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美国少数民族高等教育政策的历史演变和未来走向   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
美国是一个以欧洲裔人为主体的多民族、多种族的移民国家,非洲裔人(黑人)、亚洲裔人、印第安人、西班牙裔(拉美裔人)等构成了美国社会的少数民族。几百年来,美国少数民族高等教育政策历经变迁,使美国少数民族高等教育经历一个曲折的发展历程。 一、种族隔离时期美国的少数民族高等教育政策。 从种族关系的角度看,美国少数民族高等教育政策发展史可以划分为两个大的时期,1954年以前的历史阶段为种族隔离时期,1954年以后则为种族融合时期,前后两个时期美国少数民族高等教育政策有着很大的不同。 印第安人是北美大陆的土著居民,黑…  相似文献   

美国民族教育立法带给我们的启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在推进我国少数民族立法的过程中,美国少数民族立法的完善体系及其实践经验,值得我们研究和借鉴。一、美国民族教育立法的基本情况。美国是一个移民国家,全美人口约2.7亿。美国的少数民族是指除欧裔白人以外的其他民族,主要包括非裔美国人、拉美裔美国人、亚裔美国人和印第安人等,少数民族人口约占全美总人口的1/4。美国是一个法制社会,教育法制非常健全。根据美国的现行立法体制,美国的教育法同其他法一样由议会和法院共同制定,包括成文法和判例法两大系统。按照美国宪法和有关法律,除对印第安人外,国会、地方议会和各级政…  相似文献   

美国的民族教育(一)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
美国的少数民族教育 ,主要是包括对非裔、拉美裔、亚裔和印第安人的教育。由于美国社会制度所决定的在其历史上存在着的种族隔离与歧视政策对现实社会产生的深刻影响 ,使得美国举办少数民族教育的历史 ,严格说来并不很长 ,这就与我国在社会主义制度下实现各民族文化教育事业的共同繁荣发展 ,有着实质上的不同。尽管如此 ,美国联邦政府和各州政府为举办少数民族教育 ,特别是在保持印第安人和其他少数民族语言、文化教育等方面所采取的一系列政策和措施 ,对于我们仍有可资借鉴之处。概括起来 ,其主要做法有如下方面 :(一)联邦政府设立了少数…  相似文献   

美国少数民族高等教育问题的表现、原因及对策   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在高等教育系统不太成功或比例不足的美国少数民族,主要包括三大族群:非洲裔美国人、美国印第安人和讲西班牙语的某些民族.美国高等教育领域素有民族不平等甚至民族歧视的传统目前这种不平等已是结构性的,与社会结构性不平等互为因果.随着少数民族人口在美国人口中的比例日益扩大,少数民族高等教育不平等问题已成为美国经济繁荣和社会稳定的隐忧.因此,针对制约美国少数民族学生接受高等教育的若干问题(准备不足、动机不足和非传统的参与方式等),美国提出并采取了旨在扩大少数民族高教就学机会和提高其高教保持率的若干具体对策.  相似文献   

尽管美国最高法院制定了反对种族隔离的种种法律条文,但是南部的高校中仍然存在着种族隔离与歧视的不平等现象。南部教育基金会公布的一项报告指出,在有影响的白人高等教育机构中,黑人和拉美裔学生的数量很有限,少数民族学生的毕业率很低,少数民族教职员的人数也很少。  相似文献   

阿拉斯加州位于北美洲西北角,与加拿大西北迫境相连,和美国奉土相距2500多千米,它包括阿拉斯加大陆部分和周围的阿留申群岛、亚历山大群岛等几千个岛屿,甚面积151.93万平方千米,约占美国领土1/6,是美国面积最大的一州。阿拉斯加州人口总共有加多万,其中1/5是印第安人、阿拉斯加人和玛纽特人,其余主要是白人。  相似文献   

在土著民族争取其文化教育权利的呼声日趋高涨以及人力资源开发的双重压力之下,加拿大加快了土著民族高等教育发展的步伐。政府采取多种措施提高土著民族高等教育的入学率及毕业率,土著民族高等教育进入大发展时期。在加拿大人口构成中熏土著民族是一个重要的群体。根据1982年的宪法熏加拿大的土著民族主要指北美印第安人、因纽特人及早期印第安人和法国移民的后裔梅蒂人。2001年的全国人口普查显示,加拿大共有土著民族976,305人,占总人口的3.3%。土著人口中,62.4%是印第安人,30%是梅蒂人,4.6%为因纽特人。加拿大土著民族主要以渔猎为生熏恶…  相似文献   

美国亚裔作家的崛起   美国是一个多种族的多元文化社会,盎格鲁.萨克森后裔占美国人口的大多数,而美国的少数族则指的是印第安土族、非州裔美国人、亚裔美国人、西班牙裔美国人、以及来自世界各地的移民.如今,进入美国的移民中有80%来自亚洲和拉丁美州,而亚裔移民在美国又是人口增长最快、最具民族文化差异的社会群体(Chu & Schuler 1992:93).   ……  相似文献   

朱诺特·迪亚兹的成名之作《沉溺》(Drown,1996)是美国拉美裔文学的代表作之一。小说从拉蒙之子尤尼尔的视角描绘了拉美裔移民生活的艰辛与坎坷,刻画了男性气质缺失的移民者拉蒙的形象,并向读者揭示了白人话语权下拉美裔移民政治身份的边缘化,及其导致的拉蒙男性气质缺失的残酷事实。  相似文献   

论战后美国族群结构的变化及其影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
战后美国族群结构发生了显性的变化。美国族群结构中欧裔白人和其他少数民族占人口总的比例明显改变,它导致美国政府对少数族群的类别 随之改变。这种族结构的变化,与美国移民政策的松动、亚裔拉美裔的佥移民和非法移民的大量涌入,有着密不可分的关系;各族群生育率的差异在一定程度上也影响了美国族群结构的变化。美国族群结构的变化,促进了美国多元化的发展。  相似文献   

This article presents a study of ethnic Differential Item Functioning (DIF) for 4th-, 7th-, and 10th-grade reading items on a state criterion-referenced achievement test. The tests, administered 1997 to 2001, were composed of multiple-choice and constructed-response items. Item performance by focal groups (i.e., students from Asian/Pacific Island, Black/African American, Native American, and Latino/Hispanic origins) were compared with the performance of White students using simultaneous item bias and Rasch procedures. Flagged multiple-choice items generally favored White students, whereas flagged constructed-response items generally favored students from Asian/Pacific Islander, Black/African American, and Latino/Hispanic origins. Content analysis of flagged reading items showed that positively and negatively flagged items typically measured inference, interpretation, or analysis of text in multiple-choice and constructed-response formats. Items that were not flagged for DIF generally measured very easy reading skills (e.g., literal comprehension) and reading skills that require higher level thinking (e.g., developing interpretations across texts and analyzing graphic elements).  相似文献   

One way of enhancing appreciation of cultural diversity within the American Deaf community is by collecting and analyzing stories about Deaf people of color. The authors examined biographical profiles in national print and visual media published since 1988. The materials focused on life stories of individuals identified as Deaf persons of color (e.g., Deaf and identified as Black/African American, Hispanic/Latino, Asian/Pacific Islander, or American Indian/Alaskan Native). Anecdotes were selected that provided a sociocultural rather than medical or pathological perspective and reflected the featured individual's viewpoint. Four categories of shared experiences emerged: experiences related to overcoming obstacles to educational opportunities, stories about individuals who influenced the direction the featured individual took in life, childhood and family experiences, and experiences relating to stereotypes, cultural conflicts, or discrimination. The authors conclude by discussing lessons and messages derived from the stories.  相似文献   

Counseling theory and practice tend to be dominated by a European-American orientation. Cross-cultural counseling is advanced as an approach that transcends European dominance while focusing on the specific needs of African American, Asian and Pacific Islander, Hispanic/Latino, and Native American cultures. This paper reviews the major conceptual models, described by social scientists, and advances a more culturally sensitive, cross-cultural approach to conceptualizing counseling theory and practice when counseling members of large minority groups living in the United States.  相似文献   

Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) are conventionally measured using a cumulative-risk index without consideration of distinct measurement properties across racial and ethnic groups. Drawing from the 2018–2020 National Survey of Children's Health (N = 93,759; 48% female; average age: 9.52 years), we assess the measurement invariance of a latent-factor ACE model across five groups: Hispanic children (14%) and non-Hispanic White (73%), Black (7%), Asian/Pacific Islander (5%), and American Indian/Alaskan Native (1%) children. Results support configural and full metric invariance across groups. However, several ACE item thresholds differed across groups. Findings highlight the potential utility of a latent factor approach and underscore the need to assess differences across racial and ethnic groups in terms of the optimal conceptualization and measurement of ACEs.  相似文献   

The purpose of the current study was to identify predictors of counseling center use among Asian/Pacific Islander, Latino/Hispanic, and White college students. Findings indicated that female and 2nd‐generation students report the most severe difficulties. Problem severity and gender predicted counseling center use for White and Asian/Pacific Islander students, whereas only problem severity predicted use for Latino/Hispanic students. Generational status was not a significant predictor of use for any group.  相似文献   

This article examines college-going identity construction for Black, Latino, and Asian American and Pacific Islander high school students. The authors use Marcia’s (J Personal Soc Psychol 3(5):551–558, 1966; in: Delson (ed) Handbook of adolescent research, Wiley, New York, 1980) ego identity statuses perspective to examine how students develop their college-going identities to consider their post-high school pathways. We draw on focus groups interviews with 153 Black, Latino, and Asian American Pacific Islanders students enrolled in 10 urban and suburban high schools in California. The findings show the importance of being somebody, not quitting before establishing a career or graduating from college, joining the military as a pathway to finance postsecondary education, and the internal pressure to pay for higher education. The significance of this paper challenges the dominant narrative of young men of color not invested or interested in higher education, but highlight how the young men of color negotiate their agency in constructing their ideas and making decisions based on how various tensions and aspirations shape their goals after high school.  相似文献   

This article describes a training program called the Ethnic Student Training Group (ESTG), a process that helps university counseling center staff learn how to counsel students from ethnic groups more effectively. The members consist primarily of counseling center practicum and intern trainees and counseling center staff psychologists. Members of ESTG represent a variety of culturally diverse backgrounds (i.e., Hispanic, Black, Asian, Native American, and Jewish American). Members gain knowledge and skills by participating in numerous training activities including case presentations, brief lectures on cross-cultural issues, and counseling ethnic students.  相似文献   

Moving is common during middle childhood, but links between move type and children's development are less well understood. Using nationally-representative, longitudinal data (2010–2016) of ~9900 U.S. kindergarteners (52% boys, 51.48% White, 26.11% Hispanic/Latino, 10.63% Black, 11.78% Asian/Pacific Islander), we conducted multiple-group fixed-effects models estimating associations of within- and between-neighborhood moves, family income, and children's achievement and executive function, testing whether associations persisted or varied by developmental timing. Analyses suggest important spatial and temporal dimensions of moving during middle childhood: between-neighborhood moves had stronger associations than within-neighborhood moves, earlier moves benefited development whereas later moves did not, and associations persisted with significant effect sizes (cumulative Hedges' g = −0.09–1.35). Research and policy implications are discussed.  相似文献   

The present study describes the level of faculty--student interaction on 2-year college campuses, examines student characteristics correlated with faculty contact, and considers how interaction may differ among racial subgroups of students. Using data collected from the Transfer and Retention of Urban Community College Students (TRUCCS) survey, a sample of 2500 students informed this research. The findings reveal generally low levels of interaction, and especially with Asian American/Pacific Islander and Latino students. Having positive perceptions of the college environment and interacting with other members of the institution, from students to academic counselors, glow the strongest positive association with faculty contact among all racial subgroups of students. Prominent among the differences is the negative relationship between perceiving racial difficulties and interacting with faculty for Asian American/Pacific Islander students. The findings provide insight in how to increase and enrich faculty interaction on these campuses to better retain underrepresented students in the educational pipeline.  相似文献   

In this article, we discuss the development of a new higher education phenomena within the United States-tribal colleges and universities (TCUs). The article highlights how these institutions have dramatically changed the higher education realm for American Indians and Alaska Natives in just the short time span of 30 years. A historical overview of TCUs portrays the growth of the TCU movement from previous externally imposed Indian education efforts that failed to meet the needs of students. Selected institutional portraits demonstrate the intersections between culture and community as tribal communities create and control their own institutions of higher education. These intersections are further illuminated through examination of broad TCU curricular functions. Successes and challenges experienced by Native teacher preparation programs nationally, as well as a case study of curriculum development for a specific Native teacher preparation program, provide further insight into how community members identify their own educational needs and develop programs that are specifically tailored to meet those needs. The article concludes that TCUs are promoting a new mindset that is leading to renewed economic, social, political, cultural, and spiritual vitality through education. As a consequence, American Indian people are hopeful about regaining their greatness in America with TCUs leading the way.  相似文献   

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