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随着高等教育一体化与"可持续发展教育"进程的不断深入,德国教师教育发展面临巨大的挑战。加之"PISA震惊"引发的基础教育课程改革,21世纪初期,德国陆续颁布出台了一系列针对职前教师改革的新政策,并积极对课程实施改革,如建立分层、贯通性本硕一体化课程体系,基于教师教育标准设置能力导向的课程目标,在课程内容中融入可持续发展与跨文化主题,开发行动能力导向的实践课程等。虽取得了明显成效,但也出现了一些实际问题。  相似文献   

近年来西方研究指出教师专业学习社群能支持教师成为改革代理人,提升其改革投入。因此本研究通过对实施新课改十年S省的调查研究,考察教师课改认同感与教师专业学习社群的关系。研究发现:教师专业学习社群能通过影响教师对新课程特征的认知,并能通过改革学校改革管理来提升教师的改革价值感,进而影响其课改认同感。  相似文献   

This research investigates the potential of service-learning to develop a situated, embodied and critically reflective human agency for sustainability. It employs document analysis to review the intended curriculum and the institutional contexts of national and international cases wherein service-learning is a component of pre-service teacher education. Exploration of intended learning outcomes and project and assessment experiences across three cases reveal the potential of service-learning to develop in pre-service teachers sustainability competencies involving participative action with community partners to achieve agreed-upon outcomes, as well as critically reflective capacities and understanding of how, in their future classrooms, schools and communities, they can serve as adaptive, lifelong learners and agents for social and environmental change. Findings also suggest that explicitly linking service-learning activities, guided by social justice and equity principles, with a (social) sustainability agenda may further validate the utilisation of and investment in service-learning and civic engagement in teacher and higher education settings.  相似文献   

仲红俐 《成人教育》2021,41(3):33-40
社区教育属于继续教育的一个分支,它大力推进了终身教育实践活动的开展,丰富了终身教育的内涵。高校开展社区教育,具有环境、政策、路径的可行性,能够在多方面发挥重要的作用,但也面临一定的困境。关键要在制度建设、章程制定、资源统合、师资培育、课程开发、送教社区、项目建设、宣传推广等方面探寻出路。  相似文献   

《教师教育课程标准(试行)》是教育部颁布的我国第一个教师教育课程设置规范性文件,其实践取向的教师职业能力发展导向,对在校师范生职业能力培养提出了更高的要求,师范院校应积极调整教师教育课程体系,用合适的方法把师范生教师职业能力培养做得更加实在,进一步创新师范生教师职业能力培养策略。  相似文献   

美国社区学院特色及对我国高等职业技术教育的启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
作为美国社区学院主要职能之一的职业教育在社区学院的百年历史中发挥了举足轻重的作用。本文追述了职业教育的发展历史,分析了职业教育在课程设置、教学方法和师资建设等三个方面的特色,探讨了社区学院职业教育对我国高等职业技术教育的启示。  相似文献   

美国社区学院经过近百年的发展,已经形成了一套科学的职业教育体系,并具有职业教育办学体制法制化、资金来源多元化、课程设置灵活化、兼职教师规模化、学生就业便捷化的特点。借鉴美国社区学院职业教育发展的经验,我国高等职业教育的发展应更新教育观念,广开资金渠道,调整教师结构,重构职教体系,从而顺应社会经济发展对高等职业技术人才的需要。  相似文献   

基于对上海地区四所小学的田野调查,考察教师在“赋权增能”政策条件下,如何处理课程改革中所面临的问题,及其所处教师共同体的影响。研究发现:课程改革给教师造成的压力客观上推进了教师发展和教师专业学习共同体的构建;课程改革在赋权增能的同时赋予教师高度问责,造成教师不愿承担赋权,而教师专业学习共同体以群体分责来支持教师的赋权增能;未来课程改革应当寻求赋权、增能和问责的平衡,并推进教师专业学习共同体的建设,从而支持教师真正成为课程改革的“代理人”。  相似文献   

This paper argues that educational technology in the Greek-Cypriot educational system has reached a critical point since ICT now appears for the first time in the newly reformed national curriculum. This study primarily illuminates the ways in which ICT is depicted in this curriculum with regards to primary education and, secondarily, explores whether the approach adopted appears consistent. The methodology employed involves a documentary analysis of the reformed curriculum in terms of four domains: rationale, content, teaching methodology as well as achievement processes across the 15 subject areas. Findings indicate that references to three ICT-related words are only made in some subjects. In addition, these references reflect either the socio-economic rationale towards ICT competency -also expressed in the general aims of the new NC- or the educational rationale, underlying the contribution of ICT to teaching and learning. Consequently, the approach towards new technologies fails to emerge as systematic across all primary school subjects. In this regard, although the inclusion of ICT in the reformed NC of the Greek-Cypriot educational system is certainly a way forward, the intended curriculum needs to be revised to reflect a clear approach, resembling either a focus on ICT competency or the educational perspective, or both. Furthermore, in anticipation of the implemented and attained curriculum, school structures as well as teacher professional development arise as issues for further consideration.  相似文献   

Around the world reforms in teacher education have been oriented towards making the preparation of teachers more functional for development of competencies they need in practice. At the same time, much criticism has been voiced about such reforms jeopardising the fundamental humanist traditions in teaching, based on beliefs about non-instrumental values of education. In this study we examine teachers' perceptions of importance of competencies and explore their implications for teacher education. The study has been designed to ensure that voices of teachers and teacher educators are heard in identification of areas of expertise that make up a competent teacher. We conducted a principal component analysis of the response of 370 teachers and teacher educators in Serbia to a questionnaire about the importance of a number of aspects of teacher competence. We identified four components underling teachers' perceptions of competencies relating to 1) values and child-rearing; 2) understanding of the education system and contribution to its development; 3) subject knowledge, pedagogy and curriculum; and 4) self-evaluation and professional development. Teachers perceived all but the second area of competence as very important, with the fourth scale perceived as of the highest importance. Implications of each area of competence for teacher education are discussed and conclusions are drawn for the development of teacher education curricula.  相似文献   

社区教育微课程的建设需要对课程建设的目标、课程内容的选择、课程的组织制作、课程的使用评价进行设计,并在管理机制、师资培训、平台搭建方面提供保障。  相似文献   

21世纪中国社区教育研究回顾与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国社区教育研究与实践进入21世纪后,迎来了繁荣发展期,国家高度重视社区教育的建设,出台了一系列的政策措施推动其发展,学术界也进行了大量的研究。通过系统地对近20年来我国社区教育的研究文献进行梳理和分析,结果发现从2000年以后,我国的社区教育研究可以大致分为两个阶段:第一个阶段(2000—2007年)主要以社区教育的实验探索、国外的经验介绍为主要内容,并以大量的相似讨论主题为主要特点;第二阶段(2008—2018年)主要以全国开展的社区教育试点及思路的反思为主要内容,并以谋求社区教育的内涵式发展为主要特点。虽然近年来我国越来越重视社区教育的发展,但是从当前对社区教育的研究中可以发现,我国的社区教育仍然存在内涵界定不清晰、缺乏宏观的空间规划、教师队伍建设能力不足、管理及保障体制机制等内涵能力建设研究不充分等问题,未来可以加强对社区教育的宏观空间格局演进及规划、微观的社区教育资源配置以及数字时代的内涵能力建设等方面的研究。  相似文献   

通过阐述中学英语教师继续教育的时代背景,探究处于教育现代化、英语课改和教师专业发展视角下的英语教师角色特征,从而探寻中学英语教师继续教育模式规定性的建构。  相似文献   

随着新一轮基础教育课程改革的开展,为了使课堂成为学生乐学,教师乐教,时刻焕发出生命活力的课堂,把课堂建设成学习共同体这一新的教育理念日渐提上日程。在探讨课堂学习共同体内涵的基础上,提出课堂共同体的以下五个特征:充满和谐的互动;具有共同愿景;具有共同的课堂规范;具有异质性;具有宽松积极的课堂文化氛围。建构有效的课堂学习共同体的策略有:创建和谐的课堂学习共同体;确立共同愿景;制定课堂规范;安排多元化的学习任务;关注学习者的兴趣;创造快乐的课堂文化氛围。  相似文献   

Contemporary early childhood teacher education is situated in a knowledge and policy environment where on the one hand preservice educators have the opportunity to connect with unlimited knowledge sources and, on the other, are expected to conform to standardized outcomes. This situation is compounded by increasingly inequitable learning outcomes for children in many countries. In this paper, we argue that this context demands different ways of teaching and learning in early childhood teacher education and that in order to address increasing inequity, preservice educators must experience a transformative university curriculum. This paper uses the example of an arts topic, with a particular focus on music, to examine ways of positioning preservice educators that open up, rather than restrict opportunities to reconceptualize early childhood curriculum. The authors examine data from curriculum documents and student reflections in order to discuss the intended (planned), enacted (implemented) and experienced university curriculum.  相似文献   

教师是课程变革的关键。教师教育课程改革中,由于深刻的文化、制度缘由,教师阻抗表现为改革认同缺失、专业自我认同危机、课程权力泛化、课程素养弱化等,导致改革并非一帆风顺。应对课程改革对教师文化的挑战,重建教师教育专业共同体、重构教师教育者的专业自我认同并推进教师教育者的专业发展,从而再造教师教育专业文化,应成为高师院校课程改革的重要议题。  相似文献   

相对传统教师发展的范式,即自上而下的发展模式——校本教师发展强调教师为改革的中心,教师发展应立足于教师工作的环境和脉络之中,以课堂和学校为本位。教师专业学习共同体则关注教师发展的脉络化,强调通过在学校中建构专业学习共同体,实现教师学习和实践的共享,从而提升教师质素,并实现学校向学习型组织的转变。校本教师发展与教师专业学习共同体在学校脉络这一平台上实现融合,教师在学校的专业学习共同体之脉络中,借由分享领导、集体学习、共享实践,并最终形成教师发展的学校本位之系统建构。  相似文献   

社区学院作为美国独创的综合性大众化教育机构逐渐发展为社区成人教育的核心机构。成人教育是传统学校教育向终身教育发展的一种新型教育制度,对不断提高全民素质、促进经济和社会发展有重要作用。鉴于此,本论文在描述1990年代以来美国社区学院成人教育机制发展背景、历程的基础上,对美国社区学院成人教育教育形式、专业及课程设置、教学手段以及教师任用制度进行了较为详细的介绍,以期对促进我国成人教育发展提出一些有益的启示。  相似文献   

综合科学课程实施至今,科学教师的教育教学能力成为新课程目标能否顺利实现的关键之一。在教师职前、职后教育一体化成为国际教师教育发展趋势的今天,分析目前国际、国内科学教育师资培训的具体内容和要求,必然会给我国高师院校科学教育专业课程结构的调整带来有益的启示。  相似文献   

This research investigates how teacher candidates in a primary physical education curriculum and methods course learned about and were influenced by efforts to emphasise classroom community and organisation. Qualitative data in the form of interviews, focus groups, and course artefacts were gathered from nine participants throughout one academic term. Analysis of data suggested that most teacher candidates came to recognise pedagogies that fostered a sense of community; however, only a few were able to connect this to their developing visions for teaching. Despite this, all participants came to view the development of a sense of community as one of the most important aspects of their evolving teaching practice.  相似文献   

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