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从引文分析(1994-2002年) 看我国数字图书馆研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
文章利用我国图书情报界对数字图书馆研究论文的引文来分析我国数字图书馆研究的状况,探讨我国数字图书馆研究的特点和未来的发展趋势.  相似文献   

文章借助CSSCI的统计数据分析了我国数字图书馆领域2000—2009年间的发展情况,分析指标主要有:数字图书馆论文作者、机构、地区、合作作者等。得到结论:我国数字图书馆的研究在近十年来发展迅速,在论文发表形式上以合著为主。文章从不同学者的发文量和被引情况,以及不同类型机构、机构发文量、不同地区发文量等几个方面具体分析了这些特征对加深数字图书馆领域学术影响发挥了重大作用。  相似文献   

以ISI的Web of Science为数据源,借助文献计量学方法,从文献的学科分布、国家/地区分布、作者分布和基金资助分布等方面,对国外2008年-2011年间有关数字图书馆研究的相关论文进行统计与分析。同时采用关键词共现和文献共被引分析方法,借助CiteSpaceⅡ对文献的关键词和参考文献进行可视化分析,发现国外数字图书馆研究以借助相关计算机技术提供用户个性化、易用性服务为核心研究内容,并将成为持续研究热点,具体研究热点包括:基于本体、语义web的数字图书馆信息检索、数字图书馆系统设计、数字图书馆可用性评价、数字图书馆模型、数字图书馆个性化协同服务等。  相似文献   

文章借助CSSCI的统计数据,分析了2000-2009年数字图书馆建设体制及发展模式这一研究领域的发展情况,分析的主要指标有:发文情况、引文情况、被引著作、被引作者、关键词。通过研究发现,数字图书馆建设体制及发展这一领域已经在近十年得到了长足的发展,理论研究的深度和广度都在希断扩展,从宏观层面对我国数字图书馆事业的构建起到了积极的作用。  相似文献   

开放存取对期刊影响力绩效研究综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章归纳了国内外主要的OA绩效研究方法,并将它们分为三类:对某个期刊群中OA期刊和非OA期刊影响因子的比较、对某个领域大样本OA论文与非OA论文被引频次的统计比较,以及对某个混合OA期刊中OA论文和非OA论文影响因子平均值的比较,并介绍了其中五个代表性研究的方法和结论。这些研究成果表明,OA对提高期刊影响力有着积极的立竿见影的作用。针对未来需要,文章提出了OA论文比例演变、文献引文中OA文献比例演变、搜索引擎对OA绩效影响的研究方案。该文为《数字图书馆论坛》2.009年第11期本期话题“Open Access”的文章之一。  相似文献   

论文以中文社会科学引文索引(CSSCI)中以"数字图书馆"为研究主题的文献为研究对象,运用知识可视化图谱软件CiteSpaceⅡ对这些文献进行关键词共词分析,以可视化图谱的形式展示了2001—2010年我国"数字图书馆"领域的研究热点、研究前沿及其演进情况。  相似文献   

文章选取中文社会科学引文索引CSSCI中研究主题为数字图书馆的文献群作为研究对象,运用CiteSpace II软件进行文献共引分析和热点分析,以知识可视化图谱方式展现了近十年图书情报学领域数字图书馆的研究机构、知识基础、研究热点及研究前沿。  相似文献   

基于国内数字图书馆研究领域相关文献,对国内数字图书馆近5年的研究接受基金资助情况、领域内重点基金项目和重点基金项目资助领域的分布情况等进行了统计与分析。  相似文献   

我国图书情报学高被引论文热点分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
叶协杰 《图书情报工作》2007,51(12):138-138
应用《中国引文数据库》网络版作为统计源,采用引文分析法对我国图书情报学高被引论文(被引≥50频次)的发表年份分布、期刊分布、基金论文情况、多产作者、主题分布等进行统计和分析,讨论近年来该学科领域的热点研究主题。  相似文献   

我国数字图书馆学领域著者队伍研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以我国2005—2009年五年间CNKI《中国期刊全文数据库》和《中国引文数据库》收录的数字图书馆学领域的文献为研究对象,利用文献计量与统计学的有关方法,从著者的发文数、引文数及合作情况等角度,对近五年来国内数字图书馆学领域的著者队伍进行了分析,以期了解和掌握我国数字图书馆研究现状,为进一步的研究和发展提供参考。  相似文献   

Clinical psychology has received little attention as a subject in health sciences library collections. This study seeks to demonstrate the relative importance of the monographic literature to clinical psychology through the examination of citations in graduate student theses and dissertations at the Fordham Health Sciences Library, Wright State University. Dissertations and theses were sampled randomly; citations were classified by format, counted, and subjected to statistical analysis. Books and book chapters together account for 35% of the citations in clinical psychology dissertations, 25% in nursing theses, and 8% in biomedical sciences theses and dissertations. Analysis of variance indicates that the citations in dissertations and theses in the three areas differ significantly (F = 162.2 with 2 and 253 degrees of freedom, P = 0.0001). Dissertations and theses in biomedical sciences and nursing theses both cite significantly more journals per book than the dissertations in clinical psychology. These results support the hypothesis that users of clinical psychology literature rely more heavily on books than many other users of a health sciences library. Problems with using citation analyses in a single subject to determine a serials to monographs ratio for a health sciences library are pointed out.  相似文献   

This case study is a citation analysis of 56 PhD theses submitted in 2005 at Wuhan University (www.whu.edu.cn) in China. The authors analyzed 10,222 citations in theses in Library and Information Science, Biology, Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, and Stomatology and reviewed and compared the characteristics of the literature cited in the four disciplines. The results revealed that in Biology and Stomatology mainly English language publications were cited whereas in the field of Library and Information Science, the cited literature came primarily from Chinese sources. In Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, citations were almost evenly split between English and Chinese sources. An appendix with tables of the journal titles cited most frequently may be used to evaluate serial holdings and to serve as a guide for students preparing their theses. In addition, the implications for library collection development policies and other technical services are discussed.  相似文献   

论文以CSSCI(1998—2010)收录的题名包含"数字图书馆"的来源文献和被引期刊论文为样本,统计论文产出机构及其相关数据,从发文量、被引量、高被引文论文量等多个角度,揭示国内数字图书馆研究机构的学术影响力,以帮助该领域的研究者和管理人员全面掌握国内相关研究机构的整体状况。  相似文献   

This article analyzes the bibliometric features (the number of pages, completion years, the fields of subject, the number of citations, and their distribution by types of sources and years) of 100 theses and dissertations completed at the Department of Librarianship of Hacettepe University between 1974 and 2002. Almost a quarter (24%) of all dissertations were on university libraries, followed by public libraries (9%). Doctoral dissertations were, on average, twice as long as master's theses and contained 2.5 times more citations. Monographs received more citations (50%) than journal articles did (42%). Recently completed theses and dissertations contained more citations to electronic publications. Fourteen (or 3.2% of all) journal titles (including Türk Kütüphaneciliği, College & Research Libraries, and Journal of the American Society for Information Science) received almost half (48.9%) of all citations. Eighty percent of journal titles were cited infrequently. No correlation was found between the frequency of citations of the most frequently cited journals and their impact factors. Cited journal titles in master's and doctoral theses and dissertations overlapped significantly. Similarly, journal titles cited in dissertations also overlapped significantly with those that were cited in the journal articles published in the professional literature. The distribution of citations to foreign journal titles fit Bradford's Law of Scattering. The mean half-life of all cited sources was 9 years. Sources cited in master's dissertations were relatively more current. Single authorship was the norm in cited resources. Coupled with in-library use data, findings of the present study can be used to identify the core journal titles in librarianship as well as to evaluate the existing library collections to decide which journal titles to keep, discard, or relegate to off-site storage areas.  相似文献   

GOOGLE学术搜索工具及其在我馆的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析了Google学术搜索在学术资源服务体系中的积极作用。Google学术搜索继承了Google的优点,吸引了大批用户。它基本上可以正确地甄别资源的学术性,在搜索的效果方面也有不错的表现,在弥补图书馆对公开获取资源的资源服务方面,起到很好的补充作用。但是也有不足之处。比如没有考虑用户的资源环境,不能很好地解决“合适版本”的问题,不能避免用户的无效链接现象。最后介绍了北京师范大学图书馆对Google学术搜索的理解和实际应用的做法。以及通过参加Library Link计划,将Google学术搜索成功纳入图书馆学术资源服务体系的成功案例。最后的统计数字说明Google学术搜索在该校起到了很好的资源服务作用。  相似文献   

文章以上海师范大学化学学科用户近五年(2006-2010年)被SCI收录论文为对象,对收录的论文及其引文数据进行整理、统计,重点对引文数据从引用年代、引用频次和引用期刊所在库的情况三个方面加以分析,以获取化学学科电子期刊库对于化学学科科研的保障现状,为化学学科的数字资源优化和建设提供相应的参考和依据。  相似文献   

Many librarians perceive ProQuest’s Dissertations and Theses as the key resource for searching dissertations and theses. However, the Online Computer Library Center’s (OCLC’s) WorldCat also provides a means for locating electronic dissertations and theses. This study compared these two databases and found two key observations. First, both databases provided access to a similar number of citations. Second, WorldCat consistently had twice as many citations for which ProQuest had no records. WorldCat provides an important means of locating electronic theses and dissertations.  相似文献   

数据挖掘技术在图书馆工作中的应用   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
数据挖掘是一门新兴的数据分析技术。本介绍数据挖掘在数字图书馆中实现的流程和方法,并对其在图书馆的应用作出科学分析。使现代图书馆服务领域得以扩宽,从传统查询服务扩展到基于WEB信息空间或自动化管理系统的知识服务。  相似文献   

Rhodes University mounted its first digital thesis on the World Wide Web in 1998 and became the first institution in Africa to do so. Since then, the number of available theses and dissertations has steadily increased as more students come to appreciate the importance of submitting digital files or their theses. Also, the university Senate has now made it mandatory for students to submit digital files of their theses and dessertations. In order to make electronic theses and dissertations (ETD) produced by tertiary institutions in Southern Africa readily available, universities in the Southern African region were invited to join in the ETD initiative. This would lead to the building of a digital library of theses and dissertations in the region. A few institutions have responded positively and, based on the adoption of our approach, have speedily gained approval of their governing bodies to embark on ETD projects. In addition, the South East Academic Libraries (SEALS), a library consortium of tertiary institutions in the Eastern Province of South Africa, is considering an ETD programme since this would promote collaboration between research programmes at separate universities/technikons by making research work visible and accessible via a network archive.It is, however, surprising that some institutional leaders appear not to have realized that the digital revolution makes it imperative for institutions to use digital and publishing technologies innovatively in the provision of information as well as in the preservation and dissemination of the institutions' intellectual property.The paper will review existing African theses and dissertation projects, including the Database of African Theses and Dissertations (DATAD) and the African Universities Dissertations Abstracts (AFUDA) projects, it will discuss the status of the Rhodes University project, responses from other institutions in the region and make suggestions for accelerated involvement of tertiary institutions in Africa, especially Southern Africa, in the international network of theses and dissertations.  相似文献   

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