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Recruitment of public school administrators is an important issue due to the shortage of qualified job applicants nationwide. The shortage of applicants requires school districts to evaluate their internal pools of potential applicants for administrative vacancies. This evaluation research addressed the recruitment of teacher-leaders to serve as assistant principals (APs) using a recruitment simulation technique. The participants were secondary school teacher-leaders who were counselors, school council members, department chairs, or resource teachers. The evaluation technique used involved an innovative experimental design approach. Teacher-leaders, whose current or past primary teaching assignment was in the core content areas (e.g., English/language arts, mathematics, science, social studies), rated the job of AP highest. Resource teachers rated the job significantly higher when the AP job emphasized instruction than when the job emphasized discipline. Implications for recruitment practice and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

河北省中学教师职业倦怠现状的调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨河北省中学教师职业倦怠的现状和特点。方法:采用修订的MBI教师职业倦怠量表对河北省513名中学教师进行调查。结果:(1)河北省中学教师职业倦怠的总体程度不高,但情感耗竭程度相对比较严重;(2)河北省中学教师职业倦怠中三个维度随教龄增长呈现出“两头低,中间高”的趋势;(3)高中教师的职业倦怠水平显著高于初中教师;(4)5~14年教龄和15年以上教龄初中教师职业倦怠水平都显著高于0~4年教龄段的初中教师。结论:河北省中学教师职业倦怠总体不太严重,但在情感耗竭维度方面较为突出;高中教师以及教龄在5~14年的教师职业倦怠总体程度更高,因此更需要社会的关注。  相似文献   

为了解福建省中学教师职业倦怠的现状,促进教师的专业成长,采用《中学教师职业倦怠问卷》对349名中学教师进行调查。结果显示:中学教师的职业倦怠不太严重,不同类型的教师在缺乏成就感上有显著差异,新手型教师和熟手型教师均显著高于专家型教师,缺乏成就感教师的职称、所教学科、学科类别的主效应均显著,去个性化的所教学科主效应显著,情绪耗竭的性别与教龄、性别与职称的交互效应显著。  相似文献   

城市初中教师工作倦怠状况及其社会支持的关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以400名城市初中教师为被试,采用问卷调查法,考察了城市初中教师工作倦怠状况,详细探讨了工作倦怠各维度与社会支持各来源和类型之间的具体关系。结果发现,城市初中教师的情绪衰竭程度较为严重;男、女教师的工作倦怠程度没有显著差异;教龄为1年的教师工作倦怠程度最轻,其次是教龄为6-10年的教师;普通校教师的情绪衰竭和去人性化程度比示范校教师严重,但个人效能感水平不存在显著差异;社会支持对提高教师个人效能感的作用最大;就降低教师工作倦怠程度来说,来源于校领导的支持最为有效,情感支持比实际支持的作用更大;同事支持反而增加了教师的情绪衰竭程度。  相似文献   

Job satisfaction is an important topic in teacher education research. Exploring the issue of teacher job satisfaction helps us gain a deeper understanding of teachers' mental state, such as their occupational attitudes, zeal for teaching, and work enthusiasm, which affects the quality of teaching and education. From an examination of teachers' job satisfaction studies conducted in China (including Hong Kong) in the past ten years, we identified changes in job satisfaction among China's teachers and proposed suggestions that school and educational administrators may find relevant in their decision making and administration.  相似文献   

目的:探讨高职院校教师工作压力与工作倦怠的关系。方法:以某沿海省份6所高职院校的421名教师为研究对象,采用工作压力问卷和高校教师工作倦怠问卷进行调查。结果:1.高职院校教师的工作倦怠整体水平不严重,个人成就感维度的性别差异显著,男教师显著高于女教师。教龄在组织去人性化维度上差异显著。在组织去人性化、情绪枯竭、科研耗尽感三个维度上,未婚教师得分显著低于已婚教师。工作压力维度上,性别在工作无乐趣维度上差异显著,教龄在职称评聘维度上差异显著。2.工作压力各维度均能够预测工作倦怠及其各维度。结论:高职院校教师工作倦怠程度并不严重,工作压力能够较好地预测工作倦怠。  相似文献   

贵州省中学教师职业倦怠的现状研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对464名贵州省中学教师的问卷调查发现:贵州省中学教师的职业倦怠整体上并不严重,但有相当比例的教师有比较明显的倦怠倾向;教师职业倦怠的发展随教龄的增加呈现出“两低中高”的发展趋势,教龄6-10年是职业倦怠最严重的阶段,在教师职业生涯的中期,教师的情感耗竭高于其个人成就感;性别、学历、职称、是否担任班主任、学校类型和地区分别对教师职业倦怠的一个或多个维度有显著影响。  相似文献   

以河北省幼儿教师为被试,采用问卷调查法研究河北省幼儿教师的职业倦怠及影响因素。研究表明:河北省99%的幼儿教师有明显的职业倦怠表现,教师的教龄、学历、婚否及有无孩子对其职业倦怠影响明显,其中工作时间少于5年的幼儿教师的总体倦怠程度比其他教龄段教师的总体工作倦怠程度更低;中专或高中学历的幼儿教师,相比较大专和本科学历的教师,表现出更大的工作倦怠;已婚和有孩子的幼儿教师,相对于未婚和无孩子的幼儿教师,在工作中体验到更严重的倦怠感。  相似文献   

We use a unique administrative database from the state of Florida to provide the first evidence that promotion and other job reassignments within school districts are systematically related to differences in teacher effectiveness in raising student achievement. We follow the career paths of a cohort of almost 25,000 classroom teachers during the 2001-2002 school year for seven subsequent years. Our results confirm that effective teachers are more likely to become assistant principals or principals and less likely to be reassigned to a low-stakes teaching position. The tendency of highly effective teachers to continue teaching in high-stakes grades and subjects is strongest in schools receiving low ratings from the state's school accountability system. Teachers entering the principal track experience a large increase in annual earnings, but the share of teachers promoted in this way is small enough that future compensation remains largely unrelated to effectiveness for teachers as a whole.  相似文献   

While teacher retention is a pressing issue for many jurisdictions, Singapore has a relatively low teacher attrition rate. Drawing on the experiences of student teachers from the sole institute for pre-service teacher education in Singapore, this article argues that it is important to expose teacher candidates to a substantial period of school experience as part of the teacher recruitment process. Before they are officially enrolled into pre-service teacher education, the Ministry of Education in Singapore requires all teacher candidates in the Postgraduate Diploma of Education program to go through a compulsory school stint. The authors' research findings show that this exposure to the realities and complexities of teaching can be an important contributor to teacher retention in terms of assessing and promoting teacher candidates’ resilient qualities, such as passion for teaching, self-efficacy beliefs, and positive emotion. In other words, early field experiences can help teacher candidates understand themselves as teachers and assess their own suitability for a teaching career. This study sheds new light on the policies and practices of teacher retention and teacher recruitment strategies.  相似文献   

This study addressed recruiting principals into low performing schools. A sample (N = 619) of principals, assistant principals, central office administrators, school counselors, and teacher-leaders from the 29th largest school district in the United States role-played as applicants for principal vacancies at schools classified as low-performing based on results of standardized student achievement tests. The study had an experimental design and involved use of a recruitment simulation. Rating jobs depicted on simulated principal recruitment announcements, principals and assistant principals rated the job highest while school counselors rated the jobs lowest. Among the teacher-leaders, teacher-administrative interns rated the job higher than did highly skilled educators or resource teachers. Implications for recruitment practice and future evaluation research are discussed.  相似文献   

文章以玛勒诗的教师测量量表修订本为研究工具,对安徽省12所高校的167名体育教师进行调查和分析,发现安徽省体育教师的职业倦怠属于中等强度;女性教师群体的情绪衰竭水平和去人性化两个维度上显著高于男性教师;就教龄而言,5~10年教龄的教师个人成就感最强;职称高低在职业倦怠的去人性化上没有显著差异,但在情感衰竭和成就感维度上,各职称之间有显著差异;职业压力源的各个层面(学生因素、工作因素、职业期望、组织气氛、自我发展、科研)及总职业压力同总倦怠及情绪耗竭、去个性化两个因子均呈显著相关。根据调查结果提出了缓解安徽省高校体育教师职业倦怠的若干建议。  相似文献   

本研究运用问卷方法对北京市1308名小学教师进行调查,发现:第一,北京市小学教师的总体工作满意度达到了较高水平,且教师内在满意度显著高于教师外在满意度。第二,北京市小学教师工作的内在、外在和总体满意度在人口学变量上存在显著差异,表现为:薄弱校教师满意度高于优质校和中等校;男教师满意度高于女教师;学校干部的满意度高于任课教师,副科教师满意度高于主科教师;低年级教师满意度高于中高年级教师;新入职教师与老教师满意度高于中年教师;教师的职称越高,满意度越高。在原因分析的基础上,提出了政策建议。  相似文献   

Job satisfaction is an essential component of teacher motivation, performance, and retention. Teacher job satisfaction is primarily affected by workplace conditions. This paper analyzes data from over 37,000 public school teachers from the 2011–2012 Schools and Staffing Survey. Hierarchical ordinal logistic regression was utilized to analyze effects of school rule enforcement and teacher victimization on job satisfaction. Findings indicated that teachers who perceived higher enforcement of school rules had higher job satisfaction. In particular, consistent enforcement of rules by school administrators had a significantly greater effect on satisfaction than collegial enforcement of rules. Findings also indicated that teacher victimization has a significantly negative effect on job satisfaction. Consistent enforcement of school rules may reduce instances of student misbehavior and teacher victimization, helping reduce teacher stress and anxiety, leading to greater job satisfaction. Implications for policy and practice are explored, examining what administrators can do to protect teachers and improve satisfaction.  相似文献   

Teacher well-being is a critical factor affecting job performance and thus, significant for enhancing quality teaching. Based on the job demands-resources model, this study examines the mediating effects of teachers’ self-monitoring and self-efficacy on the relationships between the emotional job demands of teaching and trust in colleagues and teacher well-being. A questionnaire was administered to 1115 primary school teachers in Hong Kong. The results highlight the maladaptive role of self-monitoring as a personal demand and the adaptive role of self-efficacy as a personal resource: self-monitoring is positively related to anxiety and depression; self-efficacy is positively related to enthusiasm and contentment and negatively related to anxiety and depression. The results not only support the beneficial role of trust in colleagues, which is positively associated with teacher self-efficacy and well-being, but also reveal the rewarding side of emotional job demands in enhancing teacher self-efficacy. Theoretical contributions and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

This study surveyed the current situation of teacher burnout in a sample of 400 teachers from urban junior high school in Shangqiu of Henan Province with scales, and examined the relationship between dimensions of teacher burnout and sources and types of social support they received. The results show that Shangqiu urban junior high school teachers’ emotional exhaustion is serious; gender does not affect the score of burnout significantly; teachers with 1 year job experience recorded significantly lower scores of burnout than others, and teachers who have worked for 6–10 years is second; urban junior high school level affects the score of emotional exhaustion and depersonalization significantly, but does not affect reduced personal accomplishment; social support is most important to enhance feelings of the teacher’s personal accomplishment; among all the sources, supervisor and principal support is the most significant predictor of teacher burnout; emotional support is more significant predictor of teacher burnout than practical support; peer support increases the teacher’s emotional exhaustion. __________ Translated from Jiaoshi Jiaoyu Yanjiu 教师教育研究(Teacher Education Research), 2007, 19(3): 65–71  相似文献   

As the private education sector grows across the globe, private providers by extension are becoming significant employers of teachers. In India, more than 3 million teachers are employed in the private sector, contributing to meeting the rapidly expanding educational demands and learning needs of children. Teacher working conditions are crucial to ensure teacher retention and success within the education system. We use the 2011–2012, nationally representative employment data from India, to investigate private teacher working conditions. We conduct a series of regression analysis to account for the differences in demographic attributes of public and private teachers, differences in rural and urban growth of private schools and cross-state variations. We find that, compared to public school teachers, private school teachers experience less favorable monetary and non-monetary working conditions including less access to paid leaves, pension and health care. They also experience lower job security in terms of the existence of a contract and the length of contract period. Private school teachers also have a lower access to teacher unions and thus weaker collective bargaining to negotiate their working conditions. Private teachers are more frequently likely to seek additional work and alternate work. Some noteworthy differences in teacher demographics in rural and urban areas (urban teachers are more likely to be female, somewhat older, and more educated) notwithstanding, these patterns of public-private teacher working conditions are consistent across rural and urban location. We conclude with reflections on potential explanations for these results and suggest steps for future research.  相似文献   

In light of the perceived national need for more science and math teachers, this study was conceived to:
  • 1. Identify “teaching oriented” students among freshmen at a mid-western engineering school, who have chosen NOT to become teachers;
  • 2. Find out what reasons these “potential” science and math teachers have for deciding not to pursue teaching careers;
  • 3. Determine what amelioration of these problems would be necessary for them to no longer be factors which would inhibit students from becoming teachers.
Of a random sample of 110 students drawn from a freshman class, 98 participated fully in the study. Each participant took Holland's Self-Directed Search to determine “teaching orientation” and author-constructed instruments to assess their concerns about teaching. Results showed “teaching oriented” students avoided teaching due to low starting salaries, lack of job security, low maximum salaries, not wanting to do the work teacher's do, poor job availability and discouragement by family and friends. Starting salaries of $21,693 and salaries of $32,600 for a teacher with a B.A. and 10 years experience were among the changes deemed necessary to make teaching attractive.  相似文献   

This paper examines the reasons why long‐serving teachers remain in the teaching profession. Interest in teacher retention has grown in recent years, both in the UK and internationally, due to concerns over teacher shortage. However, most research on retention has focused on why teachers leave; this paper aims to fill the gap in our understanding of the positive reasons why long‐serving teachers stay in the profession, and how these reasons change over time. We define ‘long‐serving teachers’ as teachers who have taught for 10 years and more. We draw on a subset of data from an existing, broader study (Menzies et al., 2015 ) on why teachers enter and stay in the profession. In this paper, we draw on questionnaire findings from over 900 teachers with 0 to over 30 years’ teaching experience, and interviews with 14 long‐serving teachers, to understand why long‐serving teachers enter and, more importantly for our purposes, stay in teaching. We find that teachers’ motivational patterns are highly complex and influenced by school‐level and policy contexts. Nonetheless, two prominent retention factors are identified: teachers’ perceived professional mastery and altruistic reasons. Perceived professional mastery is particularly important due to its mutually reinforcing analytic relationships with other reasons. We find that teachers’ identification with intrinsic, altruistic and perceived professional mastery reasons become stronger with years of experience, but in some cases, paradoxically, so does their identification with extrinsic reasons. From our evidence, we suggest policy implications for enhancing the retention of long‐serving teachers.  相似文献   

Sarah Hean  Roger Garrett 《Compare》2001,31(3):363-379
The paper aims to augment the limited literature on teacher job satisfaction in developing countries, specifically in Chile. The nature of job satisfaction in Chilean secondary science teachers is investigated and causes of satisfaction and dissatisfaction identified. Teachers mentioned most often their satisfaction with interactions with students, relationships held within the school and opportunities to contribute to the development of society, future generations or the individual. Sources of dissatisfaction are poor salary, excessive workload, student characteristics, resources and infrastructure. Associations between teachers' characteristics (age, gender, experience), the type of school administration and job satisfaction are also made and suggestions on how to address the issues of teacher satisfaction and dissatisfaction are discussed.  相似文献   

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