their female counterparts. Meanwhile, the female students experienced more negative emotional arousal than the male students. Additionally, the male students were more self-efficacious than the females in the five SLSE dimensions of “Conceptual Understanding,” “Higher-Order Cognitive Skills,” “Practical Work,” “Everyday Application,” and “Science Communication.”  相似文献   

威拉·凯瑟是美国文学史上第一位潜心描写美国中西部“拓荒时代”的伟大女作家。凯瑟以美国西部边疆生活为背景 ,创作了一系列内布拉斯加小说。《啊 ,拓荒者》和《我的安东妮亚》就是内布拉斯加系列小说中的两部以女性的独特经历和感受为题材的作品 ,也是凯瑟一生中最重要的作品。在这两部作品中 ,凯瑟打破了传统的女性文学形象 ,摆脱了伊甸园中那个依附于亚当的夏娃的影子 ,成功地塑造了两位纯朴、高大的女性光辉形象。  相似文献   

文章通过对912个汉语姓名尾字的梳理后发现,汉语男女名字中各有16个高频用字;对4000多个英语名字的归纳后发现.英语名字的尾字母中使用频率较高的有9个辅音字母,3个元音字母。此外,通过对这些汉、英男女名字尾字构成规律的对比研究后还发现这二者之间有其共性:汉、英男女名字虽源于不同的文化背景,但两种名字的尾字大都有显示性别的功能。同时简述了俄罗斯、日本等国在使用英语语言构成其名字时区别男女名的常见后缀。通过对上述几个语种人名结构的分析,得出这样一个结论:名字不同寓意皆美,尾字虽异同可显性。  相似文献   

目的:比较分析高等院校女生人格状况,为高校女生人格教育提供实证依据。方法:运用大学人格问卷(UPI)在湖南省的某理工院校对504名2005级女生进行人格测查,并抽取男生样本858名作为性别比较因素。结果:(1)有第一类人格问题的女大学生比例显著高于男大学生;女大学生UPI分数显著高于男大学生。(2)女大学生人格问题症状选择率排前列的项目依次为:在乎别人的视线,缺乏自信心,过于担心将来的事情,父母期望过高,情绪起伏过大。(3)非独生女与独生女的UPI分数不存在显著差异;农村生源女生UPI分数显著高于城镇生源女生;文科类女生UPI分数显著高于理工类女生。结论:女大学生人格问题比男生严重,农村生源女生人格问题比城镇生源女生严重,文科类女生人格问题比理工科女生严重;应高度重视女大学生尤其是农村生源女生和理工院校中文科类女生的人格健康教育,以优化她们的心理素质。  相似文献   

This paper describes how the patriarchal structure of Japanese society and its notions of women, femininity, and gendered stereotypes produced strong cultural barriers to increasing the participation of females in science education. Baseline data on attitudes toward science and the perceptions of gender issues in science education, academic major and career choice were collected from 175 university students (124 female, 51 male). Students responded to a Likert scale that included the option “I don't understand the question”. All respondents took advantage of the option for items related to gender issues. On some items up to 67% of the males responded that they did not understand the question. Females in science choosing this option did not exceed 19%. In Japan, gender is an invisible, pervasive construct that impacts females' participation in science and science education. In other ways, attitudes toward science among Japanese students mirrored those found in the United States and in other countries. Respondents held the most favorable views of science when they were in elementary school and females preferred biology while males preferred the physical sciences. The exception to the Western pattern of liking science and science teachers is that male non-science majors rather than female non-science majors reported poor academic performance in elementary school, declining attitudes in middle school, and they held the most negative attitudes toward their science teacher and science subjects.  相似文献   

Emily Martin’s (Signs J Women Cult Soc 16(31):485–501, 1991) article, “The Egg and the Sperm: How Science Has Constructed a Romance Based on Stereotypical Male–Female Roles,” was published in Signs over 20 years ago. In this groundbreaking article, she discusses how gender roles are often projected onto reproductive biology, leading to the portrayal of eggs as passive and sperm as active. We were interested in seeing if many of her findings are still relevant today. We analyzed science textbooks from the middle school to the medical school level to determine if fertilization in human reproduction is described in gender-biased language regarding the sentence structure, amount of information provided for female and male processes/parts, and neutrality in describing female and male processes/parts. Although there has been much improvement, there is still a long way to go. Sexist language in scientific textbooks is troubling because it negatively affects both female and male students and undermines teachers’ ability to teach in an accurate and gender-neutral way.  相似文献   

《傲慢与偏见》中女主人公伊丽莎白的女性主体意识是通过人物关系揭示出来的。从她与达西和韦翰等男性的关系分析,表现了这种女性主体意识从认知他者到认知自我的过程;从她与几位女性人物的关系分析,表现了这种女性主体意识从认知自我到批判社会的过程。这样的女性主体意识不仅有文学意义还有现实的社会意义。  相似文献   

张群芳 《安康学院学报》2004,16(1):66-68,79
金庸小说中的女性形象众多且性格各异,本文主要从作者的创作和读者的接受与批评来给其定位,认为这些女性角色既有表面上的个性解放、人格独立,又在深层次上成为男性形象存在的确证物.  相似文献   

不同的历史时期,经济环境,文化内涵导致了祥林嫂与海丝特·白兰性格发展和命运走向的不同。本文在浅析两位女主人公差异的基础上,着重透视了它们所面临的男权主义统治的共同背景,从而揭示出她们丧失自我主体成为物化了的附庸的共同本质,以及他们成为男性文化下贞洁、禁欲等女性价值观念的牺牲品的共同遭遇;并剖析出作者本身在深切关注女性生存状态的同时不自觉流露出的男权意识。  相似文献   

《喧哗与骚动》在艺术上的辉煌成就使人忽略了小说人物塑造上的浓厚的男权意识。作为一名女性读者,笔者将在本文中重新审视关于凯蒂的每一个故事情节,挖掘扎根于女性经历中的故事,倾听被湮没了的凯蒂的声音,来解读福克纳塑造凯蒂这一形象所带上的男权意识。  相似文献   

评论界普遍关注艾.辛格长篇小说中男性“忏悔者”形象,肯定了这个模式化的角色对凸现小说“背弃?回归”主题模式的同构性意义,并高度评价了辛格为捍卫犹太传统文化所作的贡献。然而,在辛格的长篇小说中,女性人物往往被扭曲和异化,极少得到正面关照。在《卢布林的魔术师》中,作者肆意将女性人物扁平化,将丑陋、愚蠢、冷酷、贪婪、放荡等品性浓缩到她们身上。这样,男性主人公与女性人物的各种关系,隐喻了他曾经被诱惑,然而最终能够顿悟自救,浮出世俗欲望的层面,完成信仰的回归。这种彰显男性主人公弃恶从善,浪子回头的叙事策略充分暴露了作者隐匿的男性立场。这种男性叙事话语并非是一个单纯的文学现象,它蕴涵着深厚的文化基因,十分强调身份意识(契约意识)和伦理意识的犹太传统文化本身就呈现出典型的男性色彩。透过辛格的男性创作立场,我们捕捉到小说中渗透的犹太文化元素,也感触到辛格这位“最后的犹太作家”对犹太传统男性文化的独特承袭。  相似文献   

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