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Recent classroom observation suggests that the science taught at Key Stage 3 has changed little over the past two decades despite the introduction of the National Curriculum reforms. At the same time the 'high stakes' testing at the end of Key Stage 2 has resulted in less experimentation in Year 6. As a consequence, positive attitudes to science, which are already in decline at primary school, dip further after transfer, particularly among more able pupils. This article examines some of the structural factors responsible for the current situation and argues that the solution has more to do with a shift in pedagogy rather than further changes in the curriculum.  相似文献   

The attitudes of pupils in South Wales to mathematics, English, science and technology were tested using a Likert‐type attitude scale. Pupils were selected from National Curriculum Key Stage 3, specifically Year 9 (age 13‐14 years). Schools were selected by their position in the 1992 National League tables produced by the Welsh Office, the schools being placed into one of four bands. The number of schools involved was 34 and the number of pupils 4263. This represents 15.3% of the total population of school children of age 13‐14 years in the region (Welsh Office, 1993). The results show gender differences in attitudes to English, mathematics, science and technology and some between school differences. The results are subjected to a factor analysis and are discussed in relation to groups of statements reflecting key aspects of each subject scale.  相似文献   

John Bangs, principal officer, Special Needs and Curriculum Initiatives, National Union of Teachers, reports on the reactions of teachers concerned with special educational needs in primary schools to using SATs for assessing pupils at Key Stage 1.  相似文献   

Mary Hilton 《Literacy》2006,40(1):36-41
This article is written in response to the article published in issue 39.3 of this journal, in November 2005, on the nature of the Key Stage 2 National Curriculum reading tests: ‘Examining England's National Curriculum assessments: an analysis of the KS2 reading test questions’ by Anne Kispal of the National Foundation for Educational Research. It argues that, far from providing a valid and rewarding assessment experience for pupils as Kispal suggests, the primary English tests at the end of KS2 are invalid as a measuring instrument and are having a damaging effect on pedagogy. The tests and the information on them provided by the Qualifications and Curriculum Agency are based on a misleading unidimensional conception of reading literacy attainment. Because the test assessment simply adds together marks achieved for very different cognitive skills, it propagates a dysfunctional model of literacy pedagogy that conflates and confuses two separate developmental trajectories – word reading and text comprehension. The article goes on to argue that the unidimensionality of the national tests and their pedagogic apparatus has constricted the primary English curriculum in ways that are damaging for young pupils and for the national need for creativity and enterprise.  相似文献   


Small primary schools have often been criticized for their staff's inevitably limited cur‐ ricular expertise and consequent difficulty in providing a full National Curriculum for their pupils. Yet in terms of standards of attainment and quality of teaching such schools are rated rather more favourably than larger ones in OFSTED inspections. Based on an investigation of policy and practice in thirteen small primary schools this article attempts to examine the reality of small schools’ planning and implementation of National Curriculum requirements at Key Stage 2 and suggests possible reasons for their ‘better’ performance, at least as judged by OFSTED inspectors.  相似文献   

This study took place within an environment of educational change in teaching and assessment in the UK, where the National Curriculum (NC) and National External Examination syllabi undertook significant revision. Science education specifically, has seen aspiration raised to allow pupils to achieve a greater depth of understanding at Key Stage 4 and hence facilitate advanced study. Central to the development of effective scientific understanding is teacher preparation. This study examined the factors that impacted on the experiences of primary teachers during their training. Questionnaires completed by a sample of one hundred and sixteen trainee teachers followed by semi-structured interviews of sixteen trainees were used as a means of interpreting Post-Graduate Certification in Education (PGCE) trainee teachers’ experiences during taught university sessions and school based training. The findings showed that the majority of the trainees rated their training highly, and perceived themselves to be confident primary science pedagogues. They felt, however that the very limited opportunities to observe and teach science during their training negatively influenced their overall development.  相似文献   

Over the last 10 years far-reaching changes have been introduced to the education system of England and Wales. In particular, the curriculum in state schools has been prescribed through the introduction of a National Curriculum. Associated with the National Curriculum is an assessment system involving teachers undertaking the on-going assessment of pupils, as well as externally set national tests, the results of which are published. These changes have had a profound effect on the training needs of in-service teachers and on the content and structure of training courses for pre-service teachers. The assessment system linked to the National Curriculum is extremely complex. There are huge demands on the time available for pre-service teacher training. This means that teacher educators struggle to find valid ways to train students to develop good assessment practices that will enhance students' teaching and the learning achieved by their pupils. This paper reports on the attempts of one group of course tutors to develop a means of achieving this goal.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the performances and the progress made by pupils of minority ethnic origin between Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 in British secondary schools. The data used in this paper were collected as part of a PhD study by Haque (1999). The paper discusses findings from multilevel modelling analyses carried out on 12 of the 20 schools in the research study. In particular, it reveals that whilst differences exist in the performances and the progress of pupils of minority ethnic background in their Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 examinations, these differences become substantially reduced when background factors (other than ethnic origin) are taken into account. The paper concludes that in order to identify accurately and reduce the nature of disadvantages for pupils from particular minority ethnic groups, policy-makers, schools and teachers need to differentiate these groups beyond their national origin.  相似文献   


The authors of this paper have conducted research into the implementation of National Curriculum assessment at Key Stage 1 by local education authorities in one particular region of the United Kingdom, East Anglia. They found that policy documents were being interpreted in a number of different ways, thus allowing a variety of practices to develop. This has allowed policy implementation to be shaped to meet local needs, in particular with regard to audit or moderation at this key stage.  相似文献   

How inclusive is the Literacy Hour?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Alas, Poor Shakespeare: Teaching and Testing at Key Stage 3   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this article I briefly consider the ideological impetus for retaining Shakespeare as a compulsory component of the National Curriculum for English. I take issue with the current Key Stage 3 testing regime. In particular, I question the educational value of tests which ultimately undermine what is generally agreed to be good classroom practice and which force on teachers a narrow theoretical perspective of Shakespeare, where close textual analysis and Bradleyan notions of character predominate.  相似文献   

As part of their longitudinal investigations of a large cohort with a history of specific language impairment (SLI), Professor Gina Conti-Ramsden and her research team based at the School of Education, University of Manchester, Dr Emma Knox, Dr Nicola Botting and Dr Zoë Simkin report on the changing educational placements and National Curriculum assessment outcomes of 200 children at 11 years. Teacher questionnaires reporting on the Year 6 primary education placements of the sample reveal details about the long-term educational needs of children with SLI.
Furthermore, in exploring the experiences of the sample in the National Curriculum Key Stage 2 tests the present study found that children with SLI perform poorly relative to national expectations of levels of achievement across all tests. At present there are no guidelines for supporting children with SLI in relation to National Curriculum tests and the present data suggests there is an obvious need for these to be developed.  相似文献   

This article was first drafted after I worked for 14 weeks last year in a school that was piloting the National Literacy Strategy at Key Stage 3. I now work in another school delivering the full published Strategy to Year 7. In this article, I explore the contradictions inherent in the Strategy in attempting to develop the English and literacy skills of Key Stage 3 pupils. Ultimately, my argument is that the educational benefits of this teaching to objectives is at odds with some of the deeper aims of the Strategy and of English teaching, and that the constant assessment involved puts too much pressure on our youngsters at an age when they should be concentrating on social development as people.  相似文献   


This paper draws from a multi‐site qualitative case‐study research project entitled From Policy to Practice funded by the University of Exeter. The research sought to identify the impact that the Key Stage 3 tests would have on the working practices of eight heads of English departments and their staff in mixed maintained comprehensive schools in different regions of England.

The paper begins by presenting the way that the national assessment system has undergone change since its inception, highlighting that the function of assessment is to act as the most significant indicator of a school's performance through government policy that promotes and prioritizes the measurement of pupils’ achievements through each key stage.

The English teachers’ responses to the revisions of the English National Curriculum Programmes of Study are described and the paper documents the thoughts and feelings of these teachers as they had to try to make sense of the changes in their classroom working practices. They are articulate in categorizing those aspects of their pedagogical practice that the assessment process has stifled and those that the assessment process has encouraged. The paper then offers an interpretative analysis of the impact that the externally imposed curriculum and assessment changes have had on the teachers’ sense of being professionals.  相似文献   

Wandsworth Local Education Authority first introduced baseline assessment for all 4-year-olds entering primary school reception classes in Autumn 1992. Assessment of early literacy skills forms a central part of this, and methods include both structured teacher observation and a standardised assessment (the LARR Test of Emergent Literacy). This paper reports the baseline results for over 11,000 children who were assessed between 1993 and 1997. Results indicate significant variations in baseline attainment associated with pupils’ age, sex, length of nursery education, economic disadvantage, ethnic group and home language. The results also reveal complex interactions between these factors which are important for a full understanding of pupils’ attainment at this early age. At the school level, baseline results varied widely across schools with similar proportions of pupils entitled to free school meals and English as an additional language. This result urges caution in the interpretation of the benchmark data published by the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA, 1998). Data on pupils’ progress from baseline to the end of Key Stage 1 are summarised and the implications discussed.  相似文献   

The Northern Ireland Curriculum, like the English National Curriculum, records pupil achievement on a 10‐level scale. The level to which a pupil is ‘assigned’ at the end of a Key Stage is based upon two sources of assessment information: classroom‐based measures provided by the teacher and summative information from Common Assessment Instruments (CAIs), which are pen‐and‐paper tests taken at the end of the Key Stage. CAIs play a central role in confirming the accuracy with which teachers judge the level at which a pupil is working. While the teacher might judge a pupil to have mastered level 7 in Algebra, for example, based upon observation in class, test data and homeworks, the CAI will only confirm this level if the pupil scores above the level 7 cutscore on the CAI. If this cutscore does not accord with a reliable measure of what constitutes level 7 performance in Algebra in the classroom, there is likely to be misclassification of pupils with attendant difficulties for the efficient planning of teaching and learning. Misclassifications can be minimised when examiners and teachers interpret level 7 achievement in Algebra similarly. The Angoff standard‐setting procedure was used to establish level 5 cutscores in the Number and Handling Data tests of the mathematics CAI so that comparisons might be made between the published level 5 cutscores and those which result from a judgemental standard‐setting procedure. The 21 teachers involved in the procedure were offered the opportunity to recommend a level 5 ‘standard’ using the Angoff methodology, and to review their recommendations in the light of test data from the February 1993 CAI administration. A further opportunity was offered following a discussion during which individual teachers articulated their reasons for the standards they recommended. The results confirm that the reliability of recommended standards increases both as a consequence of receiving normative data and of discussion. All statistical measures reported in this article indicate that the procedure could command the confidence of examiners, teachers and the public. While the recommended cutscore for Number is in close accord with that published by the examiners, the extent of the mismatch in the Handling Data test is such as might give rise to some misclassification of pupils. It is important to stress that this mismatch had no real consequences since 1993 was a pilot year and no test outcomes were reported. The article concludes with an outline of the contribution which the Angoff methodology can make to the resolution of some of the difficulties faced by English national assessment, as identified in Sir Ron Dealing's interim report “The National Curriculum and its Assessment”.  相似文献   

This article compares the examination performance of students following General Certificate of Secondary Education Applied Science and Double Award science on a value‐added basis. It uses data from the National Pupil Database, which are analysed by a variety of methods, including multilevel modelling. It argues that the claims made within Office for Standards in Education reports on the impact of the new Applied Science course are inaccurate, and in some cases positively wrong. The authors' analysis, based on the second (2003–05) cohort of students following the course, shows that students of lower attainment at Key Stage 3 appear to perform better than would have been predicted from their Key Stage 3 attainment, but that higher attaining pupils perform less well. Schools offering Applied Science show greater diversity in the value‐added effects they produce than they do with Double Award science. The article argues that analyses of this kind are of value in seeking to understand the impact of curriculum reform, but that they are dangerous as a generalized guide for policy. They must be complemented by work in schools in which the sources of the effects observed and of school diversity are examined.  相似文献   

Kathy Durkin 《Literacy》1997,31(2):42-48
Redrafting is clearly a crucial part of the writing process and teachers are currently required to teach children to redraft writing at Key Stage 2 in the National Curriculum. For Kathy Durkin this is much too late and she reports here on her investigations into introducing redrafting to Key Stage 1 children. From her work it seems there are many dangers in under-estimating children’s abilities in this regard.  相似文献   

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