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全纳教育、全纳学校、全纳社会   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
全纳教育是一个全新的教育理念 ,也是国际教育研究的一个新领域。全纳教育的理念需要全纳学校来实践 ,因而全纳学校是不同于以往的普通学校和特殊学校、也不同于后来的一体化学校 ,它是一种新型的教育模式 ,在教育、社会、经济方面均具有极大意义。全纳教育理念和全纳学校实践的目的是要促进形成一种追求社会公正、机会平等和民主参与的全纳社会。为此 ,在现存社会中对阻碍这种追求的任何障碍都应该加以确认、质疑和消除。全纳教育的理念指导我们实施全纳学校 ,全纳学校的实践促使我们走向全纳社会。  相似文献   

伴随着新的一年和新学期的开始 ,我们将改版后的《中国特殊教育》2 0 0 4年第 1期奉献给广大读者 ,同时带去杂志社全体工作人员对大家的问候。希望改版后的《中国特殊教育》以崭新的面貌更好地反映特殊教育研究、教学领域及特殊需要人群研究领域的最新进展与成果。本期杂志为读者们提供了丰富的内容。“全纳教育研究”栏目中 ,申仁洪的“全纳性学习环境的生态化建构”强调了全纳性学习的顺利进行和有效实现 ,需要建构一个生态化的学习环境 ,这种生态化环境的构建是以家庭、普通学校、特殊学校、社区和现代科技为基本要素 ,通过物质、制度和…  相似文献   

文章通过对全纳班级聋人大学生在校期间学习、人际、生活等适应情况进行问卷调查,分析其影响聋人大学生融入校园的主要因素,并通过个案访谈探究聋人大学生在融合学习中所需要的帮助。最后从学校的正确指导、全纳师资队伍建设、特殊教学策略、校园和谐气氛等四个方面提出构建全纳校园的对策与建议。  相似文献   

全纳性教育是世界特殊需要教育大会所通过的宣言和纲领的核心思想。全纳性教育需要全纳性学校,全纳性学校需要全纳性师资,全纳性师资的培养依赖于师范教育。教育学作为师范教育的龙头学科,在培养全纳性教育师资方面更应首当其冲。本文从全纳性教育角度对中师教育学教材增设特殊教育课题进行了积极的思考,并以此对教材建设提出了相应的建设性意见  相似文献   

全纳教育是一个全新的教育理念,其呼吁全社会重视多样性,主张学校、社区以及社会开展协作,欢迎并重视每个个体。全纳教育的实施依赖于全纳学校的建立。全纳学校的出现向当前的普通教育提出了全面改革的要求,本文将从更新教育的目的、创建支持性的学校氛围及重构课程、教师培养观、管理和评价观等五个维度建构全纳学校。  相似文献   

日本全纳教育的特有形式为"特殊需要教育",它的实施体系包括普通班、特殊需要教育班、资源室、特殊需要教育学校及访问教育.日本政府从法律上、财政上对全纳教育大力支持,日本学校从特殊需要资源室的设立、特殊需要教育学校功能的扩展、加强联合活动与学习等方面进行改革以迈向全纳教育,但是当前还面临着观念、师资培养以及高年级学生回流等问题.  相似文献   

全纳教育主张建构全纳学校、全纳社区,这离不开教育资源的支持与利用.整合社区资源,转变对特殊教育的认识,特殊学校、普通学校重新定位,开发社区课程,发挥教育委员会在社区的教育统筹协调作用,开展特教、医学护理等社区讲座,构建社区教育网络资源库,可推动特殊教育社区化的发展进程.  相似文献   

开放教育的发展一直依赖着先进教育理念和技术的革新。全纳教育的提出旨在建立全纳社会和实现全民教育,其当前的实施热点在于将普通学校改造为全纳学校以满足所有儿童的学习需要,而对于成人继续教育领域则研究不足。本文分析了主要承担成人继续教育的开放教育与全纳教育理念的契合之处,并重新认识了学习者的需要,提出了特殊需要补偿中心以改进开放教育系统构成和开放教育学习流程。  相似文献   

日本全纳教育的实施体系、改革方向及面临的问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
日本全纳教育的特有形式为"特殊需要教育",它的实施体系包括普通班、特殊需要教育班、资源教室、特殊需要教育学校及访问教育。日本政府从法律上、财政上对全纳教育大力支持,日本学校从特殊需要资源教室的设立、特殊需要教育学校功能的扩展、加强联合活动与学习等方面进行改革以迈向全纳教育。当前日本全纳教育还面临着观念、师资培养以及高年级学生回流等问题。  相似文献   

全纳性课堂教学资源是对教学活动起促进作用的关键性因素之一。全纳性课堂教学资源主要包括:物力环境资源(主要指教室环境)、教师(普通教师和资源教师)与学生(普通学生和特殊需要学生)的关系以及现代教学技术等。全纳性教育课堂教学对象之间差异的广泛存在决定了在教学过程中只有合理选择、  相似文献   

全纳学校中的辅助教师   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
全纳学校的成功在很大程度上取决于辅助教师的工作。辅助教师在全纳课堂中的作用主要是辅助任课教师的教学 ,满足有特殊需求学生的各种需求 ,促使有特殊需求的学生更好地融入普通学校中。辅助教师的任务十分艰巨 ,不仅在准备上课、课堂教学、辅助医疗、健康教育、班级管理等方面给学生提供帮助 ,而且在学生活动、个人卫生、人际交流等方面都要提供辅导和帮助。辅助教师和任课教师在全纳课堂中既相互合作又责任明确。但在辅助教师工作方面也还有许多问题值得探究。  相似文献   

Inclusive special needs education is prominent on the international education agenda. Research on the characteristics of inclusive education for students with special needs and schools providing this is scarce, however. Our aim in the present study was therefore to further theory-building with regard to inclusive special needs education. On the basis of the relevant literature, we identified three core aspects of inclusivity: the learning environment, the guidance provided by teachers and the general care structure. With the help of exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses conducted on data obtained from school professionals in 79 secondary schools in the Netherlands, we were able to identify 12 underlying characteristics for a conceptual framework to further research on the inclusive nature of schools and education. Multilevel structural equation modelling of the judgments of school professionals at the level of the school also showed that the inclusive special needs education in at least secondary schools can be characterised by two main factors: (1) learning environment and (2) guidance and care. The analyses showed considerable agreement on the important aspects of inclusivity for schools and thus how differences between schools can be explained. The results further showed the work of the care coordinator – which includes cooperation with external partners and teachers with mentoring roles – to be the clearest indicator of the extent of the inclusive special needs education within schools. This finding is interpreted as suggesting that the recommended teaching practices and student care for adequate included special needs education have not yet been integrated into teachers’ thinking and acting. Follow-up research drawing upon the developed framework is therefore called for to not only more generally validate the framework but also determine if the situation in school has changed, now that the policy and practices for inclusive education have become more familiar.  相似文献   

Schools create an inclusive environment and cultures and enact inclusive practices to cater for the learning and social needs of learners. Using an adapted Ghana Inclusive Education Monitoring Tool (IEMT), which is based on the Index for Inclusion, we collected data from 74 headteachers of primary schools. Data analysis involved percentages and frequencies of multiple-scaled items of the adapted IEMT. Findings revealed headteachers admit learners with special needs and disabilities (LwSEND) to set the stage for inclusion, while teachers accept these learners in schools. Collaborative cultures among teachers, parents, and other community stakeholders support inclusive education. While classrooms had somewhat good ventilation and lighting, school facilities were less accessible to all learners. Knowledge to adapt the curriculum and the flow of inclusive knowledge among teachers was limited. Suggestions to improve inclusive education include school-wide professional development for sharing inclusive knowledge, enhancing teachers' pedagogical competence and promoting supportive inclusive cultures.  相似文献   

This article reports on findings from a research project on interdisciplinary collaboration between mainstream school teachers and special school teachers. The aim of the research project has been to examine the knowledge of special school teachers and how this knowledge can contribute to the development of an inclusive learning environment in mainstream schools. Not as a simple task of transferring knowledge, but as a process of transforming knowledge through interdisciplinary collaboration and co-teaching. The design of the study is inspired by the notion of participation within action research as a research approach. Thus the thick data generated from reflective activities in the study design are analysed within a narrative and practice directed strategy of analysis.  相似文献   

融合教育需要融合学校和融合教育师资,融合教育师资的培养需要有适应融合教育的课程。“语文课程与教学”是师范院校小学教育和特殊教育专业的一门重要课程,为了适应融合教育师资培养的需要,必须对这门课程进行改革,构建新的课程体系,在课程性质、结构内容和课程资源建设各方面体现融合教育理念和语文教育特点,以区别于普通学校“语文课程与教学”和“特殊(聋、弱智、盲)学校语文课程与教学”,并把这门课程纳入融合教育师资培养的课程体系中。  相似文献   

In the Netherlands and the USA, the assessment process is changing for children who present learning and behavioural challenges in school. Evaluations for eligibility determinations and support planning are shifting along with disability models and tensions over the provision of inclusive schooling. Legislative edicts influence the assessment process differently in these two countries while both nations seem to be headed in a similar direction. This paper relates evolving disability models to the changing assessment process in each country and proposes that a solution-focused perspective offers an assessment concept which supports the goal of inclusive education. Specifically discussed are the implications of a solution-focused approach on the identification of disability, the assessment of special educational needs, individualised support planning and the essential cooperation within evolving schools as well as the environment beyond.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the attitudes of preschool, primary, secondary and high school teachers towards inclusive education of children with special educational needs. In addition, the study established the correlation between these attitudes and gender, education level, teaching experience, formal training in the special education field, and the duration and quality of work experience with children with special education needs. The sample comprised 322 teachers from the Serbian province of Vojvodina. The My Thinking about Inclusion Scale (Stoiber, K. C., M. Gettinger, and D. Goetz. 1998. “Exploring Factors Influencing Parents' and Early Childhood Practitioners Beliefs about Inclusion.” Early Childhood Research Quarterly 13 (1): 107–131) was used. The results show that, in general, the participants held neutral attitudes towards inclusive education and more positive expectations regarding the outcomes of inclusion. This study also emphasised teaching performance in an inclusive class as a subject of great concern. The high school and preschool teachers as well as the teachers with previous positive experience with working in an inclusive environment reported more positive attitudes towards inclusive education than those from primary and secondary schools and those with negative experiences with the implementation of inclusive practices.  相似文献   

Achieving equality remains a major challenge in schools globally. In Hong Kong, the current education policy has a core value that all students have the right to learn. Policy-makers and school personnel are struggling to find ways of catering for diverse learning needs in schools. Early in 2006, a self-initiated inclusive educational project has linked one mainstream school and a special school. Their project can be seen as a pioneer in the field of education, for it provides concrete recommendations to other education practitioners on initiating whole-school participation and joint-school partnerships, integrating such collaborations into the culture of the school, and encouraging teachers committed to student voice and engagement. This article records the qualitative case study comprising the teachers' self reports to demonstrate how teachers re-shaped their perceptions, beliefs and behaviours as they developed and implemented a school-based inclusion project. It is expected that the findings of this study will assist educators to further understand present challenges in the school system regarding managing diversity and attaining inclusive education goals. In particular, local schools are now facing the challenge to implement inclusive education.  相似文献   

Inclusive education (IE), which calls for equal opportunities for students with diverse abilities in the achievement of knowledge, has been developed as a central pedagogical strategy in primary schools worldwide, including those in Turkey. Besides educators, the issue of IE becomes an important discussion area among designers who question the provision of supportive learning environments in terms of inclusion. Equal opportunity, diversity, social justice and participation are necessary parameters for a comprehensive understanding of inclusion and the evaluation of the spatial character of inclusive learning environments. The lack of clarity of ideas about inclusion leads to limited implementation of IE in Turkey. Insufficient provision of school facilities that are necessary for IE and a lack of effective and comprehensive design approaches for physical learning environments further complicate this situation. Design specifications in Turkish regulations regarding inclusive learning environments in primary schools remain too technical, as they merely focus on the issue of disability and special education rather than inclusion. This paper focuses on assessing the conformity of these regulations to universal design (UD), a recent architectural design strategy that supports the idea of inclusion in physical environments through its mission of design for all and design for equity and social justice and seeks to make physical environments accessible, usable and tolerable for all students with diverse abilities.  相似文献   

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