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小学数学教学中的“四化”江苏省盱眙县实验小学李从华一、利用迁移规律,促进知识的同化数学知识各部分之间有着密切的联系。掌握这种相互联系,有利于学生运用迁移规律用旧知识同化新知识。迁移是指已获得的知识和技能对学习新知识、新技能所产生的影响。新、旧知识和技...  相似文献   

小学数学中的整数除法、比、分数和百分数之间既有区别,又有内在联系.教学中,要注意沟通它们之间的内在联系,揭示其内部规律,使之系统化.这样不仅能使学生深刻理解、正确运用所学的知识,而且有利于开拓学生的思路,发展学生的智力. 在教学中,怎样沟通这些知识的内在联系呢? 一、以旧引新,沟通概念间的联系比、分数和除法都是具有密切联系的不同概念.因此,教学新知识前,要充分复习与新知识相关的旧知识,引出新知识.这样易于学生在巩固旧知识的同时,理解和掌握新知识,有助于学生沟通知识之间的联系.  相似文献   

俗话说,吃一堑,长一智。在数学课堂教学中,应针对学生学习过程中容易发生的错误,适时巧妙地设置一些“陷阱”,诱发学生产生错误,然后通过讨论、分析或自我“反省”,找出错误原因,纠正错误,总结经验教训。这样,不仅能防止学生重蹈覆辙,而且可以促进学生自我意识的发展,提高学生分析问题、解决问题的能力。本文结合教学实际,谈谈“陷阱”设置的几种类型。一、旧知干扰型知识的应用经常是通过联想来实现的,在应用过程中,常常会由于旧知识的联想优势造成对新知识联想的抑制,如果应用过程中已经巩固了的旧知识优先得到再现,往往…  相似文献   

预习是教学过程中重的一个环节。不仅有利于学生去发现旧知识的薄弱环节,及时在教师对新知识授课前补上这部分内容,而且有利于学生遇到问题,发现问题,促使他们主动学习;同时有利于老师发现学生学习新知识时较集中的问题,便于课堂教学抓住重点及难点,提高教学效果。  相似文献   

转新为旧。这里所说的“新”,指的是新知识。对学生来说,就是原来未学过,教师也未给学生讲过的知识;“旧”指的是旧知识,是学生学过,并已经理解和会运用的知识。在教学过程中,教师采取一定方式,使难学的新知转化为已掌握的旧知,然后用已学的知识来解决和掌握新的知识。这样不但有利于教学,而且还能极大地激发学生的学习兴趣。  相似文献   

<正>深度学习就是指学生在学习过程中将新知识与旧知识穿插在一起,对新知识进行学习和巩固,并融入到旧知识中发现问题、解决问题。在小学英语语篇教学中开展深度学习,不仅需要培养学生语言学习能力,同时应该提升学生知识迁移和解决问题的能力。在深度学习背景下,学生学习内容应该是连续完整的。但是在实际教学中仍存在一些问题,导致教学效  相似文献   

引导发现是一种让学生在教师引导下,独立学习,自己发现问题,自己动脑获得知识的教学方法。实践证明,历史教学中运用引导发现法,有利于学生在掌握历史知识的过程中,进行思考、探讨和创造,有利于调动学生学习的主动性和积极性,培养学生的自学、思维能力。 一、严格把握教材的重心,引导学生运用旧知识促成新知识的发现。 学生对新知识的发现,离不开对已有知识的牢固掌握。在历史教学中,教师要注意新旧  相似文献   

在化学教学中必须重视实验教学,引导学生参与实验设计,不仅能够使学生获得牢固的化学知识,而且有助于提高学生的思维能力及实验设计能力,从而达到不断提高学生的素质的目标。  相似文献   

旧知识是新知识的基础.化学新授课,旧知识复习的如何,直接影响到新知识的教学.化学新授课应该重视旧知识的复习.旧知识的复习要以夯实新知识教学的基础为目的,根据复习内容的难度选择合适的复习方法.复习的内容要与教学的内容密切相关,选择的方法要符合学生的心理特点.  相似文献   

<正>众所周知,数学知识前后之间有着紧密的联系,旧知识往往是新知识的基础,新知识又往往是旧知识的发展。因此,教师要站在整体、系统的高度,把握新旧知识间的联系,在前面的学习中适度渗透或孕伏,为后面的学习夯实基础。教师在教学实践中要做到下列四个"有利于":  相似文献   

当前中国教育改革又聚焦到了"知识"问题上来了.然而,无论何种教育知识观都未能使实践产生实质积极性的影响,应试教育"变本加厉".从根本上反思书本知识与生活经验的关系,已成为教育研究和改革重大而紧迫的课题.本文在中外认识论"先验"研究深度变革基础上认为,书本知识是知识形成并同时是生活经验得以可能的前提,而生活经验是书本知识现实化并形成完整知识的内容和途径.新的教育知识观具有十分重要的理论和实践意义.  相似文献   

孔子是我国春秋末期伟大的思想家、教育家、儒家学派的创始人。其认识论思想以“仁”为核心,倡导“知之为知之”的认识态度,主张不耻下问,温故知新,学思结合,知行统一的认识方法。孔子的“学而知之”思想首开儒家认识论的先河,对后世影响深远,值得我们深入探讨学习,以加深我们对中华传统文化的理解,从而指导我们的学习生活。  相似文献   

个体的知识结构合理与否影响其思考和行动的有效性。合理的知识结构有多元性、系统性、动态性等基本特征。个体摄取知识的范围、过程、方法及个体的某些心理特质影响到其合理知识结构的建构。从夯实基础、训练思维、拓展知识的广度和深度等方面入手可实现个体知识结构的优化。另外,还要注重在掌握知识的基础上积极实践,在动态中检验并进一步优化已有的知识结构。  相似文献   

Groups of children at a science museum were pre- and post-assessed with a type of concept map, known as personal meaning maps, to determine what new understandings, if any, they were gaining from participation in a series of structured hands-on activities about bones and the process of bones healing. Close examination was made regarding whether children??s prior knowledge or a ceiling effect was influencing results. Children made significant gains in vocabulary and concepts related to both bones and the bone healing process. Many children also demonstrated that their comprehension moved from a novice level to a transitional level of understanding. Prior to participation, children were more uniformly unacquainted with ideas about the healing process of bones than they were about bones; this led to more consistent learning gains related to the healing process. There was some indication of a ceiling effect occurring when children revealed what they had learned about bones, but not when they revealed what they had learned about the bone healing process. Although the prior knowledge theory was not statistically supported, data did show that children with greater understanding prior to the Busy Bones Lab activities end up with correspondingly greater understanding. This suggests that addressing concepts related to bones prior to a lab experience may bring more children to a higher level of understanding before engaging in the lab experience.  相似文献   

论孔子的教育方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孔子是我国古代伟大的思想家、教育家,他开创了教育的先河,源远流长。他“有教无类”的做法,是伟大的创举,思想闪耀着灿烂的光芒。他提出的“疑思问”,多思多想,温故而知新的复习方法,三人行必有我师焉的学习精神,举一反三的启发式教育,视则明,听则聪的多看多听则聪明灵利。针对实现和因材施教的方法,至今具有深远的现实意义和长久的历史意义,值得我们深入研究和借鉴。  相似文献   

In the former Portuguese colony, Macau, higher education is gaining more importance in the post-1999 era in local talent-building and regional integration to safeguard its socioeconomic sustainability. This paper is based on a recent and ‘innovative’ development in the arena of higher education in the territory, a creation of new space in mainland China for a local public university. By adopting a critical spatial perspective, we examine this idiosyncratic Macau model in three aspects: (1) What kind of power/knowledge production occurs in this new creation of space? (2) How does this new space (re)configure Macau higher education development in both local and global contexts? (3) In what ways does this emergent space re-order the relations between the state, society and school? In employing this spatial stance, we aim to open up understanding of how spatiality affects diverse possibilities in the case of Macau, in global higher education movement more broadly.  相似文献   

Environmental education can deliver benefits to individuals, society and the environment, but few studies have asked practitioners or participants what they feel these benefits are. This research compares the perspectives of practitioners and participants in environmental education projects, using questionnaires, focus groups and participant observation. Practitioners and participants listed a large number of outcomes, with increasing knowledge about the environment mentioned most frequently. For participants, this was often in relation to gaining new skills. Social outcomes, such as making new friends, were more prominent in participant than practitioner responses. Practitioners did not spontaneously mention any negative outcomes of environmental education, and few were suggested with prompting. Participants suggested more negative outcomes than practitioners, notably damage to the environment. The differing views suggest a need for greater discussion between practitioners and their participants.  相似文献   

清末维新时期,一批先进的知识女性在维新运动的影响下开始觉醒,并积极投身到妇女解放的事业中。作为最早觉醒的女性,她们还处于新旧之间,自身的知识体系和道德伦理观念也还是旧式的。所以,对维新男性们所提出的培养新型“贤妻良母”的女学理念,她们是认同的,其宣传活动也体现出她们在积极践行着这一理念。  相似文献   

Epistemology, or ways of knowing, can be used (a) to show that kinesiology employs different but complementary methods for gaining knowledge and that each method has a role to play in kinesiology, and (b) to show how epistemology can be used to organize an introductory kinesiology course or textbook. The epistemologies used to organize the subdisciplines are rationalism, empiricism, science, and subjectivism. An epistemic approach to a foundations course or textbook allows one to answer questions in the subdisciplines regarding how knowledge is evaluated, how knowledge develops, what method should be used to develop knowledge, and how knowledge can best be taught. The goal is to enable students to understand an increasingly diverse field by literally charting how methods of knowledge creation relate to the subdisciplines that compose kinesiology.  相似文献   

充满活力的新词新语   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新词新语是指近年来产生或被吸收到普通话中来的词语,主要来自一些外来词,方言词、专业词、新造词语以及原有词增添新的义项等,它的突出特点是反映事物或现象以及表现人们思想认识等方面的敏锐性。不断的吸收新词新语是丰富和发展普通话语汇系统的有效途径,新词新语的使用使得我们的言语交际更加方便、生动、形象。  相似文献   

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