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内隐序列学习研究方法简评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
内隐序列学习是内隐学习研究的主要范式之一.内隐序列学习是研究内隐学习的主要范式之一,以反应时为主要指标,故又称为序列反应时(Serial Reaction Time,SRT)任务.内隐知识是无意识习得的,是不能用言语来陈述的.内隐知识在不能有意识提取的情况下,能够改变人的操作成绩.  相似文献   

社会教育培训机构在人才的培养过程中,在调动学生的学习主动性与创造性中还缺乏一定的手段;在学生实践能力的培养方面还有较大差距;在办学模式上单调,教师缺乏技能实训经验,培养出的学生与市场需求相脱节.本文通过对技能型人才特征的分析,结合社会的实际提出了技能型人才社会教育教学模式的构建框架,以教学模式建设为重点,以新型的教学模式改革为核心,以培养技能型人才为主线.将技能型人才培养的新模式贯彻到教学之中.  相似文献   

以小学四年级、初中一年级和高中一年级学生为被试,采用GNAT实验范式,比较了不同年级学困生与学优生数学学习内隐态度的特点.结果发现:(1)不同年级学生的数学学习内隐态度存在显著的年级差异:不同年级学生的d'值和反应时差异显著;学生在不同组合类别下的d'值和反应时差异显著;不同年级学生在不同组合类别下的d'值和反应时差异显著.(2)学困生与学优生的数学学习内隐态度差异显著:学优生与学困生的d'值差异显著;不同年级的学优生与学困生的反应时差异显著.  相似文献   

加强高校技能型社团建设 推进大学生创业教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,社会对创业型人才的需求日益突出,开展创业教育,培养大学生具有开拓能力和创新精神,成为当前高校的一项紧要任务;高校技能型学生社团在提升学生的专业技能,培养创新创业能力上具有不可替代的作用;我们应采取有效措施,加大工作力度,把技能型学生社团建设成为开展创业教育,培养学生创业能力的重要阵地。  相似文献   

所谓技能是指顺利完成某种活动方式或心智活动方式,是通过训练而获得的技能动作和心智。其中心智技能是动作技能的基础,是在学习各个学科,特别是在学习专业基础学科任务的基础上得到逐步培养和提高。由于现代职教教学中更强调实践性,所以两者就成为紧密的结合体。只有以所学专业理论知识为向导进行严格实践训练,才能提高学生的心智技能;而操作技能则是按规定要求完成操作程序的能力。具体到职教教学中,就是运用所学理论专业知识进行严格训练,熟练而准确地完成特定目标任务的能力,判定操作技能是否形成的基本依据是必须了解学生在学习操作技能前都学会了什么,学习后又都掌握了什么,掌握了多少。那么实际中如何具体培养。[编者按]  相似文献   

施卫保 《广西教育》2010,(24):12-13
以就业为导向,以能力为本位,以综合素质为基础,以技能为核心是职业院校培养技能型人才的办学方向。综合素质、能力和技能是构成技能型人才的三大要素,如何把握好三者的关系,培养出企业满意的人才,是每个职业院校必须面对和解决的问题,本文就技能型人才培养中如何处理好素质、能力与技能之间的关系进行阐述。  相似文献   

运用运动心理学相关知识,以内隐学习理论与排球技能习得关系为研究对象。通过实验探讨内隐学习对排球技能的动作规范性、动作概念、运动表象、运用效果、运动动机和运动兴趣的干预能力,以期为专家学者提供理论参考。主要结论有:内隐教学法能有效提高学生的技术水平,且动作表象保持的时间较长,不易退化;通过内隐学习与外显结合的教学方法可以提高学生的运动表象水平,进而帮助学生建立正确的动作概念,同时有利于形成动作的规范性;在应激条件下,内隐教学法在技能发挥上更具有稳定性。  相似文献   

为了探究昆山地区产业结构和技术技能型人才的现状与需求状况,本研究采用自编的"技术技能型人才现状与需求问卷"在昆山随机选取158名企业HR为调查对象。研究发现,昆山地区企业中技术技能型人才中,学历结构、年龄结构、技能等级结构、所学专业结构都处于适中水平。思想政治素质、学习能力、法纪观念、心理素质、敬业精神都处于较高水平。从技术技能型人才的知识和能力来看,从高到低依次是团队合作意识、适应能力、实践操作能力、解决问题能力、人际沟通能力、专业知识、组织协调与管理能力、创新精神、计算机能力和外语水平。技术技能型人才的知识和能力基本上能够适应岗位的要求。昆山地区对技术技能型人才需求量比较大。企业招聘技术技能型人才的方式多样化,人才市场招聘和网络招聘是最主要的形式。技术技能型人才的招聘并不能完全能够满足企业的需求。招聘的困难之处在于符合企业需要的技术技能型人才难找,招聘实用性人才困难。企业招聘技术技能型人才过程中,最先考虑招收高职院校的企业最多,技术技能证书最被企业看重。企业对于技术技能型人才的吃苦耐劳精神和团队合作精神最为关心,然后才是专业知识。  相似文献   

技术技能型人才是以解决职业岗位问题为指向,有较高职业技能并且具有较强动手能力与丰厚理论积淀的职业人才。技能型知识是技术技能型人才成长的核心,它是个体在实践活动中根据相关理论与规则采取相应措施以回应具体情境的知识,具有很强的实践性、感悟性、意会性和语境性特征。现代职业教育教学变革应该遵循技能知识形成的底层逻辑,开展现场型教学模式,创造学生具身体验的“工作现场”,构建“跟班式”学习模式;创新语境型教学模式,构建技能型知识形成的“实践语境”,增强师生的互动性与体悟性;倡导对话型教学模式,发扬教学民主,构建师生平等对话机制,实现技能型知识的理解与共享。  相似文献   

运动技能内隐学习20世纪80一个比较新型的研究领域,至今仍受到运动心理学者的关注。本研究运用文献综述法、归纳推理法对运动技能内隐学习的实质、特征及遗传性进行了分析、讨论,研究表明,运动技能内隐与外显学习机制上存在显著的差异性,内隐学习能力与外显学习能力均受遗传性影响,内隐学习能力的遗传性高于外显学习能力。  相似文献   

Organization of early skilled action   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

This experiment investigated metacognitive monitoring in the processing of anaphors in 10–year-old skilled and less skilled comprehenders. Two tasks were used with expository texts. The direct self-evaluation task was carried out with consistent texts in which target anaphors were either repeated noun phrases or pronouns. Subjects had to read and to evaluate their own comprehension on a 6–point scale. After reading, subjects answered multiple-choice questions designed to test the processing of anaphors. In the inconsistency detection task, target anaphors were either repeated noun phrases or inconsistent noun phrases. Subjects had to read and detect inconsistencies. After reading, they answered multiple-choice questions. In both tasks, on-line measures (reading times for units containing target anaphors and for subsequent units, and look-backs) were collected in addition to off-line measures (ratings of comprehension, detection of inconsistencies and response to multiple-choice questions) in order to analyse indicators of implicit and explicit evaluation and revision activities. The results from the two tasks converged: less skilled comprehenders showed deficiencies in monitoring on measures of implicit and explicit evaluation and revision. Patterns of reading times revealed that less skilled comprehenders were sensitive to the difficulties in processing pronouns in the self-evaluation task and also sensitive to the lack of text cohesion in the inconsistency detection task. However, this sensitivity was weak and unable to trigger explicit activities. These results were interpreted in the framework of Karmiloff-Smith's (1986) model.  相似文献   

Reading and spelling errors of vowels are reported in many studies (Bryson and Werker 1989; Fowler, Liberman, and Shankweiler 1977; Fowler, Shankweiler, and Liberman 1979; Goswami 1993; Landerl, Wimmer, and Frith 1997; Shankweiler and Liberman 1972). The present study tested the hypothesis that spelling errors involving vowels are linked to difficulties in vowel perception. Second to fourth graders (total n=155) were divided into five groups according to reading skill and were tested on a variety of measures involving vowel identification, vowel discrimination, and vowel spelling. Despite little difficulty on the vowel discrimination tasks, participants made many errors on the vowel identification measures. Vowel identification errors were linearly associated with reading skill with least skilled readers having significantly more difficulty with stressed “short” vowels as in dip than with stressed “long” vowels as in deep, presented in identical contexts. Vowel identification errors were also associated with vowel spelling errors. It is hypothesized that errors in vowel spelling may relate to weak access to the phoneme at the oral language level and may indicate a lack of constancy in the representation of vowels by less skilled readers. Weaknesses in vowel perception can be detected with a simple vowel identification test in which phonological similarity of test items is used as linguistic manipulation, and where phonemes must be identified based on presentation of a single test item in a forced choice format.  相似文献   

Skilled and less skilled beginning readers were taught to read and define 10 printed pseudowords. Then they rehearsed the spellings of the words in one of two ways. Experimental subjects performed activities to retain spellings in memory as orthographic images. Control subjects rehearsed the letters similarly but with the correct spellings in view. Post-tests revealed that experimentals remembered spellings better than controls. This indicates that the activity of committing letters to memory is better for learning spellings than copying letters which is what most spelling programs have learners do. Experimental subjects' superior knowledge of spellings, however, did not enable them to read the words faster or more accurately than controls, possibly because of overlearning. Comparison of good and poor readers' word-learning behavior revealed greater deficiencies in phonological than in semantic processes. Correlational analysis indicated that background skills are much more powerful than specific learning experiences in accounting for individual differences in reading and spelling performances.  相似文献   

The drivers of learning for mid-career workers with few initial qualifications from the Czech Republic, Denmark, England, France, Germany, Italy and Poland are examined. The focus in this article is upon the learning pathways and experience of the low-qualified drawn from empirical research which gathered and analysed the strategic career and learning biographies of 105 low-skilled individuals, mainly aged between 25 and 40, in the 7 countries, using semi-structured narrative interviews. The five drivers for learning evident in the interviews were enhancing self-efficacy; self-improvement; labour market-orientated learning; significant others motivating learning; and work-related practical learning. The interviewees were divided between those who wanted tangible and immediate learning outcomes and those who saw learning primarily as a means of self-improvement. Some interviewees with negative experiences of initial education were motivated to re-engage by a positive experience with continuing education, encouragement of significant others or through an experience of mastery of challenges at work which led to an increase in their self-efficacy. For the majority of interviewees, practical learning was particularly appreciated, whether undertaken to secure or enhance their current labour market position or undertaken to increase their self-efficacy.  相似文献   

The shape of a word pronunciation time distribution supplies information about the dynamic interactions that support reading performance. Speeded word-naming pronunciation and response time distributions were collected from 20 sixth grade Dutch students with dyslexia and 23 age-matched controls. The participants’ pronunciation times were modeled and contrasted with a lognormal inverse power-law mixture distribution. Identical contrasts were also conducted on the same participants’ response time distributions derived from flanker, color-naming, and arithmetic tasks. Results indicated that children with dyslexia yield slower, broader, and more variable pronunciation time distributions than their age-matched counterparts. This difference approximated a self-similar rescaling between the two group’s aggregate pronunciation time distributions. Moreover, children with dyslexia produced similar, but less prominent trends toward slower and more variable performance across the three non-reading tasks. The outcomes support a proportional continuum rather than a localized deficit account of dyslexia. The mixture distribution’s success at describing the participants’ pronunciation and response time distributions suggests that differences in proportional contingencies among low-level neurophysiological, perceptual, and cognitive processes likely play a prominent role in the etiology of dyslexia.  相似文献   

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