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近几年,高职教育得到了国家、社会及企业的高度重视,国家相关部门下发了很多关于发展高职教育的文件,高职教育得到了前所未有的发展态势。高职院校为企业、社会培养和输送了大批懂技术,会操作的实用型人才,为国家和企业的发展作出了巨大贡献。因此,大力发展高职教育是国家建设的需要,是企业经济发展的需要。而高职教育的发展离不开招生工作,招生工作是高职教育发展的前提和基础,因此,必须要做好招生工作,加强招生宣传,优化招生服务,不断拓宽生源渠道,以确保充足的生源量。  相似文献   

招生工作作为民办高职院校生存和发展的关键环节,一直是研究的难点和热点。民办高职院校招生工作与课堂教学质量密切相关,这为两者结合起来进行研究提供了可能性。理论上,民办高职院校招生工作和课堂教学质量结合起来的招生策略,可以实现民办高职院校招生工作与课堂教学质量共同提高的目的,因而提高课堂教学质量成为民办高职院校改进招生工作的有效途径。  相似文献   

伴随高等职业教育的发展,高职院校的招生竞争也目益激烈。高职院校要扩大本身的影响力,争取生源,促进招生工作的顺利开展,就要从招生宣传内容、原则和途径等方面增强招生宣传实效。  相似文献   

近年来,高职院校之间的生源竞争愈加激烈,学校招生工作所面临的压力也不断增加。高职院校招生宣传是招生工作的关键环节,传统的招生宣传模式现已无法满足“互联网+”时代考生与家长的多样性需求。基于此,指出了“互联网+”时代高职院校招生宣传工作面临的困境,并探讨了“互联网+”时代高职院校招生宣传工作的创新路径,即高职院校要积极顺应时代变化,及时更新招生宣传工作理念,引进网络信息技术,突出自身优势,将信息技术与传统招生宣传方式充分融合,精心筛选招生宣传内容,优选级组合招生宣传媒介,构建完善的招生宣传体系,从而有效提高招生宣传工作质量和效率。  相似文献   

试析示范性高职院校的单独招生问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高职院校单独招生首先在示范性高职院校作为试点开展。单独招生成败关系着高职声誉、高考信誉,事关社会和谐、职教发展走向和高等专业人才结构。本文结合高职院校单独招生工作实践,从示范高职院校如何做好单独招生工作、如何利用单独招生资源和如何认识单独招生三个方面进行了探讨和分析。  相似文献   

本文对高职对口招生中“技能免试”的规定,从实施的意义和可能出现的问题进行了论述,并提出了解决出现问题的对策建议,以推动高职对口招生工作的顺利开展。  相似文献   

高职院校招生宣传工作是招生工作的关键环节,招生宣传是具有的长期性、计划性、实效性的一项系统工程。如何做好高职院校的招生宣传工作,做好招生宣传工作应该遵循的原则,以及高职院校招生宣传的对策性分析,确保优质生源的数量和质量是每一位高职院校招生工作人员应深入思考的重大课题。  相似文献   

随着生源的减少,地方高职院校招生工作将面临严峻挑战和许多新的课题。高职院校招生工作从行政主导的招生向自主招生转型的“瓶颈”期,地方高职院校要想很好地突破,获得招生工作可持续发展,一是需要国家对高职教育规模及招生制度改革的顶层设计,二是需要地方高职院校自身的足够努力。高职院校要练硬内功,提高办学质量,招生的核心竞争力;同时,转变招生观念,强化招生服务,优化招生窗口,做好招生改革准备工作等,对于突破瓶颈,实现可持续发展,都十分重要。  相似文献   

招生宣传是高职院校招生工作的重要环节和基础,但目前招生宣传工作却具有延续性差和方法单一的问题。本文从招生宣传工作的长效机制出发,提出了若干操作性强的实施方法,从而为建立高职院校招生宣传工作的长效机制提供理论参考。  相似文献   

黄辉 《教师》2015,(17)
当前,由于生源总量减少等客观因素,高职院校的招生普遍陷入困境,这一问题严重制约了高职院校及我国高职教育的发展.笔者从目前高职院校的招生现状入手,分析了高职院校招生难的原因,并结合工作实际从改善高职院校自身办学条件、畅通升学就业渠道、科学制订招生方案、做好招生队伍建设等方面阐述了新形势下高职院校解决招生难题的对策.  相似文献   

特殊学生寄宿,是他们适应社会生活的第一步,也是培养特殊学生社会生活适应能力的重要途径。本文以特殊学生为对象,阐述了智障生、肢残生、自闭生等在学校寄宿生活中的思想特点,并围绕学生寄宿生活,对他们的思想教育对策进行了简单的分析。  相似文献   

调查发现,大学生道德需要与高校道德教育目标偏离,道德期望与高校道德教育要求背离,道德认知与道德行为不一。作者认为,大学生道德教育针对性不强的深层根源是长期忽视大学生道德需要,大学生道德教育与大学生道德需要严重脱节。确立大学生道德需要在大学生道德教育中的基础地位,重构以大学生道德需要为核心的大学生道德教育理论体系,创新大学生道德教育模式,是切实增强大学生道德教育针对性的现实选择。  相似文献   

This article reports on a case study of one New Zealand university faculty involved in the second phase of a three-phase study investigating the experiences of talented undergraduate students. Talented undergraduate students are a largely forgotten group in research. The current study sought to investigate who the talented students were, and then what their lived experiences as talented undergraduate students were. The study involved 128 undergraduate students who provided information about their experiences as high achieving students in an undergraduate degree program. Approximately 10% of all students enrolled across five different undergraduate degree programs in the faculty were defined as talented undergraduate students. These students were ethnically diverse and largely older than we had anticipated. The majority had not previously been identified as talented and many had been largely unsuccessful educationally, prior to embarking on their undergraduate studies. Several students experienced challenging personal circumstances, such as financial hardship and extensive family responsibilities. The grit or resilience demonstrated by these students seemed to explain the essence of the phenomenon of being a talented undergraduate student in this faculty.  相似文献   

A sample of 163 preservice and in-service teachers of deaf and hard-of-hearing students was surveyed on perceptions of the roles of teacher, students, and the classroom. The participants' perceptions were examined utilizing the Survey of Practical Knowledge (SPK) designed and developed by the researcher for the study. The SPK asked the participants to respond to different "images" of teachers, students, and classrooms. Through factor analysis, the following images were generated: the teacher as artisan, the teacher as custodian, the student as subordinate, the student as peer, the classroom as arena, and the classroom as refuge. Beginning education students, graduating education students, novice teachers, and experienced teachers were assessed on their endorsement of those images. Beginning education students tended to view students more as peers than members of the other three groups. In-service teachers were more consistent and flexible in their images than preservice teachers were. Deaf and hard-of-hearing teachers viewed students more as subordinates than did hearing teachers. The dominant view among the study participants conceptualized the teacher as artisan, the students as subordinates, and the classroom as a refuge.  相似文献   

Relations were examined between epistemic profiles, metacognition, problem solving, and achievement in the context of learning in an educational psychology course. Two hundred thirty-one university students completed self-report inventories reflecting their epistemic profiles and use of metacognitive strategies, and were epistemically profiled as rational, empirical, or both rational and empirical in their approaches to knowing. From the larger sample, 78 students participated in a problem-solving session using a think aloud protocol. Results demonstrated that for self-reported metacognitive strategies, students profiled as both rational and empirical had the highest frequency of metacognitive strategy use compared to students profiled as empirical. Similarly, during problem solving, students profiled as both rational and empirical had the highest frequency of regulation of cognition compared to students profiled as empirical or rational. Finally, students profiled as both rational and empirical attained higher levels of problem-solving achievement compared to students profiled as empirical.  相似文献   

Two distinct student groups, in terms of academic performance, were identified early in the semester as either being under-performing students or over-performing students using an online homework system. The students who are identified as under-performing received, on average, lower grades than their fellow students but spent more time completing the homework assignments. These students are great candidates for targeted advertisement of student resources such as tutoring services. The students who are identified in the over-performing student population received higher grades than their fellow students, but spent less time completing the homework assignments. These students are great candidates for honors programs, independent research projects, and peer-tutoring programs. Incorporating these evaluation criteria to online homework systems will allow instructors to quickly identify students in these academic student populations.  相似文献   

培养学生个性有助于学生的自我实现,有助于学生的全面发展,有助于学生创新能力的提高。本文主要从培养学生个性的重要意义以及思想品德课教学中对学生个性培养的方法这两个方面展开论述。  相似文献   

杜旸  王懿 《中国科教创新导刊》2013,(19):204+206-204,206
高职学生在教育管理中有其特殊性,针对群体的特点和现行的管理模式,在管理高职学生时,应使用人本主义教育理念,把学生看作能动的人而非被动的人。从学生的角度,了解学生的需求,结合学生自身的发展,认识到学生的自主性和能动性,从而充分调动学生的积极性和参与性,发挥他们的潜力。  相似文献   

The question of the retention of ethnic minority university students in universities in the Netherlands, especially at the University of Utrecht, is examined. In particular, the cases of Surinamese, Antillian, and Aruban students, foreign refugee students, particularly medical doctors, and Turkish and Moroccan locally educated students are examined. Although each category may have specific problems, ethnic minority students, taken collectively, are not problem students. Given targeted support, they will perform as well as native Dutch students.  相似文献   

"以问题为中心的师生互动教学模式"通过教师问题化备课设计、学生问题化学习思考、师生问题化互动讨论和师生问题化总结整理四个步骤,实现提高学生分析问题和解决问题的能力的教学目的,体现学生为主体、教师为主导的教学理念,培养学生的学习兴趣和自学能力,克服"惰性知识"现象,引导学生创新学习。  相似文献   

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