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建设工程合同管理,是对工程建设项目有关的各类合同,从条件的拟定、协商、签署、履行情况的检查和分析等环节进行的科学管理工作,以期通过合同管理实现工程项目“三大控制”的任务要求,维护当事人双方的合法权益,工程建设项目的“三大控制”,强调由工程师依据合同实施管理。  相似文献   

基于水利工程建设专项施工方案编制的主要项目、内容、程序、要求、实施与监督等实际情况,拟定了专项施工方案的工程建设质量、工程建设工期、工程建设成本及其他等技术经济指标,采用定性与定量分析相结合的方法对其技术经济指标进行分析,并进行了实证检验,结果与实际情况吻合。  相似文献   

建设工程合同管理,是对工程建设项目有关的各类合同,从条件的拟定、协商、签署、履行情况的检查和分析等环节进行的科学管理工作,以期通过合同管理实现工程项目“三大控制”的任务要求,维护当事人双方的合法权益,工程建设项目的“三大控制”.强调由工程师依据合同实施管理。  相似文献   

针对应用型本科机械设计制造及其自动化专业中数控加工与维修专业方向的培养目标和能力要求,总结了项目教学理念和主干专业课程数控机床故障诊断与维修的主要特点,阐述了该课程在专业人才培养体系中的地位及与其他课程之间的相互关系。在此基础上,采用项目教学的先进理念,构建了该课程的教学体系,拟定了该课程教学内容的组成模块及具体知识要点。最后,对实施效果和存在问题进行了探讨,并指出了下一步的工作思路。  相似文献   

工行湖北省分行干部学校制定了《岗位培训项目经理责任制度》,在员工培训中全面实施培训项目管理和培训项目经理制。 他们组织教师深入各行处做好员工培训需求的调查,根据调查的情况,把行处领导的要求、行内业务发展的要求和员工自身的需求有机的结合起来,科学合理地设置培训项目。对选定项目的可行性进行审核、评估,并对可行的培训项目进行开发,确定培训目标,拟定培训教学内容,指定培训教材、资料,选定授课教师,同时还邀请行内业务骨干和专家参与整个培训的教学,确保培训项目的科学、适用,以达到预期的培训效果,对培训项目实…  相似文献   

文章针对高职学院数控机床操作实训课程教学现状,探讨以培养学生职业能力为目标,以课程标准拟定、教学内容选取、课程考核方案设计、教学组织实施、教学计划安排、教材建设六个方面为切入点,开展项目引领任务驱动教学,以期提高教学质量,实现学生“零距离”上岗,对接企业岗位要求。  相似文献   

建筑施工中产生裂缝的原因和预防   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
施工项目质量问题的分析,是正确拟定质量事故处理方案的前提,是明确质量事故责任的依据。为此,要求对质量问题的分析力求全面、准确、客观;对事故的性质、危害、原因、责任都不能遗漏。要有科学的论证和判断、言之有理、论之有据,方能达到统一认识的目的。  相似文献   

从新能源技术课程实际出发,研究传统教学模式存在的不足之处。提出基于虚拟项目的教学模式,通过教师指导,学生自发组织以完成项目内容的形式进行教学。项目的拟定要涵盖所学知识点,项目的组织充分体现了新模式的教学特点。教学实践表明,基于虚拟项目的新能源课程教学模式,不仅加强了"教与学"的互动性,而且极大地调动学生的主观能动性,是行之有效的。  相似文献   

研究生创新项目对于促进创新型知识和成果的产生,有效提高研究生培养质量,为国家、社会进步及各行业的发展培养更多更好的高层次创新性人才具有重要的现实意义。本文在分析了研究生创新基地建设意义及研究生创新项目管理模式的基础上,拟定了研究生创新项目评价指标的框架,借鉴于层次分析法建立了创新项目的评价指标体系,期望能对高校研究生创新项目的管理和评审产生有益的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

研究生创新项目对于促进创新型知识和成果的产生,有效提高研究生培养质量,为国家、社会进步及各行业的发展培养更多更好的高层次创新性人才具有重要的现实意义。本文在分析了研究生创新基地建设意义及研究生创新项目管理模式的基础上,拟定了研究生创新项目评价指标的框架,借鉴于层次分析法建立了创新项目的评价指标体系,期望能对高校研究生创新项目的管理和评审产生有益的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

Two experimental studies examined the effects of different types of phonemic segmentation training on phonemic segmentation, reading and spelling. Children with learning disabilities, who were weak in phonemic segmentation, were trained with the use of diagrams and alphabet letters, with alphabet letters only, or with no visual support at all (the control condition). For this purpose three computer-assisted training programs were developed. In the first experiment, 48 children were assigned to one of the three programs. The training period lasted five weeks. Although in each training program the children improved their phonemic segmentation skill, there were no significant differences among the three training programs. This result may have been influenced by the different types of feedback that were provided in the three training programs. In a second experiment, therefore, these differences in feedback were eliminated and 49 different children were trained with the same three programs. The results of this experiment, however, were the same as those of the first experiment. The finding that visual support had no beneficial effects could therefore not be attributed to differences in explicit feedback. It was concluded that with these children, in contrast to preschoolers, phonemic segmentation training using visual support does not have any advantage over auditory training alone. The results of this study indicate that preschoolers and children with reading and spelling problems cannot be treated in the same way. It underlines the importance of further examination of the problems that poor readers and poor spellers encounter in grasping the structure of spoken language.  相似文献   

A nation-wide measurement of competencies in teaching training programs was carried out in order to find suggestions for optimizing university study programs for students on teacher training programs in the subject of physical sciences. 430 physical science teacher training students were surveyed using a standardized test, which covered knowledge of physical sciences, didactic knowledge for physics, general pedagogic knowledge, beliefs and motivations. This contribution, firstly, compares the competencies of students of teacher training colleges with the competencies of students of teacher training in universities. Parallel investigations have already found that the students of different training programs also differ in their performance. The resulting differences are then analyzed using regression models in an attempt to find the determinants of subject-related competencies in teacher training programs. The findings point to the significance of individual personality characteristics and the amount of time spent on learning opportunities in the university. The article closes with a discussion of the implications for optimizing teacher training programs.  相似文献   

Qualitative and quantitative evaluation procedures were used to compare two physical-science teacher inservice training programs. The two programs followed the master teacher training model espoused by NSF but used different types of master teachers and types of activities. The two evaluation procedures produced different results and together they provided a much clearer picture of the strengths and weaknesses of the two programs. Using only one approach or the other would have substantially altered the conclusions.  相似文献   

This study is focused on the relationship between the development of segmental awareness and dyslexia. More specifically we have tried to address the question, is it possible to learn to segment well and yet continue to read and write poorly? For this purpose, 14 second and third grade dyslexic children were assigned to three different training programs. Those who participated in the first two programs were taught the skills required to use the phonemes, while those in the third program, who served as a pseudo-control group, were given the exercises in perceptual and psychomotor activities. After the training program, children who had received the first two training programs reached a level of performance similar to that of normal readers in different tasks of segmentation of phonemes. The improvements observed in these tasks were correlated in dictation but not in reading, where there was no difference after training.  相似文献   

Two longitudinal studies following the design used by Lundberg et al's (1988) aimed at examining the effects of different metaphonological training programs on phonemic analysis ability acquisition among kindergartners (mean age: 5 years 5 months in both studies). In Study 1, two training programs involving either rhymes, syllables and phonemes, or rhymes and syllables only, were administered to different groups. Progress in phonemic analysis ability was exclusively observed in the group whose training included phonemes. An untrained control group displayed no progress in metaphonological ability. In Study 2, two training programs involving either phonemes or syllables were administered to different groups. A third group was trained on non-linguistic visual analysis. Specific effects of training on phonemic analysis ability were disclosed again. While a phoneme-to-supraphoneme generalization was found among the group trained with phonemes, the reverse did not happen among the group trained with syllables. These results support the idea that processes involved in syllabic analysis of speech or in rhyme manipulation cannot be applied to its phonemic structure. In addition, training with non-linguistic visual analysis did not entail any progress in metaphonological ability, thus providing evidence that phonological awareness cannot be promoted by analysis abilities acquired in another domain.  相似文献   

国家汉语国际推广领导小组办公室派出的汉语教师志愿者在出行前都要接受数周的集中培训,当前培训中存在无差别化、少针对性、重理论而轻基础知识和实践训练等问题。今后应依据受训对象的不同特点,以及赴任国教学对象、工作环境的特点,制订有针对性的、个性化的培训方案。  相似文献   

International exchange and training programs play a significant role in the development of international cooperation between educators from different nations. More and more teachers and school administrators participate in exchange programs and implement new curricular and instructional practices in their institutions. The objectives of this interpretive exploratory case study were (a) to investigate the impact of international exchange and training programs on pedagogical practices of Russian school teachers and administrators and (b) to find out how participants of international programs apply, implement, and transfer their experiences and knowledge that they obtain during their programs. The data were collected through personal interviews, observations, and materials from several debriefing sessions in 2005. The study demonstrated that the participation in international programs significantly impacts educators’ pedagogical practices, expands the range of their instructional approaches, makes program alumni more culturally sensitive and perceptive, and influences their interpersonal relations in schools, their professional growth, and social status. This research can be of interest to perspective participants of international programs and practitioners who develop and organize international programs for educators.  相似文献   

高职经管类专业主要培养概念技能、操作技能和人际技能三类不同性质的技能,其实训教学主要采用单元实训、课程实训和专业综合实训三种组织模式.从实训教学内容与组织入手,经管类专业实训教材编写应体现出培养不同技能的实训项目安排,同时在教材编写中,注意数字化资源配套、编写体例及编写队伍建设等问题.  相似文献   

With teacher quality repeatedly cited as the most important schooling factor influencing student achievement, there has been increased interest in examining the efficacy of teacher training programs. This paper presents the results of research investigating the relationship between teachers who graduate from different training programs and student achievement on state reading and math tests. Using a novel methodology that allows teacher training effects to decay, we find that training institution indicators explain a statistically significant portion of the variation in student achievement in reading, but not in math. Moreover, there is evidence that graduates from some specific training programs are differentially effective at teaching reading than the average teacher trained out-of-state and that these differences are large enough to be educationally meaningful.  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate the importance of self-efficacy and attitudes towards writing in writing training. It was also necessary to establish whether these constructs could be more enhanced through a specific intervention as part of the motivational factors, than through training which coaches other writing components such as cognitive processes or cognitive style. To achieve this, the first training program, focusing on the strategies for planning writing, was applied to 28 5th and 6th graders with learning disabilities (LD); a second program, focusing on writing strategies plus reflexive processes, was applied to 49 learning disabled students studying the same grades as in the first group. Finally, the third intervention tried to enhance writing skills using motivational strategies, and it was applied to 66 students in the same conditions as the other samples. All the training programs were compared to a control group, who received only the ordinary curriculum. Results show that there are difficulties in training self-efficacy and attitudes towards writing, but also that different training programs provide different results in these aspects.  相似文献   

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