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<正>鼓励孩子"双性化"在今日美国",双性化教育"正受到越来越多的关注,而且早至孩子的幼儿期便开始了。所谓"双性化教育",是摒弃了传统的、绝对的"单性化教育"后应运而生的一种教育新理念。"双性化教育"的设计者认为,在教育孩子上,过于严格、绝对的性别定型(即男孩只培养其粗犷、刚强等气质,女孩只培养其温柔、细致等气质)只会限制孩子智力、个性的发展。美国研究者曾对2000余名少年  相似文献   

对当代男女性别气质趋于中性化的趋势,我们应理性观之。其实任何性别气质都只不过是社会和文化建构的结果。因此,当代大学生性别气质的中性化是他(她)作为社会人存在的一种正常现象。只要整个社会对性别气质中性化加以重视,并正确引导,它将是通向兼具两性人格优点和长处的"双性化"的必经阶段,也恰恰证明男女平等更向前迈进了重要一步。  相似文献   

今日,“双性化教育”在美国正受到越来越多的关注,而且早至孩子的幼儿期便开始了。所谓的“双性化教育”,是摈弃了传统的、绝对的“单性化教育”后应运而生的一种家庭教育新理念。“双性化教育”设计者认为,教育孩子,过于严格、绝对的性别定型(即男孩只培养其粗犷、刚强等男性气质,女孩只培养其温柔、细致等女性气质),只会限制孩子智力、个性的全面健康的发展。  相似文献   

李玲玲 《文教资料》2009,(7):153-155
双性化人格是一种综合的人格类型,即在一个人身上同时具备男性与女性的兴趣、能力和爱好,尤其是心理气质方面具备男性与女性的长处与优点,它被认为是最合适的性别角色模式、理想的人格模式与最佳的心理健康模式.幼儿期是性别角色形成的关键期,因此也是双性化人格培养的关键期.本文从家庭教育、幼儿园教育与社会教育三个方面探讨了幼儿双性化人格的培养途径.  相似文献   

小说《思家饭店的晚餐》以描写家庭生活为核心,体现了性别、权力和话语之间密不可分的关系,揭示了传统支配性男性气质、女性化及衰落的男性气质的弊端,进而呼吁现代社会关注男性身份建构、男性气质危机等问题,启发人们探索建构双性化气质模式,努力实现两性间真正的平等相待与和谐发展。  相似文献   

"双性化"教育,是摈弃了传统的、绝对的"单性化教育"后应运而生的一种教育新理念,是采撷男女两性人格特征中社会所承认的男性和女性的优良品质集中在同一个体身上的教育。由于我国幼儿教育的"女性化"以及在幼儿"双性化"教育实施中存在的一些认识上的误区,很不利于幼儿的人格健康、完整、和谐地发展,所以,我们在对幼儿进行"双性化"教育时需要注意一些问题。  相似文献   

大学生双性化人格模式与心理健康关系探析   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
双性化人格是一种综合的人格模式,它是指在一个人身上同时具有男性和女性的心理特征。通过对174名大学生进行BSRI(性别角色量表)、S-I(安全-不安全感问卷)、自信心测验问卷的测试,结果显示:具有双性化人格的个性在自信心和安全感方面明显优于女性化气质和非男女气质类型的个体,代表着较高的心理健康水平,是一种心理健康的理想模式。  相似文献   

儿童文学是为儿童个体发生成长的需要由成人提供给儿童的精神食粮,是一种由成人和儿童两个世界的主体共同参与的文学门类.在互动的过程中,"童年"作为一种特殊的审美视角与艺术对象使得儿童文学的创作主体与接受主体能够进行很好的沟通与交流,从而彰显了儿童文学的独特气质与非凡魅力.  相似文献   

苏雅婕 《教师》2021,(8):119-120
双性化教育以培养双性化人格为目标,为社会的发展提供优质人才。幼儿自小接受双性化教育有利于形成良好的个性。幼儿园环境会对幼儿的身心全面发展产生潜移默化的影响。以研究双性化教育为起点,尝试创设具有双性化教育特征的幼儿园内部环境,为推动幼儿双性化教育发展、扩大双性化教育研究领域、推进社会发展创造了条件。  相似文献   

在儿童文学的翻译中,译者若具备双性同体(Androgyny)意识,就能更好地调和阴性气质和阳性气质,其译作会更有利于儿童的健康成长。  相似文献   

The emerging interest in “spaces of childhood” over the past two decades can be identified across numerous disciplines. A substantial body of research has indicated that children's active engagement within the natural environment is associated with a range of cognitive, physical, affective, and moral developmental benefits. Although research on children's space and place is a burgeoning field, currently only one identified systematic review exists within the literature investigating the benefits of children's engagement in nature. The aim of this article was thus to systematically review and synthesize the findings of children's understandings and engagement with nature as a space. After a systematic search of the literature, 83 articles were included in this review with study samples spanning across children aged 3 to 18 years old. The review underscores four thematic domains derived utilizing thematic analysis. It is ostensible from the results that children's perceptions of and engagement in nature as a space and place are multifarious, benefiting children's well-being in myriad ways. At a foundational level, more research is required to deepen understandings about how children in differing contexts construct nature.  相似文献   

Given the narrow scope of primary teachers' knowledge and use of children's literature identified in Phase I of Teachers as Readers (2006–2007), the core goal of the Phase II project was to improve teachers' knowledge and experience of such literature in order to help them increase children's motivation and enthusiasm for reading, especially those less successful in literacy. The year‐long Phase II project, Teachers as Readers: Building Communities of Readers, which was undertaken in five Local Authorities (LAs) in England, also sought to build new relationships with parents and families and to explore the concept of a “Reading Teacher (RT): a teacher who reads and a reader who teaches” (Commeyras and colleagues). The research design was multilayered; involving data collection at individual, school and LA levels, and using a range of quantitative and qualitative data research methods and tools. This paper provides an overview of the Phase II research. It suggests that teachers need support if they are to develop children's reading for pleasure, and enhance their involvement as socially engaged and self‐motivated readers.  相似文献   

Exploring teachers' knowledge of children's literature   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In the context of the current debate about teaching reading, research to ascertain primary teachers' personal and professional reading practices was undertaken. The study explored teachers' reading habits and preferences, investigated their knowledge of children's literature, and documented their reported use of such texts and involvement with library services. Questionnaire responses were gathered from 1200 teachers. The data were analysed and connections made between the teachers' own reading habits and preferences, their knowledge of children's literature, their accessing practices and pedagogic use of literature in school. This paper reports on part of the dataset and focuses on teachers' knowledge of children's literature; it reveals that primary professionals lean on a narrow repertoire of authors, poets and picture fiction creators. It also discusses teachers' personal reading preferences and considers divergences and connections between these as well as the implications of the teachers' limited repertoires on the reading development of young learners.  相似文献   


The use of drama to promote children's engagement with and motivation to study history is now commonplace at sites of historical interest and in many primary and secondary classrooms. Researchers interested in this area have often measured children's engagement and interest through the oral contributions made both during the drama and afterwards in discussion, whereas the written responses of children to their experience of history through drama have not been systematically analysed. OFSTED has recently reported that while they have observed many examples of high standards of oral work in history, the standard of writing at Key Stages 2, 3 and 4 has been disappointing by comparison. This article seeks to provide direction for teachers trying to develop children's historical writing through drama, and shows how drama can be used to promote analytical as well as empathetic responses to historical questions and problems.  相似文献   

家长是高考改革重要的利益相关者,其对选科的认识及意向是学生选科的重要影响因素。调查显示:家长对孩子在校课程学习和高考选科关注度较高,但对相关政策的了解有待深入;家长与孩子的选科意向及意向学科组合总体趋势较为一致;家长对孩子大学专业报考的初步意向集中在教育学、经济学、理学、医学等专业上,较为尊重孩子的选科及专业报考意向,赞同根据兴趣、能力、成绩及大学招生要求进行综合选择。根据家长对高考高度关注但实际了解程度偏低、新高考赋予更多选择权但家长的选择取向相对集中、家长和学生选择意向的趋利性特点突出、家校社协同机制有待形成等实际,还需进一步推动高考制度设计在试点中持续优化,发挥高校在招生和育人中的导向作用,推进高中学校育人方式改革,构建家校社协同机制以增进社会理解,从而加强对家长和学生选科选考的指导。  相似文献   

Background Educational reform is a major challenge facing schools in Taiwan. The new educational reform requires that every primary school must have parental involvement programmes in their school schedules, and to support these new programmes, there is a need for research to examine the extent and nature of parental involvement in primary schools in Taiwan, and to investigate the impact of parental involvement on pupil outcomes.

Purpose The purpose of the study was to examine the extent to which parents' involvement in schooling is related to primary pupil outcomes, after taking into account differences in family social status and family structure, and the children's perceptions of their school learning environments.

Sample For the analyses data were collected in 2001 from 261 6th-grade Taiwanese students, 128 boys and 133 girls, from four primary schools in the Taichung City school district. The average age of the children was approximately 11 years.

Design and methods In the analysis of the research model, a quantitative approach was adopted, in which each student completed two questionnaires and two academic achievement tests. The first questionnaire included questions to assess family social status, family structure and parents' involvement in their children's education. In the second questionnaire there were questions to measure pupils' self-concept and perceptions of their schools' learning environments. The data were analysed using multiple-regression techniques to examine relationships among family social status, family structure, parental involvement, the school learning environment and pupils' school-related outcomes.

Results The findings suggested that: (a) children's academic achievement is related to their family social status and perceptions of immediate family learning environments, and (b) children's self-concept is associated with their perceptions of classroom learning environments, parents' aspirations and parents' involvement at home. These propositions indicate the differential nature of the relationships among family and school environments and measures of children's school outcomes.

Conclusions In the Taiwanese context, by showing the particularly important association between Taiwanese family environments and children's school outcomes, the present investigation supports the educational reform movement that encourages schools to involve parents more intimately in shared responsibilities.  相似文献   

Research Findings: This study investigated relations among preschool teachers' (n = 75) sense of community, classroom language and literacy instructional quality, and children's (n = 398) gains in vocabulary and print concept knowledge during an academic year. Hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) results indicated that teachers' language and literacy instructional quality significantly predicted children's gains in print concept knowledge. Also, HLM results revealed significant interactions among teachers' sense of community, language and literacy instructional quality, and vocabulary and print concept knowledge gains. Higher levels of teachers' sense of community were associated with greater gains in children's vocabulary and print concept knowledge when children were in classrooms with higher quality language and literacy instruction. Practice or Policy: Findings underscore the importance of evaluating both language and literacy instructional quality and teachers' sense of community when considering high-quality preschool education.  相似文献   

Writing is part and parcel of children's active meaning‐making on and with screens, but it has been relatively neglected in the literature focused on children's digital literacies. This study synthesises existing empirical evidence focused on young children's (aged between 2 and 8 years) writing on screen and identifies the relationships between dominant themes in published literature and contemporary theories of children's technology use. A systematic literature review that included studies from diverse disciplines yielded 21 papers. Constant comparative analysis generated five themes that indicate four key directions for future research. We call attention to researchers' theoretical framing to supplement mono‐disciplinary approaches and single levels of analysis. We suggest that future research should provide greater specification of the purpose of children's writing on screen and the different types of tools and applications supporting the activity. We also highlight the need for interdisciplinary approaches that would capture the composing stages involved in the writing process with and around screens. Finally, we point out possible age‐related differences in documenting and reporting the composing process in classrooms. Overall, limitations in the current evidence base highlight the need for research conducted from a critical perspective and focused more directly on multimodality.  相似文献   

The aim of this prospective study was to identify preschool factors that are associated with children's classroom engagement during their 1st school year. The study was guided by a social-motivational process model that highlights the importance of parent–child and teacher–child relationships in promoting engagement. In preschool, parents and teachers completed questionnaires assessing children's (n = 562) parent–child and teacher–child relationships, global self-concept, and mental health problems. Teachers rated children's engagement levels 1 year later in kindergarten. Research Findings: Results from structural equation modeling suggested that experiencing good-quality relationships with parents and teachers and positive self-concept during preschool were only indirectly associated with children's kindergarten classroom engagement through their negative associations with hyperactivity/inattention; only hyperactivity/inattention had a significant direct (small-moderate and negative) association with children's engagement. Practice or Policy: Interventions that improve adult–child relationships may reduce childhood hyperactivity/inattention during preschool and potentially improve children's engagement, helping them start school ready and eager to learn.  相似文献   

The concept of children's rights evolved during the 1980s giving prominence to the role of children as active participants in the construction of their lives. The rhetoric of children's rights has emerged as an important consideration in all policy and practice relating to children. Implementation of children's rights in practice is necessary to maximise their potential to improve the lives of children. This paper presents an argument for the importance of giving meaning to the implementation of children's rights in the Individual Education Plan (IEP) process for pupils with autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) in Ireland. The study, on which this paper is based, was conducted in two stages using both qualitative and quantitative approaches. The first stage focused on the development of a set of indicators for the IEP process based on a children's rights framework and informed by the perspectives of children, parents and teachers, alongside the literature on best practice on IEPs. In the second stage, a survey questionnaire was designed, based on the children's rights indicators, to evaluate current IEP practice in Ireland for pupils with autistic spectrum disorder. This article outlines the development of a set of indicators for the IEP process. It also presents findings of the survey which evaluates current practice in relation to the IEP process for pupils with ASD in Ireland. The article focuses specifically on Article 3(1) of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) which stipulates that in all actions concerning children, ‘the best interests of the child shall be a primary consideration’.  相似文献   

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