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接受高等教育是残疾人受教育权的重要组成部分,残疾人受高等教育权是一组权利体系,应当包括受教育机会权、受教育条件权、受教育评价权。以此权利体系为维度,可以发现我国残疾人立法和高等教育立法对残疾人高等教育不够重视、残疾人高等教育权利体系不全面、法律体系不完善等。残疾人高等教育权利体系必须从立法、执法和司法等方面进行完善。  相似文献   

残疾人高等教育的权利体系应当包括受教育机会权、受教育条件权、受教育评价权.以此权利体系为视角,分析我国残疾人高等教育法律保障的现状,可以发现当前存在对残疾人高等教育不重视、保障不全面、法律体系不完善等问题.健全和保障残疾人高等教育的权利体系,必须从立法、执法、司法等方面予以完善,这是落实"人本特教"科学发展观,也是推动我国特殊教育事业可持续发展的必然要求.  相似文献   

亮点一:禁止歧视残疾人中国政府已签署的联合国《残疾人权利公约》规定,缔约国应当禁止一切基于残疾的歧视,其内涵不限于教育、就业等歧视,还包括拒绝为残疾人提供合理便利等情形。基于此,新修订的残疾人保障法规定,禁止基于残疾的歧视。禁止侮辱、侵害残疾人。禁止通过大众传播媒介或其他方式贬低损害残疾人人格。  相似文献   

残疾人大学生的权利救济   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
做好残疾人大学生的权利救济工作,对维护残疾人的利益、推进残疾人高等教育的健康发展、促进和谐社会目标的实现,有着重要而深远的意义。拓展教育救济形式,大力发展远程教育;拓宽物质救济思路,积极采取有效政策;开拓就业救济途径,加强就业指导服务等是残疾人大学生权利救济的有效途径。  相似文献   

残疾人由于其身体、心智存在一定的缺陷,自古就是社会的一个特殊群体。随着社会历史的发展和人类的文明进步,对残疾、残疾人概念的认识也在不断地发展变化。中国古代对残疾现象就有了比较全面的认知,用许多特定的概念表述残疾的部位、程度和状态;但对残疾人群体常用"废疾""残废"等概念来表述,带有一定的歧视意味。改革开放后,"残废"才逐渐被"残疾"所取代。国际上对残疾人的称谓和定义也没有统一的标准。对残疾人的不同称谓,从一个侧面表现出人们对残疾人群体理解、尊重的意识,折射出社会文明进步的程度。对残疾人概念进行文化解读,有助于消除人们对残疾人的歧视,在文化的层面确立残疾人与健全人的平等地位。  相似文献   

近代残疾人教育思想产生于西方,由传教士及绅商传入中国。传教士基于平等、博爱理念,在传播宗教的同时,提倡发展残疾人教育,促使残疾人的救济模式由传统的养转变为近代的教。绅商从社会和人权出发,强调残疾人作为社会的一员,理应与身体健全者一样享有接受教育的权利;勉励残疾人掌握一技之长、自谋其生;并要求国家制定法律,保障残疾人接受教育的权利。残疾人则从自身的角度提出通过接受教育,自立自强,服务社会。在批判轻视和歧视残疾人教育的错误思想斗争中,残疾人教育思想得到了进一步的发展。近代100年间,传教士、绅商、知识分子、残疾人创办残疾人学校,教育培养了一批残疾人,促进了近代残疾人教育事业的发展,也为当代残疾人教育事业奠定了基础。  相似文献   

由于生理上的缺陷,残疾人不能像健全人一样升学和就业,往往遭到种种歧视和损害,必须给予残疾人充分的保障.要改善残疾人升学和就业的现状,就需要进一步完善残疾人权利的司法保障制度,充分发挥司法的能动性,给予残疾人更加积极全面的保护.  相似文献   

本文在分析了南京市残疾人就业形势的基础上,认为目前残疾人就业前景还不乐观,教育和技术培训虽然对残疾人就业有一定的帮助,但并不稳定.关系网络在残疾人就业过程中仍发挥重要影响,社会歧视使得残疾人不能享有和健康人群同等的就业机会,残联的工作还待加强.  相似文献   

随着我国国民经济的持续快速发展和教育普及的不断深入,残疾人接受高层次、多样化、高质量教育的需求日益增长,广大残疾适龄青年,迫切需要通过接受高等教育来提升自身素质和参与社会生活的能力. 由于我国残疾人高等教育起步晚,基础薄弱,仍面临突出问题和困难,主要表现为残疾人高等教育经费投入不足,专业设置较窄,办学条件亟待改善,学生实训基地等支持保障条件短缺,残疾大学毕业生就业难等.为加大对残疾人高等教育的扶持和投入,保障残疾人接受教育的权利,促进教育均衡发展和社会公平,提出以下建议:  相似文献   

现在,政府和越来越多的学者开始思考,怎样让残疾人在飞速发展的经济中获得相应的利益,更好地融入社会。本次的调研就对宿迁市残疾人就业情况进行了分析,发现影响宿迁市残疾人就业的主要因素有残疾人的受教育程度、残疾人的职业技能培训情况、残疾人得到的康复服务、企业对残疾人的歧视等。针对这些问题,提出了改善残疾人就业的几点建议,如:完善残疾人的教育体系,加强职业技能培训,增加对残疾人歧视的立法等。  相似文献   

残疾人作为中国公民社会很重要的组成部分,他们的教育权益、就业保障等问题日益受到社会的关注。如何为残疾人提供更好的、更优质的教育服务也是各级政府一直思考的问题。本文以广州市政府购买残疾人教育服务为例,总结成功经验,分析存在的问题,从而为广州市政府购买教育服务的理论与实践发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Just as faculty are expected to refer to performance and behavior changes that occur by age, gender, and other factors, an infusion of information about individuals with disabilities requires us to focus on the range of human variability and its relation to physical activity across the life span. This call to infuse information about individuals with disabilities should affect most kinesiology/ physical education undergraduate and graduate curricula in institutions of higher education. Advocacy for this idea has been developing for many years (Hall & Stiehl, 1978; Sherrill, 1988; Stein, 1969). Such infusion could add to and enhance our ability to contribute to the broad goals of society. But for us to assume this role, we must change our curricula to meet our published mission of serving society. This change will help disciplinary and professional preparation programs produce a broader range of scholarly activity and provide leadership that other disciplines may envy  相似文献   

Discusses human rights issues related to people with disabilities in Australia. The issues surrounding human rights for people with disabilities are related to the concepts of discrimination, legislation and social justice. Findings from recent Federal inquiries into homeless children and mental illness highlight major deficits in services for persons with disabilities. Given the rapidly changing nature of our society, improved community‐based services must become a priority. Schools and education have a major role to play in the provision of such services. It is concluded that every Australian has the responsibility to advocate with and on behalf of people with disabilities.  相似文献   

Even though Ghana has embraced international calls for mainstream education, many children with intellectual disabilities still receive education in segregated special schools. This article discusses the views of seven informants on the importance of special schools in Ghana. After securing the consent of our informants, we conducted in-depth qualitative interviews, transcribed and subjected the data to thematic analysis. The following views on the education of children with intellectual disabilities in special schools emerged; availability of dedicated teachers, variations in learning activities, playing the preparatory role, inclusion on their premises, discrimination and cultural stereotypes. The findings indicate that special schools still play important roles in the education of children with intellectual disabilities in Ghana.  相似文献   

论网络对残疾人教育的促进作用   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
残疾人教育是一个重要的社会问题,社会还没有给残疾人提供一种无障碍的教育环境,而高科技的网络工具能极大地改善残疾人的外部学习条件,创造平等的学习机会,从而提供一种无障碍的教育环境。网络对残疾人教育有着积极的影响,但目前在残疾人教育中应用网络技术还有很多困难和问题,需要政府、社会各界和残疾人群体共同为积极推动和加快发展残疾人的网络事业做出贡献。  相似文献   

Globally, persons with disabilities are underrepresented in higher education. In sub-Saharan Africa, where opportunities for higher education are especially limited, women are unlikely to continue their education. This research investigates women in Tanzanian higher education with the double marginalisation of being a woman and having disabilities. The women were interviewed on what factors enabled access and participation for their educational success. A thematic analysis of qualitative data was applied. All of the women interviewed were motivated to complete their degrees. Key enabling factors were encouragement from their families and previous teachers, full participation in student life and sufficient financial support. Student life integration, especially peer study groups, and university staff training were emphasised along with structural modifications needed for campus facility access. They understood the importance of education, especially as women with disabilities, and the impact educated women with disabilities have as role models for young women, those with disabilities and without.  相似文献   

本研究借鉴余秀兰对弱势群体教育支持的界定和分类,通过自编问卷对大连市和牡丹江市两地24个社区114名社区专干和416名成年障碍者进行调查,并着重分析两市社区对成年障碍者提供教育支持的情况以及成年障碍者利用社区教育支持的情况.研究发现:(1)社区对成年障碍者提供的教育支持主要以偶尔提供为主;(2)成年障碍者对社区教育支持的利用情况主要以没有利用为主.本研究为社区如何提供教育支持和成年障碍者如何 利用社区提供的教育支持提出了建议.  相似文献   


Inclusion refers to the practice of educating students with disabilities in the general education setting. This concept stems from the seminal United States Congressional legislation PL 94-142, and its subsequent reauthorised amendments, which mandate that students with disabilities be educated in the general education setting with their ‘non-disabled’ peers to the maximum extent possible. IDEIA’s legal mandates underscore the stark reality of discrimination and exclusion faced by individuals with disabilities within schools and society. Although progress has been made in advancing equity agendas of access and academic achievement, few would deny that significant work remains. If all individuals, including those with disabilities are to achieve their birthright of full integration into society, schools must reflect integration at all levels. This article provides a historical perspective on the inclusion movement, discusses the role school leaders play in ensuring inclusive environments and concludes with recommendations for future school leaders and teachers.  相似文献   

Globally, few students with disabilities progress to higher education. This is mostly due to avoidable barriers they face as they navigate different educational structures from lower levels. Even for those few students who make it to higher education, they continue to face challenges. A qualitative study was carried out at the University of the Free State and the University of Venda. Fourteen students with disabilities took part in this research that was aimed at exploring their academic and life experiences. This article interrogates the inclusion of students with disabilities at two South African universities. This article is timely as South Africa has initiated the development of a national policy framework on disability in the post-school education and training systems. It highlights some of the areas where inclusive policies should pay attention in an effort to fully cater for the needs of students with disabilities.  相似文献   

对我国当前残疾人高等教育教师队伍结构和研究现状进行分析,并以系统论作为研究视角,提出了残疾人高等教育院校教师队伍建设要坚持高等教育的质量目标,同时应具备共性结构要素和特性结构要素两个标准的思路.为了提升残疾高等教育教师队伍的整体素质,必须对目前我国残疾人高等教育教师队伍结构的缺失有针对性的优化,从而建立符合时代要求与当代残疾人高等教育规律的优秀教师队伍,实现提高我国残疾人高等教育的水平.  相似文献   

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