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从保证公平公正的角度阐述了高校设备采购信息管理的必要性,强调高校设备采购在事前、事中、事后三个阶段均应做好信息公开和保密工作。事前公开拟采购信息、征集供应方案,保证商家公平参与竞争。事中依法公开招标采购信息,保证招投标公正性;事后对外公布采购结果,并做好校务公开。指出了我国高校设备采购在前、中、后三个阶段的保密工作中存在的问题,提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

The preservation of confidentiality has become a major issue for the majority of applications that process personal information, the sensitivity of this information requires creators to set rules for the sharing and use of access control policies. A great deal of research has already been conducted in educational environments. However, one aspect that has not received much attention is the important role of Information Security, especially in newer education environments such as the e-learning environment. In this article we seek to propose a policy of security in such a way to affect views of profiles for each user to control the information accessed by this user.  相似文献   

云存储是一种在线网络存储模式,可以为用户提供能直接访问的大范围资源和应用程序。虽然许多云存储提供商已经采用加密策略来保护客户的数据,但是用户还是怀疑数据的安全性和隐私性。通过信息传播算法分析,证明它能够解决云存储数据的私密性、完整性等问题,在此基础上,提出一种采用信息传播算法的云存储系统架构,实验证明,它可以提高云存储数据的安全性、完整性和可用性。  相似文献   

This article reports findings from a qualitative case study, as part of which staff perspectives of student disclosure of mental health issues in an Australian post-secondary vocational education setting were explored. Twenty teaching and specialist support staff from four vocational education and training institutions participated in individual semi-structured interviews. Institutional policies and practices related to the management of disability at each site provided contextual information relevant to the staff experience. All data were analysed thematically. Staff participants strongly supported student disclosure of mental health issues. Staff linked the likelihood of course success for students experiencing mental illness with disclosure and the implementation of educational supports. Findings draw attention to subtle differences in constructions of student disclosure reported by the specialist support staff and the teachers: differences in perspective which were consistent across locations. This study highlights the influence of personal experience of mental illness and institutional processes for educational adjustment on staff perspectives of student disclosure. Implications of the current practices in post-secondary education student support services are discussed. Further research on disclosure beliefs among teachers and specialist support staff, in a wider range of educational settings, would allow for a deeper exploration of issues raised by this study.  相似文献   

在CIST中,系统内部信息的安全主要由访问控制器来保证·CIST的访问控制器综合了当前常用的引用监视器的结构特点,灵活地应用了RBAC,ClarkWilson,Bell-Lapadula和ACL等访问控制机制,确保工具包内部信息的机密性和完整性·访问控制器具有高安全强度、接口单一、便于功能扩展和修改的特点·  相似文献   


Students with disabilities (SWD) in Australian higher education need to disclose to their institution to access a range of ‘reasonable adjustments’ to support their learning. Nationally, 5.8% of the university population disclose their disability to their institution. It is suspected that there is a much larger population of students who choose non-disclosure, and therefore decide not to access support. Very little is known about the reasons for non-disclosure as this group represents a hidden population in higher education. The research reported here is based on a survey of undergraduate students in one regional Australian university where disability was reframed as ‘learning challenge’. This identified the institutionally non-disclosed group. This research identified that there were sound reasons for non-disclosure, students continually weigh up potential disclosure during their study, and students have difficulty with the disclosure process. We conclude that institutions need to understand that they have an invisible group of non-disclosing SWD in their student populations and that, to meet their learning challenges, universities need to support changes to policies, procedures and curriculum design.  相似文献   

随着人类社会进入信息时代,信息公开制度成为保障公民知情权、参与权的最好手段,政府信息公开是主权在民的体现,是贯彻科学发展观、构建和谐社会的必然要求。有权利必有救济,目前公民获取政府信息公开权利的司法救济途径仍不畅通。本文以政府信息公开之诉的目的为依据.对行政诉讼制度应然与实然进行系统的思考,并运用比较研究和价值分析的方法,以证成政府信息公开之诉起诉阶段、审理阶段和作出判决阶段的特点,以期完善我国司法制度,促进司法和谐,构建和谐社会。  相似文献   

Teaching Trauma     

Teaching about psychological trauma presents many challenges for the instructor, including creating an atmosphere of safety and confidentiality in the classroom, as well as handling student reactions to traumatic material. This paper describes the author's experience in a case-work practice class session where the topic of trauma produced an unexpected disclosure by a student; student and instructor reaction to that disclosure; the integration of the material and reactions into the content of the class session; and follow-up in the next session of the class.  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(1):113-127

It is commonly held that when one has disclosed one's human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) status to an official, the official is bound by principles of confidentiality not to disclose this information to other parties. In this article, I argue that while it is important to maintain confidentiality on the disclosure of HIV, there is a limitation to this confidentiality. The information may be legally passed on to other particular persons under procedures prescribed by law and policy. In this article arguments are drawn from a literature study and an empirical investigation. The empirical investigation was conducted through the medium of an authentic case study, but was constructed hypothetically on a critical incident of HIV/AIDS in the school context. The school governing bodies (SGBs) were asked to respond to the case in terms of the actions they would take should such an event occur in the schools. SGBs of five schools were interviewed. This research clarifies the levels of understanding of HIV/AIDS legislation and policy and the practices likely to arise from such understandings in South African public schools. The findings amplify the distance between policy and practice and the need for vigilance with respect to legal challenges that schools might face without adequate knowledge of, and information on, the pandemic.  相似文献   

现行法律对非银行机构电子货币发行主体没有设定准入条件,导致电子货币发行的监管失控、信息泄露等。在分析现行法律规定的基础上,对我国电子货币发行应具备的条件、资金监管、信息保护等提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

冉启云 《唐山学院学报》2021,34(4):53-61,108
近年来政府信息公开领域呈现出权利异化、申请泛滥的态势.规制政府信息获取权滥用可从禁止权利滥用原则推导而出,且具有宪法层级的正当依据.2019年修订后的《政府信息公开条例》是程序弹性模式和制度规制模式的结合,配置了合理描述、延长期限、收取费用、主动公开转化等机制,其第35条将数量、频次明显超过合理范围的滥用类型直接引入信...  相似文献   

This study investigates differentiation in graduate education at a large public research university, and all 114 academic units are categorized by Biglan's dimensions and by size, which is operationally defined as the number of students in the academic units. This paper represents the first effort to study the opinions of departmental managers regarding an integrating device before its implementation. Departmental and graduate studies committee chairpersons were surveyed regarding their opinions on the need for and potential use of a database system which would provide the departments with easier access to data regarding graduate education and would provide the graduate school with an easier means of monitoring departmental activities pertaining to graduate education. The results show overwhelming support for the system, and the size of the academic unit is the best predictor of support, with the larger units voicing more support.  相似文献   

长期以来,学界对蔡锷在京师的任职情况众说纷纭,莫衷一是。但经考证,蔡锷在京师先后担任的职务是总统府军事顾问,政治会议议员,约法会议议员资格审定会会员,约法会议议员资格审定会代理会长,参政院参政,将军府昭威将军,经界局督办和陆海军大元帅统率办事处办事员。  相似文献   

Very little research has been done in South Africa on HIV/AIDS and education. This article is a small attempt to plug the gap. The purpose of the research is to investigate the legal and policy provisions and implications regarding HIV/AIDS for rural and township schools in the Mpumalanga district of South Africa. It seeks to answer three questions: (1) What is the status of policy and legislation on HIV/AIDS and Education in South Africa? (2) How do schools understand, respond to and manage issues of law and policy regarding HIV/AIDS? (3) What are the possible areas of conflict between legal and policy provisions and educational practices and behaviours? After examining the different laws relating to HIV/AIDS and education in South Africa a case study approach is used to explore the research questions in a number of rural and township schools. The findings highlighted a general ignorance of basic human rights issues, the right to confidentiality, the right to security from discrimination if it is known that a teacher or a pupil is HIV positive, the right to privacy and the right, under certain circumstances, to disclosure. The findings also reveal a distance between policy and practice so that schools need to develop vigilance with respect to any legal challenges that they might face at a local level. The findings also show that governing bodies should be made aware of the general legal issues surrounding the individual and HIV/AIDS before they can introduce fair and balanced policies.  相似文献   

高职学生中的非正式群体分析与教育对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了高职院校学生中非正式群体产生的原因、类型,群体内信息的畅通性和秘密性、群体意识的一致性、成员的重叠性等特征,以及满足学生多种需要、协调同学关糸等功能。在此基础上,提出了相应的教育对策。  相似文献   

Treatment of childhood sexual abuse survivors may be enhanced by a technique designed to generate a therapeutic constituency for the survivor around the disclosure of childhood abuse experiences. The need for validating relationships is hypothesized as a condition for successful treatment. The videotaped disclosure process proceeds in five stages: (1) Deciding to make a tape, (2) making a videotape following a semistructured interview format, (3) the patient viewing the tape, (4) showing the tape to potential therapeutic team members, and (5) possibly using the tape for a confrontation with the abuser. The technique has been used on 27 cases. Case histories are given to illustrate the procedure. Discussion includes potential mechanisms of action and issues in treatment that arise with the use of the method described.  相似文献   

随着教育重要性的日益凸显,总统政治和教育的联系日趋密切。20世纪60年代中期以来,美国教育政策逐渐成为总统政治的核心,直接影响到总统竞选的成功与否以及执政过程中的民意向背。为此,两党候选人纷纷在竞选中将自己标榜为“教育总统”,积极构思一系列教育政策,以此谋求民众的支持。本文首先对20世纪60年代中期以来美国总统政治中的教育问题进行了系统梳理,随后对总统政治与教育之间的关系进行了总结。  相似文献   

社会公众和学校师生对高校办学越来越关注,对信息公开的诉求也越来越强烈。网络化环境下,当前高校的信息公开主要存在资源不统一、查阅不便捷、效果不对称、机制不健全等问题。高校应满足不同对象的信息需求,整合信息资源,完善分类体系,构建便捷高效的信息公开平台,并加强公开平台的推广应用,提高信息公开的有效性。  相似文献   

随着高质量发展和“双碳”实践的深入,ESG信息披露对股票市场乃至整个资本市场的健康稳定至关重要。文章以2009-2021年中国资本市场A股上市公司年度数据为样本,实证检验ESG信息披露对股价波动性的影响及其作用机理。结果表明:(1)ESG信息披露显著降低了股价波动性;(2)ESG信息披露通过信息效应、内部治理效应和外部声誉效应降低股价波动性,即ESG信息披露通过提高信息透明度、内部控制质量和机构投资者持股比例抑制股价波动性;(3)在市场环境和法治环境较好的地区,ESG信息披露对股价波动性的抑制作用更显著;(4)ESG信息披露对股价波动性的抑制作用有助于企业高质量发展。  相似文献   

Rural communities often contain unique features that separate them from more urban communities. Although a body of research is devoted to ethical considerations for psychologists working in rural communities as a whole, much less current research is focused on working in rural schools. This paper specifically highlights ethical considerations regarding competence, multiple relationships, and confidentiality. Given that access to services within the community may be limited, school psychologists may encounter cases that are outside of their area of competence. Furthermore, due to the interconnectedness present in many rural communities, psychologists frequently have multiple relationships with those whom they have professional contact. Confidentiality may be compromised when families and school personnel also have multiple relationships. These factors must be considered by psychologists working in rural schools, and steps must be taken at the outset of practice to ensure ethical compliance. More specific means of obtaining this compliance are discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

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