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为使新装备尽快形成战斗力,用新装备新训法组织好新型舰艇的部门训练,分析了影响新型舰艇战斗力形成的原因和阻碍训练水平提高的因素,通过训练实践,提出了抓好新型舰艇部门的训练方法,优化新装备的训练方式。对新型舰艇和有新装备的老舰艇的训练有参考价值。  相似文献   

邵松平 《林区教学》2009,(11):102-103
在素质教育飞速发展的今天,如何解决学生身体素质普遍处于低水平状态与体育运动训练需求高水平运动员之间的矛盾已经成为亟待解决的问题。从青少年的身体特征、心理特征、运动技术及身体机能稳定性等方面进行分析、探讨,形成一套青少年中长跑运动员选材、训练的最佳方案,为学校体育运动训练服务。  相似文献   

运动与运动性蛋白尿   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
讨论了运动训练对肾脏功能的影响,即运动性蛋白尿的影响因素及蛋白尿的形成机制,同时,论述了蛋白质尿等指标在运动实践中的应用。  相似文献   

对高校学生足球运动员赛前焦虑状态的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过对大学生业余足球运动员赛前焦虑状态的研究,探讨了运动员赛前焦虑状态对运动技战术水平发挥及比赛成绩的影响;揭示了与足球运动员焦虑状态相关的因素;旨在为足球运动员的心理训练和赛前心理状态调整提供一些借鉴。  相似文献   

杨伟 《甘肃高师学报》2001,6(2):119-120
高校足球队训练是一个系统工程,涉及因素很多,足球技术训练是核心中的核心. 在技术训练过程中,首先要突出一个“准”字;二是抓好技术的组合训练;三是抓好技术的对抗训练,练就硬功夫;四是抓好特长技术训练,形成绝招;五是提高其应变能力适应比赛;六是指出明确的量化指标以提高科学性与训练质量.  相似文献   

在业余田径运动员训练中,制约田径运动员全年训练分期的因素有竞技状态形成、发展和保持规律,人体的适应性规律,生理、心理特点,不同项目的特点,运动技术水平差异,在校学习和活动规律,运动员承担的比赛任务七个方面,而不同训练周期结构安排又各不相同。  相似文献   

根据篮球运动竞赛的特征及影响爆发力的因素,从运动生物化学、运动生理学、运动训练学等方面,讨论了青少年篮球运动员爆发力的生理依据及训练内容、方法、手段、负荷强度和训练要求。  相似文献   

音乐听觉训练中影响学生学习的因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
听觉训练的学习方法不当 ,以及学习中的一些主、客观原因的影响 ,限制了学生学习音乐的主动性与创造性 ,制约了学生音乐听觉能力的发展和对音乐的表现力及创造力形成 ,影响了学生整体素质的提高。培养听觉训练的主动性、加强音乐理论课学习、理论联系实际、改变被动状态和注重学习方法 ,变被动因素为积极因素 ,促进学生发展。  相似文献   

青少年短跑运动员赛前心理障碍所表现出来的心理活动特征为过于兴奋和兴奋不足,这两种心理状态是由主观,客观两方面的诸多因素造成的,要克服青少年短跑运动员赛前心理障碍,就必须对他们进行适当的心理训练:1.恢复性的心理训练;2.消除紧张情绪的心理训练;3.增强自信心的心理训练。  相似文献   

影响篮球投篮命中率的因素很多,比如投篮技术、投篮时机、身体素质及心理状态等.在一场激烈的比赛中,运动员要较长时间地承受各种不同的心理刺激,从而要求运动员要善于调整、控制自己在比赛中的心理状态,才能保持较高的投篮命中率,这就要在平时的训练中找出影响投篮命中率的心理因素,并制定相应的心理训练方案,最终达到提高投篮命中率的目的.  相似文献   

根据我国职业教育发展对职教师资的迫切需求和国家职业教育改革创新示范区引领示范作用的要求,以天津职业技术师范大学为例,围绕提高人才培养质量,介绍了学校开展免费中职师范生培养、实施卓越职教师资培养计划、构建"双导师、双基地、双证书"研究生培养新模式等创新职教师资培养机制的经验和做法。  相似文献   

随着经济时代的到来,企业员工素质成为我国民营企业在市场上立足的第一资本,对员工培训显得相当重要,但目前我国民营企业员工培训仍然存在培训观念近视,资金不足,经验欠缺以及员工对培训认识不足等问题。结合我国民营企业的特点,提出我国民营企业培训的模式组合:“AA付费制与自助餐制”相结合模式。从培训内容、培训流程、培训模式选择三方面对这一培训模式进行论述。  相似文献   

歌唱的心理训练对歌唱艺术产生着极大的影响,它对于歌唱者在演唱比赛时获得良好的心理状态进而获得最佳歌唱状态,起着关键作用。本文将就:一、歌唱的心理状态;二、歌唱的心理训练;三、歌唱训练是时代的要求来阐述。  相似文献   

罚球是篮球比赛中主要得分手段。基于此,提出了模拟训练和心理控制训练的方法,认为有针对性地加强心理训练和自我控制训练,是提高罚球命中率的有效途径。  相似文献   

在社会转型的不同历史时期,我国从宏观层面不断出台传媒业培训政策,以适应市场经济发展的需要。一些传媒单位没有意识到培训的意义,存在“传媒员工高学历无需培训”等一些认识的误区,员工缺乏有效的培训。我国传媒业界应当充分认识到培训的重要作用,科学规划、合理制定人才培训与开发的战略计划,采取岗前培训、在岗培训与脱产培训等多种形式,采用培训班、讲座、集体研讨、案例教学、角色扮演等多种方法。完善培训考核制度,妥善处理培训后传媒员工与传媒组织二者利益上的冲突。  相似文献   

The role of incentive learning in instrumental performance following a shift in the degree of water deprivation was analyzed in three experiments. In Experiments 1A and IB, rats trained to perform an instrumental action reinforced with either sucrose or maltodextrin solutions when in a high-deprivation state were subsequently shifted to a low-deprivation state and tested in extinction. This within-state shift in water deprivation reduced instrumental performance only when the animals had been exposed to the reinforcer in the low-deprivation state prior to instrumental training. In Experiment 2, a concurrent training procedure was used to assess whether the change in the value of the reinforcer brought about by preexposurewas mediated by the contingency between the instrumental action and the reinforcer. Preexposure to the reinforcer under the low-deprivation state produced a selective reduction of the performance of the action upon which it was contingent during training when testing was conducted in extinction following a shift from the high- to the low-deprivation state. These experiments provide evidence that animals have to learn about the incentive value of a reinforcer in a particular motivational state through exposure to the reinforcer in that state.  相似文献   

为了解决乡村教师的发展问题,美国联邦政府、州政府、高校和社会组织等多方协作,发挥了重要作用。联邦政府通过制定教育法案,为教师培训提供了宏观支持,并组织实施了多种项目和计划。州政府根据乡村地区教育实际,采用多样形式推行教师培训计划。高校深度介入乡村教师培训,解决关键问题,促进乡村教师的长远发展。社会组织为乡村教师培训提供了外部支持,减轻了乡村教师的发展压力。美国乡村教师培训的经验为我国提供了有益借鉴和启示。  相似文献   

运动员的运动能力和脂类、蛋白质的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着现代科学技术的突飞猛进和体育事业的日益发展,营养在体育运动中的作用和地位越来越受到人们的关注,由于运动员在训练和比赛中消耗能量较多,只有给予及时补充,才能满足正常需要,因此,合理的营养补充对运动员来说,是提高运动成绩,增强体力快速恢复,以取得良好运动训练效果的物质保证;脂肪、蛋白质在运动训练时起着重要的供能作用,它是运动员保持最佳身体和竞技状态的物质基础,对运动成绩有直接的影响;根据多年训练实践,就运动员的运动能力与脂类、蛋白质的相互关系进行探讨,以便为运动员在训练和比赛后的快速恢复及保持竞技状态进行合理营养补充和膳食安排。  相似文献   

Hungry rats were trained to press a lever for food pellets prior to an assessment of the effect of a shift in their motivational state on instrumental performance in extinction. The first study replicated the finding that a reduction in the level of food deprivation has no detectable effect on extinction performance unless the animals receive prior experience with the food pellets in the nondeprived state (Balleine, 1992; Balleine & Dickinson, 1994). When tested in the nondeprived state, only animals that were reexposed to the food pellets in this state between training and testing showed a reduction in the level of pressing during the extinction test relative to animals tested in the deprived state. The magnitude of this reexposure effect depended, however, on the amount of instrumental training. Following more extended instrumental training, extinction performance was unaffected by reexposure to the food pellets in the nondeprived state whether or not the animals were food deprived at the time of testing. A second study demonstrated that the resistance to the reexposure treatment engendered by overtraining was due to the animals’ increased experience of the food pellets in the deprived state during training rather than to the more extensive exposure to the instrumental contingency. In contrast to the results of the first two experiments, however, a reliable reexposure effect was detected after overtraining in a final study, in which the animals were given greater reexposure to the food pellets in the nondeprived state.  相似文献   

This paper argues that changes at all levels of education and training (i.e., learning) policy exemplify a new capitalist state formation. This has been aptly named by US political scientist Philip Bobbitt (2002) ‘the new market‐state’, particularly with reference to its administration or ‘governance’. It can be seen especially in the governance of education and training where a new centralized system of contracting or devolving provision to ‘non‐governmental agencies’ has all but replaced the previous ‘national system locally administered’ (Ainley, ). The latter typified the administration of the classic post‐war welfare state, which Bobbitt calls the ‘nation‐state’. Like the former welfare state, the new ‘market‐state’ is also a capitalist state and, therefore, also the means to rule for a persisting capitalist ruling class (Roberts, , pp. 169–192). The new state formation is, however, as different as the former welfare state was in turn from pre‐war capitalist state forms in England. This is particularly clear when the new ‘settlement’ of education and training, imposed by the 1988 Education and 1992 Further and Higher Education Acts, is contrasted with the former welfare state ‘settlement’ established by the 1944 Education Act. In conclusion, implications for opposition to the ‘new market‐state’ are discussed.  相似文献   

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