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嗓音病是制约教育传播效果的重要因素,是教师用声问题的集中反映。本文以系统论的视角,通过对抽样调查数据的深入分析,认为导致教师嗓音病的职业原因主要与教学内容(科目)、授课对象的年龄层次与班级学生数量、周课时数、教学风格追求、教学环境、用声习惯、工作量和心理压力等因素有关,非职业原因主要是发声训练与嗓音保健不够、发声方法不当、身体的其他疾病以及性别等。在此基础上,提出了应对教师嗓音病的策略。  相似文献   

针对少儿的生理特征,认真做好少儿的嗓音保护工作,是中小学音乐教师的重要职责。改革开放以来,文艺舞台百花齐放,其中,流行歌曲、摇滚乐对青少年儿童产生很大的吸引力。少年儿童热衷追求、竞相模仿,但不懂得有些歌曲并不适宜他们学唱,反而对他们的嗓音产生伤害。现结合自己这些年来从事声乐教学工作的实践,就少儿的嗓音特点与保护谈几点看法。一、少儿嗓音保护的重要意义语言、音乐是人类交流和抒发思想情感的主要表现方式,其中人的嗓音起着十分重要的作用。演员、教师、播音员、歌唱家等对嗓音则有更高的要求。嗓音不仅在某些职业中起着特…  相似文献   

课堂教学用嗓有不同于日常言语交流用嗓的特点。通过调查研究分析中小学教师嗓音问题出现的原因,从技术对策和组织措施两个方面提出改善教师嗓音问题的思路,以求从根本上解决中小学教师的嗓音问题。  相似文献   

教师是用嗓频率很高的职业.由于不会用嗓造成嗓音疾病者比比皆是.文章从呼吸的调理、共鸣的运用、良好的生活习惯等方面对教师嗓音的保健方法进行了详细的阐述.  相似文献   

杜士武 《林区教学》2010,(5):103-104
地震灾区嗓音疾病的发病率呈现出逐步上升的趋势,教师是嗓音障碍的高发人群。心因性嗓音障碍是一种惊恐与压抑心理障碍没有得到释放,而引起的嗓音障碍。由于环境、心理等多方面的原因,嗓音处于过度疲劳,加之用嗓过度等,嗓音器官很容易出现的器质性病变。积极预防嗓音疾病,关心灾区教育,教师嗓音保护尤为重要。  相似文献   

语言是人类进行社会活动的主要交际方式与手段,是广大教师传道授业、答疑解惑的主要手段,而嗓音则是教师用以授业解惑的重要工具。科学的发声训练和嗓音保护可以缓解教师因上课时间长带来的各种喉部不适症状,还可以使教师通过学习正确的发声方法美化嗓音,增进职业魅力。  相似文献   

罗丽  LUO Li 《四川教育学院学报》2011,27(6):108-110,117
课堂教学用嗓有不同于日常言语交流用嗓的特点。通过调查研究分析中小学教师职业嗓音负荷问题,提出从预防训练入手,采取高校与教育行政部门合作开展教师职前职后嗓音培训的方式,从技术对策和组织措施两个方面改善教师嗓音问题。  相似文献   

中小学教师是嗓音病的高发人群。通过发声训练和身体姿势调试,帮助中小学教师在课间和课后对发声系统的失衡进行简单必要的调整,有利于改善其嗓音过度疲劳状态,提高教学效果,重塑教师声音形象。  相似文献   

张春红 《安徽教育》2011,(11):54-55
教师是以嗓音为载体借助语言进行教育教学的职业,因此对于教师来说,嗓音是至关重要的职业工具。然而,现如今,教学设施好的学校,多媒体教学已进入课堂,教学辅助手段越来越多,但多数教师的嗓子依然嘶哑。教学设备相对薄弱的学校,教师为了完成各项教育教学任务,  相似文献   

陈睿 《湖北广播电视大学学报》2011,31(9):118+103-118,103
对于以嗓音为基本职业工具的人如教师、演员、主持人等,嗓音是其赖以生存和竞争的季摹尊器之一。其中一类特殊人群——声乐教师,大多肩负着教师与演员的双重身份,用嗓频率极高,其艺术嗓音的的健康与艺术生命的长短引起笔者的关注。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  As professional voice users, teachers are particularly at risk of abusing their voices and developing voice disorders during their career. In spite of this, attention paid to voice care in the initial training and further professional development of teachers is unevenly spread and insufficient. This article describes a questionnaire survey of 171 trainee teachers at the end of their Postgraduate Certificate in Education year that included the Voice Handicap Index (VHI) ( Jacobson et al., 1997 ). The survey aimed to identify the prevalence and types of voice problems experienced by students during their teaching practice and to relate these to previous history and to the area of the curriculum they were teaching. The analysis suggests that over a third of trainees suffer from voice difficulties on teaching practice and that one student in 12 was classified as having a moderate handicap as defined by the VHI. Trends of symptoms particular to individual curricular areas appear to be a fruitful area for further study.  相似文献   

The voice is a basic tool in human communication and an important factor in a positive self‐understanding and identity, both for the teacher's sense of profession and for the pupils' ability to express themselves orally; two perspectives of great importance in the Norwegian National Curriculum. Voice disorders are common among teachers world‐wide and seem to be increasing. Voice problems influence the teachers' ability to teach effectively. An historical review illustrates the significance of the oral tradition in Norwegian teacher education. Against the background of recent studies that show that voice training courses given to different professional groups prevent voice disorders, a proposal is presented for the organisation of vocal training in Norwegian teacher education. The purpose is to emphasise the clear link between teaching and voice disorders and to focus on the prevention of voice problems among teachers by reintroducing voice training in teacher training.  相似文献   

掌握用声技巧,对从事教育工作的教师来说是非常重要的,这不仅直接影响到教学工作的质量,而且也关系到能否保持嗓音的青春和魅力。它是需要科学训练才能掌握的一种技能技巧。经过发声训练之后,不仅语言发声能力可以大大增强,而且能够美化声音,丰富声音的表现力。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the role of pupil voice as a trigger for teacher learning and for improving teaching quality. This is investigated in the context of Lesson Study (LS), a professional development model that can incorporate pupil voice into teachers’ collaborative reflections on lessons. Data are from two LS groups of mathematics teachers in London (one primary and one secondary school). Video-recorded pupil interviews and teacher discussions were transcribed. Episodes of teacher discussions were coded for reference to pupil input and subsequent impact on future plans. Qualitative analysis of discussions examined whether some pupils’ input was favoured over others’. Results are significant in pointing to LS as a mechanism for attending to pupil voice. In so doing, it is suggested that pupil input provided a challenge for teachers in their interpretations of pupil learning, evaluating lessons and planning, and in contributing to teacher learning from LS.  相似文献   

在声乐教学领域中,初学者在头脑中建立正确的声音概念是极其重要的,它如同引航灯指引你前进的方向。正确的声音概念是要在实践中不断积累和总结出来的,必须通过自身的实践验证而形成,这就是声乐训练的目的,也是一项专业技能。  相似文献   

当前,地方高校的教育学院的发展受到了桎梏,一些关于“教学不是专业”之类的不和谐声音重新高涨。教育学院在地方高校的存在和发展有其必要性,应该在充分展示教育学院师范特色的基础上发掘其丰富的潜在功能,实现由教学专业向教育专业的过渡,由教师职前培养与职后培训的分离向教师教育一体化推进。  相似文献   

汉英被动式在句法结构、语义特征以及使用频率上存在的一系列差异给对外汉语教学带来了很大困难。在教学实践中,教师应结合教学内容中所蕴含的文化因素,通过对比东方文化中"天人合一"与西方文化中"主客二分"的哲学思想,以及这两种不同思维方式影响下的汉语重"意合"英语重"形合"的语言特征,帮助学生弄清汉英被动式的种种差异及其成因,从而使学生尽可能地避免母语负迁移的影响,正确地理解和掌握汉语被动式。  相似文献   

声乐教学实践课是声乐教育专业课程体系中一门重要的课程之一,是在人才培养的具体实践中逐渐形成的一门创新课程,是对声乐小组课的一种尝试与发展,声乐教学实践课有其特定的教学内容,独特的教学方法与教学模式以及相应的教学过程与评价体系,并与传统的声乐课教学有着明显的区别,更利于声乐教学能力的培养以及教育理论的应用。  相似文献   

This study focuses on how two teachers working in reduced-size secondary classes of the same grade adapted their pedagogy as a result of a brokered dialogue between myself as researcher and 43 grade 10 students from the teachers’ classes. Research was carried out over the course of one academic year. First, students’ perspectives on studying in a reduced-size class were elicited before they were invited to suggest ways of improving the teaching and learning. These interviews were transcribed and given to the teachers of these classes. Next, these teachers were interviewed to gauge their opinions on what the students had reported in the earlier interviews. At a later stage, their teaching was observed to determine whether, and to what extent, the two teachers had attempted to incorporate changes based on the feedback from pupils. The study showed that the pupil voice is a very powerful and constructive trigger for enacting teachers’ pedagogical change and developing our understanding of students’ learning processes. Findings demonstrate that teachers responded positively to their students’ perspectives despite initial apprehensions. Implications for professional development and good practices in reduced-size classes are also presented.  相似文献   

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