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Stephen L. Benton and Kenneth B. Hoyt have studied the reactions of TECSCU members contrasted to those of Holmes Group Members to the recommendations made in the Holmes Group and the Carnegie reform reports. This paper agrees with several observations made by these authors, including the elitist nature of the Holmes Group and the ignoring of educational psychology and other teacher-education faculty, but it disagrees with some of the causes behind these accusations, some attributed to naivety of the Holmes Group leaders and others attributed to their purposeful, self-serving goals. This paper has focused on those report recommendations that are educationally unsound and it has offered explanations with supportive information.  相似文献   

Issue is taken with Benton and Hoyt's (1990) study of three groups as to their agreement or disagreement with the Holmes Group report Tomorrow's Teachers (1986), and the Carnegie Forum on Education and the Economy's Report, A Nation Prepared: Teachers for the 21st Century (1986). The three groups studied were volunteer respondents from the initial Holmes Group, Division 15 of the American Psychological Association, and the Teacher Education Council for State Colleges and Universities. Questions are raised regarding the Benton and Hoyt study's general assumptions, selection of documents for study, selection of and generalization about group responses, and general implications for all educationists as well as educational psychologists.  相似文献   

The article by Benton and Hoyt provides data that creates an opportunity for a significant discussion concerning the role of educational psychologists in education reform. Education reform in teacher education has three identifiable stages. The first stage is the series of proposals that have been generated by a number of groups implying that education reform efforts will bring about positive change. The second component has been reactions or debates surrounding the proposals and significant changes proposed by national reports. Finally, there have been component parts of the proposals implemented in experimental ways in schools and colleges of education. Clearly, a segment of the educational psychology academic community has been involved in all three phases of education reform, and the need for maintaining a research posture and a demand for documentation of improvement is necessary from all educators—and in particular educational psychologists. The 1980s were the years for proposing and reacting. The years between now and the twenty-first century will be the time of implementation and evaluation of changes. The opportunity is present for active involvement of all interested educational psychologists. The article by Benton and Hoyt is a meaningful article for educational psychologists because it points out our differing opinions and provides some basis for us to understand our differences concerning specific issues in teacher education reform.  相似文献   

In responding to the work of Benton and Hoyt, Kowalski argues that an adequate analysis of reform efforts is incomplete without an examination of underlying purposes. Questions are raised regarding the motives of those who promote extended teacher education programs and the Carnegie Forum proposal for national certification. The author suggests that educational psychologists can contribute to reform efforts by helping to explore values, beliefs, motivations, and needs as they relate to change proposals in teacher education.  相似文献   

The article, Educational Reform: Implications for Educational Psychologists, by Benton and Hoyt is an example of the consequences of asking the wrong questions to the right question. Educational psychologists do, indeed, have a vested interest in the current debate over reform in education, particularly teacher education. The data that Benton and Hoyt chose to dissect, however, completely omitted the substantial body of information where educational psychologists have special expertise. The elaborate factor analysis reformed by Benton and Hoyt simply confirms that if one starts with flawed data, no amount of statistical manipulation will lead to a valid conclusion.  相似文献   

Benton and Hoyt have surveyed educational psychologists regarding their views on reform of teacher-training programs. Ostensibly based on the results of their survey, Benton and Hoyt have called for a greater role of educational psychologists in shaping the reform of teacher training. The present article questions: (1) whether educational psychologists have skills that would contribute to reform as it is being conceptualized; (2) whether the reform movement is focusing on aspects of the educational system that will result in improved student outcomes; and (3) whether it is the educational system that needs reform or our expectations for the educational system.  相似文献   

The Benton and Hoyt article reveals substantial information about attitudes toward teacher preparation in America. however, a notable set of issues are not a part of their data base because those responsible for programming teacher education have ignored them. This response presents a beginning at identifying such issues.  相似文献   

The present paper uses as a point of departure two of Benton and Hoyt's (1990) survey items concerning undergraduate teaching and their finding that Holmes Group and Division 15 members favored more sweeping changes in teacher education whereas TESCSU members favored more incremental changes. It: (a) suggests that reform is unlikely to succeed without change in the behavior of those who teach prospective teachers; (b) suggests ways in which educational psychologists can improve the effectiveness of teachers and teacher training; and (c) questions whether moving teacher training to the graduate level will in fact improve such education.  相似文献   

素质教育的精神理念是吸收了以往优秀的教育思想精髓并具有实践意义的普遍的、内在的观点和信念的统一体。其哲学基础可追溯自马克思主义关于"人的自由全面发展"的理论,它的心理学基础是人的需求层次理论和认知结构理论,作为一种新的教育思想,它同时也是建立于中外优秀传统教育思想的基础之上的,是教育理念的本体性回归。  相似文献   

The Holmes Group report, titled Tomorrow's Teachers (1986), and the report of the Carnegie Forum on Education and the Economy, titled A Nation Prepared: Teachers for the 21st Century (1986), contain major reform proposals that have implications for educational psychologists. To understand the nature of these proposals, we performed a content analysis of the Holmes and Carnegie documents and constructed a 149-item survey instrument. Three separate mailings were conducted to solicit volunteer respondents from the initial Holmes Group, Division 15 of APA, and the Teacher Education Council of State Colleges and Universities (TECSCU). A principal components analysis with varimax rotation was performed on data collected from 1039 respondents, and three factors were found to underlie the survey instrument: Incremental Changes, Sweeping Changes, and Financial Changes. A multivariate analysis of variance on the three factor scores revealed that the Holmes Group more strongly supported Incremental and Sweeping Changes than did TECSCU respondents, and that Division 15 members more strongly endorsed Sweeping Changes than did TECSCU. Recommendations are made for involving educational psychologists in the reform process.  相似文献   

The design of Benton and Hoyt's study is discussed, as well as their data analysis. The limitations of the study, including the possible bias toward economic issues of the items and of data interpretation and nonrandom sampling of the subjects, are noted. Benton and Hoyt's discussion of how educational psychologists are affected by the educational reform movement is considered within the larger framework of the shift in educational research from a static normative to a dynamic interactionist approach. This shift has not only affected specific reform proposals, but also shows promise of resolving perceived conflicts in the proposals between excellence and equity and educational psychologists and teacher educators.  相似文献   

Singapore’s remarkable performance in Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) has placed it among the world’s high-performing education systems (HPES). In the literature on HPES, its ‘secret formula’ for education success is explained in terms of teacher quality, school leadership, system characteristics and educational reform. This article offers an alternative explanation for the education success of Singapore and, in so doing, questions the basic assertions of the HPES literature and, in particularly, the use of PISA results as the prime indicator of the educational performance of a school system. The explanation is informed by a historical perspective on the development of the Singapore education system and based upon a body of empirical findings on the nature of pedagogical practice in classrooms, both of which are vital for understanding the educational performance of Singapore’s education system. The article concludes by addressing the implications of this analysis for educational policy borrowing.  相似文献   

Evidence-based education aims at improving the effectiveness of educational interventions and programs through knowledge on the basis of rigorous scientific research. However, evidence-based education should not be equated with empirical educational research; nor should it be understood as an independent paradigm of educational science, because of its focus on educational practice. The specific notion of how science and practice relate to each other, which is fundamental to evidence-based education, is exposed to a threefold critique, namely concerning the technological conception of educational practice, the supposed abstinence from theory as frame for educational research, and the disregard of communication as medium of educational effectiveness. The last paragraph of the paper presents a reminiscent sketch of an alternative conception of the relation between science and practice as it can be found with some representatives of educational psychology.  相似文献   

Bias in track recommendations is an important mechanism, which causes education inequity in a tracked educational system (streaming). If teacher biases in track recommendations change over time, inequity in society and in the education system may also change. We investigated changes in track recommendation bias over time for gender, immigration status and socioeconomic status (SES), based on a longitudinal empirical study of nine cohorts of Dutch students in their final year (grade 6) of primary education in the period 1995–2014. An overview of educational and societal trends was provided, alongside the empirical analysis, to explain the findings in variation over time in track recommendation bias. Results indicate that the level of track recommendations provided to the students gradually increased over time. For a similar performance, a higher track recommendation was awarded in 2014 compared to 1995. This development coincided with an increase in parental education level, the valuing of education and the introduction of lower‐status pre‐vocational education tracks. Track recommendation bias favouring students with a migrant background and female students decreased, which coincided with growing cultural intolerance and attention to the ‘boy problem’. Bias in track recommendations related to SES appeared stable, with only small deviations from year to year. The results of this study indicate that track recommendation bias and teacher considerations are dependent on time and context.  相似文献   

There is a well-founded assumption in the literature that the first year of teaching presents challenges to beginning teachers. However, few studies have looked empirically at how beginning teacher perceptions about teaching ability change from the pre-service to the novice teacher year. This is particularly the case for inclusive education, where no substantive empirical studies have measured such a change in teacher perceptions across these phases of teacher development. This study tracks changes in the perceived self-efficacy of teachers in relation to working effectively with children with special educational needs (n = 67) following an inclusion-enhancement programme in the pre-service phase and enriched induction on inclusion in the novice teacher phase. The study employed a repeated panel survey design with an intervention and comparison group. A critique is made of the domain specificity of current measures used for considering self-efficacy for inclusion, and an alternative approach proposed. Results indicate that there were relative gains in self-efficacy from the start to the end of the pre-service teacher year due to the enhancement programme, and that these gains were maintained in the novice teacher year. However, there was no evidence that the induction enrichment had any impact on self-efficacy in this domain. Implications for the timing and intensity of induction for beginning teachers, as well as for future research directions on teacher education, are considered.  相似文献   

二战后,科南特站在科学主义立场,突破了传统教师教育模式的束缚,对教育学科进行了理性分析,对教育学科课程进行了实证研究,主张在学术专家和教育学教授共同培养教师的模式中,教育学教授作为“教育临床教授”,其主要价值是在学科教育和教育实习中起中介作用。  相似文献   

教育评价对基础教育改革起着重要的导向和质量监控作用,直接影响着教育目的的实现和教育改革的转向与落实。面对当前的教育评价现状,我们需要站在哲学的高度,用哲学的眼光和视野进行深层次的反思。从什么是教育评价、为什么评价和如何评价这三个方面来把握和关注教育评价的基本观念。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to review and to connect research about teacher education effectiveness and school effectiveness to arrive at an integrative conceptualization that has the potential of improving empirical research in both fields. Teacher education effectiveness addresses effects of teacher education on outcomes such as teacher knowledge, this knowledge becomes the predictor in teacher effectiveness research with instructional quality and student achievement as outcomes. The two research orientations become united in path-analytic studies. A fuller incorporation leads to an extended educational effectiveness model that enriches a systemic interpretation of key levers of educational effectiveness and opens up black boxes at the system and the classroom level. In such a comprehensive model, teacher policies can be regarded an alternative for educational improvement strategies like school curriculum policies, accountability and evaluation or governance and management. At the same time insights from educational effectiveness research at large suggest inclusion of additional variables in teacher education and teacher effectiveness research, particularly on the institutional level.  相似文献   

In a context where the role of the teacher and teacher education are undergoing considerable change, the role of educational psychology in teacher preparation is discussed within a new framework. Educational psychology is now perceived as an inherent component within teacher training and professional development, having previously been an additional course and often considered irrelevant to teaching practice. The current paper discusses the relationship between educational psychology and teacher preparation. Educational psychology's contribution to teachers' professional development is delineated through the constructs of teachers' prior beliefs about teaching, reflective practice and self‐efficacy, while its contribution to the improvement of teacher–pupil interaction is viewed through the lenses of instruction theories, social and emotional learning, special educational needs and classroom management. It is argued that through a productive dialectic dialogue between educational psychology and education, educational psychology provides the knowledge defined by its field to be utilized by teachers, whereas at the same time, teachers gain a wider reconceptualization of their practice.  相似文献   

现代大学教学过程是教师和学生为实现知识的个体化和知识的社会化目标而共同进行的教与学相统一的过程,其功能既是多方面的,更是相互联系,交叉渗透的统一体。基于教育学和心理学的取向,在此,从四个方面来讨论现代大学教学过程最基本和最核心的功能。分析与讨论这些功能,有助于提升我们对现代大学教学过程的理性认识,形成我们进行课堂教学改革的思想基础和行动的依据。  相似文献   

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