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<正>Renowned art critic Liu Xiaochun was not certain if his visit to Hu Youben’s studio in Baoding was worthy or not. However, after several months spent to obse...  相似文献   

Nobel prize winner Gareia Marquez said,“Every writer has a habit to Find excuses not to write,“ I seem to have found a reasonable excuse not to write and therefore have rarely touched pens in recent years. And even when I had an impetus to write, I hardly turned it into action. I  相似文献   

娟娟水仙,你走得那么匆忙 令人教嘘惆怅:朝曦东升过早 晌午的脚步尚未来到。 盘担,再盘桓 直至日薄西山 直至晚祷钟声回旋;我们一起祷告 然后与你同返。和你一样,我们流光易逝 春色无常;从幼壮到衰老是那么匆忙 和你,和万物一样,全会 走向死亡, 一如你的大好时光 会走向枯苍, 一如夏日阵雨一场或似晨露,滴滴珠黄 一瞬即疡。 (资任编辑贺明华)Fa ir D aflodils,we weeP to see 一You ha雄e away 50 soon:As yet the early一rising Sun Has not attain,d his noon. Stay,stay, Untilt址hasting day Has run But to the eve介song子And,ha…  相似文献   

蓝色给我们带来的不仅是美丽,有时会是一种回忆。“你喜欢蓝色吗?”蓝蓝躺在病床上笑着问。这是我们见面时她说的一句话。我冲她笑了笑:“有一些了。”我看出她很兴奋,不停地抚摸着她已经没有头发的脑袋。她得的什么病我并不知道,只是猜测或许和我爷爷一样的癌症。我是因为照顾爷爷才认识她的,但我不相信这样可爱的小姑娘会得上这么可怕的病。Blue color brings us not lonely beauty but also m em oriessom etim es.“Do you like blue color?”asked Blue sm ilingly,in hersick bed.This was what she said to m e when we m et.I sm …  相似文献   

Despite opposition by her family, gifted dancer Jiang Keyu decided to go to Africa and devoted her youthful years to the National Dance Company of Cameroon. She has not only made contribution to China-Cameroon cultural exchange but also found her Mr. Right.  相似文献   

The lion is an exotic animal that was brought into inland China as an imperial tribute in the Han Dynasty (206 BC - 220 AD) when Western influences began to be imported. As few Chinese had opportunities to see this non-indigenous species, lion-shaped artworks crafted by ancient Chinese mostly did not reflect the authentic imagc of the lion. The ferocious lion is not only the king of beasts but also closely related to life of mankind.  相似文献   

Translation is a major barrier to overcome in China's endeavors to bring its culture to the rest of the world. Translation does not simply mean the process of switching from one language to another: it means more the exchange of different ways of thinking and different expressions of culture, In fact, translation marks re-creation of original works by translators. We need not only master scholars knowing well about Chinese and.foreign cultures, but also a large number of high-end professionals capable of doing cross-culture exchanges and cross-culture re-creation, in particular, translators in lesser-known languages.  相似文献   

生命生命!我不知你的男秘,只知你我必将分离;我们曾在何时,何地,如何相会,对我仍是一个秘密。生命!我们曾朝夕同栖经历过艳阳与阴沥,密友道别,两情依依—也许会洒下一行泪水,发出一声叹息;—然后,默默地悄然别离,随你选择什么时地;不要说“晚安”—在一次熹微晨曦中,向我道一声“早安,你”。 (A.L.巴柏德)美神的女儿们美神的女儿们, 哪有你如许魅力;你甜润的珠喉,Life1 know notw五之Lt thou art,But know tl,at[houa::〔飞I州ust PartAnd whe月, 门let1 own to」;IcOrh。、v,or、vhel,c、v。5 a scCret JOt. L ife!w。’:e beonl。卫…  相似文献   

According to the statistics of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage (SACH), China private museums totaled 811 as of the end of 2013. The rapidly increasing number of private museums reflects the soaring development of China's cultural sector. However, many private museums are not as in smooth water as imagined. According to Ma Shaohua, president of Zhongchuan Institute of Cultural Research, private museums should not wait for government support: instead, they should find a solution of crossover integration in order to achieve sustainable development.  相似文献   

Efforts to localize oil painting have never stopped since this western art was introduced into China. A Chinese educational system on oil painting had not been developed until the era of master Xu Beihong. But if oil painting can be localized or not still remains a question in China. After New China was founded in 1949, influenced by Chairman Mao's theories on cultural development, Chinese oil painters were required to, besides  相似文献   

Labrang Monastery has the strongest religious atmosphere among all the Tibetan Buddhist temples that I have visited. In Labrang Monastery, commercial influence is rarely seen here and there are not many tourists. Perhaps due to its solemn religious atmosphere, visitors are not noisy as they are in other sightseeing places. They usually peacefully observe the sacred halls, solemn religious rites and faithful monks with their eyes and camera lens. All these should be attributed to its monks w…  相似文献   

In protecting our rural culture and spiritual homeland, we need vision, self-confidence and patience. We should not seal ourselves off to deny any progress, nor blindly make strides by copying foreign experience. The unique cultural value of Chinese rural landscape and tradition should be not measured by GDP figure which may suppress their internal potential for growth.  相似文献   

惧怕失败会动摇你行动的决心,让愿望的推动力帮助你吧。能否在一个月内做一件使自己终生受益的事?这是一件一直想做又害怕去做的事。我指的是改掉一些坏习惯,如抽烟、饮食过度、咬指甲或做事拖拉等。我认为改掉一个恶习的关键是用一个  相似文献   

Pagodas, an architectural type unique to Buddhist cultures, are widely distributed over the vast land of China, available in high mountains and deep valleys, ancient temples, snow-covered plateaus and the depth of deserts. Pagodas were not indigenous to ancient China but introduced together with Buddhism.  相似文献   

Jiang Guofang is not the first to depict the Forbidden City on canvas. But he is truly a pioneer to create oil paintings on this ancient royal palace in such a large scale and from a fresh historical perspective. -- Yang Xin, former Vice President of Palace Museum  相似文献   

正When it comes to Cubism, one thinks of Picasso. But he was not the only founding father of Cubism. Georges Braque was the other equally important one. Georges ...  相似文献   

Every adventurer may have a wish to travel to the end of the sky. In their minds, the end of the sky not only means a long journey and being away from urban hurly-burly, but also symbolizes the most beautiful place. The Flower Lake is such a place in the end of the sky.  相似文献   

正Orders from Europe: Features of Chinese Export Porcelain Chinese porcelain was first imported to Europe by Portuguese traders. However, the glossy ware was not...  相似文献   

"You must know about guqin if you want to collect it. It is not just an object with seven strings and a skeleton. Rather, it is a miraculous musical instrument through which the player expresses his feeling. When you listen to the sound of guqin, you will have an untold feeling which is deep and profound," said Zhao Jiazhen.  相似文献   

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