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在计划经济体制下,我们主要依靠行政命令等方式和方法实施领导,这种体制及其领导方式和方法都有其局限性。随着计划经济向社会主义市场经济体制转变,必然要求领导方式和领导方法的转变和创新。创新领导方式和领导方法,有其理论根据和事实根据。创新领导方式和领导方法,必须实现几个转变:变“一言堂”随意型为法制型;变封闭型为开放型;变强迫型为自主型;变单一型为多样型。要充分认识领导方式和领导方法创新的主客观条件。以辨证思维看待领导方式和领导方法创新的主要内容,包括几个统一:管住和放开相统一;法治和德治相统一;精确和模糊相统一。  相似文献   

高校依法自主办学的领导模式缺陷及修正思路   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国高校现行的领导模式是在计划经济体制下形成并体现计划经济特征的领导方式,其精神意蕴与高校依法自主办学的逻辑有颇多差异,应该随着高校办学模式的变化进行相应的转变。其转变的主要内容应该是与高校依法自主办学模式相一致的现代大学制度的建构及决策专业化活动的实施。  相似文献   

进一步改进领导方式和领导方法,是当前加强党的建设,做好各项工作面临的一个重大课题。实现领导领导方式和方法的创新,领导观念的更新是前提,观察、处理事物的眼光转变是关键,求真务实是途径,与先进技术、管理手段融合是标志。  相似文献   

路阳 《湖北教育》2014,(2):38-39
“十二五”规划《建议》提出“以科学发展为主题,以转变经济发展方式为主线”的发展战略,是时代的要求,是推动科学发展的必由之路。实现这一伟大转变的关键是创新领导思维,转变领导方式。科学的思维方式是领导工作的灵魂,它为领导者提供新的思维视角,广阔的思维空间和新的决策思路。转变经济发展方式呼唤着领导思维创新,要求领导思维必须具有全局性、辩证性、前瞻性和创造性。领导思维创新的基本思路是从封闭走向开放,从静态走向动态,从一维走向多维。  相似文献   

领导艺术的水平与社会治理目标的实现密切相关。治理理念下的领导艺术包含领导方法上的时效性和创造力,具有综合性、灵活性和创造性的特征,表现为调研与策划的统一、决策与执行的统一、把握时机与因势利导的统一、知人善任与换位思考的统一。另外,树立正确的领导观与增强执行力是提升领导艺术水平的理论和实践基础;内外兼修是提升领导艺术水平主要方法;而适度是提升领导艺术水平的基本原则。  相似文献   

从领导文化上全面提升领导科学发展的能力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
领导文化是文化在领导领域的特殊表现,是领导价值观、领导思维方式和领导行为模式的规律性文化现象。领导文化渗透在领导素质能力之中,是实现科学领导的重要因素,是提高领导科学发展能力的力量源泉和精神支撑。加快经济发展方式转变,推动科学发展,促进社会和谐,必须从领导文化上进一步提高领导科学发展的能力。领导者应从坚持以人为本的价值文化、从培育变革型创新文化、从树立以用为本的人才文化、从强化以章治事的制度文化、从创造型执行文化等方面,提高领导科学发展的谋划能力、决策能力、组织能力、引导能力和执行能力。  相似文献   

从理念的双重意义出发,整合教育领域领导类型的转变和课程领域研究范式的变革两方面的观点,提炼出课程领导的理念:1.课程领导在本质上是课程实践的一种方式,是运用领导的理论、方法、策略与行为来完成课程范畴内的任务;2.课程领导是基于道德权威的革新的领导;3.课程领导者多元化。  相似文献   

课程领导理念探微   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
郑东辉  施莉 《教师教育研究》2006,18(2):61-65,75
从理念的双重意义出发,整合教育领域领导类型的转变和课程领域研究范式的变革两方面的观点,提炼出课程领导的理念:1.课程领导在本质上是课程实践的一种方式,是运用领导的理论、方法、策略与行为来完成课程范畴内的任务;2.课程领导是基于道德权威的革新的领导;3.课程领导者多元化。  相似文献   

覃志航 《广西教育》2010,(21):57-58
本文对领导的概念涵义进行了探讨,指出几种主要的领导方式,并提出领导者应具备的基本素质,要求领导者具有以下几种领导艺术:授权艺术、用人艺术、处事艺术、运时艺术。  相似文献   

分布式领导理论作为当前一种流行的教育理论,对西方教育领导与学校管理产生了巨大的影响,对完善我国高等教育领导体制机制有诸多借鉴意义.文章从梳理分布式领导理论的产生背景和主要理念入手,在分析我国高校领导模式现状的基础上,提出从转变传统领导理念、培育新型组织文化、塑造权力共享环境、构建全员领导模式等维度切入,不断优化高校领导模式,提升高校领导力,推进高等教育强国进程.  相似文献   

实现党的领导方式的现代化是国际国内形势发生变化的必然要求,是政党发展普遍规律的客观要求,也是世界社会主义运动给我们带来的深刻启示。党的领导方式现代化的科学内涵表现为:思维方式的现代化,领导决策的科学化,领导方式的民主化,领导方式的法制化。要实现党的领导方式的现代化,就必须进一步完善党内民主机制,改革"议行合一"的党委领导体制,着力解决好党对人大、政府、政协的领导机制问题,进一步完善共产党领导的多党合作和政治协商制度。  相似文献   

When preparing TPACK ready teacher candidates, faculty must incorporate and model TPACK within the teacher education curriculum, which often requires an ongoing change process. But for change to take place we must consider the role leadership plays in the innovation of change. Leaders, deans and department heads must be an integral part of this process. The challenge for innovation, change and education technology leaders is to transform teacher preparation programs into fully realized TPACK environments and determine the necessary learning opportunities and support necessary to motivate college leaders and faculty to fully embrace the change process. This article outlines a collaborative ongoing process and blueprint that leaders should consider as they make plans for the effective integration of TPACK into their colleges. “Tomorrow’s teachers must be prepared to rethink, unlearn and relearn, change, revise, and adapt” (Niess, 2008, p.225). Leaders, deans and department heads must be an integral part of this process if it is to be successful. While technology can support changes in how teacher educators teach and future teachers learn to teach (Dilworth et al., 2012), teaching with technology is a “wicked problem” in that it has “incomplete, contradictory and changing requirements” (Koehler & Mishra, 2008, p.10). New and innovative ways of confronting this complexity must address core knowledge base components that include content, pedagogy, and technology. These components have been used as the foundation for a technology , pedagogy , and content knowledge (TPACK) framework known as technological pedagogical content knowledge, or TPCK (AACTE, 2008; Koehler & Mishra, 2008; Mishra & Koehler, 2006; Pierson, 1999). But what is the role of leaders where TPACK based processes are being implemented in university teacher preparation programs? Educational technology leaders often approach models for teacher preparation in collectives that examine them iteratively. The 2012 National Technology Leadership Summit brought together the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE) and its Innovation and Technology Committee. Representatives from college administrations met and examined leadership issues facing deans, directors and chairs as they work to support college-wide change facilitating faculty and teacher candidates in the task of becoming TPACK proficient. This work built upon a CITE (Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education) journal editorial focused on initial conversations around leadership needs for effective TPACK implementation (Dexter, Herring, & Thomas, 2012). A presentation at AACTE 2013 extended this work with teacher preparation and education technology leaders sharing “what worked” in their colleges around these processes. A panel presentation at the 2013 Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE) Conference also shared insights into a blueprint for key areas that leaders should consider as they make plans for the effective integration of TPACK into their colleges as well as several implementation case studies. This article compiles this iterative work from a leadership perspective. While the challenge is to transform teacher preparation programs into fully realized TPACK environments, leadership becomes the key in developing new ways of confronting this complex issue that must address core knowledge base components inclusive of content, pedagogy and technology. To accomplish this task, faculty are faced with incorporating modeling these ideas within a teacher education curriculum in concert with ongoing change processes. A solid understanding of the interactions of these components can result in effective teaching with technology in varied and diverse settings; but the critical role of leadership in making such changes must first be considered. The critical features of a blueprint for leaders is based upon the work of Leithwood and colleagues’ framework comprised of three key leadership functions associated with improved student outcomes (Day, Sammons, Leithwood, Kington, 2008; Leithwood, Harris & Hopkins, 2008; Leithwood & Jantzi, 2008; Leithwood & Riehl, 2003). The three major component of the Leithwood transformational leadership model are: (1) Building vision and setting direction (2) Developing people through understanding people and (3) Developing the organization through redesigning it. Leithwood, Begley and Cousins (1994) define transformational leadership as follows: The term ‘transform’ implies major changes in the form, nature, function and/or potential of some phenomenon; applied to leadership, it specifies general ends to be pursued although it is largely mute with respect to means. From this beginning, we consider the central purpose of transformational leadership to be the enhancement of the individual and collective problem-solving capacities of organizational members; such capacities are exercised in the identification of goals to be achieved and practices to be used in their achievement (p. 7). Transformational leaders can create significant change in both followers and the organization with which they are associated (Griffin, 2003). Transformational leaders also find common ground that allows them to enlist followers in processes of change. Fullan (2010) finds that for true reform to take place, resolute leadership that remains focused is critical when new ideas encounter serious difficulty, thereby sustaining and building on success. To achieve this task and create significant change, transformational education leaders realize that true technology integration means understanding and negotiating the relationships between the three components of knowledge and going beyond a “business” organizational model to create change in teacher preparation programs. Too often organizations start down the road to change without being clear on key factors that influence the outcomes of the initiative. Deans and educational leaders must develop a model for change based upon both the organizational culture and the environments they need a set of resources to help and guide them to integrate a framework like TPACK. Through ongoing collaboration and discussion the focus has been around the development of a leadership module which would help leaders establish a vision and set a direction for addressing TPACK. The purpose of a leadership module would be to provide Deans and other educational leaders with the tools they need for full-scale implementation and motivate them to redesign their programs while continuing to improve and sustain a developing / changing curriculum.  相似文献   

高等学校加强党员干部监督是保证党对高等学校领导的需要,是为学校改革和发展服务的需要,是建设高质量社会主义大学的需要。本文论述了高校党员干部监督的主要领域和内容,并提出了实施监督的有效途径。  相似文献   

新闻媒体在建设和谐文化的重大战略任务中,具有开路先锋作用.在建设和谐文化中,新闻媒体必须坚持正确的舆论导向;必须唱响聚精会神搞建设、一心一意谋发展的时代主旋律;必须广泛宣传社会主义核心价值体系的基本内容;必须善于调动积极因素,激发创造活力;必须弘扬社会正气,维护社会稳定,保障公平正义;必须宣传和平发展,展示良好形象.  相似文献   

“健康第一”的体育教育思想和体育学习的实践性确立了教学中学生的主体地位,在高校体育教学中必须改变传统的体育教学观念,以学生为主体构建新的体育教学体系,创建多样化的创新体育教学方法,建立完善的体育锻炼评估体系。  相似文献   

阐述了依法治国是实现党的领导的途径,从历史和现实两个方面进行分析,指出党的领导是依法治闰的前提和保障:从依法治国的客观要求去分析,认为依法治国对党的领导具有规范和制约作用。  相似文献   

江泽民"七一"重要讲话,全面、深刻地阐述了"三个代表"的重要思想,是新世纪党的建设的纲领性交流.在高等学校,要落实江泽民"三个代表"的重要思想,一项十分重要的工作就是要加强干部队伍建设.这是贯彻党的教育方针,坚持社会主义办学方向,落实科教兴国战略,促进精神文明建设,推进高校改革与发展的根本保证.我们必须按照"三个代表"的要求,把干部的思想作风建设放在首位,着力提高干部的素质;进一步加强高校干部的先拔、培养和教育管理工作;特别要抓好校级领导班子建设,为新世纪我国高等教育的健康发展提供组织保证.  相似文献   

我党历来十分重视对领导干部的培养,特别是对领导干部的素质有更高的要求,党的几代领导核心对此有十分精辟的论述。树立和强化三个观念,经受住三个考验,处理好三个关系,提高三个能力是建设社会主义和谐社会对领导干部素质的基本要求。  相似文献   

该文以邓小平理论和十五大精神为指导,探讨了领导班子与领导集体在概念及建设层次上的异同,指出领导班子建设的目标应是成为符合党中央要求的领导集体,并初步分析了影响领导班子形成领导集体的内、外部因素,进而提出了领导集体建设中的素质结构要求以及形成领导集体的六个关键结构要素。  相似文献   

随着学校变革和课程改革的推进,传统注重规范和统一的教学管理体系已经过时,管理的价值取向开始发生转移,不再执迷于控制,注重专业引领的新型教学领导和管理体系将逐步确立起来。这种新型教学管理范式的立论依据是教学的专业属性,逻辑基点是引领而非控制,其价值诉求是专业取向,它的内在构成是教学领导与管理的内在统一。  相似文献   

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