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高中教育的一个生产函数研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文使用2006年昆明市高中调查数据,采用多层线性模型(HLM)对高三学生的高考成绩的影响因素进行了教育生产函数实证研究.研究发现学生高考成绩的最重要决定因素是学生的认知能力和高中前的学习基础(以中考成绩为代理变量);学校变量对学生高考成绩的影响作用相对较小;学生及其同伴的家庭社会经济背景对高考成绩没有重要影响.研究认为教育生产单元对可控的教育资源的配置和使用在整体上是缺乏效率的(有体制性原因).文章也指出了本研究存在的问题和进一步研究的方向.  相似文献   

基于国际学生评价项目PISA 2006的数据,采用多水平线性模型,比较了中国香港、日本、芬兰和美国这四个国家(地区)的学校教育资源与学生科学素养成绩的关系.结果发现,学校教育资源中的客观特征变量在不同的国家(地区)有不同的影响,而学校教育投入变量对学生成绩基本没有影响,这一结果在四个国家(地区)基本一致.最后,探讨这一结果对我国科学教育的启示和意义.  相似文献   

经济学中关于学生成绩决定因素的理论和实证研究已形成了三个视角:学校教育生产函数、家庭决策模型以及学校与家庭相互作用模型。与以往不同的是,本文特别关注学校因素对学生成绩的影响会因家庭背景的不同而不同。基于学校投入对儿童学习成绩的效果边际递减的基本原理,本研究首先构建了一个包含个体特征、家庭特征和学校特征变量的基本计量模型,然后在模型中引入家庭与学校变量的交互项,同时控制了儿童个体学习主观努力程度、家庭教育投入努力程度等变量可能造成的估计偏差。利用来自甘肃省20个县小学儿童的数据,研究发现,衡量家庭背景的父母教育水平、家庭收入,以及衡量学校质量的几个指标均与儿童成绩有显著的正向关系。而且,学校投入的提高,将会缩小儿童因家庭背景的不同而造成的成绩差异,这一关系在数学成绩模型中表现的更为显著。上述结果的政策含义是,加大贫困农村地区的学校教育投入,对于那些处于不利家庭背景儿童的成绩将具有更为显著的正面效果。  相似文献   

将学生中考与高考数据进行链接,充分利用学生中高考成绩对学校进行增值性评价。对某市40所高中2132名学生的中高考数据进行实证研究发现,60%以上高考成绩的校际差异都不是学校本身教学与管理导致的,学生变量和学校资源变量对于学生成绩增值均有影响;采用学生增值分数对学校进行评价,与使用高考平均分对学校进行评价有差异。建议有效利用中高考数据,使用增值性评价等多种评价手段,建立更为科学合理的学校评价体系。  相似文献   

李传宗 《中国考试》2024,(1):62-71+93
专业兴趣是衡量本科人才培养质量的关键指标。基于第3批高考改革省份高校3万余份学生调查数据,考察高考改革能否有效促进学生的专业兴趣及其作用机制。研究发现,新高考生源大学生专业兴趣显著高于传统高考生源大学生,专业匹配度在其中发挥关键的中介作用,新高考生源大学生的专业兴趣在专业类别、家庭背景和学校背景等方面存在群体差异。可通过完善生涯教育体系、改善教育资源配置等措施巩固改革成果,进一步提升学生的专业兴趣。  相似文献   

基于PISA2018我国四省市学生和学校的调查数据,在教育生产函数的框架下,通过机器学习的研究方法,探讨不同学生和学校特征在学业表现中的重要性。研究发现,在学生特征方面:个体社会经济地位和课上学习时间在数学、阅读、科学表现中的重要性最突出,且学习时长对学业成绩的影响存在学科差异;学生职业期望在数学和科学成绩上的重要性较为突出;学生的社会经济地位及课上学习时长在高、低学业表现学生群体中的重要性均相对突出。在学校特征方面,弱势学生比例及教师数量在三种学业表现中都相对重要,且其在高、低学业表现学校群体中的重要性相对突出。此外,比较发现,在初中阶段,学校特征类因素对学生学业表现的影响更大。因此,建议提高学生课堂学习的效率,增强青少年对基础学科的认同感;推进公共教育服务均等化,加大对教育资源优越地区相对弱势学生群体的关注力度;调整初中阶段教育资源配置结构,优先保障对学校的投入。  相似文献   

文章运用新制度经济学派的产权理论和制度变迁理论,探讨了:(1)教育作为一种混合物的产权结构特征;(2)教育资源配置效率与公平的概念及测定;(3)教育资源配置效率与公平问题的实质、根源。现阶段我国教育资源配置效率与公平问题的实质是教育制度供给与需求的严重失衡,究其根源在于学校内部产权界定不明晰,对旋教者与受教者双方缺乏有效的激励与约束机制,政府教育制度供给的不当及相关制度变迁的影响。当肖解决教育资源配置效率与公平问题的关键在于从提高教育资源配置效率的角度界定教育公平,适度进行公立学校产权结构的重,有晰民办学校的产权办界,弱化政府对学校的行政干预,逐步形成面向大众的多元化办学格局。  相似文献   

不同社会阶层具有不同的社会资本,表现为个人通过社会网络所能摄取和运用社会资源的能力。由于个人的社会结构不同,在社会关系变量(家庭结构、社会位置和学校背景等)资本化的过程中,个人行动目的的差异导致了社会资本的再次不对等,因此,个人借助于社会资本所获得的回报也不尽相同。社会资本的不平等对于学生受教育机会产生了显著影响。而学生的家庭背景(家庭资本)则又是考生社会资本在各层次高等教育机会的获得发挥作用的一个方面。文章运用实际调研数据,对考生的文化资本(高考成绩)、关系资本(主要是家庭关系资本)和家庭经济资本进行分析后发现,高考成绩和家庭经济资本在考生选择高等教育层次的过程中起主导作用。即考生的成绩和家庭经济资本在很大程度上束缚了其追求高层次教育的选择。  相似文献   

本研究采用PISA2012的数据,使用多水平线性模型方法,比较中国上海地区、美国、芬兰、日本四个国家(地区)的学校客观特征因素和校长领导力对学生数学素养成绩的预测效应。结果发现:学校的客观特征变量在不同国家对学生数学素养的影响不尽相同;学生层面和学校层面的社会经济文化水平指标对数学素养有着正向的预测效果;在控制学生背景变量的情况下,学校层面的校长领导力指标对数学素养无显著预测作用。  相似文献   

我国义务教育公平研究——教育生产函数的视角   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文从教育生产函数的视角对我国中东部地区义务教育公平问题进行了实证研究.统计描述和教育基尼系数分析表明:义务教育阶段城乡和校际间的数学教育质量水平存在很大的差异,义务教育阶段学校教育资源配置也非常不均衡.教育生产函数的多水平模型分析结果显示,城乡和校际间以生均公用经费和教师质量为核心的学校教育资源配置的不均衡在很大程度上决定了城乡和校际间数学教育质量的差异.基于上述结论,本文认为保障中东部地区义务教育质量公平的前提基础是推进义务教育阶段学校资源的均衡配置,促进义务教育均衡发展,而义务教育阶段学校教育资源均衡配置的重心在于学校公用经费和教师资源的均衡配置.  相似文献   

In our increasingly instrumentalist culture, debates over the privatization of schooling may be beside the point. Whether we hatch some new plan for chartering or funding schools, or retain the traditional model of government‐run schools, the ongoing instrumentalization of education threatens the very possibility of public education. Indeed, in the culture of performativity, not only the public school but public life itself is hollowed out and debased. Qualities are recast as quantities, judgments replaced by rubrics, teaching and learning turned into exchange values. Schools should be central to public life: key locations for the regeneration of values, the cultivation of judgment, and the creation of the conditions for positive freedom. In this article Chris Higgins, drawing on Hannah Arendt and Alasdair MacIntyre, goes beyond typical treatments of the schools as equalizer of individual opportunity to explore three aspects of educational publicity: the school as an object of communal concern, schooling as preparation for public life, and the classroom as public space.  相似文献   

国家-社会视角下的农村基础教育发展:教育政治学分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从国家—社会的视角剖析了农村基础教育百年来的发展过程,集中探讨了近些年农村社会发生的若干重大过程,如税费改革中县乡财政关系的调整、农村中小学布局调整中利益格局的变化及私立教育兴起等对农村基础教育的发展及其治理结构的影响,描述了农村基础教育发展的不同阶段国家与社会关系的变化,着重分析了这些过程中政府之间以及政府、学校与民众之间围绕教育治理所发生的互动关系,指出了农村基础教育发展的某些新动向。  相似文献   

The author describes her twofold role as education officer of an independent television company with a large area of responsibility and scattered population: an education officer's contribution to the production of material and to liaison with schools and the public, is outlined.  相似文献   

A bstract .  In this essay, Tyson Lewis theorizes current lockdown practices, zero-tolerance policies, and No Child Left Behind initiatives in U.S. schooling by drawing on Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben's analysis of the concentration camp and the state of exception. Agamben's theory of the camp provides a challenging, critical vantage point for looking at the ambiguities that emerge from the complex field of disciplinary procedures now prevalent in inner-city, low-income, minority schools, and helps to clarify what exactly is at stake in the symbolic and sometimes physical violence of schooling. Key to understanding the primary relation between camp and classroom is Agamben's framework of the biopolitical, which paradoxically includes life as a political concern through its exclusion from the political sphere. Here Lewis appropriates Agamben's terminology in order to theorize the biopedagogical, wherein educational life is included in schooling through its abandonment. For Lewis, the theory of the camp is necessary to recognizing how schools function and, in turn, how they could function differently.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  Character education is a specific approach to morals or values education, which is consistently linked with citizenship education. But how is it possible for a heterogeneous society that disagrees about basic values to reach a consensus on what constitutes character education? This article explores how character education has returned to the agenda of British education policy, having been largely neglected since the 1960s in response to unsatisfactory attempts at character education going back to the nineteenth century. Between 1979 and 1997 Conservative governments attempted to reverse a perceived decline in moral standards, established State control of the schools curriculum, imposed on State schools the duty to provide for moral and other development, and established a National Forum which attempted to articulate a set of consensus values in education. Labour has extended these developments in the curriculum, introduced compulsory citizenship education, and its White Paper of September 2001 speaks of 'education with character'. The character and virtues Labour seeks to promote through schools are pragmatic and instrumental in intention, linked to raising pupil school performance, meeting the needs of the new economy, and promoting democratic participation. Otherwise the vision is pluralistic and evades explicit directives, and there is no explanation or analysis of its theoretical basis.
  The question of how agreement can be reached on what counts as character education may benefit from Sunstein's analysis of how law is possible in a heterogeneous society –'incompletely theorized agreements on particular cases' allow for common laws without agreement on fundamental principles. Many schools in fact operate in this way, but such a consensus is not entirely stable and runs the danger of teaching character education as a series of behaviour outcomes taught in a behaviourist fashion.  相似文献   

Although admittedly quality is very hard to define, UNESCO, particularly its European Centre for Higher Education and its Division of Higher Education, have undertaken a number of actions to further quality in higher education. Thus CEPES created EGAA (European Group on Academic Assessment) and the Division of Higher Education stressed the questions of quality in higher education in a recently prepared UNESCO draft policy paper. A strong component of the UNESCO UNITWIN and UNESCO Chairs Programme is directed at improving the quality of universities and university programmes in developing countries. The effort in favour of quality thus dovetails into other policies and actions of UNESCO, such as those in favour of the development of Centres of Excellence in the academic world. Yet quality improvement should not mean the imposition of one university model throughout the world but drawing upon what is best in local customs and indigenous culture.


This research examines the purposes of education perceived by teacher education students preparing for a career in Israeli public religious schools. Participants were 164 men and 364 women in their first or final year of teacher education. They responded to questionnaires that explored educational purposes in four ways. Twenty-four students also were interviewed. Major results indicate that: 1) universal and religious purposes of education are considered highly important; 2) men attribute greater importance than women to religious- Torah purposes; 3) academic-intellectual growth is not considered an important educational purpose. Implications of these and other findings are considered for educational policy and practice in public religious schools.  相似文献   

试论体育教学中开展心理健康教育的现实意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对青少年学生心理健康问题的日趋严峻,本采用理论研究方法,结合学校体育的现状和发展,提出学校体育教学中开展和实施心理健康教育,树立“健康第一”的体育思想,为推进学校体育中心理健康教育理论的发展及其实践提供参考。  相似文献   

Teacher education is facing major new challenges. In this context the concept of partnership between LEAs, schools and the training institutions has assumed key importance. This paper outlines an in‐novatory scheme of professional partnership with a BEd primary degree programme. The Westminster Primary Link Schools Scheme is developmental, responsive to the changing nature of education, built upon existing good practice in initial and in‐service education and self‐evaluatory. The evaluation of the first year of the scheme is described. Guiding principles, relevant to the development of partnership schemes, are discussed and issues relevant to evaluations of this type are explored  相似文献   

随着小学英语教学在全国的逐步推广,针对少儿英语教学的研究也越来越受到重视。少儿英语教学效果受到多方面因素的影响和制约,其中学生的自主学习能力的培养,对提高少儿英语的教学效果有着非常重要的作用。  相似文献   

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