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Latinos represent a large percentage of the immigrant population currently entering the United States. These immigrants may face mental health issues related to their immigration and acculturation experiences, leading to a need for counseling. The authors introduce narrative therapy as an appropriate treatment modality for college‐age Latino students.  相似文献   

This article uses the lens of contemporary visual art as a counternarrative to explore the racialization of immigration in the United States and its relationship to education. Drawing on critical race theory, I argue that today several artists use their artistic practice to intervene strategically in the immigration debates. These artistic interventions are pedagogical because they open spaces for students to address the topic of immigration in both secondary schools and universities. As pedagogical sites, these art practices precipitate debate, dissent, and dialogue about immigration in the United States, generating another avenue for civic engagement, which is a crucial component of democracy.  相似文献   

美国是一个典型的移民国家,可以说没有移民就没有美国。现今随着移民的大量涌入,美国不可避免地出现了许多矛盾。要解决这些矛盾,美国移民政策势必面临改革,移民政策改革受诸多因素的制约。本文结合美国移民政策的历史和实际对现今美国政策移民改革做一简要的探析,今后一段时间移民政策改革面临怎样的形势。  相似文献   

始于20世纪60年代的美国第三次拉美移民潮以墨西哥移民为主体,它具有移民分布集中,历史与语言文化风格独特,规模庞大的特点。拉美移民族群难融于美国主流社会,美利坚文明的聚合力受到了冲击,从而招致美国社会的不满以及政府政策的限制,这引起了美国与拉美有关国家之间的外交摩擦。本文试图对拉美移民潮给美国社会所带来的影响作出客观评价。  相似文献   

Sixty years ago, federal guidelines regarding the instruction of special populations in American public schools were nonexistent. Racial minorities, language minorities, women, the poor, and those with physical and mental disabilities had not been identified as groups that needed special protections. Much has changed since then. Federal legislation that is designed to ensure that all of these groups have access to equal educational opportunities in the United States is now in place. This article examines the evolution of policies surrounding bilingual education to illustrate that the need to ensure the educational opportunities of certain student populations compelled the federal government to become more involved in the governance and oversight of American public education. The implementation of such federal “protection policies” designed to expand educational opportunities for traditionally underserved groups of students ultimately fortified and solidified the federal government's more pronounced role in public education.  相似文献   

Since 1990, Latin American immigrants to the United States have dispersed beyond traditional gateway regions to a number of "new destinations." Both theory and past empirical evidence provide mixed guidance as to whether the children of these immigrants are adversely affected by residing in a nontraditional destination. This study uses administrative public school data to study over 2,800 8- to 18-year-old Hispanic youth in one new destination, North Carolina. Conditional on third-grade socioeconomic indicators, Hispanic youth who arrive by age 9 and remain enrolled in North Carolina public schools close achievement gaps with socioeconomically similar White students by sixth grade and exhibit significantly lower high school dropout rates. Their performance resembles that of first-generation youth in more established immigration gateways.  相似文献   

在移民美国的人群中,最不能被忽视的当属中国移民了。本文将简要地探讨中国移民的历史、其移民的动机及对美国的贡献。  相似文献   

Inclusive education is defined as educating students with disabilities in general education programmes with their non‐disabled peers. In order to create a successful learning environment for all children, general and special educators must be responsive to all students’ needs. Although inclusive education practices were developed over 15 years ago, some educators may be unwilling or unprepared to employ this model. A total of 546 teachers from 54 schools in southern New Jersey in the United States completed surveys to determine whether they displayed the dispositions, knowledge and skills necessary to implement inclusive education. Results of the surveys were analysed to determine whether significant differences in attitude and skill levels exist between special and general educators and the impact of their years of teaching on their readiness for inclusion. The analysis yielded an agreement that children with disabilities profit from interactions with non‐disabled peers. Although special educators appear more knowledgeable of inclusive practices, they are more likely to see the benefit of a segregated environment. Teachers with greater than seven years of experience voiced the continued need for administrative support, planning time and professional development opportunities.  相似文献   

This qualitative research report adopts a critical pedagogy perspective to examine the provision of classroom accommodations for postsecondary students with learning disabilities. Although instructors in the United States are bound to abide by disability rights laws, we also believe instructors can act in ways that allow students to feel comfortable in disclosing their disabilities and in requesting and accessing accommodations for these disabilities. We engaged the voices of 10 university students living with learning disabilities through a series of semi‐structured interviews. These students offered a variety of statements on the ways that their disabilities were accommodated or not by their instructors. We classified these perceptions into three kinds of accommodation perceived by university students with learning disabilities: non‐accommodation, formal accommodation and accommodation for all students. We discuss the implications that these types of accommodations have for pedagogy and offer recommendations for effective techniques for accommodating for all. We hope the voices of these students will serve to enhance communication between students with learning disabilities and their professors.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of embedding special education instruction into preservice general education assessment courses. Participants were teacher candidates in the United States enrolled in a required evaluation and measurement course (n=208). A self-report survey was developed assessing knowledge of and attitudes toward teaching students with learning disabilities. Results indicated that embedded instruction significantly increased teacher candidate's knowledge of inclusion terminology and assessment adaptations (p<.01), and improved confidence levels in meeting the needs of students with learning disabilities improved by 60% over the control group. These results suggest the need to provide faculty in the content area adequate professional development opportunities to ensure that current special education best practices are embedded across the curriculum of teacher candidates.  相似文献   

Transition services are central in preparing youth with disabilities for opportunities in postsecondary education, employment and independent living. The life skills education acquired in school may be the only resources they receive to help them with this transition. With COVID-19, educational systems were interrupted, including the access of students with disabilities to service provision and transition services. This study aimed to investigate the impact of COVID-19 on teachers' transition practices for students with disabilities in the State of Illinois, United States and to identify factors associated with the differences in teachers' practices across eight domains of transition. Results indicated statistical significant differences in transition practices before and during COVID-19 in all eight domains. Gender, Race, School Closings & Type of School did not show significant associations with any of the eight domains. Emotional Disability was found to have a significant association with all eight domains, whereas Intellectual Disability did not show significant association with any of the eight domains. Grade level and teachers' educational level showed significant associations with certain domains. Future investigations into how COVID-19 changed teachers' transition practices for students with disabilities and the long-term impact that these changes will have on students' post-secondary outcomes are needed.  相似文献   

Argumentation, and the production of scientific arguments are critical elements of inquiry that are necessary for helping students become scientifically literate through engaging them in constructing and critiquing ideas. This case study employed a mixed methods research design to examine the development in 5th grade students’ practices of oral and written argumentation from one unit to another over 16 weeks utilizing the science writing heuristic approach. Data sources included five rounds of whole-class discussion focused on group presentations of arguments that occurred over eleven class periods; students’ group writings; interviews with six target students and the teacher; and the researcher’s field notes. The results revealed five salient trends in students’ development of oral and written argumentative practices over time: (1) Students came to use more critique components as they participated in more rounds of whole-class discussion focused on group presentations of arguments; (2) by challenging each other’s arguments, students came to focus on the coherence of the argument and the quality of evidence; (3) students came to use evidence to defend, support, and reject arguments; (4) the quality of students’ writing continuously improved over time; and (5) students connected oral argument skills to written argument skills as they had opportunities to revise their writing after debating and developed awareness of the usefulness of critique from peers. Given the development in oral argumentative practices and the quality of written arguments over time, this study indicates that students’ development of oral and written argumentative practices is positively related to each other. This study suggests that argumentative practices should be framed through both a social and epistemic understanding of argument-utilizing talk and writing as vehicles to create norms of these complex practices.  相似文献   

Curriculum reform in environmental and science education now taking place in Ghana focuses on the community and ecosystems as the context of education. In Ghana, students conduct science investigations that include games, word searches, crossword puzzles, case studies, role play, debates, projects, and ecological profiles. This curriculum reflects an acknowledgement of the effect of conserving and protecting Ghanaian intergenerational knowledge and skills concerning the natural systems, including those of preserving ceremonies, personal expectations, narratives, beliefs, and values. The authors highlight these efforts to counter notions that Ghanaian education is still developing and to contrast the ideologies of seemingly developed educational landscapes in the United States. The authors argue that educational reform in the United States could benefit from an understanding of environmental and science education in seemingly developing nations.  相似文献   

In this article, I show that the intersection between education policy and immigration law in the United States sustains a permanent underclass and reinforces the deliberate disenfranchisement of students without authorized immigration status. I critically analyze the Supreme Court case Plyler s. Doe, and I suggest the DREAM Act as a means for these students to secure a right to rights for economic, social, and political agency. At the heart of the argument is my assertion that domiciled residency ought to ensure these students’ right to educational equity within the United States, from preschool through postsecondary levels. Throughout, I reflect on the amassing group of well-educated students, whose papers are diplomas, and who increasingly make apparent the futility of citizenship status for demarcating possibilities for mobile border crossing—not only territorial borders, but also the walls built up to obstruct class and social border crossings.  相似文献   

移民究竟是福还是祸,美国的学者和民众对此一直众说纷纭,莫衷一是,但没人可以否认移民对于美国社会的影响。同样,由美国移民衍生出来的问题我们也可以考虑一下中国的民工问题。  相似文献   

Wikis have the potential to change learning environments from traditional knowledge transmission models to knowledge transformative ones where students generate, share, and reshape knowledge. In this three-part study, graduate students created wikibooks across institutional settings. One of these projects extended to universities in China, Taiwan, Malaysia, and the United States, whereas the other two involved two universities in the United States. The degree of scaffolding and other support varied in each project. At the end of each study, students were surveyed about their wikibook efforts. In addition, instructors across the institutions were interviewed about the obstacles they faced as well the opportunities. Based on these results, more than two dozen cross-institutional wikibook issues are organized into five key themes: (1) instructional issues; (2) collaboration issues; (3) technology issues; (4) constructivism and sense of community issues; and (5) wikibook issues. Several recommendations are offered related to the use of wikibooks in the classroom as a transformational learning tool.  相似文献   

This three‐wave longitudinal study of 173 Latino adolescents (= 16.16 years, SD = 0.65) is designed to understand the role of discrimination‐related stress in mental health trajectories during middle to late adolescence with attention to differences due to immigration status. The results of the growth curve analysis showed that anxious‐depressed, withdrawn‐depressed, and somatic complaints significantly decreased over time. Furthermore, although discrimination‐related stress was found to be significantly related to the trajectories of three types of mental health symptoms, the results revealed that immigration status moderated these relations such that discrimination‐related stress was significantly related to these outcomes for Latino youth whose parents were born in the United States, while this relation was not significant for Latino children of immigrants.  相似文献   

This qualitative case study examined the influence of the social support provided by attendance at ethnic senior schools on the psychological well-being of older Korean immigrants with limited skills in English, driving, and the use of public transportation. This study also sought to understand how older Korean immigrants' religion helped them to deal with the psychological stress resulting from living in the United States. Ten older Korean immigrants attending the same ethnic senior school were chosen for the study. Ethnic senior schools provide participants with opportunities to leave the house, to meet friends who can provide emotional support, and to have self-enhancement experiences. The participants' religion enabled them to appreciate their current situations, to feel protected and guided, and to serve others voluntarily. The results highlight the importance of older immigrants' attending senior schools as well as the importance of their religion in dealing with the psychological distress associated with immigration.  相似文献   

美国是个移民之邦,从1607年至今已融合了100多个民族成份,种族之杂糅位居世界之最。面对滚滚而来的移民大潮,美国政府在不同的历史背景、不同的社会条件以及其他诸多因素影响之下采取了不尽相同的移民政策。本文拟从美国移民现象入手,考察其移民政策在不同时期的更替文化,透视移民政策变化的动因,探索这种现象给我们带来的思考和启示。  相似文献   

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