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This article reviews the empirical literature in terms of three components of counseling including existing counselor and client factors, the counseling process, and the outcome of client change. The counseling process is based on the therapeutic relationship, general factors, and common techniques or interventions, as well as specific counseling approaches. The review supports the contention that there are common factors exhibited by skilled therapists that are empirically related to positive client change. Recommendations are made for the use of this information by counselor educators in training student counselors and designing training programs.  相似文献   

美国大学生生涯发展与就业指导理论评述   总被引:34,自引:2,他引:34  
生涯发展与就业指导是心理学研究的一个重要方面,也是高校学生培养的一项重要工作.在美国,生涯发展与就业指导理论经历了从人职匹配的职业指导阶段到关注全人发展和终生发展的生涯指导阶段,产生了如类型学、发展性、社会学习以及认知信息加工等理论.本文较为详细地介绍了这几种应用较为普遍的理论,旨在促进针对我国大学生生涯发展理论的研究.  相似文献   

Summary We have reviewed the problems in counseling or psychotherapy posed by cultural differences. Few if any solutions to these problems have been proposed. It has been the general conclusion that theories and methods of psychotherapy developed in Western culture are not applicable in other cultures.This view is rejected on the basis that there are universals of human nature, a basic one being the common motive of self-actualization. The goal of counseling or psychotherapy is to facilitate the development of self-actualization in clients. Cultures can be evaluated in terms of their contribution to the self-actualization of their members. The major conditions for the development of self-actualizing persons are known, and must be present in counseling or psychotherapy as practiced with any client, regardless of his culture. These conditions are not time-bound nor culture-bound. The problems of practicing counseling or psychotherapy in other cultures are viewed as problems of implementing these conditions. Certain characteristics of clients which present obstacles to the implementation of the conditions are associated with certain cultures. Until cultural changes lead to changes in these characteristics, counseling or psychotherapy will be difficult and in some cases impossible with certain clients from certain cultures. Structuring and client education and training may change client expectations and make therapy possible. In any case, however, to accede to client expectations, abandoning methods which have been demonstrated to be related to self-actualization as an outcome of counseling or psychotherapy, is to abandon self-actualization as the goal, and to accept goals which are often inconsistent with self-actualization.  相似文献   

A review of sex-role orientation research reveals two areas of particular importance for counselor educators: interpersonal behaviors and cognitive processing. Persons with androgynous, masculine, and feminine sex-role orientations have been found to differ in their interpersonal competence and their cognitive processing of perceptions of self and others. In both areas, research points to persons with androgynous sex-role orientations as being more flexible, self-assured, adaptive, accepting, and competent in interpersonal interactions than persons with more masculine or feminine orientations. Because counseling is a complex interpersonal process, these conclusions suggest a preference for an androgynous counselor. Implications for the impact of sex-role orientation on the dynamics of the counseling relationship and the counseling process are explored. Studies supporting the efficacy of “training” for androgyny, and those offering some evidence for the androgynous counselor as the more competent facilitator of positive change in clients are reviewed. Research questions are proposed to specifically assess the relationship of sex-role orientation and the acquisition and performance of counseling skills.  相似文献   

This case study describes developmental and psychosocial challenges experienced by a Deaf college student. A counseling intervention that combines person‐centered and cognitive behavior approaches with psychoeducational strategies designed to educate the client about Deaf identity development and Deaf culture is presented.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship of cognitive complexity, counselor anxiety, and client disability condition to accurate empathy on the part of students in training. A sample (n = 28) of students in a graduate counseling program observed a series of eight vignettes of counseling interviews (four clients with disabilities and four without disabilities) and reported a verbal counseling response to a client statement. A significant main effect was found for the cognitive complexity variable only (p < .05). A significant interaction among cognitive complexity, anxiety, and client disability condition (p < .01) indicated that all three factors interact to influence empathy. Implications for research and the training of counselors are discussed.  相似文献   

The evolution of a general model of counseling from Rogers through Carkhuff to Egan has resulted in a loss of emphasis on perceptual change and an increasing interest in social influence and action interventions. Greenberg and Kahn present an expanded model of counseling, which includes a stimulation phase. The addition of a stimulation phase in counseling is suggested to provide a place for active counseling methods that effect client perceptual change. This stimulation phase actively involves the counselor and client in full exploration, which culminates in discovery. Two processes are differentiated: discovery and dynamic self-understanding. Active stimulation leads to new awareness that can be enhanced by social influence to achieve new understanding.  相似文献   

Due to increased demands placed on university counseling centers (UCCs) in recent years, there is a need for these centers to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of their psychological services. Regularly monitoring client progress is one approach to increase the likelihood of positive clinical outcomes. This article describes the use of the Behavioral Health Measure–20 (BHM-20; Kopta & Lowry, 2002) in monitoring the progress of 13,803 clients at 23 UCCs across the United States from 2006–2011. Results show that the BHM-20, via the CelestHealth System–MH (CHS-MH), is an effective instrument for the electronic administration, scoring, and tracking of client progress. Overall, clients improved over the course of treatment and the benefit from treatment peaked between 7 to 10 sessions. Three case vignettes using the CHS-MH in patient care are presented. Implications for continuing the use of monitoring individual client change at UCCs are discussed.  相似文献   

Recent computer-assisted counseling systems have been designed to treat specific types of psychological problems for which clearly articulated treatment strategies are available. Examples of such systems are MORTON, a program designed to treat mild to moderate depression, and PLATO DCS, a program for the treatment of moderately difficult avoidance-avoidance dilemmas. PLATO DCS and MORTON might be valuable for training counselors in treatment strategies for dealing with dilemmas and depression. In addition, counselor trainees can respond to these systems as clients and can use them as consultants. Computerization of other counseling techniques might lead to significant theoretical advances because technique must be clearly and concisely articulated to make computer applications feasible. Possible limitations of computer-assisted counseling are discussed, including client and counselor acceptance of computers as therapists and the limited ability of the computer to understand natural language.  相似文献   

The authors investigated whether students receiving short–term individual counseling at a university counseling center showed progress as evidenced by perceived client and counselor outcomes and the roles that client readiness to change and working alliance played in this setting. The results indicated that the counselor reports, not the client reports, reflected statistically significant change in client symptoms. Changes in symptom severity were not associated with working alliance and readiness to change.  相似文献   

The focus of constructivist counseling is on how people experience the world and make sense of that experience. Counseling strategies under the umbrella of constructivist approaches such as narrative, solutions-focused, and other postmodern approaches share the premise that clients create their own reality. This article describes how college students' problems can be conceptualized and the counseling approach crafted from a constructivist perspective that activates client resources to create more useful personal constructs and develop new solutions to client concerns. Two case studies of traditional-aged clients are presented to illustrate practical applications of constructivist counseling.  相似文献   

The problem of information and documentation in counseling is treated from two angles: one, as an intrinsic part of the counseling process, second, as a framework for the counseling process.From the first viewpoint, one should watch for the risk that the information and documentation does interfere with the need for self-scrutiny in the interpersonal counseling relationship. On the second standpoint, that is treated extensively, the information and documentation service is the heart of the helping intervention. On the basis of studies by O'Hara (1968), Wexler (1974), Gendlin (1964) and Ausubel (1970) the author develops his view, that the effect of information and documentation will be reinforced by an accompanying interpersonal counseling process. This demands a piecemeal approach, in which the information is presented in a sequence, and allows for a process of differentiation and integration in the client. The empathic support of the counselor will function in this respect as a motivating force.  相似文献   

Principles for counseling potential whistleblowers are presented along with two sample cases to assist career counselors in advising their clients. The article provides information on relevant laws, difficult choices, and the working alliance that must be developed with a potential whistleblower. A checklist of questions to guide the client in their decision-making is provided as well as a table of options.  相似文献   

This study examined client perceptions of counselor comfort, counseling climate, and client satisfaction as measured by the CEI relative to counselors described as high-effective or low-effective in terms of changes in client academic performance before and after group counseling. The results indicated that the client's perception of the comfort of the counselor in a group setting is significantly related to counselor effectiveness as measured by GPA change. The overall counseling climate and the client's estimate of his satisfaction were found not to be related to counselor effectiveness.  相似文献   

Multicultural counseling has the support of various groups, including accreditation bodies. Counselor education programs may, however, be adopting a movement that is not consistent with previously held beliefs about counseling. Is information about a specific subculture helpful in counseling a client who is labeled as being from that subculture? Or are the differences within groups possibly as great as the differences between groups? The author's experience in one multicultural setting suggests that counseling is more effective with clients of another culture when it is unaided by the use of generalized information about that culture.  相似文献   

The authors argue that students in counseling practicum courses experience many self‐defeating thoughts and anxieties. These worries can impede their performance as new counselors and can have a negative impact on the supervision process. The authors outline innovative methods used by cognitive therapists to address this anxiety. In addition, a model is presented for counselor educators to use cognitive restructuring techniques as a supervision tool. Summary Throughout their studies, counseling graduate students face many possible fears and anxieties that arise from their classroom experiences. The greatest fears and anxieties seem to be related to the counseling practicum experience. This experience is one in which students may feel incompetent, vulnerable, and unskilled as they begin to put their classroom knowledge and experiences into practice. If these fears and anxieties persist, students have a hard time making progress in the area of the counseling relationship and skill building. We have examined how practicum students' fears and anxieties might be addressed, using cognitive interventions. Such interventions allow students to take irrational thoughts and change them to rational thought patterns. This is accomplished by asking students to state their fears verbally, to think about the effects of the fears and the consequences, to think about intervening beliefs and thoughts, and to restate the fears in a rational manner. Our experience suggests that cognitive interventions are useful strategies to help practicum students combat fears and anxieties. Further research might examine the use of other behavioral interventions to address these fears. For example, does role‐playing a counseling technique in supervision make a student less anxious about applying it in a real counseling session? In summary, fear and anxiety can impede the preparation of counselors during their practicum experiences. Understanding the underlying thoughts that cause these fears can help students overcome self‐defeating thought patterns. Cognitive restructuring techniques have been shown to reduce tension and can be used with counseling practicum students to help relieve performance and supervision anxiety.  相似文献   

Mainstreaming legislation is an impetus for social change in relation to treatment of individuals with disabilities. This change requires that counselor educators include content areas related to aspects of disability to prepare counselors to serve clients with disabilities. The author makes recommendations for curricular change for experiential and didactic training to increase a counselor trainee's sensitivity, skills, and knowledge regarding disability. Also, counselor educators are urged to team trainees from school and rehabilitation counseling training programs so that these professionals can work cooperatively for the benefit of the client with a disability.  相似文献   

Although research and personal experiences are indicating that telepathy, clairvoyance, psychokinesis, and healing may be more common than previously believed, human development continues to be viewed primarily from physical or cognitive frameworks. These traditional theories are not comprehensive enough to include many human phenomena. As a result many people label these phenomena as extrasensory or paranormal and presume that they exist in only rare cases, if at all. Counselors are not trained to recognize or deal with such phenomena. The beginning of a holistic theory that can treat paranormal phenomena as normal human development is presented. Implications for counseling, counselor education, and counselor supervision are discussed.  相似文献   

The process of improving organizational performance through designing systemic interventions has remarkable similarities to designing instruction for improving learners' performance. Both processes deal with subjects (learners and organizations correspondingly) with certain capabilities that are exposed to novel information designed for producing a desired change. The article attempts to trace these similarities deeper to the underlying general principles that govern functioning of natural information processing systems that both human cognitive architecture (in case of instruction) and organizational systems may represent, and explores such connections and draws corresponding implications for research in human performance technology.  相似文献   

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