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当今世界足坛上,偶像派球星非罗伯特·巴乔莫数。中国足坛的偶像派球星有两位,都是守门员——前有傅玉彬,后有区楚良。 自李富胜之后,中国的国门改了规矩,矮个子当家。傅玉彬1.78米,区楚良1.80米。  相似文献   

大运动量训练之后,守门员区楚良并没有因为疲惫而拒绝我的采访,当他比约好的时间晚了两分钟到来时,他连声说着“对不起”。 记者:你记得这是第几次应征进入国家队吗? 区楚良:太多次了。但作为一名球员,我觉得参加国家队训练每一次都很光荣,很有意义,因为一个运动员的最高目标就是代表国家队出战。经过自己的努力我终于又一次加入到国家队的阵容中来,我很珍惜这个机会。 记者:目前国家队在主力守门员这个位置上人员似乎不太固定……  相似文献   

世界杯外围赛中国足球队亮出的究竟是不是当今的最佳阵容,很多人保留着自己的看法。笔者无意与持不同意见者争论,只想做一件看似意义有限的事情——将中国队80年代以来历次冲击世界杯赛的主力阵容人选排排队,或许不失为掂量现役国家队基本实力的一种方法。 守门员——区楚良在身材、气质、技术风格等方面,与昔日的李富胜、路建人、徐搜属于同一类型,稳重、细腻,很少突发奇想和神来之作,给人以老老实实的印象。但是,守门员要通过自己的杰作创造决定胜负的奇迹,非得有些灵气才行。在这方面,还是傅玉斌最强。  相似文献   

(严格地讲,这是一段“旧录音”,一直存在记者的磁带里,快隔了一年才放给各位,抱歉。不过,会有机会再直播小区的近况,请诸位等待。) 麦克(以下简称麦):很高兴在海埂采访你。 区楚良(以下简称区):谢谢。 麦:这些日子海埂成了“田径场”,大家都忙着体能测试前的准备,你看上去倒很轻松的。 区:你大概忘了—— 麦:什么? E:守门员不测试12分钟跑和折返跑。 麦:从小开始蹋球就干守门员吧!  相似文献   

这期介绍《守门员技术》。 守门员技术同上述各项技术相比较有其特殊性,即他的大部分技术动作都是通过手来完成的。在众多的足球技术书中,守门员技术都是作为专门章节来论述的。为了方便初学者学习,在本期里我们将守门员技术作为基本技术来做一简要介绍。 一、守门员在比赛中的作用 守门员处于全队的最后一道防线上,他的主要任务就是把守住球门,不让对方踢进球。由于守门员的位置在全队最后,便于观察场上情况,因此守门员有时还应当成为全队防守的组织者(如对方罚任意球、角球等时)。守门员在接获对方射来的球后,又要及时传给有利于发动进攻的同伴,这时守门员又成为全队进攻的发动者。  相似文献   

朱莉珍 《安徽体育科技》2006,27(3):36-37,42
“一个守门员半个队”,手球守门员作为比赛场上的最后一道防线,其技术水平发挥的好坏直接影响到比赛的结果,在守门员诸多的技术环节中,防边锋射门的技术占据着重要的地位,而其成功率的高低,守门员的心理素质起着关键因素,因为其将直接影响到守门员技术水平的发挥。  相似文献   

四、守门员的技术训练和要求下面讲解一下初级、中级和高级守门员需要掌握的基本技术和能力.不是每个守门员都符合下面要讲的要求.很多守门员存在某些弱点,还有一些守门员在某些方面要比其它方面强得多.因而发现运动员之间的差异并确定每个守门员应怎样训练才能迅速提高水平就成为教练的责任.(一)初级守门员  相似文献   

李飚 《游泳》2002,(6):6-6
水球守门员的技术要求是规范、精确,训练水球守门员要以本人的身材、技术特点为主,再加以连贯的组合动作,要求在移动中连贯、连续地完成守门技术,在不同的时间内,以多数量、高质量、高强度的训练来提高守门员的技术,最终达到取胜的目的。水球守门员在比赛中往往起着决定性的作用,他既是防守的最后一关,又是本队进攻的发起点之一。在水球比赛中,守门员的范围是有限的。目前的比赛规则已经把守门员的活动范围扩大到本方的半场区内,但得分的前提是不可过中场,不能直接参与进攻,守门员绝大部分时间不会离开球门,对于守门员来讲,守…  相似文献   

主要运用观察和统计归纳的方法,对中国队参加第17届世界杯足球赛决赛阶段比赛的守门员位置防守技术运用情况进行分析。结果表明,判断选位与反应能力的不足,导致中国队守门员防射门技术运用失误增多,防守的成功率降低;比赛中中国队守门员把握出击的能力低,出击欠灵巧机变,强对抗条件下难以有效发挥位置防守优势,守门员技术稳定是心理稳定的体现,训练实践中既要加强守门员意识引导,更要加强守门员意志的培养,努力改变比赛中守门员技术不过硬的现状。  相似文献   

冰球守门员在比赛中的表现对整个比赛的胜负具有决定性的作用.通过文献资料法对冰球守门员的防守能力进行研究、分析,结果表明:影响冰球守门员防守能力的因素有身体素质、专项技术、赛场意识和心理素质,并提出加强守门员身体素质训练、提高专项基础技术、强化赛场意识和增强心理素质等提高冰球守门员防守能力的有效措施,为提高冰球运动整体水平提供理论支持  相似文献   


The keeper-independent strategy, in which a football penalty kicker selects a target location in advance and ignores the goalkeeper's actions during the run-up, has been suggested to be the preferable strategy for taking a penalty kick. The current in-field experiment investigated the question of whether the goalkeeper can indeed be ignored. Ten intermediate-level football players were instructed to adopt a goalkeeper-independent strategy and to perform penalty kicks directed at one of two targets located in the upper corners of the goal under three conditions: without a goalkeeper, in the presence of a goalkeeper (who tried to save the ball), and in the presence of a goalkeeper who was informed by the penalty kickers where they intended to direct the ball. The mere presence of a goalkeeper impaired shot accuracy. The shots were more centralised, that is, biased toward the goalkeeper. The effects were enhanced for the condition in which the penalty kicker knew the goalkeeper was knowledgeable about ball direction. The findings were consistent with the response activation model that holds that aiming at a target can be biased toward salient visual non-targets. The implications for adopting and practising goalkeeper-independent strategies are discussed.  相似文献   

足球守门员在防守点球运动情境中眼动特征的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用美国应用科学实验室(ASL)生产的504型眼动仪,以10名专业足球守门员和10名大学生足球守门员为被试,以防守点球为运动情境片段,对专业守门员的眼动特征进行实验性研究,比较两组守门员的眼动实验结果,探讨守门员在防守点球时眼动特征对决策准确性的影响.实验结果表明:1)在防守点球情境中,专业守门员与大学生守门员的眼动特征存在明显差异;2)专业守门员采用了相对合理的视觉搜索策略,注视点集中,注视分配主次明显,注视轨迹简单、实用,信息实效性更强;3)罚球运动员的支撑脚、摆动腿、脚触球是决定射门方向的主要观察点.在防守时,重点注视这三个区域,结合临场经验做出分析判断,可有效提高防守点球成功率;4)运动水平和临场经验对准确做出防守决策至关重要,运动水平越高,临场经验越丰富,防守决策准确率越高.  相似文献   

Sport scientists have devoted relatively little attention to soccer penalty kicks, despite their decisive role in important competitions such as the World Cup. Two possible kicker strategies have been described: ignoring the goalkeeper action (open loop) or trying to react to the goalkeeper action (closed loop). We used a paradigm simulating a penalty kick in the laboratory to investigate the dynamics of the closed-loop strategy in these controlled conditions. The probability of correctly responding to the simulated goalkeeper motion as a function of time available followed a logistic curve. Kickers on average reached perfect performance only if the goalkeeper committed him or herself to one side about 400 ms before ball contact and showed chance performance if the goalkeeper motion occurred less than 150 ms before ball contact. Interestingly, coincidence judgement?-?another aspect of the laboratory responses?-?appeared to be affected for a much longer time (>500 ms) than was needed to correctly determine laterality. The present study is meant as groundwork for experiments in more ecological conditions applicable to kickers and goalkeepers.  相似文献   


The football goalkeeper position arguably represents a unique role within the team sport. Despite its highly complex skill demands, research on football goalkeeping has only sporadically examined the position within isolated and limited parameters. In particular, there is limited literature on “modern” skill acquisition training methods and approaches within the field of goalkeeper training. In a cross-cultural study with fifteen expert goalkeeper coaches, researchers here examined the overarching research question of “how does the modern football goalkeeper train?”. Semi-structured interviews explored expert coaches’ views on critical skills for performance in goalkeeping and the training approaches used to develop these critical skills. Results indicate that four skill sets are considered essential by goalkeeper coaches, these are: decision-making skills, athleticism, mentality, and technical skills. In terms of developing these skills in goalkeeper-specific training, the majority of expert coaches apply a similar microstructure to training sessions. This structure involves a steady progression from simple to complex training tasks, where for large parts, isolated technical training appears to be prioritised over a holistic training approach that integrates technical skills and perceptual-cognitive components (e.g., decision making). Scientific and practical recommendations for researchers and practitioners in the field of football goalkeeper coaching are provided.  相似文献   

李民 《冰雪运动》2013,(2):31-34
守门员在冰球运动中具有核心的作用,守门员比赛中心理变化情况往往决定了整支冰球队在场上的表现,对比赛成绩具有决定性的影响。提高守门员的心理素质是保证守门员在比赛中能正常或超常发挥运动技能的前提条件,也是完善冰球运动训练体系,增强运动员临场表现的必要途径。从改善守门员心理承压能力,保持高度注意力,提高应变反应速度,控制比赛情绪等几个方面论述了心理训练对冰球守门员的重要价值。提出冰球守门员心理训练模式构建中应注意个体差异与理论认知的水平,遵循循序渐进的训练理念,要有针对性地对守门员施以心理影响;并从培养教练掌握基础的心理知识与方法入手,坚持长期心理训练与短期心理训练相结合、多种心理训练手段相结合构建冰球守门员心理训练模式。  相似文献   

The goalkeeper’s difficulty in the soccer penalty kick originates from the extreme spatiotemporal constraints of the situation. The present review claims that the current understanding is biased toward attributing a goalkeeper’s success in saving a penalty kick to perceptual–cognitive skill. To investigate the goalkeeper’s skill, researchers have often adopted video tasks. In doing so, they studied perceptual skill in isolation from action. We use affordance-based control theory to propose an alternative understanding and research methodology. We argue that goalkeepers in the penalty kick situation should regulate their actions in ways that sustain the perception of stoppability. To capture this, we outline the building blocks for a required lateral velocity model, in which the goalkeepers’ required actions are scaled to their maximum capabilities. In doing so, we provide new directions for research.  相似文献   

Sport scientists have devoted relatively little attention to soccer penalty kicks, despite their decisive role in important competitions such as the World Cup. Two possible kicker strategies have been described: ignoring the goalkeeper action (open loop) or trying to react to the goalkeeper action (closed loop). We used a paradigm simulating a penalty kick in the laboratory to investigate the dynamics of the closed-loop strategy in these controlled conditions. The probability of correctly responding to the simulated goalkeeper motion as a function of time available followed a logistic curve. Kickers on average reached perfect performance only if the goalkeeper committed him or herself to one side about 400 ms before ball contact and showed chance performance if the goalkeeper motion occurred less than 150 ms before ball contact. Interestingly, coincidence judgement--another aspect of the laboratory responses--appeared to be affected for a much longer time (> 500 ms) than was needed to correctly determine laterality. The present study is meant as groundwork for experiments in more ecological conditions applicable to kickers and goalkeepers.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to identify the importance and meaning of goals using the goalkeeper as an outfield player in elite futsal according to critical and situational variables. The sample consisted of 11,446 actions corresponding to 1,325 matches from the 1st division Spanish Futsal League during the seasons from 2010 to 2015. Multinomial logistic regression and classification tree multivariate models were used to identify the best predictor variables related to the likelihood of scoring goals, receiving goals, or no goals. Results from Multinomial logistic regression emphasised goals scored in balanced matches and playing with the goalkeeper as an outfield player before the last eight minutes. When the teams were drawing or losing, finished with goals received or without goals. The classification tree results identified a greater likelihood of scoring goals when the teams were winning, in balanced matches, and within the last eight minutes. Conversely, a greater likelihood of suffering goals was observed using the goalkeeper as an outfield player when the teams were losing, in unbalanced matches and in the last eight minutes. The identified trends will allow futsal coaches to recognise the most suitable situations for achieving efficacy when using the goalkeeper as an outfield player strategy.  相似文献   

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