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This paper analyses whether tertiary education of different types, i.e., academic or vocational tertiary education, leads to more or less favourable labour market outcomes. We study the problem for Switzerland, where more than two thirds of the workforce gain vocational secondary degrees and a substantial number go on to a vocational tertiary degree but only a small share gain an academic tertiary degree. As outcome variables, we examine the risk of being unemployed, monthly earnings, and variation in earnings (reflecting financial risk). We study these outcomes at career entry and later stages. Our empirical results reveal that the type of tertiary education has various effects on these outcomes. At career entry, we observe equal unemployment risk but higher average wages and lower financial risk for vocational graduates. At later career stages, we find that these higher average wages disappear and risk of unemployment becomes lower for vocational graduates. Thus, by differentiating the tertiary system into vocational and academic institutions graduates face a variety of valuable options allowing them to self-select into an educational type that best matches their individual preferences.  相似文献   

For the past 20 years, researchers worldwide have shared a consensus that tracking leads to failure in school. But educational systems continue to use this practice for many reasons. One argument used to support the practice is that students who enter the vocational track early in their careers tend to enter the labour market more quickly. Data show, however, that when these people are in their 40s, they become the most vulnerable to poverty, especially during periods of economic recession. In addition to moving towards more comprehensive educational systems as the best long-term way to improve the chances of all future adults, our research demonstrates that schools can play a key role in preventing and reversing the risk of unemployment and poverty of low educated youth. The INCLUD-ED project has analysed effective actions in eight European countries (Slovenia, United Kingdom, Italy, Austria, Romania, Belgium, Finland, and Spain) that respond to the educational needs of those who have experienced tracking. These effective alternatives are vocational programmes that include an academic-type of curriculum and allow students to move to higher education, as well as adult education programmes in schools which meet families' training needs, improving their opportunities in the labour market.  相似文献   

We study life-cycle educational transitions in the German education system which is characterized by early tracking and institutionalized branches of academic and vocational training, but with the possibility to revise earlier decisions at later stages. Our econometric model covers all major transitions ranging from primary education through secondary schooling to different forms of tertiary education and vocational training. We consider the role of previous decisions and background characteristics at each decision node and also study ‘indirect’ routes through the system. Our results suggest that a considerable proportion of the population takes ‘second chance’ decisions but that these decisions are as socially selective as the standard routes through the system. We also model unobserved heterogeneity and document the sorting of individuals along unobserved characteristics across the stages of the system.  相似文献   

Understanding factors influencing international students' decision to engage in international education is essential for education providers to better cater for students' educational expectations and enhance their attractiveness to international students. Whilst there has been extensive research on the reasons why international students undertake cross-border higher education, international students' motivations for enrolling in vocational education and associate degree programmes are still under-researched. Drawing on semi-structured interviews with 30 international students from China, this research found that pathway to higher education appears to be the most important factor motivating international students to undertake vocational education and associate degree programmes. In addition, prospect of immigration, English language proficiency, previous academic performance, agent's recommendations and relatives' and friends' advice are amongst the important factors that students take into account in their decision to choose vocational education and associate degree programmes. This research also examines why Chinese international students have chosen vocational education programmes in a dual-sector university over vocational education colleges. It found that the flexibility to articulate to higher education, international reputation of the programme, practical training and favourable location are key issues that these students draw on when making their decision to study in a dual-sector university.  相似文献   

Despite concerns regarding Italy’s high levels of early school‐leaving, regional differences in educational outcomes and persistent inequalities, efforts to reform the country’s complex system of senior secondary schooling have been repeatedly frustrated. Regarded by the left as contributing to the reproduction of social inequalities, Italy’s dual‐track system of academic and vocational secondary schools has been the focus of many reform efforts, for the most part unsuccessful. Recent proposals for reform, initiated by the recently deposed right‐wing Government coalition, reflected a very different approach to change, reinforcing the division between the academic and the vocational in Italy’s schools and largely devolving responsibility for vocational education and training to the regions. This article examines the proposals and concludes that, like past initiatives, they were largely ideologically driven, focusing on the structures of schooling rather than teaching and learning. The article points to the need for the current Government to base change on a strong theoretical foundation and on focused research into the outcomes of schooling for different student groups.  相似文献   

高职教育的发展现状及表现特征,与主导高等教育分流的国家政策紧密相关。目前,由于我国高等教育分流手段不完善、终身教育体制没有实现贯通、高职教育的发展水平有待提高以及传统观念束缚的影响,我国高等教育分流中“职普比”失衡现象依然存在。通过借鉴教育分流的理念,梳理我国高职教育在教育分流方面存在的问题,进而尝试对我国高职教育发展的路径提出优化建议。  相似文献   

In the tracked educational system of the Netherlands, students at the end of secondary education have to decide whether they want to enter subsequent post-secondary or tertiary education. Depending on the previous qualification, they have the choice between up to four different options, including not entering further education. We propose, in line with prevalent theoretical approaches, that children from lower socio-economic backgrounds tend to make decisions that do not fully capitalize on their previously obtained qualifications. By means of multinomial logistic regression models we tested the unconditional and conditional effects of family background for entering the different tracks of post-secondary education. In the unconditional analyses we found effects for parental education on making a transition to all types of post-secondary and tertiary education, but the occupational status of the father seems to be only relevant for the transition to lower tier tertiary education. The conditional effects of parental education for making the transition to senior vocational education and university are strong, while the transition to lower tertiary education is not influenced by parental background characteristics. This shows that even with eligibility for the most prestigious tracks, children from lower socio-economic backgrounds tend to make less ambitious educational decisions. We also examined to what extent this inequality changed across time for the cohorts that terminated secondary education between 1932 and 1995. Decreasing effects of parental education indicate that the expansion of secondary education had the positive effect of leading more children from lower social backgrounds into favourable secondary education tracks, especially the intermediate general track. This equalization is carried forward through the entire sequence of educational transitions. The students from advantaged backgrounds nevertheless still profit from the parental resources in access to the most prestigious tertiary education institutions given secondary qualifications. Their head start into the academic track has not been reduced across cohorts.  相似文献   

目前,我国职业教育的社会地位普遍不高,其主要原因是:1.教育体系不合理;2.劳动用工制度不完善;3.职教未能实现其应有价值;4.“学而优则仕”的传统思想的消极影响。我国职业教育与德国、奥地利职教社会地位有很大的区别。在德、奥两国,家长能理智地接受子女读职教的现实,公众对职业教育高度信任,两国的职业学校和企业合作非常紧密,特别是两国实行职教的双元制主体模式,更体现了双方共同培育技能型人才的合作特色。我国种种情况正好与之相反,公众对职业教育普遍缺乏信任,社会各界对职教也存在漠视和歧视现象。因此,建立科学完善的教育体系;规范标准,提高教育质量,让社会、企业和学生充分享受职教实惠;严格执行用工制度;加大正面宣传,宣传优秀技能人才和高素质劳动者的作用,是提高职教的社会地位,把“大力发展职业教育”的政府决策变为社会现实的策略选择。  相似文献   

Globally, access to higher education has increased, but inequalities by socio-economic background remain. This article explores the relationship between early schooling opportunities (and learning) and progression into higher education in four low and middle-income countries. We analyse data from the Young Lives longitudinal study, following cohorts of young people from age 5 to 22 in four country settings: Ethiopia, Peru, Vietnam and India. We reveal wide variability in higher education participation between the four countries, with a common pattern of a very strong association between early learning and later higher education participation, even after allowing for a range of demographic characteristics. Whilst early learning is important in predicting later higher education participation, we also find that significant barriers to higher education participation remain for low socio-economic status groups, even if they initially show good levels of learning. We track the trajectories of children who have initial good levels of learning, and hence arguably the potential to progress to higher education, and assess the extent to which socio-economic background plays a mediating role in these trajectories. Pupils with initially good levels of learning at primary school age, but who are from poor backgrounds, fall back in terms of their relative attainment during secondary schooling years. This implies that socio-economic status continues to be a barrier to educational attainment throughout these children’s lives. We discuss the implications of these findings for policy initiatives aimed at narrowing inequalities in higher education access in poorer countries.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to investigate the influence of family environment, school grade, performance and social behavior of students on educational trajectory. The research project Family-School-Job (FASE B) utilized a representative longitudinal sample of 454 students and their primary reference persons in the canton of Bern (Switzerland). Using step-wise logistic regression analyses, the study investigated the predictive value of family-based and individual determinants at the end of primary school for the transition to lower secondary schooling and for the development at upper secondary education (academic education or vocational training). The transition to lower secondary education was more strongly influenced by grades than by results of standardized performance tests. Parental expectation, parents’ socio-economic background and by classroom misbehavior were also important predictors.Parental expectations predicted educational pathways into secondary education whereas grades in German andgender were partially significant only. Parental expectations permit precise predictions of educational pathways, even when controlling for students’ grades and performance.  相似文献   

高职教育的“三育人”是指在高职教育工作中要实施文化育人、复合育人和协同育人.“三育人”提出发展高职教育应在高等性、教育性、职业性的基础上,注重文化要素在高技能人才培养中的先导作用,注重复合要素在建构专业、课程等人才培养方案方面的优化整合,并注重协同要素促进产学研用在开放育人过程的有效融合,这是对我国20多年来高职教育发展在理论和实践上的一次新的探索.  相似文献   


This paper uses survey data from educational tracking upon graduation from middle schools in Q County, Gansu Province, and explores the mechanism in which the level of father’s education and economic capital affect academic performance. The study finds that the academic performance of male students is significantly higher than that of female students, and household registration, family capital, and school social capital adhere together to impact academic performance. Low economic income affects academic performance, and high economic income does not necessarily facilitate academic performance. School education that pays attention to academic performance has a direct positive impact, and parent-teacher relations, objectified cultural capital, and economic capital have a direct negative impact on academic performance. The level of the father’s education mainly plays a direct role in impacting academic performance. Economic capital indirectly facilitates academic performance through the mediating effect of parents’ educational expectations, educational support, and attention to school education, and objectified cultural capital has a moderating effect on the impact of economic capital on academic performance.  相似文献   


Educational differentiation, or the allocation of students to different types of school or different locations within schools, is a common feature of modern education systems. In most countries, student outcomes vary considerably, both by school and academic location within schools.


The purpose is to ascertain the extent that between- and within-school differences in student performance can be attributed to students' socio-economic background and their home resources.


The samples are from the OECD's 2000 Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) study of 15-year-old students' performance in reading, mathematics and science. Data from 30 countries were analysed. The student samples ranged between 2500 (USA) and 30,000 (Canada) students. The samples are representative of the populations of 15-year-old school students in each country.

Design and methods

Multiple regression analysis was used to ascertain the extent to which between-school differences (measured by intra-class correlations) and within-school differences (measured by the effects of the composite variable ‘academic location’ which comprised grade and school programme) declined when taking into consideration students' socio-economic background and home environment.


In most countries the intra-class correlations and the effects of academic location declined only marginally. This was especially the case in countries with large between-school differences such as the tracked systems of continental Europe.


Differences in student performance between and within schools cannot be accounted for by socio-economic background. The study lends some support to the official rational for tracking and other forms of educational differentiation, that the allocation of students to different school types and academic locations within schools is largely based on student ability.  相似文献   

Vocational education provides an educational but not a social ladder of opportunity to Australian higher education. The five dual-sector universities with significant enrolments in both vocational and higher education admit about twice the proportion of students transferring from vocational education as other universities. However, since the students in the upper levels of vocational education have a socio-economic composition similar to higher education students, vocational education does not provide a social ladder of opportunity by increasing access by students from a low socio-economic status background. Nevertheless, the article argues for the extension of dual-sector universities and other measures to articulate vocational and higher education and that more needs to be done to improve the representativeness of the upper levels of vocational education.  相似文献   

以1994年废除种族隔离政策为分水岭,南非的高等学校分类体系经历了由分化到整合的治理逻辑变迁。1994年之前,南非政府以学生人种、教育属性、语言文化等为维度,将全国高等学校强行区隔,多轨运作,分而治之。1994年之后,南非新政府开始调整高等学校分类体系,以高校学术职能为中心,整合教育资源,致力于促进普通教育与职业教育的融汇贯通。南非的高等学校分类变迁史表明,高校分类必须尊重教育自身的发展规律,坚持政府在高等教育发展中的主导地位,同时保持不同类型高校的特色化、差异化发展。  相似文献   

The aspirations and expectations of the growing international student cohort in Australia are implicitly incorporated into recruitment and internationalization strategies but have received little academic analysis. To address this gap in the literature, this paper develops a conceptual model built upon earlier research by Tim Mazzarol and Geoffrey Soutar, which focuses on the push and pull factors relating to home country and country of destination, respectively, in relation to students' decisions to seek international study. Focusing predominantly on Chinese and Indian students, we conceptualise, extend and place the push and pull factors within a social psychological framework in relation to students' aspirations and expectations of international education, indicating factors that can be influenced by higher education (HE) institutions and their programmes, and those which cannot. We then interrogate the model and its applicability in Australian HE through the case study of an Indian international Study Tour conducted in our Australian HE institution in 2009. In the present context of decreased international student enrolments in Australia in 2010, where we seek to better understand our international students, the proposed model provides a basis for identifying international students' expectations and aspirations and developing prospective international relations.  相似文献   

A key assumption of equity policies in Australia, as in many countries, is that pathways from lower-status, vocationally oriented ‘second’ tiers of tertiary education to ‘first’ tier higher education are able to act as an equity mechanism. This is because students from low socio-economic backgrounds are over-represented in former and underrepresented in the latter. The assumption that pathways support equity is tested in this paper through an analysis of the socio-economic profile and institutional destination of student transfers from vocational education and training to higher education in Australia. It finds that educational pathways deepen participation in education by existing social groups but do not effectively widen participation for groups that do not have equitable access. This is as a consequence of the hierarchical structuring of qualifications within VET as well as in higher education.  相似文献   

学位制度的完善关系到我国人才强国战略的实施,关系到整个教育的可持续发展。但是随着高职教育的不断发展,社会对人才类型的需求不断变化,我国现有的学位制度渐渐显露其弊端。为了适应我国对高级应用型人才的需要,要构建灵活畅通的教育体系,要在高等职业院校内建立学位制度,加强职业教育课程衔接,完善质量保障体系,加强"普"与"职"的融通。  相似文献   

The present study challenges the assumption that cultural capital benefits students' academic achievement regardless of their educational stages. Meta-analytic results from 105 studies published 2000–2017 indicated that nine cultural capital variables (e.g., home educational resources, maternal and paternal education, parental expectations, cultural participation, home support, school participation) benefited all students while five cultural capital variables exhibited a differentiated pattern of relationship with student achievement depending on educational stages. First, compared to students from higher grade levels, kindergarteners benefited most from parental education, parental academic emphasis, and parent-child reading. Second, compared to 1st–6th graders, 7th-12th graders benefited more from academic discussions. Third, compared to 1st–6th graders, both kindergarteners and 7th-12th graders benefited from parental school involvement. These results provide compelling evidence that while there are some forms of cultural capital that all students will benefit from, there are others whose association with students’ achievement depends on their educational stages.  相似文献   

高等职业技术教育作为我国教育体系的重要组成部分,既有高等教育的共性,又有自己职业教育的特点。长期以来,高职教育基本没有形成具有高职特色的学业评价方式,背离了高职的培养目标。在分析当前高职教育评价方式弊端的基础上,以国际经济与贸易专业为例,试图探索以该专业培养目标为依据的学业评价方案。  相似文献   

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