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This article aims to present an analysis of the change over long periods in school attendance figures in France in the 19th and 20th centuries. The interest of the approach is twofold. Firstly it is of immediate practical interest insofar as it is an original reconstruction of the French educational system. It is also of theoretical interest, as it provides better knowledge of the mechanism regulating the development of the system over a long period. In this respect, reflection is in three parts. First, the chronological series compiled are presented to prepare the statistical analysis. The trends observed are then described and finally a preliminary analysis of the causes of the change is provided, with stress laid on the institutional aspects.  相似文献   

是乐(yuè)乐(lè)还是乐(lè)乐(yuè)——兼谈孟子的论辩艺术□湖北鲁习义古时有个笑话,说的是有个学生名字叫乐乐乐,先生呼yuèyuèyuè,他不应,呼yàoyàoyào,也不应,再呼lèlèlè,也不应。先生走到学生面前问:你叫什么名字?...  相似文献   

《将进酒》这首诗是我国唐代伟大的浪漫主义诗人李白的代表作之一。它充分体现了李白诗歌的特点:想象丰富奇丽,情感奔放豪迈,语言清新而自然。诗中作者的感情是跌宕  相似文献   

Synthème(合成语段)一词由法国功能主义语言学家马丁内提出,它的概念主要包含两个特征:一是它由多个语素(可以是词汇语素或语法语素)组成;二是可以作为一个整体语素独立运转。我们必须把它与monème(语素)及mot(词)进行深入比较,了解它们的联系和区别,才能更好地理解和把握synthème的概念和用法。  相似文献   

本文着重叙述了音乐鉴赏课教学、愉快学习、知识性与趣味性的完美结合。  相似文献   

回归最原始的姿态,用自然赋予我们的本能,与四季相处,和动物交谈,熟悉植物的语言,参与它们的嬉戏,做"玩世甚恭"的野生贵族。也许不同种群、不同种族,为方位的相距遥远所困,被世俗的身份分割,但,手与手的相遇是真实的温度,可怕的不是孤独,而是不勇敢。相信心底的温柔,我,你,它,就能抱拥更多的炙热,像渐行渐至的春,将阳光作为送给生灵的礼物。  相似文献   

“臣请为王言乐”是《庄暴见孟子》中很关键的一句话。教材中对这句话的注释是这样的:“请您让我给您讲讲关于欣赏音乐的事吧,”显然,是将“乐”读作yu(?)音。这是不妥当的。首先,本文的中心是谈“与民同乐”问题, “臣请为王言乐”一句,正是向直接论述这个中心问题过渡的关键语句,可以看作是提出了中心论题。下文就是从一反一正两个方面来谈“不与民同乐”的害处和“与民同乐”的好处,是谈应当追求什么样的快乐的问题,而不是谈“欣赏音乐”。  相似文献   

Résumé A l'aide d'un questionnaire approprié, nous essayons de cerner les modèles des réels qu'ont les élèves de 17–18 ans et les étudiants en première année d'études supérieures. Nous montrons d'une part que, pour cette population, R c'est majoritairement N, Z, Q, D et quelques nombres comme, e, 2 et 3, et d'autre part que si 33% pensent que la droite représente R, il s'en trouve 43% parmi ces 33% qui ont un modèle atomiste de la droite. Enfin cette étude met en évidence que les élèves et les étudiants accordent beaucoup plus d'importance aux différentes écritures des nombres qu'à leurs propriétés spécifiques.
We try to find out the ideas of pupils (17–18 years old) and first year university students about real numbers. To do that we make use of four questions on different aspects of real numbers. We show that for these pupils and students R is, very frequently, N, Z, Q. D and some other numbers such as, e, 2 and 3. We also show that if for 33% of these pupils and students the straight line is a good picture of R, 43% of these 33% think that the straight line has an atomic structure. At last, this study indicates that pupils and students think that the different writings of the numbers are more important than their specific properties.

In recent years, conversations about posthumanism have been gradually moving into the field of education. This article contributes to the growing efforts to develop a posthumanist theory of education. The theoretical inspiration for the article comes from the writings of Jacques Rancière and Gregory Bateson. In both thinkers, the figure of the liberal humanist subject gives way to a deeper and more provocative sense of inter-subjectivity, indeed, intra-subjectivity. Taken together, Rancière’s and Bateson’s ideas hit a blind spot in contemporary educational discourse, particularly in relation to the rise of personalisation as a popular concept in practice and policy. This article juxtaposes the personalised learning movement with the increasingly common image of the vulnerable self/student to highlight the complexity of defining and locating the source of subjectivity, or one’s ‘will to learn’. Rancière’s and Bateson’s ideas are put into conversation to generate alternative approaches to the current conceptions of student-centred pedagogy.  相似文献   

据说,过去有一个姓李的游学者和一个姓刘的塾师,两人素不相识。一日,李某去访刘某,两人见面时,塾师向客人请问高姓大名,李某遂出一上联,曰: 骑青牛,过函关,老子姓李。刘某知道李某来意不善,是挖苦自己的,因即对下联反击对方,曰:  相似文献   

在素质教育新要求和新课改的大背景下,快乐学习成为音乐教学的新思路。奥尔夫教学法启发我们关注综合性音乐素质的培养;结合本土文化,以人为本,鼓励学生主动参与音乐教学活动,充分发挥学生即兴创编等富有创造力的行为。  相似文献   

美国佛罗里达州10岁男童还以为自己钓到一条超大的鱼,没想到却是一条会吃人的鳄鱼。胆子够大的他甚至把鳄鱼拖回附近的家。鳄鱼足足有4英尺长。麦可·达舍放学后和两个同学相约到自己家附近的运河钓鱼。没有人知道鳄鱼冒出水面时,麦可是什么表情。只知道鳄鱼爬上岸时,麦  相似文献   

基于图形学中的 Bèzier 曲线的全局相关性和快速的递推算法,提出一套基本的密钥分存方案,实现可视化的影子创建和分发。其的基本思想是:在二维有限域上,密钥与 k-1个随机整点可生成 k-1阶 Bèzier 曲线,取 n 个参数可在曲线上得 n 个影子;反之,n个影子中的 k 个可以确定一个 k 阶线性方程组,从而导出密钥,少于 k 个影子则不行,由此构成(k,n)门限方案。  相似文献   


This article examines the significance of Jacques Rancière’s work on pedagogy, and argues that to make sense of Rancière’s ‘lesson on the lesson’ one must do more but also less than merely explicate Rancière’s texts. It steadfastly refuses to draw out the lessons of Rancière’s writings in the manner of a series of morals, precepts or rules. Rather, it is committed to thinking through the ‘lessons’ of Rancière in another sense. Above all, Rancière wants to ‘teach’ his readers something absolutely crucial about teaching. In making this claim the article emphasizes the extent to which Rancière advocates an utterly radical pedagogy, one that completely reconceives all the central elements of ‘schooling’, including teacher, student, intelligence and knowledge. Rancière thinks it possible to teach without knowing; he believes that the best schoolmasters can operate not on the assumption of their expertise, but on the equality of intelligence; and this means ultimately that Rancière contends that we can ‘teach what we do not know’. The best schoolmasters are ignorant schoolmasters. Rancière’s radical pedagogy depends upon, just as it consistently advances, a thoroughgoing resistance to a certain form of epistemological and ontological mastery. The rejection of mastery—of schoolmasters who would know it all, and convey this knowing to their students—forms the very backbone of all of Rancière’s writings and critical investigations. This is the chief reason why Rancière is, in a way, always talking about pedagogy, even when his subject matter appears to be something else entirely.  相似文献   

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