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目的:了解黎族中学生头面部特征,探讨其特点并积累形态学资料。方法:采用问卷调查法、活体观察法及人体测量法对689名黎族中学生进行头面部6项指标进行观察与测量。结果:黎族中学生主要以中头型(56.89%)较为常见,以椭圆型脸为主(27.42%),其次是卵圆型(19.94%);中鼻型最多(49.12%),其次是阔鼻型(30.94%)。结论:黎族中学生头面部特征与广西侗族、辽宁锡伯族以及满族中学生比较,有相近之处又有自己的特征。  相似文献   

X线头影测量,是利用X线头颅定位像上牙颌及颅面的各标志点,描绘出一定的线角进行测量分析。从而为进一步明确口腔错位畸形的诊断和设计提供了重要的参考依据。也是评定矫治效果,矫治器作用和进行科研的一个重要手段。本文通过临床实例,从两方面加以阐述。一、X线头影测量在错(牙合)畸形诊断及矫治设计的应用。  相似文献   

设计意图: 1.帮助幼儿分辨眉、眼、耳、鼻、口的正确位置及面部的各种表情。2.培养想像力和创造力。3.培养幼儿收拾同类物品,综合归纳能力。在五官各小件背面都加上了一小块魔术  相似文献   

正当你站在镜子前面,距离镜子一臂之遥,你会观察到,镜子里头部的镜像看起来和自己的头一样大。但如果你伸出手臂用手测量,会发现你的头部镜像的实际大小只有真正尺寸的二分之一。可是,一旦把手挪开,你又会感觉镜像中的头和自己的头一样大了。大脑知道你的头部应该有多大,它直接绕过眼睛,  相似文献   

正八、老人半身像画法图例第一步:认真观察模特儿的外部形态,想好人物在画面中的大体位置、比例,然后用毛笔从人物的五官开始刻画。画头部时,要注意头的动势,头与颈的关系。老年人面部皱纹较多,要选择能表现结构的线条来体现其年龄特征。第二步:继续向下推画出手臂。手用清晰的实线勾出。勾画衣纹时,适当地用干笔表现棉衣的质感。第三步:把握好整体的大比例关系,推着画出余下的部分,对线进行取舍,调整完成。  相似文献   

试验选用硫酸钡植物油甘油混悬液作造影剂,对四头幼猪(10.7±0.75公斤)的全身动脉,尿路和四个离体幼猪肝内胆管及门静脉进行了灌注,并透视和拍摄了肾区动脉、头部动脉、肾盂、输尿管、肝内胆管及肝内门静脉分支和行经的X线片。结果证明该造影剂可清晰显示200微米左右的细小管腔。在造影液灌注剂量充足的情况下,固定与否以及固定期长短对管腔显影的清晰度无影响。  相似文献   

股骨头缺血坏死,迄今为止对其病因和发病机制的研究尚无突破性进展,但临床病人非常多见,因此,探讨股骨头缺血坏死的早期诊断非常必要。我们通过36例确诊股骨头缺血坏死(其中32例经X线平片确诊,4例X线平片阴性经CT确诊)患者的X线平片和CT分析,认为X线平片对于股骨头缺血坏死的早期诊断存在一定限度。但仍为股骨头缺血坏死初步诊断的重要方法。而CT在股骨头缺血坏死的早期诊断中优于X线平片。1 材料和方法1.1 一般资料男性24例,女性12例。年龄20~70岁,平  相似文献   

一、直线和平面的位置关系 我们观察到教室里墙面和地面的交线在地平面内;墙面与墙面的交线和地平面只有一个公共点。墙面与天花板面的交线和地平面没有公共点。这反映出直线和平面之间存在不同的位置关系。  相似文献   

瓯江鲫鱼头部形态特征的两性异形   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
测定了鲫鱼成体的体长、头长、头宽、头高、吻长、眼后头长、眼径和眼间距.Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA显示雌性个体的体长显著大于雄性个体.头部形态特征变量分别与体长的回归关系显著,回归剩余值的单因素ANOVA显示,特定体长的雌性个体的头长、头宽和眼间距显著大于雄性个体,雌性个体的眼径显著小于雄性个体,其他的头部形态特征变量包括头高、吻长和眼后头长无显著的两性差异.对头部7个形态特征变量作主成分分析(Eigenvalue≥1)发现,前3个主成分共解释67.1 %的变异.头长和吻长在第一主成分有较高的正负载系数(解释26.7%变异),头宽和眼间距在第二主成分有较高的正负载系数(解释23.1 %变异),眼径在第三主成分有较高的正负载系数(解释17.3 %变异).两性成体第一主成分的分值差异不显著;第二主成分的分值雌性显著大于雄性;第三主成分的分值雌性显著小于雄性.  相似文献   

澳大利亚生活着许多有袋类动物,袋鼠、袋狼、袋獾、袋鼯、袋貂……树袋熊是其中最珍贵的一种。树袋熊身体肥胖,长不足80厘米,头大而圆,两眼炯炯有神,两只圆耳直立在头部上端两侧,脸部长着绒毛,惟有隆起的鼻子是光溜溜的。更有趣的是,它的腹部还长着一个肚兜似的育儿袋。  相似文献   

建筑摄影不能单纯追求艺术性 ,而应突出纪录性。其类型有资料性的建筑照片和欣赏和宣传用的建筑物摄影照片。进行建筑摄影时要讲究相机的位置、外景照明及滤色镜的运用  相似文献   

The use of frames of reference in interpreting shading information in pictures was studied with children from 3 to 8 years of age. After learning to discriminate tactually between a convexity and a concavity, the subjects were presented a photograph of the convexity and the concavity in which the only information for differential shape was provided by the relationship between the orientation of the shading on the shapes and the frames of reference. By changing the position of the subject's head, rotating the display, and changing the location of the source of illumination, the relevance of egocentric, environmental, and lighting-specified frames of reference was manipulated. Children in this age range were found to be sensitive to shading information for depth, both when that information was specified by only a single frame of reference and when all three frames of reference were relevant. Differences in the responsiveness to individual frames of reference were found: the egocentric (head-retina) frame of reference was most effective, followed by the environmental reference frame, and finally by the frame of reference based on the location of the light source in the space surrounding the photograph. Responsiveness to the environmental and lighting-based frames of reference increased with age, while responsiveness to the egocentric frame of reference was high for all age groups and did not increase with age.  相似文献   

为了提高摄影作品欣赏的水平,提高学生的审美素质,本文从摄影构图的视觉语言、画面的平衡和光线的运用三方面论述了如何欣赏一幅摄影作品,理解其所表达的感情,感受它的艺术美。  相似文献   


Telling stories through photographs is certainly not a new or novel concept; however, thinking about image-making as a way of unknowing what we currently know is quite different from traditional approaches to photography. Built on an existing conceptual framework, writings on unknowing, we apply unknowing as a guiding method and heuristic to understand what a group of young people are trying to say and reimagine through the act of image-making. Research reported in this article from the Community Arts Zone visual arts project features a series of photograph projects across high school contexts where students created a Cindy Sherman-style conceptual photograph with an artist statement. The researchers engaged in a process of unknowing to interpret the photographs where they read through the visuals and engaged with modes in play and with observational fieldnotes about participants to draw out implications for such work for literacy teaching and learning.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate how well a group of recently trained pediatric chief residents could label anatomic structures on two different photographs of female prepubertal genitalia. Additionally, the study sought to explore aspects of pediatric training in sexual abuse and clinical practice issues surrounding the routine genital examination. METHOD: A 38-item questionnaire was mailed to pediatric chief residents at all of the officially listed pediatric residency-training programs in the continental US. Comparisons were made between this study and the responses to two previous surveys, which asked a more heterogeneous group of physicians to label one of the photographs used in the study. The second photograph was added because of its improved clarity of each anatomic structure when compared to the first photograph used in the previous studies. The study also asked about clinical practice issues surrounding the prepubertal genital examination. RESULTS: An overall response rate of 73% was achieved and analysis was done on 139 respondents. One-half of chief residents thought that their training during residency on sexual abuse was inadequate for practice. Sixty-four percent of chief residents correctly labeled the hymen on the photograph used in the previous studies, which was not significantly different from the 62% and 59% of physicians who correctly labeled the hymen in the previous surveys. In the second photograph, which more clearly displayed the various anatomic structures, 71% correctly labeled the hymen. CONCLUSION: Pediatric chief residents reported variable amounts of training on issues pertaining to child sexual abuse during residency, think that this time was inadequate, and, while doing slightly better than a more diverse group of previously studied physicians, did not achieve 100% accuracy in identifying basic genital structures correctly on two different photographs.  相似文献   

This article explores how 145 photographs collected from 20 PowerPoint lectures in undergraduate psychology at 16 UK universities were integrated with lecturers’ speech. Little is currently known about how lecturers refer to the distinct types of photographs included in their presentations. Findings show that only 48 photographs (33%) included in presentation slides were referred to explicitly by exploring their features to make a point related to the lecture content, with only 14 of these used to invite student questioning. Most photographs (97 or 67%) represent a case of ‘unprobed representations’, that is, either ‘embedded’ in the talk as ‘illustrations’ of the speech topic or not referred to at all. A taxonomy of uses that lecturers made of the photographs in their slideshows was created through adapting a Peircean semiotic analysis of the photograph–speech interaction. The implications in terms of lecturer and student engagement with the photographic material are discussed, arguing the case for more Critical Semiotic Exploration of photographs in HE practice.  相似文献   

随着数码相机的普及,数码照片已基本取代了传统的胶卷照片。此文从数码照片档案的收集归档、数码照片审核、档案整理以及数码照片档案的保管等方面,探讨如何结合工作实际管好和用好数码照片档案。  相似文献   

Fantasm: The triumph of form (an essay on the democratic sublime)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This essay attempts to counter the dreariness of postmodern critique and culture by locating the vital force of phantasy, rhetoric, argument, hope, and memory in contemporary public affairs. More particularly, it engages recent controversies about collective memory and the FDR memorial statue especially to generate a greater sensitivity to the fact that we are agents (and not just dupes) of history. The body, symbolic and material, is a core site for the history, theory, and practice of democracy, I argue, and is the hard kernel of collective identification and division. Methodologically, the essay fuses Aristotle and Lacan's ideas about phantasy as a perceptual device, which gages and creates public and personal desire, as an analytic frame for the study of public discourse.  相似文献   

随着人们生活水平的日益提高和数码产品的普及,摄影已逐渐走进了寻常百姓人家。了解摄影器材的选购、摄影中应注意的技术、风光摄影这三方面值得注意的事项,人们就能逐渐掌握和提高摄影技术。  相似文献   

文中详细叙述了在电视摄像中,顺光、顶光、晨昏时间光线的运用。  相似文献   

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