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经济全球化的发展使得英语成为国际通用语言,我国十分重视英语的学习,而且在学生幼儿阶段就开始进行英语的培养与学习。双语教学是使用两种以上语言进行教学,即汉语以及英语。双语教学可以有效地拓展英语的学习途径,而在音乐方面进行双语教学是一个重点项目  相似文献   

在对幼儿园少数民族幼儿“双语”教学中,把握幼儿学习语言的主体作用,培养幼儿的口语交际能力、语言表达能力为重点,创设汉语学习的环境氛围,关注幼儿的认知世界和情感世界。情感产生于认识过程,而积极丰富的情感又能促进认识过程,影响教学目标的实现和教学效率的提高,在幼儿语言发展形成中,环境直接影响着语言的发展,所以“双语”教学中把握情感因素、进行情景创设是提高教学效率不可忽视的手段。  相似文献   

新疆农牧区多是少数民族聚居区,幼儿园双语教育缺乏必要的汉语言环境。幼儿园教学中存在以教材为中心、课堂为中心、教师为中心的弊端。幼儿在汉语学习过程中缺乏主动性和积极性,缺少愉快的情绪体验。游戏作为幼儿生活和成长中的重要组成部分,与双语教学有机结合,对于激发幼儿学习汉语的兴趣,培养汉语的语感和运用汉语口语交际的能力有积极的作用。  相似文献   

我国是由多民族组成的国家,汉语是我国各民族人民经济、文化往来,生活交往的通用语。根据电大双语授课的教学经验,探讨了目前在新疆实施双语授课的教学方法,在教学中运用现代信息技术可以提高教学的效果.实现教学的目的。  相似文献   

民族地区幼儿园的双语教学主要是指对少数民族幼儿进行母语和汉语的教学。在双语教学工作中,园长作为幼儿园主要行政领导,必须充分认识到自己在双语教学工作的作用,在教育思想、教育理论和教育实践三方面成为双语教育的引路人。  相似文献   

研究者选取新加坡199名6岁华裔幼儿和128名3~4岁华裔幼儿,对其家长进行问卷调查,以分析新加坡华裔家庭幼儿英汉双语学习环境.调查发现,家长的英语水平与幼儿使用汉语的频率呈负相关关系;与英语水平较低的家长相比,英语水平较高的家长更愿意与幼儿进行汉语交流;幼儿在同伴交往中更倾向于使用英语;幼儿接触英语学习资源的频率普遍高于汉语学习资源.研究者建议华裔家长树立科学的双语学习观,创设良好的语言学习环境,投放高质量的汉语学习资源,重视幼儿的汉语学习,从而提高幼儿的双语表达能力.  相似文献   

界定幼儿双语教育的涵义;探析幼儿双语教育的必要性;证明幼儿双语教育的可能性;同时,指出了实施幼儿双语教育的对策思路:一是幼儿双语教育不能"损伤"汉语的学习,二是幼儿双语教育不能加重幼儿学习负担,三是实施幼儿双语教育,要加强师资的培养.  相似文献   

曹梅 《黑河教育》2001,(2):16-17
所谓“双语”教学是指同时向幼儿园的幼儿进行汉语和外语的教学,以提高幼儿语言的听说和表达能力,促进幼儿的全面发展。一、实行“双语”教学的必要性 21世纪是世界各国互通有无、紧密联系的世纪。联系的重要手段之一就是依靠语言。如果一个人能够掌握一种或多种外国语言,不但有利于学习外国的先进技术,而且还能够在商品社会的竞争中处于有利地位。为此,从幼儿时期开始对幼儿进行母语与外语教育是非常有必要的。具体表现为以下几点:  相似文献   

新疆学前双语教育存在问题的分析与对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学前教育是启蒙教育,是基础教育的基础。进入21世纪以来,为了加快提高少数民族学生的汉语水平和综合素质,新疆大力实施"民汉合校"和双语教育工程,双语教育教学推进的速度进一步加快。随着时代的进步和社会的整体文化素质的提高,对学前双语教育的要求也越来越高,特别是幼儿双语教育愈显重要。文章对新疆学前双语教育存在的偏差进行了探讨。  相似文献   

通过对毕节地区4所民办双语幼儿园的调查,发现该地区幼儿双语教育存在幼儿英语教师专业性不强、双语教学观念陈旧、双语课程单一的问题。由此,提出从直接认知、正强化英语反应、弱化汉语反应、创造丰富全面的教育环境的策略,以促进毕节地区幼儿英语教育的发展。  相似文献   

文章以乌鲁木齐地区少数民族小学生为个案,试图从语言资源的角度,考察、分析少数民族小学生接受双语教学以来的汉语学习与应用能力、课外学习汉语的途径、语言识读能力和语言社会交际能力情况,以期为新疆少数民族小学生双语教学提供借鉴.  相似文献   


The first part of this paper provides a brief historical account of the development of mathematics teaching and learning through the medium of Welsh. It provides a review of developments which have seen the teaching and learning of mathematics through a native but minority language become an accepted part of the curriculum for a great number of pupils. It goes on to examine the nature of bilingual education currently to be found in Wales by considering two main types of bilingual schools which currently serve Welsh pupils and which have contributed towards a modest but notable minority language revival. It is in this context that current practice relating to Welsh‐medium mathematics is explored and a number of questions concerning current mathematics teaching, learning and assessment practices are raised. While celebrating the success and expansion of bilingual education in Wales, attention is drawn to the need to subject current practice to closer scrutiny. Although the paper focuses on the particular situation to be found in Wales, the issues and questions raised are clearly of interest to those involved with other bilingual educational programmes.  相似文献   

作为有语言无文字民族的东乡族基础教育中的双语教学存在着教学用语不便、作为第二语言的汉语过渡困难、教学效率低下、双语师资缺乏等问题 ,其原因在于缺乏对此类双语教学的研究 ,缺乏对学生学习汉语的有效指导等。必须对此类无文字民族辅助性双语教学中汉语学习的必要性、时间、途径、方式方法以及民族语的作用等问题进行深刻的理论思考和研究 ,探讨出尽快掌握汉语 ,以提高其双语教学水平及基础教育质量的策略和模式。  相似文献   

提升小学背诵教学有效性路径探究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
背诵是小学生学习语言的重要方式,在语文学习中具有独特的优势。经过长期教学实践,笔者认为重视背诵教学,对学生进行正确的方法引导,可以提高背诵效率和质量,让学生喜爱背诵,喜爱语文学习。背诵教学可从感受趣味、激发兴趣,寻求方法、多样导趣,增进效果、恰当运用等三方面路径具体而有效地展开。  相似文献   

The study investigated the effects of bilingual teaching on the development of children's literacy skills and attitudes towards language learning. In the bilingual classes 20% of the instruction was given in English. Pupils’ literacy skills in the bilingual classes were significantly better than in the monolingual classes. When observing pupils who started first grade with either a poor or an excellent level of school readiness, there was no significant difference between bilingual and monolingual groups. In addition, the pupils in bilingual classes showed significantly more positive attitudes towards foreign-language learning than the pupils in monolingual classes.  相似文献   

Minority language literacy is an important issue in national education policy for any multi-nationality country. China sticks to the policy of safeguarding the rights and interests of ethnic minority groups to use their own languages and writing systems. In education, considering communications among different nationalities and the development of minority ethnic groups, a bilingual education policy is being implemented by insisting on teaching students in their own ethnic languages; when the mastery of their own languages has been achieved, bilingual teaching will be employed. There are three types of bilingual teaching for minority ethnic groups: teaching in their own languages, with Mandarin Chinese added; teaching in Mandarin Chinese, with minority languages added; teaching both in Mandarin Chinese and in minority languages. The biggest problems to be solved in implementing bilingual education in ethnic minority regions are the editing of language textbooks and supporting materials for minority ethnic groups and the training of ethnic minority teachers.  相似文献   

双语教学模式不仅能使学生掌握专门学科知识,也能有效提高学生的目的语语言能力。国际上较为流行的双语教学模式包括沉浸式、维持性和过渡型双语教学。全浸泡式教学模式更适合汉语语境下以英语为目的语的双语教学。在此模式下,也应积极利用汉语思维和母语的认知功能,以提高教学效果。  相似文献   

大学专业课程双语教学模式已经是我国大学专业课程教学的主要内容之一。专业课程双语教学除了能有效提升学生的外语能力外,还能有效提升学生运用英语思维学习掌握专业知识。本文论述了国内双语教学的问题及主要模式,指出从二语习得的角度进行专业课双语教学的可能。  相似文献   

The role of subject teachers in content and language integrated learning (CLIL) has received little attention, since most research focuses on language learning results of students. This exploratory study aims to gain insight into the perceptions of Dutch bilingual education history teachers by comparing teaching CLIL with regular history teaching. We used questionnaires and interviews to collect data. Results show that bilingual education history teachers perceived their dual task as language and subject teachers to be challenging. Teaching in English also enriched their teaching skills and eventually had a positive influence on their level of job satisfaction.  相似文献   

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