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包装设计中材料的使用是一个当前在设计制作中经常遇到的问题,在现实中很多过度的包装使材料产生极大的浪费,助长了奢靡之风。应根据时代变化而创新设计理念,从环保节能的角度出发,将可以降解塑料、可重复再生材料、可食性材料及天然植物等作为食品、药品、日用品等独立包装设计的主要材料。在设计方法上运用现代新技术取代传统工艺并结合仿古手法进行包装图文设计,则能使包装既美观大方又不失绿色内涵。  相似文献   

目前各高校机械工程材料课程均以金属材料为主线。近五十年来高分子材料异军突起,成为新型的工程材料,因此有必要在机械工程材料授课中增加高分子材料的比重并进行相应的改革。大连理工大学从授课内容、授课目标、授课过程、教学方式及参考教材等方面对机械工程材料课程中高分子材料部分进行了改革,实践表明教学改革取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   

对于语言教学有一个共识 :使用真实材料有助于培养学生的交际能力。但是使用真实材料也存在着材料难度太大等问题 ,关键在于教师正确的引导。为了充分发挥真实材料的作用 ,选材时应注重材料的趣味性、广泛性和时代性  相似文献   

基于自主学习的开放教育网络教学资源用户需求研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以现代信息技术为基础、借助于网络平台的现代远程教育过程中,网络教学资源的优劣和使用效果的好坏直接影响到网络教学的质量。从电大十多年来远程开放教育网络教学资源使用需求角度出发,进行用户调研,分析网络教育资源方面存在的问题,探究资源建设的原则策略和对策,以提升教学资源的利用效率、促进学生的自主学习能力。  相似文献   

对功能材料专业金属材料、无机非金属材料和高分子材料三部分知识整合,并将最新的科研成果融入传统的材料科学基础知识中。简要论述了课程改革的基本思路,认真剖析了材料科学基础课程教学改革的几个重要措施,旨在提高教学质量和教学效率,并增强学生的分析能力和创新能力。  相似文献   

相对命题作文而言,命意作文对学生分析判断能力的要求更高,在启发构思立意和引发话题方面能提供更多的方便。命意作文离不开材料,而如何将材料的选择与作文训练的具体目的结合起来考虑,又是涉及到此种作文训练成败的关键。本文就此进行了初步探讨,从而为解决选择材料服务于训练目的这一问题提供了一些具体办法。  相似文献   

中小学教材选用机制之我见   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在中小学教材管理机制中,教材选用与教材审查同等重要。回顾我国中小学教材选用制度的历史,比较国外教材选用的机制,立足我国实际,提出建立专门的教材选用机构,确立基于评价的教材选用制度,规范教材选用程序和步骤,保障获取有关选用教材信息的途径丰富而畅通,建立中小学教材选用监督机制,以促进教材选用机制沿着健康的轨道发展。  相似文献   

In the process of designing teaching materials for learning problem solving in technology education, domain-specific design specifications are considered important elements to raise learning outcomes with these materials. Two domain-specific design specifications were drawn up using a four-step procedure and were applied to improve existing teaching-learning packages. The study focused on a construction problem (open-ended) and an explanation problem (constrained). Construction material (fischertechnik) was used to solve the problems. In two experiments, these newly designed teaching materials were compared with the existing teaching materials. In all, 600 pupils participated in these experiments. In the experiment with the construction problem, no learning gains were made at all: the small gain in quality of the product made by the pupils cost too much time. In the experiment with the explanation problem, the quality of the pupils' product was significantly better in less time. It is argued that strongly structured teaching materials for constrained problems are more suitable for learners with little experience with construction material.  相似文献   

天然气(主要成分甲烷)以其丰富的储量、低廉的价格以及良好的环保效应成为未来最具发展潜力的清洁能源。甲烷的存储是天然气作为车载能源应用的关键技术之一。本文分别介绍了几类存储甲烷材料,包括分子筛、多孔碳材料、金属-有机骨架化合物的功能特点以及近年来储甲烷材料的研究进展,并指出了储甲烷材料的发展方向。  相似文献   

In two experiments, eighth-graders viewed ecologically valid diagrams and then read a text containing multiple feature-to-fact associations or studied the same materials in reverse order. Using the Kulhavy and Stock model of text learning using organized spatial displays, it was predicted that those students viewing the diagram prior to reading the text would recall more facts and features than subjects viewing the material in the reverse order. These predictions were well supported. In addition, since the materials used in the experiments were created from actual classroom materials, these experiments examined whether the model for text learning is also valid using this type of materials. In this area the model proved to be very effective as well.  相似文献   

黄猛 《河池学院学报》2014,(1):88-90,112
外国文学教学中应用多媒体课件时适当地引入图片与影音资料,可起到加强形象化之效果。就运用图片与影音资料在凸现多媒体的优越性、图片与影音资料的选用原则以及搜集和利用方法等方面展开探讨。  相似文献   

In two experiments, subjects read prose materials with various organizations of the superordinate and subordinate conceptual structure of the passage. Variables included organizational salience, massed versus distributed repetition of the passage, nature of the cueing at recall, and number of exposures. In Experiment I, distributed repetition resulted in superior recall, extending the generality of that effect to prose materials; and an advance organizer treatment resulted in lower recall for scrambled materials, contrary to Ausubel's (1960) cognitive theory. High ability subjects recalled more categories than low ability subjects, but the same amount of within-category information. In Experiment II, materials which increased the salience of the organizational structure of the passage were better recalled than scrambled materials after three exposures, or on a test which cued the major categories in the passage. Cueing was detrimental to performance for subjects reading the scrambled passage. Results are discussed in terms of implications for educational practice.  相似文献   

新引进小黑麦的醇溶蛋白遗传多样性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
小黑麦作为黑麦中有益基因向小麦转移的桥梁,被广泛用于普通小麦的遗传改良.为了有效利用从国际玉米小麦改良中心引进的183份小黑麦材料,利用酸性聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(A-PAGE)对其醇溶蛋白的遗传多样性进行了分析,结果表明:183份材料共分离出125种不同的带型,39条迁移率不同的谱带,其中只有在ω区的三条带为所有材料共有,其余的36条带都具有多态性,多态性带数占总分离条带数的92.3%,多态性较高;并且以中国春为对照,在小黑麦材料中没有发现与中国春的醇溶蛋白相同的谱带;通过醇溶蛋白的聚类分析可将183份小黑麦材料划分为三大类.  相似文献   

本文从分值、题量、题型、测试材料、考查内容以及命题角度等方面对2006年高考语文自然科学与社会科学类文章阅读作全面分析,重点考查了此部分选文特点以及试题设计,从中归纳命题特征与趋势。选文上,社会科学类文章成为考查重点,取材上注重人文性和地域性,语言在严谨中不乏生动与形象。试题设计上,信息的加工与处理仍是共同的命题立意,题目设置在兼顾各考点的基础上突出整体性与综合性。同时,分省命题也凸现了不同的命题理念。  相似文献   

1998-2008十年对外汉语教材述评   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
1998-2008这十年出版的教材在总体框架、内容设计和形式设计等方面都有了较大的变化:关注交际技能教学的系列教材正在成为教材的主流;在内容方面,教材的话题广泛,涉及社会生活的各个方面,语料在取舍时考虑到了语言表达的系统性与交际能力培养结合,练习题型出现了"要素型"与"技能型"数量相当的趋势,文化呈现方式也多样化了;在形式方面,其版面和装帧设计都开始向关注学习者、为内容服务发展。这些变化表现出对外汉语教学近十年在教学理念上的转变:关注学习者,关注交际能力的培养。不过,如果进一步深入分析,也不难发现,对外汉语教材在课文的话题排序、语言结构与语言表达功能之间的关系等方面还有继续努力的空间。  相似文献   

一篇文章的难度是影响学生阅读理解的重要因素之一。日常阅读教学选材的难度控制和阅读考试的难度控制是教师急切需要掌握的技术手段。在实用语言学的研究领域中,语言学家提出了一些测试文章难度的公式。探讨这些公式对于高职高专英语阅读教学是否具有指导意义,这是我们试验的目的。通过试验证实,Fry提出的文章难度测试公式对于中国高职高专现行的教材具有可靠性、易行性和较高的可信度。  相似文献   

加强教材建设的几点建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
要搞好教材建设,首先要有明确的指导思想。其次,要紧密围绕新世纪对学生综合素质的要求、课程体系改革、建立健全教材现代化科学化管理机制等方面开展工作,使教材建设在提高教学质量和人才素质方面发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

基于北京科技大学以金属材料为主的材料科学基础实验课开设现状,在研究型教学示范课程建设中,为提高学生认识矿物材料及应用材料科学基础知识的能力,开发了对火成岩、变质岩和沉积岩的宏、微观鉴定选修实验,完成了选修实验课样品的制备,撰写了实验指导书,进行了典型岩石宏观鉴定、微观组织的偏光分析和扫描电镜下能谱成分的验证。通过新实验的开发锻炼了综合应用课程知识的能力。  相似文献   

施红 《科教导刊》2020,(2):69-70
在科学技术快速发展的时代背景下,对新技术材料提出了更高的要求,智能制造和材料的发展是相辅相成的,一方面材料科学的发展为制造科学带来了新的内容,另一方面制造业的装备和技术也为新材料的推广奠定了坚实的基础。而在这样的背景下,院校对于复合型人才的培养就显得至关重要,源于在未来的发展过程中,制造业和相关产业链的变革必然是学科交叉的协同创新,对人才培养方案也会提出更高的要求,对职业教育的人才培养必须从技术技能型向知识技能型进行转变,在文章的阐述中,主要围绕职业教育中复合型人才培养的教学改革进行分析和研究,旨在促进学生的专业综合能力得到快速的提升和发展。  相似文献   

Present instructional trends in science indicate a need to reexamine a traditional concern in science education: the readability of science textbooks. An area of reading research not well documented is the effect of color, visuals, and page layout on readability of science materials. Using the cloze readability method, the present study explored the relationships between page format, grade level, sex, content, and elementary school students ability to read science material. Significant relationships were found between cloze scores and both grade level and content, and there was a significant interaction effect between grade and sex in favor of older males. No significant relationships could be attributed to page format and sex. In the area of science content, biological materials were most difficult in terms of readability followed by earth science and physical science. Grade level data indicated that grade five materials were more difficult for that level than either grade four or grade six materials were for students at each respective level. In eight of nine cases, the science text materials would be classified at or near the frustration level of readability. The implications for textbook writers and publishers are that science reading materials need to be produced with greater attention to readability and known design principles regarding visual supplements. The implication for teachers is that students need direct instruction in using visual materials to increase their learning from text material. Present visual materials appear to neither help nor hinder the student to gain information from text material.  相似文献   

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