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隔网球类运动集竞技、健身、娱乐功能于一体,深受人们喜爱。"流畅回合"作为该类运动的种系核心要素,确立于起源时刻,并始终主导着该类运动项目的进化,是参与者和观赏者得以感受运动快乐的源泉。依据复杂系统整体论的哲学视角,在系统阐述隔网球类运动中"流畅回合"之娱人致趣原理基础上,提出以"流畅回合"为核心的教学策略,旨在加深对该类运动项目规律的认识,丰富隔网球类运动的基础理论,同时提高教学训练的效益。  相似文献   

在广义进化哲学视角下,从类群运动技能习得规律的相似性出发,归纳类群运动项目种系发生时的核心要素,构建以自主适应和博弈适应为标志的分群教学理论体系.将运动项目分为四大亚类:动作顺序的程序性适应类群;动作与环境的非程序性适应类群;直接博弈适应类群;间接博弈适应类群.  相似文献   

运用文献资料法,查阅了大量与本文相关的国内外资料,了解持拍隔网对抗群的分群依据,总结了该类群在项目起源初期到后续发展过程中始终保持不变的种系核心要素。在新的视角下对持拍隔网对抗类群技能习得规律进行了阐述,同时借鉴牛顿机械还原理论,探索出适合该类群的技能习得规律,总结了该类群在教学中应遵循的原则,组织教材时的注意事项,提出了适合该类群的教学方法。建议在乒、羽、网的教学过程中,教师要注重运动项目的游戏本性,使学生在简单的攻防游戏过程中去习得技术动作;教师要培养学生的兴趣,同时在组织教材时技术动作最好以整体的、优化组合的形式出现。  相似文献   

利用文献资料法,逻辑分析法,在广义进化视角下依据自组织理论从运动项目的场地、器材历史变革方面入手,分析得出乒、羽、网运动最吸引人参与其中的"神韵"就是在简单的回合基础上派生出来的眼花缭乱的技术运用和精彩的攻防转换,该类群的"种系核心要素"是回合致趣,其演进路线是:适应--背离--再适应,演进的动力是人们对运动致趣(回合)不断的更高层次的追求。本文为群众更高效的体育锻炼和学生课内外体育活动提供理论支撑,在现阶段更具有现实意义。  相似文献   

以羽毛球运动“多拍-回合”的项目特征为逻辑起点,针对传统羽毛球教学与训练中单纯以线性技术教学为主的教学思路进行变革与尝试,呼吁一线教师、体育教育专业学生、教练员、运动员重视该项目由“多拍-回合”所引发个体情境体验的深度、广度、细腻和多样性对技能习得与知识发展的重要意义和作用.在复杂多拍情境的对抗下,强调以学生情境体验为起点,关注学生对运动情境的内在理解及其与运动情境的信息交互作用,由感知情境的过程来激发其技能习得和运动知识学习的心向,推动技能习得与运动知识学习与发展,为学生长久地参与羽毛球运动,提高运动员个体的训练效果奠定坚实的生理和心理基础.  相似文献   

传统运动项目教学理论受到牛顿机械论的思维方法影响,往往忽视动作的整体性和运动项目的复杂性、不确定性,从而影响学生的学习兴趣,降低了教学效果。为此,专家提出了运动项目分群教学理论,力图对传统体育教学理论进行有益的补充和完善。以运动项目分群教学理论为指导,进行对比教学实验研究。通过对学生学习同一运动项目参与不同练习时所获得的情景兴趣指标进行对比分析,从而检验运动项目分群教学理论的实践指导意义。  相似文献   

核心训练对提高运动技术有积极影响.本文研究发现学生进行羽毛球核心力量训练后身体综合素质、技术稳定性、对拉高远球回合数均有显著提高.  相似文献   

应用蒋家珍、钟秉枢研发的<羽毛球比赛数据分析系统>,对林丹与李宗伟在全英羽毛球锦标赛和瑞士羽毛球公开赛决赛中的场上技战术运用情况进行数据分析,对发球与接发球技术、不同比赛回合的拍数、最后一球得失分、每球最后一拍的技术使用频率与对应效果、各项技术的全场使用频率5个方面进行统计,对两场比赛的胜负结果转换原因进行了分析.研究结果表明:与全英赛相比,瑞士赛双方的高远球、高吊球增多,多拍回合增加多,形成有利于李宗伟技战术风格的场上局面;他在多拍回合中捕捉到更多的进攻机会,从而在一周内实现了从0:2到2:0的胜负转换.  相似文献   

以广义进化论为视角,在系统分析现有体育运动项目运动技能教学原理的基础上,指出目前体育教学受传统机械论思维方法的影响及存在的弊端.提出:应根据不同运动项目技能的特点,站在广义进化的哲学高度,全面运用机械论和整体系统论思维方法构建教学原理,建立不同运动项目分群教学理论.  相似文献   

徐旭 《中华武术》2021,(4):20-21
随着体育教学的不断深化改革,核心素养已成为国家教育部的重点热门话题。核心素养在我国目前还处于探索阶段,本文通过运动能力、健康行为和体育品德三个要素对核心素养背景下的体育教学进行梳理分析,探讨核心素养对我国体育教学事业培养全面发展人才具有重要意义,核心素养背景下发展体育教学内容可以进一步完善我国体育体制。  相似文献   

本文通过文献资料法、对比分析法和逻辑分析等方法,对网球、短式网球和软式网球的场地、器材、比赛规则和方法及发展现状做出详细的分析。短式网球和软式网球是从网球运动中衍生出来的运动项目,这三种不同的运动项目具有颇多的相似之处,但富有不同的内涵。网球的发展相当完善,网球人口众多。短式网球比较特殊,主要针对青少年儿童,软式网球发展不乐观。  相似文献   

在对我国男子和女子网球竞技水平、实力现状及伦敦奥运会所面临的形势分析的基础上,客观分析北京奥运会后职业网球赛制变化对我国高水平网球运动员的影响,并就奥运会网球比赛项目变化对我国奥运备战的影响进行解读,提出了备战伦敦奥运会的5项应对措施。  相似文献   

通过文献资料调研、数理统计等方法,重点研究了"公开赛"以来"超级"男子网球运动员职业生涯相关数据,发现他们职业生涯呈现出4个波段周期,即"朝阳期"、"高峰期"、"夕阳期"、"衰退期";统计出相关数据总体均值的95%可能性区间;总结不同技术打法在4大满贯场地的规律性现象以及未来技术发展趋势,并对超级运动员的职业走势做出预测.  相似文献   

The study investigated differences in the one‐ (SH) and two‐handed (DH) backhands when hit flat, across‐court (AC) and down‐the‐line (DL), and with heavy topspin DL (TDL). The ability to disguise each of these backhands when hitting the above strokes was also assessed. Eighteen college‐level male tennis players, identified as having a high performance topspin SH (n = 6) or DH (n = 12) backhand drive, participated in the study. Players were required to hit three AC, DL and TDL backhands from the baseline with their preferred technique, while being filmed with two high‐speed video cameras operating at 200 Hz. The highest horizontal velocity backhand for each stroke was analysed. Results indicated that the sequential coordination of five body segments (hips, shoulder, upper arm, forearm, and hand/racquet rotations) was required for the execution of the SH stroke. The same number of segments were generally coordinated in the DH stroke (hips, shoulders, and varying degrees of upper arm and forearm rotations followed by hand/racquet movement). Mature players produced comparable racquet horizontal velocities 0.005 s prior to impact using either the SH or DH backhand technique. The SH backhand was characterised by a more rotated shoulder alignment than the DH stroke (SH: 119.1°; DH: 83.4°) at the completion of the backswing. At impact the ball was impacted further in front (SH: 0.59 m; DH: 0.40 m) and a similar distance to the side of the body (SH: 0.75 m; DH: 0.70 m). Players using the DH backhand technique delayed the horizontal acceleration of the racquet towards the ball (SH: 0.13 s; DH: 0.08 s prior to impact) and thus were capable of displaying a similar hitting motion closer to impact than players with a SH technique.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effect of the larger diameter (Type 3) tennis ball on performance and muscle activation in the serve. Sixteen male advanced tennis players performed serves using regular size and Type 3 tennis balls. Ball speed, surface electromyography, and serve accuracy were measured. There were no significant differences in mean initial serve speeds between balls, but accuracy was significantly greater (19.3%) with the Type 3 ball than with the regular ball. A consistent temporal sequence of muscle activation and significant differences in mean activation of different muscles were observed. However, ball type had no effect on mean arm muscle activation. These data, combined with a previous study, suggest that play with the larger ball is not likely to increase the risk of overuse injury, but serving accuracy may increase compared to play with the regular ball.  相似文献   

《Sport in History》2013,33(4):553-576
This article examines the social significance of Real Tennis among the Western European nobility during its heyday of the sixteenth century. Underpinned theoretically by Norbert Elias's seminal empirical work The Civilising Process, this article seeks to identify the societal preconditions for the emergence of Real Tennis, and provide explanations for its diffusion across Western Europe and subsequent boom in popularity among the nobility. A critique is offered of the current body of literature written on Real Tennis, with an aim to address a general lack of focus on the game's ‘social’ elements and how their development is linked with structural changes to the game over the centuries. The article then goes on to examine the ways in which Real Tennis became a symbol of prestige and a tool for social mobility among the increasingly status-competitive royal court nobility. Played during royal festivals, the game provided opportunities for nobles to engage in conspicuous consumption through architectural, clothing and gambling displays; having an entourage in accompaniment to the noble players; and, through the style of play and behavioural control, exhibiting self-restraint and foresight. Overall, an attempt is made to apply Elias's theoretical framework to aid our understanding of the development of Real Tennis, a game that has never been characterised by overt ‘violence’ of the kind examined previously by other sociologists employing an Eliasian framework.  相似文献   

对怀化学院体育系乒乓球专修学生和非小球类专修学生的网球普修技能测试结果进行比较,加之对乒乓球专修学生正手底线击球和前冲弧圈球测试成绩的相关分析,以探析两项技能的迁移状况,旨在指导乒乓球、网球运动实践,为不同类型运动技能迁移研究提供理论参考.研究发现:乒乓球前冲弧圈球技能的掌握可对网球半西方式正手底线技能学习产生正迁移现象,其原因是由于技能结构和技能认知活动两者的相似性.  相似文献   

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