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图形教学是数学教学的重要组成部分,借助图形可以帮助学生解决许多数学问题。然而,盲校数学图形教学中普遍存在图形教学方式较为单一、教材图形太过抽象、图形素材十分匮乏、信息技术过于落后等问题。基于国内外盲生数学图形学习研究的最新成果,盲校数学教师可着力于加强图形理解度和描述度的教材使用思路、更新图形设计理念和图形制作方法的教具开发模式、强化利用多模态电子触屏设备和应用程序辅助教学的现代信息技术等方面,探寻有效突破盲校数学图形教学困境的新进路。  相似文献   

基于图形计算器的数学实验室,让学生在操作活动中感知数学、发现数学、体会数学的奥秘。上海市曹杨第二中学引入图形计算已有多年,近些年更是邀请了国内国外的教师专家开展了一系列相关的研讨活动,不仅学习了国外与图形计算器相关的数学活动案例,按课程标准的要求开设了数学实验的活动课;而且在这基础上创建了基于图形计算器的数学实验室,让学生在操作活动中感知数学、发现数学、体会数学的奥秘。  相似文献   

形象演示法运用于初中数学图形教学中,能够将抽象的数学图形更加直观地展示出来.形象演示法的合理运用,能够增强数学课堂图形教学的吸引力以及感染力,使得初中数学图形教学更加直观、生动、形象.  相似文献   

陈凌 《新教师》2020,(2):44-45
一、培养学生图形语言表达能力的重要意义学生图形语言表达能力主要是指小学生在生活或者学习的过程之中,用数学图形语言对问题及知识进行阐述的能力,可以应用数学图形语言作为数学交流工具来对数学问题进行描述,同时可以对数学问题进行合乎逻辑的演练。  相似文献   

在数学教学中,应用数学语言的能力是反映学生数学素质高低的重要标志,也是进一步学好数学的必备条件.初中数学教材中涉及许多概念、图形、图形的性质,需要教师加强学生对概念、图形、图形的性质进行文字语言、符号语言、图形语言间的互译训练.提高学生的数学表达能力,引导学生在观察、比较、归纳中发现、领悟、掌握知识和方法,使学生的形象思维能力和抽象思维能力得到同步发展.  相似文献   

图形与几何知识是小学数学教学的基本组成部分,小学生所形成的几何概念与空间想象能力直接影响着他们思维能力的发展。几何画板是借助信息技术展示几何图形的演变规律与图形特征,可以将抽象的图形知识与数学性质转化为直观的图形画面,便于小学生根据学习需求展开数学实验,加深小学生对图形知识的认识。将从通过几何画板解释图形性质、通过几何画板设计数学实验任务、通过几何画板组织问题解决活动三个角度分析几何画板在小学数学图形教学中的应用策略。  相似文献   

<正>苏科版教材在每一章末都安排了一节"数学活动",这样的设计强调了对学生的能力培养.它包括对图形的识别、画法、变换以及图形间关系的探索等.对于刚刚走进丰富多彩的图形世界的七年级学生,我们应尽可能多地为他们提供参与"数学实践活动"的机会,从实际情境中体验图形、感受图形、认识图形,进而画出图形和应用图形.数学实践活动是增强学生图形认知的最佳途径.一、生活中的"数学实践活动"影响"图形认知"的形成  相似文献   

数学是小学教育的重点学科,而图形和几何教学是小学数学教学的重难点内容。为提高小学数学图形和几何教学的有效性,必须探索创新性的教学方法。利用信息技术辅助图形和几何内容的教学,不但可以提高图形与几何教学的效率,也可以提高学生的思维能力和动手实践能力,有利于学生综合素质的提升。基于此,本文以小学数学中图形和几何教学为切入点,探究利用信息技术辅助教学对于提高图形与几何教学有效性、提高教学质量和效率、提高学生数学能力的作用。  相似文献   

让小学生充分了解图形的特点,老师可以在教学中为学生创设熟悉的生活情境,从生活中提取一些数学图形,帮助学生理解图形,建立数学表象,再让学生通过动手制作、旋转、平移、镜像等操作,构建学生的数学思维模式,激发学生的数学兴趣,保证图形运动的相关教学质量。  相似文献   

正解题是数学中一个极有生命力,极富独创性和充满诗情画意的工作.数学离不开解题,波利亚在《数学的发现》中认为:"中学数学教学的首要任务就在于加强解题训练".解题在数学学习中有着不容置疑的重要性.在几何教学中,有许多图形需要学生熟练掌握,这些图形既包括定义、定理的代表图形,也包括在几何中经常遇到的图形,以及由一个实际问题抽象为用数学符号表示的数学问题.这些图形或数学问题我们都称之为  相似文献   

《九章算术》是我国古代数学园地中的一朵奇葩,是中国古代数学的典型代表。从《九章算术》可以看出我国古代数学具有的特点是:实用性;算法化;模型化;数形结合、直觉把握;寓理于算。  相似文献   


We present a mathematical activity called graph talks as a new pedagogical routine to intertwine social justice issues and mathematics. Adapted from number talks, graph talks involve students analyzing, interpreting, and discussing real-life data represented in graphs. Graphs may be strategically selected to both highlight a relevant social justice issue while also reinforcing the mathematics content of the course. We report on experiences using graph talks in undergraduate mathematics content courses for future teachers in the USA, and provide examples of the undergraduates doing mathematics while analyzing the social justice context of the graphs.  相似文献   

基于高职学生数学学习的现状和数学教学软件的图形功能特点,本文通过Mathematica和MatLab软件实现了函数的绘图功能的实例,介绍了该软件在高职数学空间图形处理上的应用。  相似文献   

幂指型复合函数是高等数学学习时应掌握的函数,但在高等数学现有教材中,对它们的论述并不深刻。本文通过研究两个重要的幂指型复合函数并作出它们的图,更进一步探索它们的一些基本特性。  相似文献   

Science as inquiry and mathematics as problem solving are conjoined fraternal twins attached by their similarities but with distinct differences. Inquiry and problem solving are promoted in contemporary science and mathematics education reforms as a critical attribute of the nature of disciplines, teaching methods, and learning outcomes involving understandings, attitudes, and processes. The investigative and quantitative processes involved in scientific inquiry include seeking problems, identifying researchable questions, proposing hypotheses, designing fair tests, collecting and interpreting data as evidence for claims, constructing evidence-based arguments, and communicating knowledge claims. Within this empirical context, science and mathematics come together to solve problems with evidence, construct knowledge claims, communicate claims, and persuade others that the claims are valid and useful. This study examined the intersection of inquiry and problem solving and the use of mathematics in 26 extracurricular open science inquiries. The category and the appropriateness of the mathematical procedures revealed these students used measurement, numeracy skills of counting and calculation, and tables and graphs in their science inquiries. It was found that most measurements in the science inquiries were used appropriately, but there is room for improvement with other mathematical procedures that involve higher-level thinking skills, such as analyzing and calculating numerical data and interpreting graphs and tables. The findings imply that mathematics and science are connected in inquiry and should be extended to solve real-life problems and that instruction should emphasize comprehending and interpreting data.  相似文献   

计数问题是图论研究的一个课题,图的一些特殊子图的计数确定了图的着色性;在这里使用组合数学的方法,估计了二部图K(u,v)-A和三部图K(n+a1,n+a2,n+a3)-A的三角形子图和没有弦的四边形子图的计数,在三部图中比较了这些特殊子图的计数。  相似文献   


This study sought to ascertain the mathematical knowledge of 234 elementary education majors at the University of Missouri as determined by the Contemporary Mathematics Tests. The Algebra Level of this test series was utilized on the elementary education majors in mathematics content and methods courses for elementary school teachers during the 1965-68 academic year.

The findings revealed the majority of the elementary education majors scored significantly below the norm established for eighth- and ninth-grade pupils. Their most noticeable area of weakness In mathematics was demonstrated on problems related to graphs and functions.  相似文献   

数学既求真又求美.数学求真在于用数量关系和空间图形表达世界;数学求美则在于用美丽的图形、精炼的语言、简练的定理、公式给人以视角和精神上的享受.在数学教学中,应挖掘教材人文因素以培养学生人文精神,充分利用数学史料以提升学生人文品质,在解题中揭示哲理以丰富学生人文素养,利用教师人格魅力以提升学生人文品位,建设数学课堂文化以充实学生人文内涵.  相似文献   

Graphs, charts and maps are often used to present quantitative information. Students learn about these in geography, mathematics and other subjects across the curriculum. From contact with school teachers it has been found that many students have problems with graphic representations. This is often seen as a problem of teaching method rather than a problem concerning students' understanding. Studies in Sweden (Ottosson & Aberg-Bengtsson, 1995) and Australia (Gerber et al., 1995) confirm that it is not teaching methods alone that matter. The studies also indicate that the meanings assigned by beholders of graphs, charts and maps are closely linked to their life experiences. This is similarly so for Singapore students. Over thirty students ranging from 11 to 20 years of age were interviewed on their interpretation of a set of graphs, charts and maps of an imaginary world. A phenomenographic analysis shows that the students experienced considerable variations in their perceptions of graphic representations of quantitative data (graphs, charts and maps). These variations are represented in an outcome space diagram showing three major levels of understanding.  相似文献   

平面解析几何,是用代数方法研究平面几何图形的一个教学分支,它所提出的问题以及问题的结论都是几何形式,而中间的论证和推导基本上是用代数方法。本文通过具体的例子,介绍了韦达定理和逆定理在解析几何中的应用。  相似文献   

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