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建立统一的数学和物理知识体系是科学发展的必然过程,数学、物理学统一的关键是智慧观知识观和方法论的转变以及对知识本身的研究。全息数理以对传统的方法论、知识论和智慧论进行深入反思为基础,以开当智慧、认识世界的真相为目的,更新和拓展人类认识世界的方法;根据知识与知识所反映的对象、知识与知识载体、知识与知识之间的辩证关系,把繁杂的数学和物理知识体系整合为科学的、统一的全息数理体系,并在此基础上探求彻底认识世界和人类自身的途经。  相似文献   

建立统一的物理体系必须首先建立统一的数学体系 ;统一数学体系必须以辩证逻辑为基础。用数学语言描模辩证法中的“对立统一原理”、“共性个性原理”、“量变质变原理”以及“否定之否定原理”是统一数学体系的核心和形式 ,也是建立统一物理体系的根本。相互对立的数学命题是辩证统一的 ;相互对立的物理现象是辩证统一的 ;数学和物理二者之间也是辩证统一的。可用全息赋数理论和全息概率理论描模辩证统一关系 ,以探求数学的统一、物理的统一以及数学和物理两者的统一的途径。统一的理论是辩证的理论、全息的理论 ,统一的目的之一是它们的简化  相似文献   

建立统一的物理体系必须首先建立统一的数学体系;统一数学体系必须以辩证逻辑为基础。用数学语言描模辩证法中的“对立统一原理”、“共性个性原理”、“量变质变原理”以及“否定之否定原理”是统一数学体系的核心和形式,也是建立统一物理体系的根本。相互对立的数学命题是辩证统一的;相互对立的物理现象是辩证统一的;数学和物理二者之间也是辩证统一的。可用全息赋数理论和全息概率理论描模辩证统一关系,以探求数学的统一、物理的统一以及数学和物理两者的统一的途径。统一的理论是辩证的理论、全息的理论,统一的目的之一是它们的简化。  相似文献   

知识是教育的主要内容,知识观是教育实践的根本性和基础性认识问题,具有鲜明的时代特色。在人类教育向智能教育转型的当下,知识图景正在发生翻天覆地的变化,对知识观的讨论已然迫在眉睫。从哲学范畴来讲,知识观涉及对知识的主体、本质、结构、承载媒体等问题的认识。智能时代,人工智能不仅以工具的形态参与到知识生产过程中,还能以某种近乎主体的身份参与到与人的互动过程中,使知识主体从人类自身转向人机协同,知识本质从人类认识的成果扩展到碳基智慧与硅基智慧并存,知识结构从层级明确的“建筑”结构转向人机动态交织的“舞蹈”结构,知识承载媒体呈现出多模态融合感知的特征与趋势。因应智能时代知识观的嬗变,亟需树立新知识观,为未来智慧教育体系构建起以新知识观为地基的大厦。  相似文献   

科学方法论的历史演变及其价值重估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
不论在物理学、数学、还是在历史学、哲学领域,都有一批著名的科学家、思想家,他们把人类客观知识体系的建构看作是至高无上的历史使命,他们在摒弃个人主观臆断的同时,尽力把人类的理性思维与现实世界的客观规律结合起来,使科学成为一种有别于宗教、政治、伦理的知识体系,并形成了一种以客观精神为主旨的研究方法,特别是科学哲学的方法论建构,更体现出当代学术视阈从本体论、认识论到方法论的历史性转向。  相似文献   

数学与物理不仅在知识体系方面存在诸多联系,而且在方法论方面也是相通的,高中学生具备数理思维模式,将图像法、极值法、均值不等式法和微元法等数学知识灵活运用于物理解题过程,可简化计算过程,提高结果的准确度。  相似文献   

马克思主义哲学是科学的世界观和方法论,它严密的科学理论体系 ──辨证唯物主义和历史唯物主义是人类认识世界和改造世界的强 大思想武器。它不仅是人们反思的智慧和批判的智慧,而且是预见的 智慧、变革和实践的智慧。  相似文献   

思想政治教育方法研究中三个基本概念辨析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
方法、方法论、方法学是思想政治教育方法研究中首先需要弄清楚的三个重要概念。方法不仅应从主观方面加以界定,成为主体认识世界和改造世界的工具手段,而且还要从客观方面加以理解,方法蕴涵着对客观世界的属性和规律的认识,方法也是一种知识体系。笔者对方法论的两种界定进行了分析,为了避免在思想政治教育方法研究中交叉使用关于方法论的两种界定,把方法的内涵、依据、特点、层次结构、功能作用、运行发展规律等关于方法自身及其如何实际应用的内容,纳入方法学的研究范围,对方法论的理解还原为方法论与世界观相统一的本来意义上。  相似文献   

数学全息方法及其在数学科研和教学中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
宇宙全息律作为客观世界的一种普遍规律,被反映到数学这种人们认识世界的基本工具上,形成数学科学的一种普遍规律,即数学全息律.以数学全息元为起点,利用数学全息律进行数学科研与教学的方法就是数学全息方法.利用周期研究时间函数和利用“生成元”研究数学结构等均是应用数学全息方法的生动事例;同时,数学全息方法还是促进数学创造的有力工具.数学全息方法在数学教学中也有着广泛的应用.  相似文献   

马克思主义哲学是科学的世界和方法论,它严密的科学理论体系--辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义是人类认识世界和改造世界的强大思想武器,它不仅是人们反思的智慧和批判的智慧,而且是预见的智慧,变革和实践的智慧。  相似文献   

人们对外界及自身种种奥秘的探寻、体察和省悟,是通过“知识”、“智慧”与“直觉”三条不同层面的管道进行的。这也是人们认识和了解世界的三种基本模式。它们品位参差,质地有别;但各得其所,各显其能。知识通过勤奋刻苦的学习即可掌握,但它或会因为过时而遭淘汰;智慧却不会过时也无法通过学习来“移植”,只可自我生存。“知识”必须有“智慧”参与运作,才会产生力量。因此,“知识就是力量”的提法有失偏颇。“直觉”分“先验直觉”和“经验直觉”两种,是一种多少带点神秘色彩的认知管道。它把悟性发挥到极致,在知识与智慧难以企及的幽冥之域延伸着人类的视界,跳过了逻辑的引领而直奔事物的本质与主题。如今,大量的知识废料和信息垃圾正窒息着我们的灵感智慧,消解着我们的直觉能力,给人类的认知领域造成了严重污染。在错杂的岔路与纷乱的迷雾中,我们需高擎慧灯,审慎前行。  相似文献   

While the traditional meaning of connected knowledge is valuable in some school subjects, it does not address the main activities of knowledge acquisition in subjects such as physics and mathematics. The goal of this article is to analyze the relationships between the concepts “learning for understanding” and “connected knowledge”, a central theme in feminist epistemology. In learning for understanding, the learner forms multiple, intricate connections among the concepts she is studying in school, between school concepts and her everyday concepts, and between school concepts and their wider context. Viewing connected knowledge as tightly related to understanding has several important implications. It brings connected knowledge into the central learning activities that take place in school science and mathematics, and gives it a high status. It contributes to our understanding of gender‐related patterns in thinking; and it may form a unifying theoretical framework for many studies and projects in the field of gender fair education.  相似文献   

运用数学方法论指导中小学数学课堂教学是提高教学效率的一个有效途径,恰当运用数学方法论有利于加深学生对知识的理解和记忆,有利于发展学生的数学能力特别是创新能力和应用数学的能力,有利于节省讲授时间,有利于提高学生探究问题的效率。  相似文献   

This study presents a qualitative research based on three narratives written by novice mathematics teachers. We examine their unique professional world during their first year of work. The methodology of narrative framework, on which this article is based, helps to gain better understanding of the need for novice mathematics teachers to have pedagogical knowledge. Findings reveal three themes of pedagogical knowledge: the attitude of novice teachers toward students with difficulties in mathematics; parents’ expectations of and involvement with novice mathematics teachers; teacher–student relations. The implications of the findings show that novice mathematics teachers are required to have not only content knowledge of mathematics but also, and above all, pedagogical knowledge. The implications of this study enable reassessment of emphases required in training mathematics teachers, as well as the assistance and support they need, especially as they launch their careers.  相似文献   

在数学新课程倡导探索与交流的形势下,讲授与练习却在数学教学中被广泛运用.通过分析数学知识理解与个人知识建构的关系,发现讲授具有实现个人知识转化、促进个人知识建构以及渗透个人知识积淀的教学功能;练习分为模仿练习、变式练习与综合练习,分别具有生成缄默知识、强化显性知识、提升个人知识的教学功能.因此,灵活运用讲授与练习、探索与交流是提高数学教学质量的有效途径。  相似文献   

In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, mathematicians and physical philosophers managed to study, via mathematics, various physical systems of the sublunar world through idealized and simplified models of these systems, constructed with the help of geometry. By analyzing these models, they were able to formulate new concepts, laws and theories of physics and then through models again, to apply these concepts and theories to new physical phenomena and check the results by means of experiment. Students’ difficulties with the mathematics of high school physics are well known. Science education research attributes them to inadequately deep understanding of mathematics and mainly to inadequate understanding of the meaning of symbolic mathematical expressions. There seem to be, however, more causes of these difficulties. One of them, not independent from the previous ones, is the complex meaning of the algebraic concepts used in school physics (e.g. variables, parameters, functions), as well as the complexities added by physics itself (e.g. that equations’ symbols represent magnitudes with empirical meaning and units instead of pure numbers). Another source of difficulties is that the theories and laws of physics are often applied, via mathematics, to simplified, and idealized physical models of the world and not to the world itself. This concerns not only the applications of basic theories but also all authentic end-of-the-chapter problems. Hence, students have to understand and participate in a complex interplay between physics concepts and theories, physical and mathematical models, and the real world, often without being aware that they are working with models and not directly with the real world.  相似文献   


Over the last decades, the percentage of the age group choosing to pursue university studies has increased significantly across the world. At the same time, there are university teachers who believe that the standards have fallen. There is little research on whether students nowadays demonstrate knowledge or abilities similar to that of the preceding cohorts. However, in times of educational expansion, empirical evidence on student test performance is extremely helpful in evaluating how well educational systems cope with the increasing numbers of students. In this study, we compared a sample of 2322 physics freshmen from 2013 with another sample of 2718 physics freshmen from 1978 at universities in Germany with regard to their physics knowledge based on their results in the same entrance test. Previous results on mathematics knowledge and abilities in the same sample of students indicated that there was no severe decline in their average achievement. This paper compares the physics knowledge of the same two samples of students. Contrary to their mathematics results, their physics results showed a substantial decrease in physics knowledge as measured by the test.  相似文献   

Galileo’s discovery of the properties of pendulum motion depended on his adoption of the novel methodology of idealisation. Galileo’s laws of pendulum motion could not be accepted until the empiricist methodological constraints placed on science by Aristotle, and by common sense, were overturned. As long as scientific claims were judged by how the world was immediately seen to behave, and as long as mathematics and physics were kept separate, then Galileo’s pendulum claims could not be substantiated; the evidence was against them. Proof of the laws required not just a new science, but a new way of doing science, a new way of handling evidence, a new methodology of science. This was Galileo’s method of idealisatioin. It was the foundation of the Galilean–Newtonian Paradigm which characterised the Scientific Revolution of the 17th century, and the subsequent centuries of modern science. As the pendulum was central to Galileo’s and Newton’s physics, appreciating the role of idealisation in their work is an instructive way to learn about the nature of science.  相似文献   

物理学史料不但记录了物理学前辈们所创造的知识,更为重要的是还展示了他们在发展知识的过程中所蕴含的智慧.本文论述了物理学史料在大学物理教学中的作用,以及作为高校教师应该怎样做才能更好地发挥物理学史料在大学物理教学中的作用.  相似文献   

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