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This paper compares the concept of mixed faith/cultural education in Northern Ireland and Israel. It is primarily concerned with the processes that these ‘integrated’ schools adopt in their quest to improve relations between divided ethnic groups. Drawing on qualitative data collected in two mixed religion primary schools in each jurisdiction the paper shows that the schools' existing cultural norms act as important mediating influences on the way that inter‐group relationships are constructed. The paper concludes that attention needs to be paid to both the policy context and the culture if contact initiatives are to be successful.  相似文献   

This paper examines interactions between the global and the local in the context of Japanese mainstream schooling, by focusing on the development of local government policies to manage diversity in schools. This paper reveals how local governments developed education policies in interaction with grassroots professional groups, activists and schools, and by selectively incorporating national policies. These local policies are multicultural education policies but differ in two significant ways. The first is their predominant concern with human rights education, leaving celebration of cultural diversity as a marginal consideration, and the other is the official use of the term ‘foreigners’ in the title of these policies; both of which reflect the pre‐existing local context. The paper demonstrates that new immigrants do not unilaterally impact on supposedly ethnically homogeneous Japanese classrooms, but that the pre‐existing local contexts (national, local and institutional) have mediated global forces in effecting changes.  相似文献   

多元文化教育兴起于20世纪的西方国家,也是当今国际教育界普遍关注的热点领域之一,其产生有着深刻的历史背景和文化根源.传入我国之后,对于我国的教育有诸多启示.文章关注在多元文化背景下教师角色的发展和变化,重新审视教师在多元文化教育中的地位和作用.笔者认为在多元文化背景下,教师的角色是:学生心灵的守护者、多元文化的欣赏者、多元文化教育环境的创设者和维护者、多元文化教育研究的积极行动者和地方文化的传承者.  相似文献   

Educational researchers interested in race‐related matters tend to be united in their conviction that the non‐institutionalisation of multicultural education derives entirely from the ('unwitting') racist attitudes of teachers. Whilst not ignoring teacher attitudes as an explanatory concept in ‘this context I argue in this article that the disparity between LEA multicultural education policies, on the one hand, and school practices on the other should be relocated in a broader analytical framework. The argument proposed hinges on a conception of multicultural education as a ‘progressive’ educational innovation and suggests that many of the processes which conventionally link policies to practices have been routinely overlooked in the current literature on ‘race’. Although this is a provisional article I hope, at the very least, that I have provided evidence to prompt a conjectural case for the argument that the negative racial attitudes of teachers are not the only factors which have the potential to block the diffusion and legitimation of multicultural education principles in UK schools.  相似文献   

This paper advances the analysis of multiculturalism by examining multiculturalism in a contextualized manner. To understand multiculturalism and assess its effects on the recognition of migrant children, researchers need to analyse multicultural practices in schools by taking into account the social mirrors resulting from different social and structural conditions, such as national ideologies and the ethos of reception. The analysis of multicultural policies in four different types of daycare centres enrolling migrant workers’ children in Israel—community, Catholic, municipal, and those supported by private associations—points to three types of contextualized multicultural models: contextualized misrecognition, contextualized recognition, and de‐contextualized recognition. By juxtaposing recognition or misrecognition appearing at the daycare level with legal and ideological social mirrors, multicultural patterns can acquire a different meaning. Municipal daycares with a few migrant children as well as daycares supported by private associations that adopt a ‘blind‐homogenizing’ approach reflect an absence of recognition that is contextualized in the larger society. Community daycares adopting a survival approach, Catholic daycares applying a ‘business as usual’ approach, and municipal daycares enrolling a large number of migrant children adopting a multicultural approach reflect different degrees of cultural and religious recognition. However, when analysed in the larger local or national context, this recognition results in a de‐contextualized recognition that suppresses the beneficial character of the multicultural education provided.  相似文献   

作为一种教育理念,多元文化教育自诞生以来,逐渐成为一场国际运动。国外的多元文化教育无论是在政策法规的制定、学校设置、师资队伍建设,还是在课程设置、教学语言等方面都有其自己的特点。国外的多元文化教育对我国的启示在于:树立多元文化理念;制定相应的政策法规,为多元文化教育提供政策上、法律上的保障;设立多样化的民族学校;加强师资队伍建设,提高教师素质;注重从小教育;设置多元文化课程;实行双语教学等等,以此推动我国多元文化教育更好地发展。  相似文献   

In Finland, Young people’s sexuality education has not been examined from a multicultural perspective, with the exception of a few policy-oriented papers. This paper examines how cultural diversity is addressed in chapters on sexuality and sexuality education in Finnish health education textbooks. The analysis is based on material contained in textbooks used in grades 7–9 and upper secondary schools. Findings suggest that cultural diversity is included in textbooks in one of two ways: either to demonstrate the uniqueness of liberal, emancipated and progressive ‘Finnish’ sexuality; or as a way of distancing Finland and Finnish values from the rest of the world. In these textbooks, culture is understood as belonging to non-Finnish ‘others’ and a culture that itself as not being Finnish. This somewhat tendentious treatment of cultural diversity leaves teachers with limited tools with which to promote anti-discriminatory education. The textbooks also overlook the diverse backgrounds of young people growing up in Finland today.  相似文献   

China’s dramatic economic rise has tended to overshadow other wider perspectives on the developing China and Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) relationship, including in higher education. The article examines contemporary relations between China and ASEAN, set against the longer term development of cultural and trade relations. It is argued that, notwithstanding current territorial disputes, and a history of discrimination against ethnic Chinese in several parts of ASEAN, prospects for a deepening of relations in higher education remain strong. Singapore, Malaysia, and Vietnam are selected as three instances of the developing relationship in higher education and some of the links traced, with the former assessed as best placed to take advantage of its China relations in higher education. The developing sense of regionalism is seen as likely to further enhance China-ASEAN relations in higher education.  相似文献   

Understanding the construction of belonging, and how unbelonging might be troubled, is critical work. For schools in many parts of the world one of the many challenges of globalisation is the task of teaching with, and for, ethnic and cultural diversity. This paper examines the exclusionary practices of teaching that construct ethnic and religious minority students in states of unbelonging. These practices are due, in part, to teachers’ failure to really know their students. Alongside this argument, discourses of belonging in rural schools that speak to possibilities for everyday place-sharing for ethnic and religious minority students are examined. Simple and common moments of mutual recognition and understanding speak to the possibilities for belonging that are opened up in everyday relations of knowing. The implications of these ideas for teachers and teacher education in what is framed as a ‘pedagogy of belonging’ are considered.  相似文献   

Fang Gao 《比较教育学》2010,46(2):207-222
Koreans have been successful in nesting their educational achievement into places like China and the United States, where they have earned the title of ‘model minority’. This research is a comparison of the manner in which the model minority stereotype is handled by Korean Chinese and Korean Americans. The gathered data leads us to argue that ethnic Koreans in China and the US construct a multi‐faceted meaning in reaction to the ‘model minority’ stereotype. The meaning complicates the model minority stereotype through capitalising upon a shared East Asian sense of cultural superiority to other ethnic groups while strongly emphasising its economic marginalisation and limitations. This results in valuing education as a practical means for achieving economic upward mobility or sustaining ethnic culture and identity that is perceived as being unique to Koreans in the two different sociopolitical contexts.  相似文献   

This article examines nation state policies that have prioritized toleration of diversity over recognition through comparative case studies of three junior secondary schools in Botswana. Through data collected in observations, focus groups, interviews and participatory action research, we demonstrate how the schools, which varied in the ethnic composition of their students, teachers and surrounding communities, responded differently to the reality of their multicultural student bodies. Two followed national policies closely, while the third crafted school-level policies adapted to its student population, yet tightly constricted by national policies and curriculum. In all three schools, students of ethnic minority backgrounds experienced varying degrees of shame, discrimination and a sense of exclusion from the nation and found little recourse to discuss and address these experiences within the structures of their schools. We argue that schools could better develop students’ capacity for equal citizenship were they supported by national education policies and curriculum to recognize the cultural, historical and linguistic diversity of Botswana’s ethnic minorities explicitly in schools.  相似文献   

对西北民族地区6个县级行政区605名义务教育教师进行调查后发现:教师的多元文化素养整体上处于中等水平,还有较大提升空间;教师的多元文化态度水平较高,但多元文化知识和能力有所不足;教师的多元文化素养在城乡、职称、是否担任班主任、所学专业、民族背景等方面均存在一定差异。据分析,民族之间的交往交流交融和教师的教育经历与学习状况是导致上述差异的重要原因。基于此,可采取以下措施提升民族地区教师的多元文化素养:创造民族之间实质性接触机会,促进跨文化互动与交往;在教师教育中体现多元文化素养的培养;深化对不同民族学生学习特点和教学的研究;鼓励教师进行民族文化教育资源和校本课程的开发与利用。  相似文献   

民族教育特殊性的表现之一便是民族学校的课程。民族学校的课程除了具有普通学校课程的共性之外,还在民族学校教育中发挥了特殊的职能和作用,对此可以作多维解读。一是从少数民族学生发展的角度而言,民族学校课程发挥了"先行组织者"的职能;二是从"多元文化整合教育"的角度而言,民族地区学校的课程发挥了不同民族学生相互交流中介的职能;三是从民族文化传承的角度而言,民族学校的课程又是民族文化的浓缩和整合的体现。  相似文献   

作为不同地域中的教育现象,美国多元文化教育与我国民族教育在“民族”这一语义上具有了集结点,对其中的诸多问题进行比较具有一定的学术价值。本文就美国多元文化教育理论与我国民族教育理论的相关问题进行比较,认为,其同质处在于各自理论都具有解释性与发展性,异质性表现在:美国多元文化教育理论无论内容还是形式都具有强烈的民间成分,其所由形成者是理念的,比较而言,由于中国民族教育的发展与实践一直是在民族政策的框架内运行的,我国民族教育理论主要是作为对我国民族教育政策的补充而出现的,是解释性的,其实质在于“政策性”,它是中国民族教育政策的释放,其所由形成者,是政策主导的,其路径是自上而下的。  相似文献   

Research concerning children is often presented with only a brief comment on the research methods adopted. This paper takes a ‘behind the scenes’ view and I discuss my adoption of a non-hierarchical ‘least adult role’ adapted from Mandell's work in 1991 to undertake qualitative research in the sensitive area of children's multicultural awareness in two high-proportion minority ethnic schools and two schools with a predominantly white intake. I discuss my approach as a ‘traveller’ rather than a ‘miner’ and the use of jelly beans and Bean Sheet to gauge the children's perceptions of their multicultural awareness. The value placed on the role of the child in the research design and implementation is examined, and I evaluate the advantages and limitations of adopting such child-centred approaches for the teacher researcher.  相似文献   

This study considers the role of teachers’ multicultural awareness in promoting minority students’ ethnic identity by considering the situation in one particular middle school. A case study of a Hani student is presented to show how teachers’ multicultural awareness affects ethnic identity and the academic achievement of minority students. This case study enables the authors to assess the significance and value of teachers’ multicultural awareness as an educational concept. Through the study, the authors point to a need to strengthen multicultural awareness in teachers’ education to meet requirements of cultural diversity. The authors also emphasize that such awareness should be an objective of teacher training.  相似文献   

This article examines the perceptions of education in Turkey, which refer to a nebulous package of formal education and a cultured stance. Guided by the literature on symbolic violence, we argue that underprivileged groups misrecognize arbitrary hierarchies by considering them just and inevitable. Elite tastes have been internalized by other groups in a particular historical context of education and culture. We investigate the historical roots of this seemingly ahistorical constellation of power relations around education and then consider the implications for the neoliberal period. Then, we contextualize the responses to symbolic violence. Subordinate groups complicate the effects of symbolic violence by exhibiting diverse responses that range from outright submission to implicitly questioning cultural and moral boundaries, creating class and ethnic others in the process. This occurs by constructing cultural and moral boundaries, especially targeting the ‘vulgar’ culture of celebrities and Kurds.  相似文献   

文化差异在日益多元化的世界语境中获得了“必然性”的特质。基于文化差异而生的文化冲突,同样具有“必然性”和“不可避免性”。过激的文化冲突会祸及文化所赖以存在的根基——文化背景及其之下的个体。学校文化冲突也有其必然性与不可避免性,但需要一定的缓和机制以减少其危害性。多元文化教育可以为此而做出一种新的尝试。  相似文献   

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