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This paper reports on the development of an engineering curriculum for a new industrial engineering programme at a medium-sized private university in the northeast United States. A systems engineering process has been followed to design and develop the new curriculum. Considering the programme curriculum as a system, first the stakeholders have been identified, and some preliminary analysis on their needs and requirements has been conducted. Following that, the phases of conceptual design, preliminary design, and detailed design have been pursued during which different levels of validation, assessment, and evaluation processes have been utilised. In addition, a curriculum assessment and continuous improvement process have been developed to assess the curriculum and the courses frequently. The resulting curriculum is flexible, allowing the pursuit of accelerated graduate programmes, a second major, various minor options, and study-abroad; relevant, tailored to the needs of industry partners in the vicinity; and practical, providing hands-on education, resulting in employment-ready graduates.  相似文献   

高校实验室是师生进行实验和科研的重要场所,同时也是产生与排放污染物最多的地方。这些污染物处理不当将会对环境造成严重污染。因此,实现高校实验室的绿色化管理是实验教学发展的必然趋势,已经成为新世纪实验教学人员研究的新课题。本文在分析环境工程实验室的现状基础上,从实验仪器管理、实验试剂管理、废弃物管理以及实验准备与方法几个方面探讨了环境工程实验室的绿色化管理方法,提出了针对性的管理措施,初步建立了环境工程绿色实验室,为今后环境工程类实验室的绿色化管理提供参考依据。  相似文献   


A substantial degree of empirical evidence has illustrated the correlation between spatial skills and performance in engineering education. This evidence has been foundational in the construction of educational interventions which have resulted in both increased levels of spatial ability and increased educational performance and retention. However, the cognitive faculty of spatial cognition is widely recognised as multifactorial and a number of factors exist within this domain which have not been examined as potential influences on educational success. A number of factors have been identified within the pertinent literature which do not appear in any formal framework of spatial cognition. This paper presents a review and synthesis of this work with the amalgam presented as a model to support the further integration of spatial ability into engineering educational practices.  相似文献   

工程与伦理一直缺乏沟通与对话,许多工程界人士忽视了伦理因素在工程活动中的作用和重要性,也有许多伦理学家忽视了工程实践中出现的伦理问题。目前这种状况正在发生改变。美国的工程伦理学已经“起飞”,中国的工程伦理学则还处在“起飞”的“前夜”。在工程活动中,伦理要素深刻地渗透在其他要素之中。人们必须正视工程活动中经常出现的伦理意识薄弱的现象,工程界应该努力增强工程活动中的伦理意识,提高伦理自觉性,认真研究和正确处理工程活动中出现的各种伦理难题,另一方面,伦理学界也必须关注工程中的伦理问题,强化伦理学的工程关注与工程意识,大力发展工程伦理学这个新的分支学科。工程伦理学将会在工程与伦理的互渗与对话中迅速得到发展。  相似文献   

Visualizing parts, meaning interpreting the views of an object which has been represented in a drawing, is a fundamental skill in engineering. However, learning deficiencies and difficulties have been observed among engineering undergraduates, and there is a high failure rate in drawing courses. In order to determine the origin of these deficiencies, a qualitative design has been developed based on personal interviews. A group of students was interviewed to analyse the solution process they applied to three visualization problems with increasing difficulty. The steps they took were structured and categorized along with the difficulties and deficiencies which were detected. Most of the students affirmed that they did not possess methodology to solve these problems and relied on trial and error and intuition. The results seem to indicate that there are specific difficulties and that it is possible to define a set of skills which guide students through the process of visualizing parts.  相似文献   

针对卓越工程人才的培养需求,对建筑环境与设备工程专业的实践教学进行了持续的探索与改革。通过整合及优化实践教学内容,建立了目标清晰、载体明确的实践教学新体系;深化与社会各方面的合作,促进工程应用、工程创新类科研成果转化为教学资源,开发建设了独具特色、覆盖面全、教学科研承载力强的综合实验系统;充分挖掘学校、企业、科研单位的各自优势,共建实践创新基地,探索校企协同培养人才的有效措施。在提升学生工程实践能力方面取得了较好的实践效果。  相似文献   

新版K-12科学教育框架的出台表明美国拉开了新一轮科学教育改革的序幕。美国新版K-12科学教育框架主要特点:聚焦于核心概念的科学教学、工程与科学相提并论、知行合一的"实践"和整体化设计。结合我国当前基础教育阶段科学教学存在的问题,阐释了我们应该从美国新版K-12科学教育框架借鉴的教学改革理念与做法。  相似文献   

化工类专业培养模式和知识体系的研究与实践   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以“一体两翼”为课程方案设置的指导思想,提出了面向21世纪化工类专业的培养模式和目标,构建了化工类专业人才培养的知识结构体系,并结合“化学工程与工艺”和“过程装备与控制工程”两个专业,建立并完善了一套有利于培养学生创新思维能力、科研及实践能力的新的课程体系和教学内容体系。试点实践取得了良好效果,对化工类专业教学改革具有重要的示范作用和参考价值。  相似文献   

SUMMARY Formal arrangements are being introduced in the UK for the academic audit of all university courses. It seems likely that in the future these will become normal practice throughout Europe. Procedures are having to be developed which will demonstrate the achievement of quality. Little guidance has been available so far on how to frame these procedures for engineering courses. Standards introduced in recent years for assuring the quality of products and services have emphasized the central importance of the Quality Manual. This paper gives an example of how the philosophy of these standards has been applied, in the framing of a quality manual for an engineering degree scheme. It has been necessary to define aspects of the scheme, such as its overall objectives, much more closely, so as to bring together procedures to show that the objectives are being achieved. A discussion is included of the procedures required for auditing, which is essential to ensure that the quality control loop is closed. Attitudes to the introduction of the manual are reported briefly.  相似文献   

随着我国加入WTO,工程建设管理体制改革的形式发生了很大变化,对工程监理行业提出了更高的要求。特别是近几年来,工程建设领域中法制建设不断加强,工程实践经验不断丰富,新法规、新规范、新经验层出不穷,从而积累了许多新的研究成果。  相似文献   

提高工程人才培养质量是高等工程教育面临的一个迫切需要解决的难题。我校在服务地方经济建设的过程中结合自身行业优势对人才培养模式进行了一系列改革与实践探索,通过树立"服务地方、开放办学"的办学理念,确立"责任共担"的培养观念和"大工程观"的教育观念,依托行业优势、实施校地合作,践行"导入需求、嵌入课程、植入平台、介入培养、回归工程"的培养思路,创建了由一体化的培养体系、多样化的培养方式、多元化的培养平台、工程化的师资队伍和系统化的培养机制构成的"五化"工程类应用型创新人才培养新模式。  相似文献   

The ready availability of high-speed digital computers has wrought a fundamental and unprecented change in engineering education. Described herein are one university's experiences with a small digital computer, on which thousands of undergraduates have been taught to program within the past year. A new approach to the teaching and administration of computers is required, as is a new approach to almost every aspect of the engineering curriculum. The shape of things to come is briefly examined.  相似文献   

In the engineering profession we need to reflect continually on the students we are training, their suitability and ability to become the next generation of engineers, facing an ever-changing future. We need to face our responsibility in helping to develop the skills required for graduates of tomorrow and ensuring that we are not losing our best students to other professions. A survey has been conducted at Imperial College highlighting problem areas of students at risk from demotivation within engineering courses. Forty students who had not completed their course at the college were surveyed and 10 students were interviewed. The issues they raised have been analysed and intervention strategies have been identified which are presently being developed at the college as part of the ongoing quality improvement of courses. It is hoped that the approaches discussed can be disseminated further within Imperial College and to other universities.  相似文献   

The injunction to innovate which has permeated our societies in the last few decades has had a significant impact on engineers and their training. The idea of progress has since taken a back seat to the quest for innovation which saves time, space and reduces aims to short term performance objectives. However, marked by the technologism and productivism of the 20th century, the idea of innovation has also absorbed the new principles of sustainability and responsibility which have imposed themselves upon engineering research and activities in a henceforth internationalised world. It is within this context that engineer training institutions have sought to counter the injunctions to innovation and the stresses and strains that they produce. Based on three studies carried out in Europe and in several developing countries in North Africa and South East Asia, this article examines the curricula the institutions have implemented in order to observe current trends in innovation training initiatives in relation to locally‐perceived expectations and requirements. We have observed that technologism and productivism, which are still very present in the principles which guide European engineer training, are in competition with the principles of low‐cost engineering which satisfies user requirements and respects environmental constraints. As for the pedagogical initiatives, the phenomena of standardisation and commodification of higher education have led to the development of active learning (projects, problem‐based learning, fablabs, etc.). However, studies demonstrate that pedagogical orientation depends on how innovation is conceptualised and varies according to the scale of the educational institutions. A closer examination of the concepts of innovation reveals the epistemological issues concerning the way the engineering problems have been constructed.  相似文献   

Fifty-four engineers and managers working with Indian and multinational IT companies, with an average experience of 7.5 years, have responded to a survey about engineering education. Respondents have assessed the importance of 49 parameters. Twenty-three of these parameters correspond to core engineering and general professional competencies for successful professional career. A new figure of merit has been used for classification of competencies into vertical categories of pivotal, critical, obligatory, desirable, and complementary. The findings are also compared with that of Successful Practices in International Engineering Education (SPINE) study.  相似文献   

针对高校安全工程专业实验室的特点,分析了安全工程实验室常见的安全事故,并遵循"预防、减弱、控制"的安全技术措施等级顺序的原则,提出了若干安全管理对策,为安全工程专业实验室的安全管理提供参考。  相似文献   

工科院校人文社科课程设置比较   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文通过对世界上几所著名工科院校(专业)培养目标、课程设置和学时比例的比较分析,结合我国高等工科教育的现状,对我国高等工科教育中人文社科课程的课程门类和学时比例提出了具体意见。  相似文献   

广西结构设计竞赛已经连续举办三届,区内土木工程类专业院系广泛参与,极大的调动了学生的创新实践热情和动手能力。逐年更新的参与院校,同时也反映出广西高校土木工程专业具有职业教育蓬勃发展、本科院校以传统三大高校为主、其他院校新增专业逐步突破的特点。  相似文献   

The paper describes our 2-year experience with the new problem-based design project, which has recently been introduced in the engineering design seminars for second-year engineering students at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. This guided self-study project is a tool to make the students familiar with the design process by presenting them with a framework of clearly defined and timed out phases in the design process. The students have to solve a small engineering design problem in a team. They are guided by a manual and by a strict time schedule. A tutor watches over the students' progress. At the end of the design project, the team writes a design report and presents it orally. A team mark is given by the tutors, considering three criteria: the way the team has completed the phases of the design process, the quality of the design report, and the presentation. The mark is individualized on the basis of the student's contribution to the teamwork. The appreciation of students and tutors for this problem-based learning activity was positive.  相似文献   

The Engineering Industry Training Board of the United Kingdom has been heavily involved in special projects to increase the number of women in engineering careers in manufacturing industry, both at technician and professional level. The scope of these initiatives is outlined and the research carried out into their implementation and outcome is reviewed. The projects have had considerable success in themselves, in bringing young women into engineering careers in increasing numbers and have also been influential in changing the climate of opinion concerning the appropriateneness of professional and technician engineering careers for women. Research has thrown a great deal of light on to the issues still to be solved, if women are to enter the engineering field of employment in satisfactory numbers. Recently, the issue of how to help older women engineers cope with the dual roles of career and family, has been addressed and especially how to reduce the impact on careers which can result from breaks in full-time work due to family commitments.  相似文献   

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