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书籍不是一般商品,而是一种文化。书籍装帧设计是指书籍的整体设计。它包括的内容很多,其中封面,扉页和插图设计是其中的三大主体设计要素。需要注意的是"装帧"与"装潢""包装"含义不同。"装潢""包装"是附加于  相似文献   

2014年的数字出版大致可用"起""承""转""合"四个字来描述:起"是亦喜亦忧的"异军突起";"承"为持续增长,可谓新常态;"转"指"转型",仍是老话题;"合"指"融合",已成新热点。纵观2014年我国数字出版,见诸报端的一些大事要闻中能够梳理出重要线索。用"起承转合"四个字可以大致粗描出其特征。"起"是亦喜亦忧的"异军突起",且先按下不表;"承"为持续增长,可谓新常态;"转"指"转型",仍是老话题;"合"指"融合",已成新热点。  相似文献   

本文通过对佛教戒律文献中关于"雨衣"、"浴衣"等词语用例的考察,指出它们其实是供僧尼洗澡时遮身使用的一块布,和我们平常所谓的"雨衣"、"浴衣"的意义和用法都截然不同;对相关词语用例进行了辨析,指出"雨衣"、"雨浴衣"多施用于僧,而"浴衣"、"水浴衣"一般只施用于尼;同时论述了僧尼洗澡使用"雨衣"的缘由和场合.  相似文献   

贾保生 《今传媒》2010,(5):84-85
"三十八年过去,弹指一挥间",这是毛泽东诗词中的名句。近日我却在一家报纸上见到人家是这样写的:"38年过去,弹指1挥间"。照此朗读起来便成了"三八年过去,弹指一挥间"了,那么,究竟是"三十八年",还是"一九三八年",还是"三年八年"?糊涂了。  相似文献   

<编辑之友>2008年第l期发表了汤志鸿先生的一篇短文<"笈"不同"籍">文中说"秘笈"的"笈"应写作"籍",并表示不理解<现代汉语词典>(第3版即1996年修订本)为什么会在第1版、第2版的基础上给"笈"增加"书籍;典籍"这一义项.  相似文献   

在普通话里,"两"一般只作表示数量为二的基数词,"二"则还可以作表示顺序先后的序数词。比如"两层楼"表示楼房有两层,而"二层楼"则是指楼房的第二层。但当"二"与"两"都是基数词时,用法就有个习惯问题了。例如,"2000"一般说"两千"不说"二千",但22,000又  相似文献   

"两会"是我国人民政治生活中的一件大事,由于很多重大的法律法规,很多关乎国计民生的问题都在"两会"上被提出,被关注,所以越来越多的人将目光投向"两会".但由于人数所限,大多数公民还不能亲自到"两会"会场,这样,他们更加渴望了解会议动态,希望将自己的声音传到会场上去.  相似文献   

自从新闻战线开展"走基层、转作风、改文风"活动以来,全国各级电视媒体的大批记者走向基层,深入田间地头"蹲点"采访。他们"走下去""沉下来",用心灵倾听百姓心声,用双脚展开田野调查,用镜头捕捉时代变迁……为观众奉献接着基层"地气"的、带着情感体温的新闻报道。虽然不能  相似文献   

"蛛丝马迹"是个使用率很高的成语,释义为:比喻与事情根源有联系的不明显的线索。很多人望文生义,认为"蛛丝马迹"中的"马迹"是指马的蹄印,甚至连《中国成语大词典》《汉语成语考释词典》都解释为"马"是骑马的马。其实,"蛛丝马迹"中的"马",与拉车驾辕、四蹄如飞的哺乳动物"马"没有任何关联,而是指一种活动于灶台上的小昆虫。这种小昆虫,学名"突灶螽",俗名"灶马",属直翅目蟋螽科。其名因地而异,重庆称之为"灶  相似文献   

档案工作的历史源远流长。对历史负责,为现实服务,替未来着想是档案工作的本质意义。在现实生活中,档案工作更是凸显了其越来越重要的地位。但"档案"一词又是缘何而来,最早的档案记载又是出自哪里呢?清代学者杨宾在其所著的《柳边纪略》中写道:"边外文字,多书于木,往来传递者曰牌子,以削木片若牌故也。存贮年久者曰档案,曰档子,以积累多贯皮条挂壁若档故也。"这是有关"档案"一词的最早记载。"档",《康熙字典》解为"横木框档",就是木架框格的意思;"案",《说文解字》释作"几属",就是像小  相似文献   

数字图书馆存储系统的建设方案与技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从分析数字图书馆的馆藏资源、读者服务和数据管理对存储的需求出发,指出传统的存储方式下存在的问题。对新的存储技术进行分析,给出新的存储方案,并结合图书馆实际给出SAN存储模式下的具体应用和实施过程中存在的问题。  相似文献   

美国作者劳拉·凯恩的《图书馆这一行》一书从图书馆职业角度出发,阐述了公共图书馆员是服务大众的信息向导,少儿图书馆员是关怀孩子的好老师,大学图书馆员是解答疑问的技术能手,自由职业馆员是重视客户的知识专家,医学图书馆员与法律图书馆员是拯救弱者的爱心人士,图书馆馆长是统筹全局的规划师。这些对图书馆职业的认识能够为对图书馆行业存有问题和疑虑的朋友提供解答。  相似文献   

The beginnings of the National Acquisitions Group (NAG) are described, and its objectives are listed. The composition and concerns of the Executive Committee, and NAG finances are discussed. Conferences, seminars and visits organized by NAG are enumerated, and the list of topics discussed at these meetings gives a good indication of the areas of concern of the group. Information is provided on NAG publications, research interests and liaison with others in relevant fields. Finally, future developments are considered and achievements to date are summarized.  相似文献   

Narratives are one of the most powerful teaching tools available and are often regarded as central to the learning process. We investigate the role of narrative in adult learning in library instructional contexts, introducing the concepts of micro- and macro-narratives and illustrating these ideas using relevant teaching examples. Macro-narratives are stories that are common across many cultures and contain universal themes and lessons. Micro-narratives are stories that are uniquely relevant to the members of a particular group. We argue that both types can be used to create meaningful library learning experiences.  相似文献   


Reference librarian roles are evolving in today's rapidly changing environment. Values that have shaped and guided our profession thus far are discussed, and the rigors of working at a general reference desk are portrayed. Information overload, the demands of the information age, general societal trends, and new technologies are credited with shaping service directions. Strategies for maintaining professional competence and currency are presented, and emerging roles are profiled.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(32):163-175
This paper explores some of the reasons why technical reports are so difficult to identify, and gives some hints for accessing technical reports in a government documents collection. The major producers of technical reports are discussed and the many kinds of technical reports are explained. The elements of a typical citation for a technical report are listed, and the differences between report numbers, contract numbers, and accession numbers are articulated. Four of the most useful indexes for verifying technical reports are compared. The emphasis is on U.S. federal technical reports.  相似文献   

骆瑾  王昕  王有登 《编辑学报》2012,24(2):138-139
数学公式的正确与否直接关系到科技论文的科学性,因此,编辑加工中对数学公式的审读十分重要。该文从数学公式间的对称、相似、因果和对应关系中发现规律,运用编辑方法论中的比较分析方法考察数学公式的科学性,并阐述比较分析方法的具体应用。  相似文献   

参考文献引用原则的探讨   总被引:31,自引:11,他引:31  
王平 《编辑学报》2004,16(1):35-36
阐述参考文献在科技期刊和科技论文中发挥的积极作用,提出参考文献的引用应遵循全面性、时效性、代表性和公正性的原则.  相似文献   

Veterans are a unique population that can be found in libraries across the United States. Libraries of all types are developing new approaches to the veterans in their patron populations in the wake of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. This study identifies several common strategies that libraries, especially public and academic libraries, are employing to support their patrons who are veterans, as well as distinctions in strategy according to library type. It further explores whether libraries are relying upon library staff who are veterans when developing services and programming for patrons who are veterans.  相似文献   

The circuit rider librarian concept is discussed. The implementation and growth of the circuit librarian programs serving mral hospitals in New York and Pennsylvania are reported. The circuit rider librarian's schedule and functions are discussed, including time spent on the road and at Ihe resource library, reference services and other library services. Financing, budgeting, and personal contact are stressed. Detailed reference statistics are provided to illustrate the growth of library services; statistics are also analyzed by requester category. Future directions, potential, and recommendations are given for the creation of circuit library programs.  相似文献   

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