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为探讨基于积极反刍思维训练的团体辅导对大学生社交焦虑的干预效果,文章采用团体辅导的方法对11名在校大学生进行了6次连续的干预,结果显示,经过团体辅导后的大学生,社交焦虑和消极反刍思维明显下降,积极反刍思维明显提高。证明了积极反刍思维训练可以帮助社交焦虑的大学生形成积极的认知倾向,提高他们在社交时的积极感受,降低其消极思维和焦虑水平。  相似文献   

心理治疗对社交焦虑障碍来说,已经被证明是有效的,尤其是对儿童和轻微症状者而言,这是首选。目前常用的、比较有效的心理治疗是认知行为治疗,通过社交技能的训练改善人的社交技能,提高社交信心;通过暴露干预治疗可以降低患者社交时的焦虑。  相似文献   

介绍了公众演讲焦虑的研究——公众演讲焦虑的流行病学和病理学特点,公众演讲焦虑者的身心反应、认知模式及公众演讲焦虑的干预。流行病学和病理学的研究表明,公众演讲焦虑可能是社交焦虑症的一个独特的亚型。公众演讲焦虑者在演讲前、中、后有其特有的身心反应。演讲时,个体对其负面社会表现的注意偏向以及因此产生的消极自我意象是导致公众演讲焦虑的原因,认知行为疗法(CBT)对公众演讲焦虑有积极的治疗作用。最后探讨了公共演讲焦虑的未来研究方向——扩大取样范围,提高研究对象的代表性,得出更具推广性的研究结论;继续探讨其他因素对公众演讲焦虑的影响并深入、细致地探讨相关深层次问题;探讨结合了虚拟现实环境暴露的认知行为疗法(VRCBT)等新型认知行为疗法等对我国公众演讲焦虑者的治疗效果。  相似文献   

运用测验及访谈方法,挑选出社交焦虑水平较高的30名大学生,随机分配为实验组和对照组,实验组学生进行为期8周的朋辈团体心理辅导,对照组不进行干预.采用社交焦虑量表、交流恐惧自陈量表、团体活动反馈表和行为观察记录表进行效果评估.团辅活动后,实验组的社交焦虑得分和交流恐惧得分明显降低并显著低于对照组,团体成员反馈干预效果明显,人际交往得到改善.表明朋辈团体心理辅导对缓解大学生社交焦虑,提高其人际交往能力是可行、有效的.  相似文献   

焦虑情绪是高中生普遍存在的心理问题之一,探索学校层面上心理教师可独立操作的高中生焦虑情绪的筛查干预机制,有利于提升学校心理辅导效率。基于认知行为疗法编制高中生焦虑情绪的团体干预方案,以量表筛查出的高焦虑学生为对象进行团体干预辅导,结果表明,高中生焦虑情绪团体认知行为干预方案对于改善学生的高焦虑情绪有效且有一定的推广价值。  相似文献   

考查职业生涯指导结合团体心理训练的综合干预法对大学生就业压力应对方式及焦虑水平干预的心理效应。采用心理测量法,在干预前、8周综合干预后,测量被试的就业压力应对方式及焦虑水平。研究结果表明,干预后34名大学生的积极行为应对和积极认知应对水平显著提升(P0.01),消极认知应对和消极行为应对水平显著下降(P0.01),焦虑水平显著下降(P0.01)。对大学生施加职业生涯指导结合团体心理训练的综合干预,可以有效改善就业压力应对方式及焦虑水平。  相似文献   

考试焦虑对学生影响的面越来越广,对学生的影响程度也越来越深,进行行之有效的干预刻不容缓。借鉴已有研究成果,制定认知行为团体心理干预方案,对实验组学生进行8次心理干预。结果表明,认知行为团体心理干预对六至八年级学生考试焦虑程度的降低起到了十分显著的效果,且干预效果具有一定的稳定性和持久性,有助于缓解初中学生大型考试前的焦虑情绪。  相似文献   

本研究运用团体心理辅导与音乐疗法相结合的综合模式对大学生社交焦虑进行心理干预,运用了当前使用最为广泛的精神障碍和心理疾病门诊检查量表"症状自评量表—SCL90",对1200名大学生进行测量以进行干预性实验,实验数据表明干预前后有显著性差异,以此证明团体心理辅导与音乐疗法相结合的综合模式是一种有效干预大学生社交焦虑的新途径。  相似文献   

本研究采用认知行为团体辅导对某高校的30名网瘾贫困大学生进行干预研究,并在团体辅导前后一周进行前后测以及结束后两个月进行追踪测量,与控制组不进行干预的30名网瘾贫困生进行对比,结果表明,网络成瘾贫困大学生在进行认知行为团体辅导之后,网络成瘾症状得以改善,自尊、心理健康水平得到显著提高,抑郁与焦虑情绪也显著降低,且两月后追踪发现干预效果持续存在。  相似文献   

在青少年社交焦虑的人口学特点上,国内研究结果存在矛盾;在影响青少年社交焦虑的因素上,研究发现不但消极的家庭教养方式、留守经历与社交焦虑关系密切,而且个体的社交技能、应对方式、人格特征、自我效能感和自尊等个体因素也对社交焦虑有重要影响。国内干预社交焦虑的常用方法主要有认知行为疗法、箱庭疗法、体育疗法、音乐疗法、综合性团体干预等。目前国内对不同疗法干预青少年社交焦虑效果的比较性研究还较缺乏,对留守儿童等特定群体社交焦虑的干预研究及社交焦虑的生理基础研究还有待深入。  相似文献   

Cognitive–behavioral therapy (CBT) has been documented to be effective in treating depression in adolescence, but there is great variability in the clinical outcome of CBT trials. This may in part be due to variations in the content of, and emphasis on different CBT components. Moreover, little is known about adolescents' subjective experiences of CBT interventions, which also might be related to outcome. In this qualitative study, nine adolescents were interviewed about their experiences of the specific components in a CBT group intervention. The results showed that the adolescents experienced the cognitive component of the course as most useful, but somewhat difficult to use. Psycho-education, behavioral activation and the social relationships component were also experienced as beneficial. Their experiences regarding the relaxation training and the homework assignments were mixed. Negative aspects of the intervention included the experience of guilt related to being depressed.  相似文献   

This pilot study examined the impact of a 10 session, group-based, early-intervention cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) programme (Cool Connections) on anxiety, depression and self-concept in nine 8–11 year old pupils in Northern Ireland. The intervention was facilitated by a teacher, education welfare officer and two classroom assistants, with support from the school’s educational psychologist. A group of pupils identified by teachers as presenting with symptoms of anxiety and depression or low self-esteem and who scored in the mild, moderate or severe range of difficulties on the Beck Youth Inventories took part. Findings indicate statistically significant improvements in both anxiety (t(8) = ?3.29, p < 0.017) and depression (t(8) = ?3.06, p < 0.017) but not self-concept (t(8) = 2.63, p = 0.030). The article concludes with strengths and limitations of the current study, professional reflections on implementing a multi-agency, group-based, CBT intervention and implications for future research and educational psychology practice.  相似文献   

“FRIENDS for Life” is a cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) programme which aims to reduce anxiety and promote resilience among children. This study evaluated the “FRIENDS for Life” (FRIENDS) programme used as an intervention for seven children between the ages of 10 and 11 presenting with high functioning autism spectrum disorder (HFA) who attend mainstream schooling. The study adopts a mixed methodology, explanatory research design, which included pre- and post-quantitative anxiety scales, parental interviews completed post-intervention, narrative observation of FRIENDS sessions and a post-intervention children’s evaluation questionnaire. Quantitative findings from this study suggest that participation in the “FRIENDS” programme does not reduce anxiety levels to promote resilience. Such results are discussed with regard to the utility of using standardised self-report measures among children with HFA. Despite this, qualitative information indicates that “FRIENDS” can be made accessible for children with HFA. Recommendations and implications for future research and FRIENDS implementations are outlined.  相似文献   

目前心理干预的理论模式有三种:平衡模式、认知模式、心理社会转变模式。对某单位90名心理症状呈阳性的员工分组进行以不同模式为导向的心理干预,即情绪管理训练、认知行为训练、完善社会支持系统训练。实施干预前用90项临床症状评定量表进行测量,筛查出总分大于160分、症状呈阳性的员工共90人,随机平均分为3组,但保证同质。每组接受不同模式的心理干预措施:组1接受情绪管理训练,组2接受认知行为训练,组3以完善社会支持系统为主。每组干预八周,每周一次,每次一小时。然后对三组再次进行测量,并运用SPSS13.0对测量结果进行统计学分析。通过比较,三种心理干预模式和方法对提高个体心理健康水平均有良好效果,但以平衡模式为导向的情绪管理训练效果较优。  相似文献   

The FRIENDS for Life program is a cognitive–behavioral group program that targets anxiety in children. The main purpose of this study was to analyze the effectiveness of the Portuguese version of the FRIENDS for Life Program, which was implemented in schools to reduce anxiety problems in a group of highly anxious children. The study used a quasi‐experimental research design with two groups of children, an intervention (n = 17) and a wait‐list control group (n = 21), aged 8 to 12 years old. The impact of the program in reducing anxiety symptoms as assessed by children and mothers was analyzed through the Screen for Child Anxiety Related Emotional Disorders‐Revised (SCARED‐R). The results show a statistically significant post intervention effect on anxiety symptoms evaluated by the child, but not by the mother. The implications of these results for the prevention of anxiety disorders in Portuguese schools are discussed.  相似文献   


Game-based learning supported by mobile intelligence technology has promoted the renewal of teaching and learning models. Herein, a model of Question-Observation-Doing-Explanation (QODE) based on smart phones was constructed and applied to science learning during school disruption in COVID-19 pandemic. In this study, from the theoretical perspective of cognitive-affective theory of learning with media, Bandura’s motivation theory and community of inquiry model, self-report measure was used to verify the effect of students’ scientific self-efficacy and cognitive anxiety on science engagement. A total of 357 valid questionnaires were used for structural equation model research. The results indicated that two types of scientific self-efficacy, as indicated by scientific learning ability and scientific learning behavior, were negatively associated with cognitive anxiety. In addition, cognitive anxiety was also negatively correlated to four types of science engagement, as indicated by cognitive engagement, emotional engagement, behavioral engagement, and social engagement through smartphone interactions. These findings provide further evidence for game-based learning promoted by smart phones, contributing to a deeper understanding of the associations between scientific self-efficacy, cognitive anxiety, and science engagement. This study points out that the QODE model is suitable for implementing smart mobile devices to students’ science learning.


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