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本文通过对近几年落实卓越工程师教育采矿专业培养计划情况的回顾与分析,找出了"紫金模式"下采矿专业卓越工程师教育面临的问题及解决的办法。  相似文献   

工科类大学教师是培养"卓越工程师"的核心力量,结合"卓越工程师教育培养计划"的要求,提出工科类大学教师应是"卓越工程师"与"卓越大学教师"的结合体。工科类大学教师要具有卓越的工程实践教学能力、真实丰富的工程实践经历、卓越的工程技术创新能力、优良的职业道德。同时,教育管理者们在制定相关的入职资格标准时不仅要考虑学历、专业等因素,更需要重视"准工科类大学教师"们的内在能力与素养,科学合理地制定相关资格标准,为培养新时期的"卓越工程师"提供师资保障。  相似文献   

"卓越工程师教育培养计划"是我国工程教育领域新的人才培养模式改革,本文结合山东科技大学采矿工程专业卓越工程师培养体系建设与改革,在分析当前采矿工程专业实践教学中存在的问题的基础上,提出了基于卓越工程师培养的实践教学体系改革的基本思路,由此建设满足采矿卓越工程师知识、能力和素质要求的实践教学体系。  相似文献   

论本科院校卓越工程师的培养   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
"卓越工程师教育培养计划"是推进我国高等工程教育改革,促进高校培养适应社会发展需要的高级专门人才的重大举措。文章分析了卓越工程师基本素质,对本科院校培养卓越工程师的目标进行定位,提出本科院校培养卓越工程师应注意的几个环节,如校企深度合作培养学生、加强学生的工程能力、实践能力的培养等等,并给出本科院校培养卓越工程师的实例,以作为借鉴。  相似文献   

新建本科院校卓越工程师培养模式探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"卓越工程师教育培养计划"是我国高等工程教育的重大教学改革项目,在首批和第二批进入该计划的高校中有新建本科院校17所。卓越工程师培养的基本切入点是人才培养模式设计,新建本科院校人才培养模式缺乏特色,存在着不少薄弱点以及与形势不相适应的问题。为此,需要积极采取一系列有效措施:明确卓越工程师培养目标、面向工程更新教育教学理念是前提、依照"卓越工程师"培养标准重构课程体系和教学内容、建设面向工程创新能力培养的实践教学体系、建设工程型师资队伍、面向工程人才培养改革教学形式与教学方法、加强与国外同类院校合作与交流等,从而构建具有自身特色的卓越工程师培养模式。  相似文献   

为解决山东煤炭行业人才短缺的问题,经山东省人民政府批准,山东科技大学从2006年开始在包括煤矿地质专业在内的6个煤炭主体专业中实施"定单式"培养。教育部启动"卓越计划"以后,学校更加明确了工程类人才培养模式改革的方向,6个煤矿主体专业均陆续进入了教育部"卓越计划",文章结合地质工程(煤矿地质)专业"卓越计划"培养方案的制定与实施,阐述了学校在校企联合培养煤矿地质卓越工程师方面的具体措施,为专业卓越工程师培养提供了借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

教育部"卓越工程师教育培养计划"是教育部贯彻教育规划纲要精神率先启动的一项重大改革计划,HEU自动化专业依托"控制科学与工程"学科在三海一核领域影响比较大,开展卓越工程师人才培养在该专业势在必行。基于此,从自动化专业卓越工程师人才培养面临问题及教育改革的主要举措方面进行论述,旨在为卓越工程师培养探索有效途径。  相似文献   

通过分析欧洲高等工程教育改革成功的经验和课程改革专题基本思想,分析和贯彻教育部组织实施"卓越工程师教育培养计划"的精神,结合本校多年开展《本科"3+1"人才培养模式研究与实践》的成果,提出本校开展"卓越工程师教育培养计划"指导性计划和课程体系改革框架方案,为各参与"卓越工程师教育培养计划"专业编制培养计划提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

本文就食品类专业卓越工程师"嵌入式"培养模式的构建,实施和评价进行了探讨。以三阶段培养目标核心,以"嵌入式"教育平台和专业技能提升平台为关键,以培养具有工程意识、设计水平和创业能力的创新型人才为目标,在理论教学、校内实践和企业实践三个阶段实现专业知识和技能的柔性"嵌入",形成食品科学与工程类专业卓越工程师"嵌入式"培养模式。  相似文献   

"卓越工程师教育培养计划"(简称"卓越计划")是我国推进高等教育改革的重要举措。工程师的卓越,不仅表现为卓越的工程能力,同样表现为强烈的社会责任感。通过工程伦理教育,不仅可以缓和工程实践中的经济标准与伦理标准的矛盾和冲突,还可以确立人类福祉为一切工程行为的最高的价值导向,不断提高工程技术标准,推进技术创新。只有培养工程师同时具备高超的工程技术能力与强烈的社会责任感,才能推进"卓越计划"向更高的层次迈进。  相似文献   

随着城镇化问题研究的不断深入,与城镇化问题有关的各种概念解释也随之迅速涌出.在借鉴诸多专家学者的理论研究基础上,通过对与城镇化问题有关的一些概念的总结,提出了自己的观点和建议,期望能得到科学的概念解释和合理的统计指标,为城镇化问题的理论研究提供统一的概念标准和全面准确的统计数据,也为实际统计工作的实施和政府制定城镇化政策提供参考.  相似文献   

毛泽东赶超思想及其战略演变阶段的历史考察   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对毛泽东赶超思想的演进阶段,当前学术界还有不同观点:对毛泽东赶超战略的历史选择也还存在着很大的分歧,并且在研究中有混淆二者关系的现象。该文就试图对毛泽东赶超思想发展的阶段和赶超战略的历史演进,谈一谈看法。  相似文献   

Family and child care policies in the United States and Denmark are discussed. Key issues in the article address the contrasting discourses that frame policies about the poor, about women and welfare, about single motherhood, and about the role and responsibility of government in providing for the welfare of children. The dismantling of entitlements and the shredding of the safety net in the United States is critically analyzed and contrasted with the Danish discourse of universalism and social citizenship rights.  相似文献   

Family and child care policies in the United States and Denmark are discussed. Key issues in the article address the contrasting discourses that frame policies about the poor, about women and welfare, about single motherhood, and about the role and responsibility of government in providing for the welfare of children. The dismantling of entitlements and the shredding of the safety net in the United States is critically analyzed and contrasted with the Danish discourse of universalism and social citizenship rights.  相似文献   

本文结合有关史料与具体作品,对研究者以往涉及较少的中国古代文言公案小说进行新的观照和审视,将文言公案小说视作一种与白话公案小说相对应的、独特的文人话语,在对其内涵和外延重新进行准确界定的基础上,对文言公案小说在各个历史时期的发展演变情况及其文学特性进行较为深入的概括和分析.  相似文献   

In recent years two radically different views have dominated discussions about the way in which children learn to read and write. The first view is that the crucial hurdle in learning to read is the discovery of how to do the correct phonological analysis. The second view is that the crucial factor is the use of context, and that children use what they know about the meaning — and particularly the semantics and the syntax — of the passages that they are reading to help them decipher and learn about difficult written words. Learning to read is ‘a psycholinguistic guessing game’ according to this view and children set about it in much the same way as they set about learning to speak. Thus according to the first view children’s semantic and syntactic skills will determine their progress in reading and according to the second it will be their phonological skills. We present longitudinal evidence about a group of children in their first year at school which shows that both kinds of skill do play a part, but that they make entirely different contributions. Semantic and syntactic skills determine how well children make use of the context of what they are reading. Phonological skills affect their use of letter-sound relationships.  相似文献   

Various studies have investigated the views of higher education staff and students about sustainability, yet educational developer perspectives are under-represented in the research. This project gathered educational developer perspectives about sustainability in the curriculum. It sought to capture their views about a national sustainability policy; about the relationship between educational development and sustainability curriculum change; and whether sustainability should form part of their own roles. It was informed by the ‘theory of the second-best’ and involved nine interviews. Educational developers raised concerns about the policy, whilst opinions about their own involvement varied. It is argued that policy should provide clearer statements about curriculum, and educational developers should be involved in its development.  相似文献   

哲学是有关世界观的学说,哲学的发展是人们不断对世界进行思考的结果。从西方哲学史的发展过程中我们可以看到。人们思考的对象也一直在发生着变化。古代是本体论哲学.近代是认识论哲学,现代哲学则关注对反理性和语言的研究。中国哲学不应只强调自身与西方哲学的不同,而应努力去思考人类面临的各种问题,去进行创造。  相似文献   

Elementary teachers often hold inaccurate beliefs about the Nature of Science (NoS) and have negative attitudes toward science and mathematics. Using a pre-post design, the current study examined beliefs about the NoS, attitudes toward science and mathematics, and beliefs about the teaching of mathematics and science in a large sample study (N = 343) of pre-service teachers receiving a curriculum-wide intervention to improve these factors in comparison with Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) and non-STEM majors in other physics courses (N = 6697) who did not receive the intervention, over a 10-year period. Pre-service teachers evidenced initially more negative attitudes about mathematics and science than STEM majors and slightly more positive attitudes than non-STEM majors. Their attitudes toward mathematics and science and beliefs about the NoS were more similar to non-STEM than STEM majors. Pre-service teachers initially evidenced more positive beliefs about the teaching of mathematics and science, and their beliefs even increased slightly over the course of the semester, while these beliefs in other groups remained the same. Beliefs about the NoS and the teaching of mathematics and science were significantly negatively correlated for STEM and non-STEM majors, but were not significantly correlated for pre-service teachers. Beliefs about the NoS and attitudes toward mathematics and science were significantly positively correlated for both pre-service teachers and STEM students pursing the most mathematically demanding STEM majors. Attitudes toward science and mathematics were significantly positively correlated with accurate beliefs about the teaching of mathematics and science for all student groups.  相似文献   

高校学报条码使用现状的调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随机抽取了2006年出版的具有ISSN号的高校学报200种,对每种高校学报的条码使用情况进行了调查和统计。结果表明:有160种(占80%)学报条码的年份码有误;有36种(18%)学报条码的附加码有误;有169种(占84.5%)学报条码的印刷位置不符合国家标准的规定;约有12种(约占6%)学报条码的颜色与底色搭配不当;有172种(占86%)学报条码的尺寸、缩放比例不符合标准要求;有163种(占81.5%)学报的国际标准连续出版物号与条码一起印刷;有2种(占1%)学报根本没有使用条码;仅16种(占8%)学报条码的使用完全符合国家标准的要求。对存在的问题进行了分析,并提出相应对策。  相似文献   

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