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党静 《现代语文》2010,(6):130-132
汉字发展到今天已经产生了大量形声字。声旁表音,可以启发留学生类推示音;形旁表义,可以帮助留学生掌握一些形声字的类别意义;另外,声旁的相关表义功能对留学生识记汉字也具有不可忽视的作用。在对外汉语形声字教学中,要运用好形声字"见形知音"和"见形知义"的特性,尽力帮助学生走出"汉字难学"的困境;还要注意培养学习者的声旁意识和形旁意识,教会留学生自觉运用声旁策略和形旁策略解决字音和字义问题。既然是形声字教学,形和声都需要重视,尤其不要忽略声旁表义。  相似文献   

形声字世界上的文字有表(?)和表意的分别。汉字属于表意文字,它是形、音、义的结合体。汉字构字的方法有象形、指事、会意,形声、假借、转注几种(即六书),其中最多的是形声字(?)形声字是由两部分组成:一部分表示这个字的意义范围,叫形旁(?)一部分表示这个字的声音范围,叫声旁。形声字形旁与声旁组合的位置是多种多样的(左形右声、右形左声、上形下声、下形上声、外形内声、内形外声、形占一角),懂得形声字的造字方法,可以帮助我们学习汉字.但是,由于语音的演变,有些声旁不再代表这个字的实际读音了,靠声旁推断字音容易造成误读.另外,有些形旁也不能表义了,靠形旁也推不出字义来。这两点必须引起注意。  相似文献   

汉字中形声字的规则性效应对汉语学习具有积极的意义,本研究以汉语学习者声旁表音意识的发展为研究对象,考察高级学习者在高低频汉字中对完全表音,部分表音和不表音形声字及非形声字字音的辨认情况,结果显示,学习者对于高低频字往往采取不同的策略进行识别,对于低频字。学习者会借助声旁所提示的语音线索进行识别,不表音或部分表音的声旁对整字的辨认在一定范围内起着阻碍的作用。  相似文献   

汉字形声字一般可分为形旁和声旁两部分,形旁表示该字的义类,声旁指示它的读音。一般的语言学著作都是这样表述的。形声字的形旁与声旁分工的确是如此分明吗?声旁仅仅就是指示该形声字的读音吗?其实不然,形声字的形旁与声旁处于一种辩证的互补关系之中,形声字的声旁在表音的同时也起表意作用,形旁在代表字的义类时也指示了字的读音。本文我们拟重点探讨一下形声字声旁的表意功能。形声字声旁的主要作用是表示读音,大约有四分之一的形声字声旁和整个字的读音完全相同,例如:“换、唤、涣、焕、痪”等,读音同声旁(hu劋n)完全相同,虽然有些形声…  相似文献   

针对各个水平的非汉字背景留学生,文章设计了一种听写任务的纸笔测试,实验材料为规则形声字与不规则形声字各10个,通过对听写正确率和偏误情况的分析,考察了形声字的规则性对留学生字形输出能力的影响。结果发现:与本族儿童不同,形声字的规则性对留学生字形输出的正确率没有表现出显著的影响,但是却影响了同声旁偏误的比例;声旁输出情况比较好,形旁则不太好。与声旁相比,形旁属于比较细微的差别,因此在字形输出的心理加工过程中,很容易处在被忽视的地位。  相似文献   

从语音上辨识形声字于中形声字由两部分构成,一部分叫形旁或义符,表示意义类属;另一部分叫声旁或声符,表示字的读音。由于这种方法优于其他几种造字法,因而形声字占了整个汉字的80%以上。形声字虽说是一半标音,但并非全部按这半边来读,若是“秀才识字读半边”,...  相似文献   

汉语听写困难是一种常见的儿童学习障碍类型.由于汉字的主要类型是形声字,掌握形声字的形旁规则并加工整字的语义表征,会影响到字形输出成绩.实验通过语义启动范式,设计形旁透明材料和形旁不透明材料,考察听写困难儿童在两种材料中的整字语义表征水平差异.结果表明,在自然加工条件下,听写困难儿童无法快速形成整字语义表征.  相似文献   

在小学教学中发现,声旁在汉字提取中有着很重要的作用。经过分析调查,指出小学生对左右结构汉字形声字的命名情况,并从汉字形声字的频率效应、家族效应、规则性效应方面具体分析,进而找到小学生对陌生形声字语音提取的策略,以使小学二年级的学生学好汉字。  相似文献   

文章针对不同汉语水平学习者习得汉字的实际情况,进行了一项汉字学习策略的"介入性"实验研究,对实验组的留学生进行了关于"声旁系联"策略的引导,结果发现:这一策略的使用,有力地促进了留学生正确书写形声字的能力,减少了同声旁字之间的混淆,同时也加强了对形旁的认识。  相似文献   

汉语学习者在学习汉字的过程中,面临着“见字不知音”即读音上的困难。解决该问题的关键在于掌握形声字的结构特点,并根据声旁获知整字读音。目前学界已针对不同材料、范围的形声字声旁表音情况进行了研究。本文在结合这些文献资料的基础上,选取一本中级水平的对外汉语教材为例进行统计与分析,从而更深刻的了解形声字声旁的表音情况。  相似文献   

Most sinograms (i.e., Chinese characters) are phonograms (phonetic compounds). A phonogram is composed of a semantic radical and a phonetic radical, with the former usually implying the meaning of the phonogram, and the latter providing cues to its pronunciation. This study focused on the sub-lexical processing of semantic radicals which are themselves free standing sinograms. Two primed naming experiments were carried out to examine whether the meanings and pronunciations of the semantic radicals embedded in phonograms were activated or not during sinogram recognition. In Experiment 1, semantically opaque phonograms were used as primes. We observed facilitatory priming effects for targets which were semantically related to the semantic radicals embedded in primes, but not to the primes themselves. These effects were present for low-frequency primes, but not for high-frequency primes. Experiment 2 used only low-frequency phonograms as primes. We observed facilitatory priming effects for targets which were homophones of the semantic radicals embedded in primes, but not of the primes themselves. These results suggest that sub-lexical semantic and phonological information of semantic radicals are activated, and that the activation processes are modulated by the lexical frequency of the host phonograms. Our study shows that sub-lexical processing of semantic radicals is similar to that of phonetic radicals, indicating no fundamental difference between sub-lexical processing of semantic and phonetic radicals, supporting the view that a radical has a unique representation irrespective of its function in the orthographic system of Taft’s model.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the relationships between lexical access, reading fluency, and comprehension. Two components of speed of lexical access were studied: phonological and semantic. Previous studies have mainly investigated these components of lexical access separately. The present study examined both components in naming tasks—with isolated letters (phonological) and pictures (semantic). Seventy-five Grade 5 students were administered measures of letter and picture naming speed, word and nonword reading fluency, and reading comprehension, together with control measures of vocabulary. The results showed that letter naming was a unique predictor of word reading fluency, whereas picture naming was not. Conversely, picture naming speed contributed unique variance to reading comprehension, whereas letter naming did not. The results indicate that phonological and semantic lexical access speed are separable components that are important for different reading subskills.  相似文献   

Object-naming deficits in children with reading problems may be due to deficiencies in either the phonological stage of processing or the semantic stage. The present study approached this issue by manipulating the type of cue given (semantic or phonetic) when object drawings were not named correctly by first-grade children. Although the children who were poor readers named significantly fewer objects than the good readers, both groups of children benefited from phonetic cues. In contrast, semantic cues had relatively little effect. These results support the view that difficulty on object naming is more likely related to phonological deficiencies.  相似文献   

Children who read poorly have difficulty naming objects, and their errors usually bear a semantic or a phonetic resemblance to the correct words. Excessive semantic and phonetic naming errors could both be due to underlying phonological deficiencies in poor readers. When children cannot name an object because its name is not represented well in long-term memory or cannot be processed well, semantic information as well as partially available phonological information may be used in selecting an alternative response. This hypothesis was tested by looking for the joint influence of semantics and phonology in the naming errors of third-grade children. The same children were asked to name a set of pictured objects, repeat the object names after being spoken by the examiner, and recognize the objects from their spoken names. A separate group of children produced associative responses to the same pictures. First, it was found that, compared with skilled readers, less-skilled readers who named objects without any time pressure had a deficit that could not be attributed to repetition difficulty or limited vocabulary. Second, the naming errors showed a semantic relationship to the correct words that was as strong as that of the associative responses. Third, the naming errors also showed a phonetic relationship to the correct words, whereas the associative responses did not. Finding a joint semantic and phonetic effect in the naming errors of children suggests that the errors may be attributable to phonological deficiencies.  相似文献   

This paper advances the argument that in learning to read/spell Chinese characters and words, it is important for learners to understand the role of the component parts. These constituents consist of phonetic and semantic radicals, or bujians, made up of clusters of strokes in their proper sequence. Beginning readers/spellers need to be sensitive to the positional hierarchy and internal structure of these constituent parts. Those Chinese children diagnosed with developmental dyslexia tend to have more difficulties in spelling Chinese characters and in writing to dictation than in reading. A lexical decision study with two groups of tertiary students differing in their Chinese language ability was carried out to test their efficiency in processing real and pseudo characters as a function of printed frequency of the characters, and the consistency of their component semantic radicals. There is some evidence that even for adult readers differing in their Chinese language ability, lexicality, frequency of characters and the consistency of the semantic radicals affect accurate and rapid character identification. Suggestions for research and teaching approaches are made to enhance the analysis and synthesis of the phonetic and semantic radicals to promote efficient reading and spelling in Chinese.  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of semantic and phonetic radicals on Chinese character decoding by high-intermediate level Chinese as a foreign language (CFL) learners. The results of the study suggest that the CFL learners tested have a well-developed semantic pathway to recognition; however, their phonological pathway is not yet a reliable means of character identification. Semantic radicals that correctly pertain to character meaning facilitated reaction time in semantic categorization tasks, while radicals that had no immediately interpretable relation to character meaning had a strong inhibitory effect. The relative accuracy of phonetic radicals (for predicting the whole-character’s pronunciation) did not measurably improve homonym recognition. In a lexical decision task (Experiment 3), the subjects were significantly slower in identifying pseudo-characters when the phonological component was blurred, indicating that, despite having unreliable phonological pathways to character recognition, the subjects were still using phonological radical analysis as their default recognition strategy; however, the author argues that the radical is likely being used for orthographic disambiguation more than for phonological properties.  相似文献   

宋本((玉篇》的俗字和相应正字在形体上存在4种差异。俗字的造字者既有重视理据的一面,也有忽视理据的一面。一方面,造字者结合了俗字使用群体的认知水平、生活习俗等,对俗字的表音或表义理据重构,以求使用者能够最大程度地通过文字的构形联想到其代表的语音或(和)语义;另一方面,造字者为提高书写效率,对一些字进行了笔画重组,从而解构了这些字的理据。俗字的造字规则具有多样性,一部分俗字是造字者依据语音或(和)语义使用形声或会意方式构字,一些记号字、半记号字和少数形声字,依据类推,同化规则生成。  相似文献   

造字之初,形声字(包括会意兼形声字)与声符在声母和韵母上都是相同或相近的,这点大多数形声字都可通过指出某字与其声符的上古音韵关系得到说明;而部分形声字与声符的“异纽”(即在上古音韵关系中仅韵部相同或相近,而声纽却相去甚远)现象,似可从“古汉语曾有过的少量复辅音声母最终演化为单辅音声母”的角度加以解释;根据古汉语三类复辅音声母的两种可能演变结果,可从声韵关系上对形声字与声符的“异纽”现象,给出一种合乎逻辑的系统说明。  相似文献   

本研究通过音节意识和首音-韵脚意识的问卷测试了聋校二、四、六、八年级共103名听障学生的语音意识。结果表明,听障学生的语音意识随年级的升高而提高;阅读水平越高,语音意识测验的成绩就越好,反之也一样,且年级差异与阅读水平高低差异的程度与趋势基本一致;女生对声、韵母意识的感知好于男生;听障学生首音-韵脚意识的发展好于音节意识的发展;听障学生普遍存在对字形、声调学习和掌握的困难。研究结果对现今聋校语音教学有一定的启示作用。  相似文献   

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