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合同指的是平等主体的双方基于真实的意思表示对各自的权利义务加以规定的契约。行政合同顾名思义属于合同,但又不同于民事合同,主要体现在行政合同主体的优先权;行政合同中行政主体的优先权包括合同的单方解除、变更权、对相对人的选择权及行政制裁权等等;行政机关往往为了公共利益与相对人签订行政合同后不得不行使优先权,相对人的合法权益得不到保护,甚至一些行政主体为了自身利益违法行使优先权,不仅侵害了他人的合法权益,更加损害了国家利益,因此加强法律法规对行政合同优先权的规制迫在眉睫。  相似文献   

优先权制度滥觞于罗马法,经过历史的传承与洗礼,在法律文化的建设和社会经济的发展方面都起到了重要作用,并在世界上许多国家的法律中得到了明确的规定。盐业契约中的优先权制度具有优先权的共性,也有着自身的特殊性。本文从优先权的渊源与发展视角分析出发,厘定了优先权的含义与特征,进而探讨了贯穿于各种盐业契约之中的优先权的三种形态,即伙内优先权、亲族优先权和乡邻优先权,探析了盐业契约优先权制度设置之成因及其历史作用,提出了我国现行法律中设立优先权的必要性。  相似文献   

我国物权法立法工作进入了紧要的关键阶段,而优先权制度的取舍在立法者之间存在较大的争议.文章从优先权的立法价值、优先权制度在我国的生存发展空间及优先权立法的理论难点进行反思.作者认为,顺应历史潮流和时代的呼唤,在物权法中应奠基优先权制度的基石.  相似文献   

在罗马法上,优先权最初定性为具有优先效力的债权,当债权保护方法不足以保护当事人的合法权益时,法律又赋予优先权为担保物权。德国等国民法在继受罗马法时,因优先权缺乏公示性,认为是特种债权的特殊效力。但债权说违背了债的相对性、平等性原则,使得工资等特种债权屈从于享有约定担保物权的债权而不能有效受偿。法国等国民法在继受罗马法时,将优先权纳入担保物权。物权说能弥补债权说的不足,但优先权的公示方法是法律的直接规定,具有抽象性、概括性,优先权又具有后来居上的极强效力,法国等国优先权的立法例可能会危害交易安全。所以我国民法典只规定一般优先权用来担保基于非交易关系产生的难以采用其他担保方式来担保的特种债权,即那些关系重大法理价值实现的共益费用优先权、劳动报酬优先权、劳动保险费用优先权和税收优先权。  相似文献   

优先权归属债权说违背了债的相对性、平等性原则,使得工资等特种债权屈从于享有约定担保物权的债权而不能有效受偿。优先权是担保物权。法律公示的抽象性、概括性及超强的优先受偿效力,使现行各国法律规定的优先权可能会危害交易安全。完善我国优先权的种类和效力,民法典上只规定一般优先权,法律明确规定优先权的效力大于其他担保物权;完善取得优先权的条件和时间,法律规定债权人须在法定期限内主张优先权。  相似文献   

在科学史上,各个科学发现的突破程度不尽相同。有的科学发现已呼之欲出,许多人在竞赛,甚至差不多同时做出来,以至发生优先权的争执。也有的科学发现极为超前,刚提出时被忽略了,后来才被挖掘出来。达尔文的进化论不属于这两种情形。他没有竞争对手,以一人之力创建进化论;也没有被忽略,《物种起源》一发表就引发了一场科学大革命,为生物科学奠定了理论基础。  相似文献   

优先权是私法上一项古老的“特权”制度,它体现了国家的立法政策,承载着法律对实质平等、公平与正义的不懈追求理念。现代社会,大陆法系各国均在民事立法中延续和发展了罗马法上的优先权制度,本文重点分析了日本法上的优先权制度。  相似文献   

房地产抵押权的对外效力包括房地产抵押权对典权、租赁权、税收优先权、行政处罚权与建设工程价款优先受偿权等权利的影响。在抵押权与典权、租赁权与行政处罚权的效力冲突中孰更应优先实现应视成立的顺序而定;在抵押权与税收优先权、建设工程价款优先受偿权关系之间,税收优先权与建设工程价款优先受偿权都优于抵押权而存在。  相似文献   

税收优先权是建立在税收债权、债务关系说的确立和公法债权私法保护的认可的法理基础之上的,其性质是法律为保证税收债权的实现而设定的一项法定担保物权,效力范围限于优先受偿和对抗非特定的权利人。实践中,税收优先权经常与其他优先权、担保物权发生冲突,当冲突出现时,应当遵循税收优先权原则上优先于其他公法债权优先权,原则上劣后于其他私法债权优先权,附条件优先于担保物权的解决方法。但是我国现有立法对税收优先权之规定却并不符合上述原则,存在一系列问题,有必要予以完善。  相似文献   

盛萍 《华章》2007,(11):90-91
船舶优先权的客体范围关系到船舶优先权人的权利的实现程度.现存的三个有关船舶优先权国际公约以及各国的海商法分别就船舶优先权客体的范围做出不同规定,导致在实践中关于船舶优先权客体中的特殊船舶,以及运费、附属利益等存在不同的争议.本论文将从船舶优先权存在的意义以及有利于实践的角度出发,对以上几种争议客体进行分析,并结合中国的实际情况,提出适当的建议.  相似文献   

严肃音乐在科学发现中起的作用和价值一向被人所忽视。而以人文精神为价值取向的严肃音乐对科学发现的价值及对科学发展的推动作用又是不言而喻的。严肃音乐和科学既有很强的互补互动性,又具有共同价值追求;二者均需要丰富的创造力和想象力,又都是对永无终点的和谐世界的执着追求。如贝多芬所言,音乐是比一切智慧、一切哲学更高的启示,严肃音乐由此所表现出的至高审美性最终成为激发科学家灵感、做出伟大发现的摇篮。  相似文献   

This article presents a case study of four academic scientists. These academics teach in the first year of a Bachelor of Science degree at a large research-focused Australian university that has demanded and supported a greater focus on undergraduate learning. Taken as a whole, the accounts of science that the first-year academics in this case study gave, and which they are presenting to their students, challenge the images of science and scientists typically presented in school science curricula. Using Roberts' heuristic of Vision 1 and Vision 2 for the broad purposes of learning science, we consider various accounts given of science by these academic scientists and consider how science might appear to a student who takes all four of their subjects.  相似文献   

This study examined the nature of science (NOS) views of lower elementary grade level students, including their views of scientists. Participants were 23 third‐grade African American students from two Midwest urban settings. A multiple instrument approach using an open‐ended questionnaire, semi‐structured interviews, a modified version of the traditional Draw‐A‐Scientist Test (DAST), and a simple photo eliciting activity, was employed. The study sought to capture not only the students' views of science and scientists, but also their views of themselves as users and producers of science. The findings suggest that the young African American children in this study hold very distinct and often unique views of what science is and how it operates. Included are traditional stereotypical views of scientists consistent with previous research. Additionally, participants expressed excitement and self‐efficacy in describing their own relationship with science, in and outside of their formal classrooms. Implications for teaching and learning NOS as it relates to young children and children of color are discussed. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 49: 1–37, 2012  相似文献   

Science education researchers recently turned their attention to exploring views about nature of science (NOS). A large body of research indicates that both students and teachers have many naïve views about the NOS. Unfortunately, less attention has been directed at the issue of exploring the views of the scientists. Also, the little research in the literature generally took into consideration NOS views of only natural scientists. This study primarily proposes to explore the views of scientists in both the natural and social sciences regarding the seven target aspects of NOS. The second aim of the study is to find out the similarities and dissimilarities between the views of scientists who majored in social sciences and those who majored in natural sciences in terms of the target aspects of NOS. The sample was 69 scientists representing 5 scientific disciplines from natural and social sciences. Interviews were employed for obtaining data. The data were analyzed by means of cognitive maps. This study revealed that the scientists in the sample have neither completely informed views nor completely naïve views according to contemporary scientific understanding. Their views were a blend of the two in terms of almost all the target aspects of NOS. The views of the scientists in natural science and in social science were not substantially different. The scientists from both groups generally had similar viewpoints. This situation suggested that the scientists' views about NOS are not related to their scientific disciplines.  相似文献   


This paper compares resistance by scientists to new ideas in scientific discovery with students' resistance to conceptual change in science learning. First, the resistance by students to abandon their misconceptions concerning scientific topics is studied. Next, the resistance by scientists to scientific discovery is studied and some of the causes of such resistance are explored. Some conclusions and direct implications for science teaching are suggested.  相似文献   

科学的历史哲学,更广泛地说,科学史-科学哲学联合研究,一直面临着历史独特性与哲学普遍性之间的不相容问题。解析库恩与柯瓦雷、哈金与克隆比之间的哲学-历史型的方法论链结,区分共时分析优先与历时分析优先两种不同的史学理解进路,有助于解释何以科学哲学的历史转向最终蜕变为社会学转向、何以这种历史转向始终未能引导科学哲学真正走出相对主义或历史虚无主义的非此即彼的怪圈,进而辨明发展科学的历史哲学、推进科学史-科学哲学联合研究,须以历时分析优先的史学理解模式为基础。  相似文献   

Issues regarding scientific explanation have been of interest to philosophers from Pre-Socratic times. The notion of scientific explanation is of interest not only to philosophers, but also to science educators as is clearly evident in the emphasis given to K-12 students' construction of explanations in current national science education reform efforts. Nonetheless, there is a dearth of research on conceptualizing explanation in science education. Using a philosophically guided framework—the Nature of Scientific Explanation (NOSE) framework—the study aims to elucidate and compare college freshmen science students', secondary science teachers', and practicing scientists' scientific explanations and their views of scientific explanations. In particular, this study aims to: (1) analyze students', teachers', and scientists' scientific explanations; (2) explore the nuances about how freshman students, science teachers, and practicing scientists construct explanations; and (3) elucidate the criteria that participants use in analyzing scientific explanations. In two separate interviews, participants first constructed explanations of everyday scientific phenomena and then provided feedback on the explanations constructed by other participants. Major findings showed that, when analyzed using NOSE framework, participant scientists did significantly “better” than teachers and students. Our analysis revealed that scientists, teachers, and students share a lot of similarities in how they construct their explanations in science. However, they differ in some key dimensions. The present study highlighted the need articulated by many researchers in science education to understand additional aspects specific to scientific explanation. The present findings provide an initial analytical framework for examining students' and science teachers' scientific explanations.  相似文献   

科学史融入科学课程对提升学生的科学素养有重要的意义。科学史的本源价值是其元认知价值——展现科学的本质和科学技术与社会的关系。辉格式科学史给学生呈现出一副歪曲的科学发展图景,不利于学生理解科学的本质以及科学技术与社会的关系。其产生的根本原因是教育者价值观的错位,即教育哲学中的知识中心主义、科学哲学中的素朴经验论和历史哲学中的移时史观;直接原因在于科学家的一些"不当行为"与科学教育工作者对科学、科学家所持的刻板印象相冲突,他们按自己的刻板印象去重塑科学史。科学课程应变辉格式科学史为真实的科学发展历程。  相似文献   

Research on understanding the full extent that an authentic science research experience engages students in how scientists think and act is sparse. ‘Learning-science-by-doing-science’ (LSDS) is an emerging self-guided process-learning model in postsecondary science education. It offers authentic science research opportunities that drive students to think and act like scientists. This study investigates the LSDS approach as a potential model for science learning at postsecondary level and aims to answer a main research inquiry – what are the students’ and teaching staff’s perceptions of students’ learning gains and the quality of their learning experiences in an authentic research environment within the LSDS model? To answer this question, data were collected from the students, alumni, instructors, teaching assistants and the program director via questionnaires, focus groups and interviews. Students’ and staff’s lived experiences and their perceptions on their authentic research experiences within the LSDS model were used to articulate the key attributes and stages of the LSDS model. The outcomes of this study can be used to help other science programs implement similar authentic research process learning approaches in their own contexts.  相似文献   

A considerable body of evidence highlights how inquiry-based science can enhance students' epistemic and conceptual understanding of scientific concepts, principles, and theories. However, little is known about how students view themselves as learners of science. In this paper, we explore primary children's images of doing science in school and how they compare themselves with ‘real’ scientists. Data were collected through the use of a questionnaire, drawing activity, and interviews from 161 Grade 4 (ages 9–10) students in Singapore. Results indicate that ‘doing science as conducting hands-on investigations’, ‘doing science as learning from the teacher’, ‘doing science as completing the workbook’, and ‘doing science as a social process’ are the images of learning science in school that most of the students held. In addition, students reported that they need to be well behaved first and foremost, while scientists are more likely to work alone and do things that are dangerous. Moreover, students often viewed themselves as ‘acting like a scientist’ in class, especially when they were doing experiments. Nevertheless, some students reported that they were unlike a scientist because they believed that scientists work alone with dangerous experiments and do not need to listen to the teacher and complete the workbook. These research findings further confirm the earlier argument that young children can make distinctions between school science and ‘real’ science. This study suggests that the teaching of science as inquiry and by inquiry will shape how students view their classroom experiences and their attitudes towards science.  相似文献   

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