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工作记忆与算术认知的研究现状与前瞻   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
工作记忆是当今认知心理学研究的一个重要领域。它是一种记忆系统,用于有限容量信息的暂时性储存和加工,在许多复杂的认知活动中起作用,如算术认知等。工作记忆的各成分对个体的算术认知所起的作用不同。目前工作记忆与算术认知研究的新趋势主要集中在采用“纯”干扰中央执行功能的任务研究工作记忆与算术认知的关系、工作记忆在各种算术运算中的作用、工作记忆与算术认知策略的关系等方面。  相似文献   

工作记忆训练是通过一系列练习和有意的指导来提高认知功能的过程,无论是在儿童、成人还是老年人中,都发现了训练的增益效果。工作记忆训练不仅能够产生良好的训练效果,而且对流体智力、阅读、数学等方面的能力产生了一定的迁移效应。这些训练效果和迁移效应源于工作记忆训练能够提高个体工作记忆容量以及促使训练策略的产生和使用,进而提高个体的认知加工效率。工作记忆训练和迁移效应还反映在神经活动中激活增加、激活减少、功能连接、大脑结构和连通性以及皮质多巴胺受体结合等神经生理激活的改变上,这在一定程度上揭示了工作记忆训练对个体认知和神经可塑性的影响机制。未来的研究仍需关注工作记忆训练的理论和方法论的建构,进一步明确工作记忆训练的起效机制,挖掘训练研究的理论和应用价值。  相似文献   

工作记忆是执行认知任务时所涉及的一个对所需信息进行临时保持及操作的系统,它能同时储存和加工信息,其工作记忆容量有限。阅读理解是一个复杂的认知过程,是在头脑中形成语言描述的情境,用推理等活动揭示语言材料意义的过程。个体工作记忆阅读广度的差异反映了阅读能力的差异。只有进一步认识工作记忆的个体差异对阅读理解的影响,才能更好地发挥工作记忆对阅读理解的促进作用。  相似文献   

Baddeley和Hitch于1974年提出工作记忆及工作记忆三系统模型以来,工作记忆容量的测量方法越来越严密,并引发了大量的关于工作记忆和复杂认知活动的关系研究。它包括工作记忆与言语理解、推理、智力、学习、抑制能力的关系等。  相似文献   

工作记忆作为直接影响人类完成高级认知活动的重要因素而受到研究者的广泛关注,科学教育与工作记忆有着密切的关系。工作记忆容量的大小影响着学习者科学学习的发展与效果,主要表现在学习者科学学习态度的培养,科学理解与科学思维的发展等,并且随着学习者特质的不同,工作记忆容量的大小也有所差异。在科学教育中,教师可以通过改变教学方式扩大学生的工作记忆容量,通过对科学的理解促进他们在科学学习中的发展。  相似文献   

本研究采用问卷和测试工具,探讨了情绪智力、外语焦虑、学习动机、工作记忆、语言学能、认知风格6个学习者因素与英语口语成绩之间的交互关系。结构方程模型(AMOS 22.0)分析结果表明:由工作记忆、语言学能和认知风格构成的认知能力对口语成绩的预测力最大,外语焦虑次之;认知能力与情绪智力呈共变关系,共同影响口语成绩;外语焦虑在口语成绩和学习动机之间起中介效应,调节焦虑对口语成绩的影响力。  相似文献   

在个体的认知活动中,工作记忆具有重要的核心地位,为认知活动提供工作的平台。本文以大学生为研究对象,研究不同强度运动对工作记忆的影响。采用实验的方法,在内蒙古师范大学的本科生中选取80名被试,随机分配到大、中、小三个强度运动组和安静组中,被试在运动后立刻进行工作记忆测试。实验结果显示:不同强度的运动对大学生工作记忆有不同的影响,小强度运动提高了被试工作记忆的表现,但并不显著;中等强度的运动能够显著改善被试工作记忆反应;大强度运动会显著降低被试在工作记忆任务上的反应时。  相似文献   

儿童数学认知障碍不仅涉及到多项认知成分和心理过程的作用机制,还涉及到诸如前额叶皮层等认知神经机制。执行功能是对个体的意识和行为进行监督和控制的各种操作过程,与数学认知能力的发展有着密切的联系。执行功能可以从认知神经机制、工作记忆机制、抑制控制机制以及问题解决等方面对儿童数学认知障碍进行预测和解释。  相似文献   

中央执行性系统作为工作记忆的核心成分,主要负责工作记忆中的控制性加工,在工作记忆中起着关键的作用;中央执行系统是可分离的,转换、刷新和抑制是三种相对独立的中央执行功能,分别起着不同的作用;认知神经科学关于工作记忆的研究表明,工作记忆的执行功能主要由前额叶调控,P300是反映中央执行系统功能的典型ERP成分;对工作记忆中央执行性系统概念的辨析、相关研究范式的改进以及中央执行系统的训练将成为该领域研究的重点.  相似文献   

一、研究目的 1.问题的提出智力在人类个体身上会表现出差异性,这是人皆知晓、无需回答的问题;但这种差异会表现出什么样的特征,却决不是一个容易回答的问题。这至少包括下面两个方面的假设:(1)个体自身以及个体之间会在不同时期、不同的专业领域或认知活动中表现出不同的智力水平:(2)人们在任一专业领域或认知活动中,如果所表现出的智力水平不同,那么不  相似文献   

Cogmed Working Memory Training (CWMT) is a commercial cognitive-training program designed to foster working-memory capacity. Enhanced working-memory capacity is then supposed to increase one's overall cognitive function and academic achievement. This meta-analysis investigates the effects of CWMT on cognitive and academic outcomes. The inclusion criteria were met by 50 studies (637 effect sizes).Highly consistent near-zero effects were estimated in far-transfer measures of cognitive ability (e.g., attention and intelligence) and academic achievement (language ability and mathematics). By contrast, slightly heterogeneous small to medium effects were observed in memory tasks (i.e., near transfer). Moderator analysis showed that these effects were weaker for near-transfer measures not directly related to the trained tasks. These results highlight that, while near transfer occurs regularly, far transfer is rare or, possibly, inexistent. Transfer thus appears to be a function of the degree of overlap between trained tasks and outcome tasks.  相似文献   

Worked examples are an effective instructional means to teach complex problem-solving skills. It has been argued that worked examples decrease extraneous load, enabling more Working Memory (WM) resources to be directed to activities that facilitate learning and transfer performance. Hence, cognitive load research has started to shift its focus towards finding instructional techniques that impose a germane cognitive load by stimulating the allocation of WM resources to such activities. This special issue provides an overview of recent experimental research on ways to further optimise the design and delivery of worked examples in order to foster learning and transfer.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between cognitive abilities and math achievement within a sample of college students with learning disabilities (LD). The cognitive abilities were seven areas identified by Stratum II of the Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) theory of cognitive abilities, in addition to the eighth area of Working Memory. Math performance was assessed via math calculation and math reasoning tasks. Instruments include the Woodcock-Johnson III Tests of Cognitive Abilities and Tests of Achievement. Participants were 158 college students with a diagnosed LD in math. Multiple regression analyses found that Processing Speed and Working Memory were related to Math Calculation scores and that Comprehension-Knowledge, Fluid Reasoning, and Working Memory were related to Math Reasoning. Implications for the assessment of math LD in the college populations are discussed.  相似文献   

Here we wished to determine how the sub-components of Working Memory (Phonological-Loop and Central Executive) influence children's arithmetical development. Specifically, we aimed at distinguishing between Working Memory inhibition and updating processes within the Central Executive, and the domain-specificity (words and numbers) of both subcomponents in a population of children with low attainment in arithmetic and their age matched typically-attaining controls. We show that both groups were similar for phonological loop abilities, while Working Memory updating demonstrated a domain-specific modulation related to the level of children's arithmetical performance. Moreover, inhibition processes interacted with domain-specificity and arithmetical attainment. These results are particularly relevant to the diagnostic assessment of arithmetical ability and should be considered in existing tests of arithmetical development.  相似文献   

Don Ambrose 《Roeper Review》2013,35(3):212-213
Metacognition is an important component of advanced intellectual performance and, therefore, has been proposed to be more advanced in intellectually gifted than average children. However, existing research comparing gifted to average children's metacognitive abilities does not support this idea uniformly. Compared to average children, gifted children appear to have generally better declarative metacognitive knowledge and better ability to transfer strategies to situations distinct from those in which the strategy was learned. However, gifted children do not demonstrate consistently better strategy use, maintenance, or near transfer compared to average children. Nor do they display better cognitive monitoring ability compared to average children. Metacognition appears to be important to the development of high achievement in a domain. We argue that metacognitive abilities might be incorporated as additional criteria for entry into programs for the gifted beyond standard intelligence measures. Several identification methods which include metacognitive information are discussed.  相似文献   

Dori Staehle 《Roeper Review》2013,35(4):270-271
Research conducted on academically gifted children's problem‐solving abilities suggests that heightened cognitive flexibility is an important component of academic intelligence. For example, academically gifted children are better able to adapt prior knowledge to formulate solutions to novel problems than other people. To date, little research has focused on applying these findings to the social domain. We propose that social‐cognitive flexibility (i.e., the ability to adapt prior social knowledge to formulate solutions to new interpersonal situations) is an important component of social intelligence. This article draws a comparison between the structure of academic and social intelligence, and speculates an important relationship exists between flexible social problem‐solving and social gift‐edness.  相似文献   

《韦氏儿童智力量表-第四版》于2003年在北美公开发行和使用以来,得到众多学校心理学、儿童心理学和临床心理学专家的好评。与以往韦氏儿童智力量表相比,第四版本不再使用单一的言语量表得分和操作量表得分来笼统概括儿童的智力水平,而是提供了言语理解(Verbal Comprehension)、知觉推理(Perceptual Reasoning)、工作记忆(Working Memory)和加工速度(Processing Speed)四大分量表的索引得分以及一个全量表得分。这种更加细化的分类使得这一测验的结果有助于更精确地做临床诊断。心理学工作者和特殊教育工作者可以更直观、更具体地判断出被试是否在某一特定的认知功能方面有障碍或缺陷。韦氏第四套智力量表与以往的韦氏量表相比不仅仅是更新和扩大了常模,其设计理念的改进、记分方法的改变都使得该测验的结果更有助于心理学和特殊教育工作者做出更准确的解释和临床判断。文章详细介绍了韦氏第四套儿童智力量表的结构、相关的理论支持、各个分测验的设计理念和作用、信度和效度等指标、如何解释该量表的测验结果以及其临床应用价值等。笔者希望该简介有抛砖引玉的作用,使同行可以以“他山之石”为用。  相似文献   

This study evaluates the validity of claims that Working Memory (WM) training is an effective and legitimate school-based maths intervention. By analysing the current developments in WM in the fields of neurology and cognitive psychology, this study seeks to analyse their relevance to the classroom. This study analyses memory profiles of children and maths performance previous to, and after a 3 week school-based, teacher led, intervention programme. Results indicate that although WM improved, it also improved for the control group, who did not undergo training. No significant far-transfer to maths results were demonstrated during the study.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate the potential of the Working Memory Rating Scale (WMRS), an observer-based rating scale that reflects behavioral difficulties of children with poor working memory. The findings indicate good internal reliability and adequate psychometric properties for use as a screening tool by teachers. Higher (i.e., more problematic) teacher ratings on the WMRS were associated with lower memory scores on direct assessments of working memory skills, as measured by the Automated Working Memory Assessment (AWMA) and the WISC-IV Working Memory Index. The use of the WMRS will allow educators to draw on their expertise in the classroom for early detection of children with working memory failures.  相似文献   

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